CSCN-V-0054284 Dave Spires 1273 1974-06-20
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Castle Creek Recreation Area. Castle Creek., 44.080279 -103.727277
CSCN-V-0054285 Dave Spires 1327 1974-06-21
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Battle Creek., 43.90641 -103.462931
CSCN-V-0054286 Ronald R. Weedon 7085 1974-07-21
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Black Elk Peak area, in and near Norbeck Wildlife Reserve., 43.861117 -103.526997
CSCN-V-0054297 Monica Rohde 265 1977-06-25
United States, Wyoming, Laramie, 3.9 mi N of Pine Bluffs on hwy 215, 1 mi W on Gravel road, ca. 1.5 mi N., 41.258543 -104.100051
CSCN-V-0054293 Kati Dean 37 2003-07-03
United States, South Dakota, Custer, Black Hills National Forest., 43.790769 -103.809709
CSCN-V-0054292 Betty Heiser 80 1976-07-04
United States, Wyoming, Crook, Hulett - Right outside Ray Neiman house
CSCN-V-0054291 Ronald L. Hartman 16102 1983-07-13
United States, Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills, Geis Springs and vicinity, ca 5 air mi E of Alva., 44.68444 -104.3464, 1433m
CSCN-V-0054290 Nancy Kastning 583 1988-07-13
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Sierra Madre; ca 4.5 mi SE of Quartzite Peak., 41.0985 -107.1263, 2454m
CSCN-V-0054289 Angela M. Meiergerd 89 2004-06-14
United States, Wyoming, Converse, E slope Laramie Mountains, ca 25 mi SSW of Douglas. Wagonhound Land and Livestock. Windy Peak., 41.405444 -105.492806, 1908m
CSCN-V-0054266 Christina Petty 9 2001-06-10
United States, North Dakota, Billings, N 46 54.877' W 103 32.769'., 46.914617 -103.54615, 1676m
CSCN-V-0054294 Tom Cramer 2391 1994-07-25
United States, Wyoming, Sublette, Green River Basin: North Piney Creek and Park Creek, ca 19 air mi WNW of Big Piney., 42.6442 -110.4656, 2409 - 2668m
CSCN-V-0054296 B.E. Nelson 5793 1980-07-07
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Big Horn Mountains; along Stove Creek on the Nowood Road, ca 15.5 air mi NNE of Lost Cabin, ca 54 air mi NE of Riverton., 43.4942 -107.5427, 1982m
CSCN-V-0054287 Jeff Brasher 2627 1995-09-15
United States, Utah, Utah, Wasatch Mountains, Loafer Mountain, Mud Hollow Trail between trailhead & level campsites. Payson Lakes Quad., 39.9505 -111.6318, 2676 - 2987m
CSCN-V-0054269 Sherrie R. Landsem 35 1984-06-13
United States, North Dakota, Ramsey, T158N R60W S28 SE1/4., 48.4797211 -98.3958359
CSCN-V-0054267 Monica C. Rohde 1125 1980-06-05
United States, North Dakota, Dunn, 3 mi N, 10 mi W Killdeer. Killdeer Mountains., 47.41519 -102.96799
CSCN-V-0054268 Susan J. Rolfsmeier 475 2003-07-23
United States, North Dakota, Golden Valley, Medora, 3 mi N, 6.5 mi W. Little Missouri National Grassland, E FS Road 726 (E of Buffalo Gap Campground)., 46.955556 -103.663611, 786m
CSCN-V-0054288 Luanne Lum 4203 2002-07-14
United States, Wyoming, Big Horn, Big Horn Mountains: along Forest Road 24 E of Soldier Creek, ca 13.5 air mi NNE of Ten Sleep., 44.1728 -107.2741, 2530 - 2622m
CSCN-V-0054265 Richard D. Worthington 7405 1981-07-19
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mountains, Bluff Springs Recreation Area along Rio Penasco., 2438m
CSCN-V-0054295 Ronald L. Hartman 30440 1991-07-24
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Targhee National Forest: West Slope Teton Range: Coyote Meadows, ca 11 air mi E of Lamont, Idaho., 43.99139 -111.00222, 1951m
CSCN-V-0054238 Austin Horn 32 2009-07-17
United States, Montana, Beaverhead, [Centennial Valley]. Red Rocks Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.
CSCN-V-0054237 Steven P. Churchill 1145 1973-06-22
United States, Minnesota, Hubbard, 1 mile east on Hwy 34 from Park Rapids and 1 mile south., 46.907742 -95.037134
CSCN-V-0054239 Marie Mooar 5224 1967-09-10
United States, Montana, Missoula, Seeley Lake. Around the east side near campground., 47.186413 -113.495316
CSCN-V-0054240 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 17079 2003-07-17
United States, Montana, Richland, Lambert, 3 mi S, 7 mi W. V/A (Vox) Ranch., 47.639722 -104.770278, 786m
148803 collectors: J Langworthy 1911-08-00
United States, Colorado, Fremont County, San Isabel National Forest, 2438m
148813 collectors: S O'Kane 2280 & J Anderson 1985-09-03
United States, Colorado, Archuleta County, E Fork, San Juan River ca 3 mi E of Hwy 160, 37.38 -106.85, 2463m
148817 collectors: Sutherland et al BEC-452 1971-07-28
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Balarat Site, 2.5 mi above Jamestown, 40.13 -105.36, 2438m
148818 collectors: Verdeal & Robinson BEC-473 1971-07-28
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Balarat Site, 2.5 mi above Jamestown, 40.13 -105.36, 2438m
148807 collectors: Richardson & Stockman BEC-533 1971-08-03
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Balarat site 2.5 mi above Jamestown, 40.13 -105.36, 2377m
148820 collectors: G Jones 40367 1965-07-05
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Peaceful Valley W of Raymond, 40.12 -105.51, 2590m
102480 collectors: G Brown 50 1972-07-19
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek County, Jeffco Outdoor Lab School, 39.64 -105.45, 2438m
148810 collectors: P Douglas 1173 & D Wilken 1986-07-16
United States, Colorado, Conejos County, .5 mi SE of Hidden Lake, 1.5 mi NW of McIntyre Peak, 37.05 -106.36, 3000m
148806 collectors: P Douglas 1361 1986-07-20
United States, Colorado, Conejos County, Middle Fork of Conejos River, 2 mi SW of Three Forks, .5 mi N of head of Navajo River, 37.26 -106.65, 3352m
148835 collectors: W Ferril 1902-06-21
United States, Colorado, Costilla County, LaVeta Pass, 37.59 -105.2
148821 collectors: J Cowen 1892-06-30
United States, Colorado, Delta County, Leroux Creek bottom, Hotchkiss, 38.79 -107.73
148815 collectors: W Baker 85146 1985-07-03
United States, Colorado, Dolores County, N bank of W Dolores River ca 1.8 mi ENE of confluence with Cottonwood Creek, 37.65 -108.29, 2355m
148809 collectors: J Carter et al 1971-07-14
United States, Colorado, Douglas County, Pike National Forest, Slide Lake Campground, 39.17 -105.17, 2191m
148816 collectors: G Berringer 1891-07-14
United States, Colorado, Douglas County, Table Rock, 39.12 -104.67
148814 collectors: D Schaal RC-2 1932-07-15
United States, Colorado, Eagle County, Holy straw, 39.63 -106.35, 2743m
148819 collectors: H Harrington & E Smith 222 1944-06-27
United States, Colorado, El Paso County, 2 mi N of Palmer Lake, 39.15 -104.91, 2133m
148808 collectors: J Christ 519 1935-06-23
United States, Colorado, El Paso County, Turkey Creek Canyon, 38.61 -104.91
148851 collectors: H Harrington 7553 1954-07-06
United States, Colorado, Fremont County, Near Sheep Basin, 8 mi NE of Texas Creek, 38.44 -105.49, 2834m
148849 collectors: B Painter et al 37 1978-07-14
United States, Colorado, Garfield County, Along road above Logan Wash, Roan Cliffs ca 10 mi W of Co Rd 204, 39.4 -108.2, 2560m
148848 collectors: P Nicholas 273 1981-08-18
United States, Colorado, Garfield County, Head of Wheeler Gulch, E end of Roan Plateau, 39.54 -108.05, 2529m
148856 collectors: J & M Douglass 60-336 1960-08-12
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Colorado River Valley at foot of major rock slide below Red Mountain Trail, 10.5 N of Grand Lake, 40.4 -105.85, 2749m
148845 collectors: S Spalding 16 1969-07-30
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Black Mesa Experimental Forest, 36 mi SE of Crawford, 38.62 -107.39, 2987m
148834 collectors: N Russell 10198 1959-07-06
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Gothic, 9 mi N of Crested Butte, 38.97 -106.99, 2956m
148854 collectors: A Bryant 18 1966-08-12
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Gunnison National Forest, 38.76 -107.1, 2804m
148853 collectors: A Bryant 184 1967-08-15
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Gunnison National Forest, 38.76 -107.1, 2804m
148852 collectors: A Bryant 100 1967-07-28
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Gunnison National Forest, 38.76 -107.1, 2804m
148855 collectors: A Bryant 177 1967-08-15
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Gunnison National Forest, 38.76 -107.1, 3017m
148837 collectors: L Sceideman SD223 1967-07-18
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Ohio Creek on School District Land, 38.56 -106.92, 2438m
148836 collectors: D Bathke 807 1967-08-29
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Robinson Basin, 30 mi N of Gunnison, 8 mi W of Crested Butte, 2 mi N of Kebler Pass, 38.86 -107.13, 3596m
148850 collectors: H Harrington 3545 1947-07-21
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, 10 mi W of Coalmont, 40.55 -106.58, 2621m
148857 collectors: D Wilken & B Painter 12796 1976-08-26
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, Along Lone Pine Creek, 40.74 -106.6, 1780m
148844 collectors: G Kunkel & L Shultz 1973-06-22
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County, 7 mi S of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment, 39.9 -105.21
148838 collectors: E Brunquist B39 1960-07-30
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County, Bancroft Ranch ca 1 mi W of Wellington Lake, up Rolling Creek, 39.32 -105.37, 2438m
148891 collectors: C Phillips 126 1974-07-14
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, 1 mi N of confluence of Two and One Half Creek and Laramie River, 40.66 -105.84, 2633m
148873 collectors: C Crandall 1896-07-02
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Barnes Camp
148871 collectors: C Crandall 1890-08-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Baxter Ranch
148884 collectors: 1890-08-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Baxters Ranch
148870 collectors: D Walter BDSR-298 1970-07-31
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Ben Delatour Scout Ranch, Swale leading from base of Purgatory Rock to new lake, 40.73 -105.54, 2423m
148872 collectors: C Crandall 1890-06-21
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Camptons Ranch, 40.64 -105.85
148875 collectors: C Sperry 1931-07-04
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Estes Park, 40.38 -105.5
148883 collectors: 1892-07-05
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Fort Collins, 40.38 -105.5, 1536m
148886 collectors: C Crandall 1890-08-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Fort Collins, 40.57 -105.09, 1536m
148888 collectors: C Crandall 1890-06-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Fort Collins College Gardens, 40.57 -105.08
148890 collectors: C Crandall 1890-08-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Fort Collins college gardens, 40.57 -105.08
148881 collectors: J Cowen 1895-06-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Gulch W of Pennocks, 40.61 -105.3
148889 collectors: Kiel et al D-20 1972-06-22
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Hwelett Gulch, 40.71 -105.29, 1859m
148868 collectors: D Wilken 14670 1986-07-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Meadows E of CO Fish Hatchery, Poudre Canyon, ca 4 mi S of N Bald Mountain, 40.7 -105.71, 2346m
148885 collectors: C Crandall 1892-07-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Near Narrows, 40.69 -105.37
148882 collectors: W Marshall 1899-07-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Rist Canyon, 40.62 -105.22
148880 collectors: J Cowen 1897-07-11
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Rist Canyon, 40.62 -105.22, 1828m
148877 collectors: R Gierisch 1619 1950-07-26
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Roosevelt National Forest, 40.33 -105.41, 2438m
148878 collectors: McGregor-Erickson 11 1972-07-07
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Skin Gulch area, 40.67 -105.39, 2072m
148879 collectors: B Blazier 11 1972-06-21
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Sloan Ranch Diatreme, 15 mi NW of Livermore, 40.85 -105.44, 2438m
148887 collectors: C Crandall 1892-07-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Stove Prairie Hill, 40.62 -105.35
148892 collectors: J Jones 62-11 1963-06-26
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, W White Pine Mountain, 40.59 -105.47, 2529m
148828 collectors: B Neely 4515 1987-08-12
United States, Colorado, Las Animas County, Bar NI Ranch, Duling Park Culebra Range, ca 3.5 mi WNW of Stonewall Gap and Hwy 12, 2971m
148825 collectors: N Berg 1897-06-26
United States, Colorado, Las Animas County, Dillon Canyon, Trinidad
148829 collectors: R Kufeld 56 1969-06-14
United States, Colorado, Mesa County, SW side of Hightower Mountain, Buzzard Creek Drainage, 39.24 -107.68, 2529m
148827 collectors: J Parks & T Tauzer 812 1982-08-02
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Beaver Basin, near Bishop Peak, 40.95 -108.92, 2529m
148826 collectors: Lancaster et al 77 1939-07-18
United States, Colorado, Montrose County, Uncompahgre Forest, 38.29 -108.12, 2895m
148910 collectors: D Walter 259 1959-07-23
United States, Colorado, Park County, N end of S Park, Michigan Creek Drain area near Jefferson, Michigan Hill, 2834m
148906 collectors: S O'Kane 288 1981-07-06
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, .5 mi S of junction of 4-Mi Road & E Miller Creek on E Miller Creek Road, 39.86 -107.75, 2257m
148905 collectors: S Tabae & J Walker 373 1981-07-16
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, .5 mi S of junction of 4-Mi Road & E Miller Creek on E Miller Creek Road, 40.2 -107.92, 2346m
148909 collectors: W Kelley et al 82-14 1982-06-30
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, .6 mi ESE of junction of Davis Gulch and Deer Gulch, 39.77 -108, 2225m
148907 collectors: J Walker & J Riefler 82-253 1982-06-24
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, 2.1 mi SSE of junction of E & W Forks of Fawn Creek, 39.74 -108.37, 2195m
148908 collectors: W Kelley & M Waters 82-187 1982-07-28
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, 4 mi SSW of junction of Seep Gulch & E fork Spring Creek, 39.93 -108.62, 2590m
148897 collectors: W Erickson & D Bartman 686B 1979-07-13
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, CowC reek 2.8 mi from confluence with Piceance Creek Road, 39.7 -108, 2195m
148904 collectors: W Erickson & D Bartman 730 1979-07-23
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, WAgon Road Ridge, 39.74 -108.5, 2560m
148903 collectors: H Harrington 8814 1958-06-28
United States, Colorado, Saguache County, Near Crestone, 38 -105.7, 2438m
148900 collectors: T McCreary 397 1973-07-11
United States, Colorado, Summit County, .2 mi from N turnoff to Heeney, 2484m
148899 collectors: T McCreary 523 1973-07-26
United States, Colorado, Summit County, 10 mi N of Silverthorne, 2651m
148898 collectors: S Nelson 641 1972-07-09
United States, Colorado, Summit County, CO 9, 1.8 mi N of Silverthorne, 39.67 -106.08, 2620m
148902 collectors: D Smith 35 1957-07-24
United States, Colorado, Teller County, Manitou Experiment Forest, Pasture 5, 39.08 -105.07, 2346m
148901 collectors: S Spaulding 1969-06-27
United States, Colorado, Douglas County, Manitou Park, Fern Creek, 10 mi N of Woodland Park, 39.15 -105.11, 2407m
148805 collectors: R Imler 4063 1937-07-11
United States, Colorado, Teller County, Pikes Peak, 38.87 -105.07, 2438m
148832 collectors: K Wiley Eberle 384 1979-06-28
United States, Colorado, Grand County, E of Kremmling at Little Muddy Creek, 40.03 -106.13, 2316m
148823 collectors: D Wilken 12170 1974-08-03
United States, Colorado, La Plata County, W side of Vallecitos Lake along road N of Bayfield, 37.41 -107.55