316278 James R. Slater s.n. 1970-07-08
United States, Washington, Yakima, Near Vernita Ferry, 1 mile south of Priest Rapids Dam., 46.624413 -119.91944
316756 Cindy Jo Talbott 657 1981-08-14
United States, Montana, Hebgen R.D. Gallatin National Forest. HaHand Lake. Hilgard Basin., 45.25028 -111.00028
337837 A.E. Grable 7145 1977-08-18
Canada, Alberta, Plateau Mountain, southwest Alberta. Livingston Range. South summit., 50.2 -114.516667
338989 A.E. Grable 3259 1970-08-05
United States, Montana, Flathead, Glacier National Park. West side of Continental Divide near Hidden Lake Trail from Hidden Lake Overlook., 48.67639 -113.74056
341237 A.E. Grable 5442 1974-04-25
United States, Washington, Grant, Highway 243 0.5 miles north of Vernita Bridge Junction., 46.649459 -119.72278
348287 G.W. Argus 10066 1977-07-07
Canada, British Columbia, Fairy Lake. Liard River Basin. Slopes and cliffs at the southwestern corner of lake., 57.3333 -123.9333
349566 A.E. Porsild 15300 1946-07-03
Canada, Bow River Valley., 46.583333 -80.183333
355789 S. Kharkevich 882 1974-08-17
Russia, Kamchatskiy region, Olyoutorskiy district, peninsula Goven, the upper part of river Yeyvayam, vicinity of the Upper lake.
356174 T. Buch 882 a. 1974-07-25
Russia, Kamchatskiy region, Olyoutorskiy district, Natalya bay.
362652 Ph.Ch.L. Leutwein de Fellenberg, s.n. 1861-06-25
Greece, Attika: Anavryta Estate, foot of Mount Pentelikon near Athens.
363604 E. Davis, USDA s.n.
Austria, Vienna, University of Vienna Botanical Garden.
363605 All Union Institute of Plant Industry, Leningrad s.n. 1962-00-00
363606 J.L. Creech, USDA s.n.
Russia, Siberia, Academy Gorodok.
363607 From Voronez Botanic Garden via the All Union Inst s.n. 1962-00-00
221794 s.n.
United States
281283 Marion Ownbey s.n. 1948-06-12
United States, Washington, Greenhouse or garden in Pullman, WA., 46.73139 -117.17861
121666 Marion Ownbey 2532 1942-04-25
United States, Washington, Yakima, Columbia River at and below Priests Rapids.
392257 Christine Heller 425 1951-08-09
United States, Alaska, Teller, Seward Peninsula.
394045 Unknown s.n.
United States, Washington, [no locality given on label]
394050 W.H. Rickard s.n. 1961-04-20
United States, Washington, Rosseau Island.
394058 R. Sauer 750807-14 1975-08-07
United States, Washington, Island 12, Columbia R, Hanford Reservation, Richland WA.
394059 Janet Warren s.n. 1979-05-08
United States, Washington, Benton, Island #9, Columbia River.
394049 Ronald H. Sauer s.n. 1980-06-05
United States, Washington, Lower end of Island #8 Hanford Beach, Columbia River.
410829 J.G. Leitz WHC/JGL-115 1983-04-26
United States, Washington, Benton, [Hanford Site] Along banks of Columbia River.
410828 J.G. Leitz WHC/JGL-116 1983-05-05
United States, Washington, Benton, [Hanford Site] Along Columbia River.
410827 M.R. Sackschewsky 314 1992-07-28
United States, Washington, Benton, Between 0.5 mile upstream of N and 100 N area.
399659 Walter Fertig 35361 2022-04-30
United States, Washington, Grant, Columbia Plateau ecoregion: Beverly Island, east bank of the Columbia River, 0.5 miles N of Beverly railroad trestle and town of Beverly, W of WA Hwy 243, ca 7.5 air miles S of Vantage. T15N R23E S28 SE4 SW4 SE4, 46.84079 -119.944959, 155m
404463 Walter Fertig 6776 1990-08-25
United States, Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: Mount 11820, ca 1 mi N of Lozier Lakes, ca 23 air mi N of Pinedale., 43.2028 -109.8208, 3171 - 3604m
406765 Walter Fertig 18814 1999-07-17
United States, Wyoming, Johnson, Big Horn Range: Doyle Creek, on west side of Hazelton Road, ca 2 air mi S of the summit of Hazelton Peak; ca 6 air mi S of U.S. Hwy 16., 44.069366 -107.001408, 2512m
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO006462 D.G. Fisher 35 1966-05-21
United States, Utah, Box Elder, 3 miles west of Rosette, 41.818516 -113.471381
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO006465 M. Schwager 1966-05-29
United States, Utah, Weber, Located in the backyard of 1310 5th street in Ogden
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO006466 W. Savy 1966-05-24
United States, Utah, Weber, Collected at 4029 Porter ave.
Weber State University:WSCO
WSCO006467 1965-08-30
United States, Utah, Box Elder, 104 s 100 E Willard
WVW007884 George B. Rossbach 6219 1965-06-12
Canada, Ontario, at abandoned site of farmhouse, on largely open slope above n. side of Rt. 17, near Verner, near nw. end of Lake Nipissing
WVW007885 G. B. Rossbach with Joc. Bot. Soc. 11369 1996-07-16
United States, Maine, Aroostook, S. shore of St. John River, St. Francic
WVW007886 George B. Rossbach 10839 1989-07-20
United States, Maine, Aroostook, n. shore of Aroostook River, near Gardner Brook, Wade
WVW007887 George B. Rossbach 9364 1980-07-30
United States, Maine, Aroostook, NW shore of Aroostook River, ca. 4 mi. sw. of Washburn, Wade
WVW007888 George B. Rossbach 4327 1962-07-18
Canada, Quebec, Riviere Bonaventure, ca. 2.5 mi. n. of Rt. 6, s. Gaspé
WSC0001675B Beth J. Hitt 53 1975-07-05
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Found 4 miles southwest of Doyleville on Doyleville road off Hwy. 50., 38.408982 -106.65236, 2438m
74333 Fletcher Jr., Neal E 202 1959-04-11
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, King's Arms Tavern Garden, Duke of Gloucester Street
32434 Wieboldt, Thomas F 1837 1974-08-07
United States, Montana, Park, Upper end of Miller Creek about 2 airmiles NW of Cooke City, 2774m
448 Don Russell 1976-07-11
Canada, Yukon Territory, Coal River Springs, 60.116667 -127.416667, 640m
1030 Catherine E. Kennedy 54 1983-07-08
Canada, Yukon Territory, Coal River, 60.133333 -127.416667, 730m
3658 Bruce A. Bennett 98214 1998-07-28
Canada, Yukon Territory, Nisutlin River Delta National Wildlife Area, 60.219722 -132.523056, 678m
5308 David Mossop 2000-07-15
Canada, Yukon Territory, Horseshoe Slough Habitat Protection Area, 63.433333 -135.1
5343 Catherine E. Kennedy 14 2000-07-06
Canada, Yukon Territory, Forty-Mile Historic Site, 64.416667 -140.55
5616 William J. Cody 35711 1999-06-30
Canada, Yukon Territory, Lake Laberge campground, 61.066667 -135.2
Catherine E. Kennedy 14 2000-07-06
Canada, Yukon Territory, Forty-Mile Historic Site, 64.416667 -140.55
1540 J. Schoenwetter 1540
USA, Alaska, Onion Portage
Walter Fertig 13244 1992-08-05
USA, Wyoming, Sublette, West slope Wind River Range: west shore of Lower Green River Lake, ca 29 air miles N of Pinedale., 43.29853 -109.85152, 2438m
Walter Fertig 18814 1999-07-17
U.S.A., Wyoming, Johnson, Big Horn Range: Doyle Creek, on west side of Hazelton Road, ca 2 air mi S of the summit of Hazelton Peak; ca 6 air mi S of U.S. Hwy 16., 44.0697 -106.9983, 2512m
Rink, G. 16731 2020-08-14
USA, Wyoming, Sublette, Big Sandy Trail, halfway between the trailhead and Big Sandy Lake, 42.721924 -109.2339, 2896m
G. Rink 16917 2021-07-08
USA, Wyoming, Teton, Teton Canyon, 43.704374 -110.876847, 2560m
Walter Fertig 35361 2022-04-30
United States, Washington, Grant, Columbia Plateau ecoregion: Beverly Island, east bank of the Columbia River, 0.5 miles N of Beverly railroad trestle and town of Beverly, W of WA Hwy 243, ca 7.5 air miles S of Vantage. T15N R23E S28 SE4 SW4 SE4, 46.84079 -119.944959, 155m
Glenn Rink 17676 2023-08-04
USA, Montana, Madison, Branham Lakes, Tobacco Root Mountains, 45.51691 -111.99032, 2682m