Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Allium schoenoprasum (Allium schoenoprasum var. sibiricum, Allium purpurascens, Allium schoenoprasum var. alpinum, Allium schoenoprasum var. foliosum, Allium acutum), Allium schoenoprasum subsp. sibiricum, Allium schoenoprasum var. laurentianum, Allium schoenoprasum var. schoenoprasum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 1455

University of Alaska Museum

Image Associated With the Occurence
102061unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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102065unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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102056unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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102057unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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102059unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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245909unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

Image Associated With the Occurence
190861unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190848unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190846unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190844unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190842unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190845unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190849unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

Image Associated With the Occurence
190862unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190825unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190839unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190841unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190843unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190847unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190826unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190827unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

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190824unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

Image Associated With the Occurence
190840unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

Image Associated With the Occurence
86320Mortimer L. Henry   121965-06-15
United States, Alaska, Seward Penin, Moses Point (village), Norton Bay, Kwiniuk R. 2 miles above mouth, 64.7 -162.03

Image Associated With the Occurence
85829Lisa Saperstein   212003-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kanuti R, entrance to Kanuti Canyon, Site 20-2, 66.3 -152.73

Image Associated With the Occurence
39621Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad   108832001-07-31
United States, Alaska, Sheshalik Spit, NW end, vic. Uhl summer camp, 67.02 -162.95, - 2m

Image Associated With the Occurence
61876LuDean C. Marvin   7761983-06-20
United States, Alaska, Eklutna Valley, E of Twin Peaks, 61.4 -149.06

Image Associated With the Occurence
39993Eric Hulten   s.n.1960-07-01
United States, Alaska, Ogotoruk Cr., 68.1 -165.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
92310Otto William Geist   S.N.1948-07-01
United States, Alaska, Yukon Valley, Rampart, 65.5 -150.16

Image Associated With the Occurence
92328C. Wells   S.N.1961-07-01
United States, Alaska, Yukon Valley, Rampart, 65.5 -150.16

Image Associated With the Occurence
92355Cynthia R. Meyers   79-361979-08-11
United States, Alaska, Yukon Valley, Yukon R., 65.6 -150.16

Image Associated With the Occurence
35195Michael Duffy   98-1331998-07-13
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, 33 mile Loop Road E of Eddy DZ 1 & 2, UTM 569635, 7091493, 63.94 -145.57

Image Associated With the Occurence
71435Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad   151872003-07-26
United States, Alaska, Central Noatak R. valley, Sekuiak Bluff, upstream end of bluff, vic. E of VABM Windy, 67.96 -161.61, - 150m

243504Michael Duffy   NOAT_G02_03_20052005-07-31
United States, Alaska, Noatak National Preserve, 177 - 177m

Image Associated With the Occurence
3594Phil Caswell   1661990-07-12
United States, Alaska, Lake Nerka, Lower Lake Nerka, N shore, Lynx Creek cabin, 59.58 -158.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
25852Carolyn L. Parker   16701985-07-19
United States, Alaska, Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mts, Flat, 62.43 -158

Image Associated With the Occurence
77521Charles Schweger   281967-07-03
United States, Alaska, Kobuk R. valley, Onion Portage, 67.1 -158.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
4471Michael E. Shephard   3431991-07-29
United States, Alaska, Yakutat Foreland, Tanis Mesa, 59.2 -138.58

Image Associated With the Occurence
34463Adolf Murie   s.n.1963-08-15
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, McKinley Park Station, Alaska Railroad, near Nenana R., 63.73 -148.91

Image Associated With the Occurence
74528E. F. Becker   S.N.1979-08-03
United States, Alaska, Kotzebue-Kobuk Lowlands, Noatak R. 1 mile above Hugo Cr, 3 miles above Hugo Cr., 67.16 -162.46

Image Associated With the Occurence
77704Steven B. Young   54361973-08-10
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Noatak Canyon, 67.95 -161.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
248548Hugh Miller Raup, D. S. Correll   1943-08-03
Canada, Yukon Territory, Vicinity of Liard R. about 6 mi SE of Watson L., 60.0333333333 -128.5833333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
63014L. L. Hawkins   S.N.1976-08-14
United States, Alaska, Hatcher Pass, 61.78 -149.26

Image Associated With the Occurence
86166S. Dean Kildaw   S.N.1987-07-01
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, VABM Bluff at coast near Koyana Cr., 64.56 -163.71, - 90m

Image Associated With the Occurence
39987Maximilian George Duman   70-641970-06-21
Canada, Yukon Territory, Teslin Lake, Alaska Hwy. mile 813, 60.23 -132.88

Image Associated With the Occurence
71319Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad   150712003-07-22
United States, Alaska, Central Noatak R. valley, mouth of Sisiak Cr, N side of river, 68 -161.41, - 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
132967Herbert R. Melchior, Hilda P. Melchior   1471960-07-21
United States, Alaska, Angmakrok Mtn, Kukpuk R., 68.28333333 -165.533333

138126Eric Hulten   1960-07-30
United States, Alaska, Ogotoruk Cr. mouth, 68.08333333 -165.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
131375Margaret E. Murie   1926-06-16
United States, Alaska, Porcupine R. at Coleen R, NEAR COLEEN, 67.06666667 -142.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
5540Carolyn L. Parker   34541992-06-27
United States, Alaska, Afognak I, Cloud Peak-Upper Malina Lake area, 58.15 -153.05

Image Associated With the Occurence
233458Stanley L. Welsh, J. K. Rigby   1970-07-13
Canada, Yukon Territory, along Loney Creek, a tributary of Firth River, north slope Buckland Mts., 69.333333 -139.833333, 305 - 305m

Image Associated With the Occurence
128764David F. Murray, Rob Lipkin   122061997-06-30
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Red Mtn, SE shoulder, W bank of Mountain Cr., 65.34166667 -166.384722, 140 - 140m

245148Steffi Ickert-Bond, Jordan Metzgar, Richard Bond, Yulia Mikhaylova, Nadya Sekretareva   18132010-07-19
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Heath tundra along river, half mile from road and 2 miles from Lorino, 65.5273055556 -171.70575, 1 - 1m

Image Associated With the Occurence
39991George W. Douglas, Gloria Ruyle-Douglas   70771973-08-12
Canada, Yukon Territory, Onion Lake, 70 km S of Haines Jct., 60.11 -137.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
139018Stacy Studebaker   06-212006-07-01
United States, Alaska, Kodiak Archipelago, Kodiak I, Uganik Bay, vic. Village Islands, 57.78333333 -153.533333

Image Associated With the Occurence
31340Carl Roland   34031998-08-12
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Broad Pass vic. Cantwell Cr. and Bull R, wetland area between Bull River and lake at head of Squaw Creek, 1.2 km W of this lake, 63.29 -149.33

Image Associated With the Occurence
6314A. Weseman   1992-07-28
United States, Alaska, Afognak I, Afognak Lake, 58.1 -152.91

Image Associated With the Occurence
81124Vernon L. Harms   49071965-08-09
United States, Alaska, Yukon-Tanana Uplands, Mile 113 Taylor Hwy, S Fork Fortymile bridge, MI 112.6 TAYLOR HWY, FORTYMILE R. CROSS, 64.3 -141.4

Image Associated With the Occurence
25851Sue Keller, Larry Knapman   13361987-06-29
United States, Alaska, Kanuti Hot Springs-Caribou Mtn., 66.35 -150.85

Image Associated With the Occurence
25856Robert L. Rausch   s.n.1961-07-12
United States, Alaska, Johnson Pass, off Seward Hwy., 60.75 -149.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
39988Otto William Geist   11952-08-24
Canada, Yukon Territory, Old Crow R. canyon, 68 -140

Image Associated With the Occurence
132252Albert W. Johnson, Leslie A. Viereck, Herbert R. Melchior   4161959-07-18
United States, Alaska, Kisimilok Cr, vic. Cape Thompson, 68.05 -165.483333, 1 - 61m

Image Associated With the Occurence
81059Jacob Peter Anderson, George W. Gasser   71971941-07-12
United States, Alaska, Yukon-Tanana Upland, Franklin, S Fork Fortymile R., 64.16 -141.76

Image Associated With the Occurence
131166Ora D. Clark   1937-07-15
United States, Alaska, Hogatza Highlands, Kiana, on Kobuk R., 66.96666667 -160.433333

Image Associated With the Occurence
25858M. Moldenhauer   Y-1361982-06-30
United States, Alaska, Yukon R. valley, Calico Bluff, Yukon R. 12.5 km N of Eagle, 64.91 -141.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
74389L. J. Palmer   2191921-08-03
United States, Alaska, Kotzebue-Kobuk Lowland, Kivalina, 67.73 -164.53

Image Associated With the Occurence
74395Anore Bucknell   261960-06-26
United States, Alaska, Kotzebue-Kobuk Lowland, Kivalina, 67.73 -164.53

Image Associated With the Occurence
39989Stanley L. Welsh, J. K. Rigby   105981970-07-13
Canada, Yukon Territory, British Mts, Lonely Cr, N slope Buckland Mts., 69.33 -139.83

Image Associated With the Occurence
75797Charles H. Racine   3841973-07-30
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Inmachuk R. near Utica Cr, ca. 30 km SW of Deering, 35 km S of Deering, 65.86 -163.16

Image Associated With the Occurence
39992Beauchamp   s.n.1932-01-01
Canada, Yukon Territory, Fort Selkirk, 62.77 -137.38

Image Associated With the Occurence
62907Eric J. Taylor   78-41978-07-19
United States, Alaska, Willow Road, from Willow to Hatcher Pass, near VABM Tray 2679, 61.75 -149.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
74902Matthew L. Carlson, S. D. Gisler   03-772003-06-27
United States, Alaska, St. Elias Mtns, Lower Alsek R, 1 km NW of Walker Glacier, N side of Alsek, T29S R43E S24, site 200, 59.39 -138.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
138529Stacy Studebaker, Carolyn L. Parker   06-1712006-07-22
United States, Alaska, Kodiak Archipelago, Kodiak I, Uganik L. vic, ca. 2 km E of lake, broad low-elevation pass betw. Uganik Lake and Terror Bay, 57.66777778 -153.257778, 238 - 265m

Image Associated With the Occurence
16337Michael Duffy, Jerry Tande   9701994-07-29
United States, Alaska, Chugach Mts, Arctic Valley, 61.24 -149.58

Image Associated With the Occurence
47708Scott M. Brainerd   181980-06-16
United States, Alaska, Barren Is, East Amatuli I., 58.91 -152

Image Associated With the Occurence
57865Aven Nelson, Ruth A. Nelson   34901939-06-20
United States, Alaska, Chugach Mts, Moose Pass, Mi 32 Seward Hwy, Alaska RR, 60.51 -149.46

Image Associated With the Occurence
25853Stephen W. Lewis, Karen Max   1891988-07-19
United States, Alaska, Alexander Archipelago, Coronation I., 55.88 -134.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
142221Rob Lipkin, Michael Duffy, Korem Bosworth, Amy E. Miller   04-3762004-07-24
United States, Alaska, Alaska Penin, Aniakchak Bay, Packers' Cabin, N side of bay, 56.76438333 -157.488983, 5 - 5m

Image Associated With the Occurence
92697Tass Kelso, JoAnn W. Flock, Miriam F. Colson   11980-01-01
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Cape Prince of Wales, CAPE PRINCE OF WALES, VILLAGE CR., 65.6 -168.08

Image Associated With the Occurence
77132Gwen L. Shaughnessy   911972-07-08
United States, Alaska, Walker Lake, 67.66 -154.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
139161John L. Buckley   1951-08-12
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Howling Dog Rock, Porcupine R., 67.18333333 -141.916667, 244 - 244m

Image Associated With the Occurence
59234Alan R. Batten   02-2402002-07-09
United States, Alaska, Cook Inlet, Cottonwood Bay Camp (Dutton), trail from camp to airstrip, 59.63 -153.7

Image Associated With the Occurence
242892Heidi Solstad, Reidar Elven   05/09622005-08-15
Russia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, unknown, 70.9366666667 -179.56

Image Associated With the Occurence
138242R. D. Wood, M. Wood   490-A1962-07-16
United States, Alaska, Ogotoruk Cr. mouth, 3.2 KM SE OF BASE, 68.09777778 -165.754167

Image Associated With the Occurence
25855S. Dean Kildaw   s.n.1988-08-12
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, VABM Bluff at coast near Koyana Cr., 64.53 -163.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
25854S. Dean Kildaw   s.n.1988-06-20
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, VABM Bluff at coast near Koyana Cr., 64.53 -163.75

University of Arizona Herbarium

404885Brian J. Enquist   6372005-06-20
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Approximately 1 mile north on Washington Gulch Road, from Rte 135 north of Crested Butte, CO., 38.897019 -106.979161, 2815m

Brian J. Enquist   8752008-07-15
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Approximately 1 mile north on Washington Gulch Road, from Tre 135 north of Crested Butte, CO., 38.897019 -106.979161, 2815m

University of Calgary Herbarium

UAC:Vascular Plants
6205Marsh, Alfred H.   49901974-07-12
Canada, NWT

UAC:Vascular Plants
6186Vries, Bernard de   3345-661966-06-14
Canada, Alberta, Beamy

UAC:Vascular Plants
6196Vries, Bernard de   2420-641964-06-24
Canada, Alberta, Kan-Plateau Mtn.

UAC:Vascular Plants
44701Smith, Bonnie M.   5341984-08-15
Canada, Alberta, Kan-Plateau Mtn. (ll)

UAC:Vascular Plants
6199Bob Jamieson   11967-06-17
Canada, Alberta, WLNP-Chief Mtn.

UAC:Vascular Plants
50093Brett Purdy   41984-06-09
Canada, Alberta, Calgary

UAC:Vascular Plants
48572Bryon Benn   1988-07-07
Canada, Alberta, BNP boundary-Ya-Ha-Tinda Ranch

UAC:Vascular Plants
6187C. Wallis   711971-08-01
Canada, Alberta, Kan-Plateau Mtn.

UAC:Vascular Plants
87575C.C. Chinnappa   5511981-05-31
Canada, Alberta, Dungarvan Creek, n of WLNP

UAC:Vascular Plants
87576C.C. Chinnappa a. B.G. Warner   1381980-06-30
Canada, Alberta, Bragg Creek

UAC:Vascular Plants
87577C.C. Chinnappa a. B.G. Warner, Patricia Dickson   1721980-07-03
Canada, Alberta, Kan-Cataract Creek

UAC:Vascular Plants
87578C.C. Chinnappa a. B.G. Warner, Patricia Dickson   2101980-07-03
Canada, Alberta, Kan-Plateau Mtn.

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 1455


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