M. Madsen 3256 2007-04-03
United States, Utah, Washington, Along Browse Road near Harmon Creek turn, Pine Valley Ranger District/Dixie National Forest, 37.36639 -113.35611, 1982m
Mark Madsen 3256 2007-04-03
United States, Utah, Washington, Along Browse Road near Harmon Creek turn, Pine Valley Ranger District/Dixie National Forest, 37.36639 -113.35611, 1982m
701978 L. C. Higgins 20131 1999-05-05
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., South slope of Pine Valley Mountains, 37.25 -113.52, 1500m
5887 L. C. Higgins 13577 1983-06-07
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Along the Browse Rd to Guard Station, E side of Pine Valley Mountains. T39S, R13W, S20. Alt. 2000 m., 37.381 -113.3378
BRYV0059189 Mark Madsen 5926 2012-05-07
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Leap Creek Trail ca Syler Spring. East Slope Pine Valley Mtns. Pine Valley RD/Dixie NF., 37.3955 -113.3562, 2134m
BRYV0124541 R. B. Warrick 1484 1986-05-21
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Blake-Harmony Trail east of Oak Grove road, 1951m
BRYV0144954 Mark Madsen 6531 2014-04-30
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Browse Guard Station. East slope Pine Valley Mountain. Pine Valley RD/Dixie National Forest., 37.3849 -113.35286, 1753m
BRYV0000365 Larry C. Higgins 13577 1983-06-07
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Along the Browse Rd to Guard Station E side of Pine Valley Mtns., 2000m
BRYV0000370 Larry C. Higgins 13769 1983-06-23
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Pine Valley, North slope of the Pine Valley Mtns., 2500m
BRYV0000369 N. Duane Atwood 9656 1984-05-16
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, E slope of Pine Valley Mtns, between Browse guard station & Syler Spring.
BRYV0000368 Stanley L. Welsh 21056 1982-04-22
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Ca. 7 mi W Browse Interchange., 1798m
BRYV0000367 R. B. Warrick 142 1986-05-19
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Jct. Blake-Harmony Trail and Browse road.
BRYV0000366 N. Duane Atwood 7893 1981-06-08
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, 5.5 mi N of I-15 on Browse turnoff to Harmon Cr.
BRYV0124542 Larry C. Higgins 20131 1999-05-05
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, South slope of Pine Valley Mts., 1500m
BRYV0124571 M. Madsen 3256 2007-04-03
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Along Browse Rd. near the Harmon Creek turn. Pine Valley Ranger District/Dixie National Forest., 1981m
BRYV0299415 Mark Madsen 10489 2021-04-06
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Found on the Leap Creek trail north of Browse G.S. East slope Pine Valley Mountain., 37.39134 -113.35094, 2027m
KHD00025575 Mark Madsen 3256 2007-04-03
United States of America, Utah, Washington, Along Browse Rd near the Harmon Creek turn. Pine Valley Ranger District/Dixie Natl Forest. T39S R13W S30 SE, 1981m
11024 M. Madsen 3256 2007-04-03
USA, Utah, Washington, Dixie NF, Pine Valley Ranger District, along Browse Road, near the Harmon Creek Turn., 37.364493 -113.350618, 1981m
1444 S.L. Welsh 21056 1982-04-22
USA, Utah, Washington, Ca 7 mi W Browse Interchange., 37.364493 -113.350618, 1798 - 1798m
1445 N.D. Atwood 7893 1981-06-08
USA, Utah, Washington, On Browse turnoff to Harmon Creek, 5.5. miles N of I-15., 37.364493 -113.350618
United States, Utah, Washington County, Washington County, UT
02030500 M. Madsen 3256 2007-04-03
United States of America, Utah, Washington County, Along Browse Rd. near the Harmon Creek turn. Pine Valley Ranger District/Dixie Natl. Forest. T39S R13W S30 SE, 1981m