41813 R. D. Worthington 30450 2001-04-28
United States, Arizona, Cochise, 5 mi E Bowie, I 10, South Holt Rd Overpass, 32.308026 -109.40085
44516 R. D. Worthington 21831 1993-04-10
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Big Hatchet Mts, 2.5 mi NNE (by air) top of Big Hatchet Peak, east side drainage (T30S, R15W, Sec 29, NE 1/4), 31.6684 -108.3874
ASU0158217 Shannon Doan 982 2001-08-21
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Wash on south side of Humboldt Mountain Road, ca. 0.1 mile from intersection with Seven Springs road., 33.9586 -111.835, 1098m
ASU0158218 Elizabeth Makings 740 2001-09-02
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Lewis Springs site. Upland, near wash., 31.5548 -110.139, 1220m
ASU0158185 Ken Bagstad 156 2000-08-28
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain near Cascabel, 32.3334 -110.408, 920m
ASU0158246 Ken Bagstad 62 2000-06-14
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain near old Contention Mill site (old San Juan de las Boquillas y Nogales land grant), 31.7666 -110.209, 1152m
Lyle A. McGill 2083 1978-03-27
USA, Arizona, Graham County, In Spring Canyon, upstream from confluence with Gila River, 32.9107 -109.501
ASU0158204 Gregory J Imdorf 1620 1994-04-18
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area; Devil's Chasm, 33.8194 -110.852, 1036m
ASU0158228 Karen Reichhardt 90-53 1990-08-24
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Base of Kitt Peak, 17 miles east of Sells on hwy 86, 32.0326 -111.641, 914m
Marc A. Baker 8078 1990-09-19
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, West of Winklman, 32.9541 -110.782, 671m
RG Engard sn 1978-06-15
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, On lower Aravaipa Creek, 32.839 -110.63, 701m
Robert Mays sn 1983-10-12
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Rita Experimental Range, 31.8198 -110.9, 1219m
ASU0158235 Barbara F. Rogers 120 1990-09-20
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Muleshoe Ranch Preserve; along Hot Springs Wash in Hot Springs Canyon approx 30 miles northwest of Willcox, AZ., 32.419 -110.276, 1219m
JJ Thornber sn 1918-07-27
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Rosemont, 31.84 -110.73, 1458 - 1458m
Wendy C. Hodgson 11272 1999-01-12
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, City of Mesa, corner of south 63rd Street and Baywood, 33.41 -111.694, 455m
ASU0158187 T. R. Van Devender 93-780 1993-09-12
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Smelter Wash, north of San Manuel, northeast base of Santa Catalina Mountains, west side of San Pedro River Valley, 32.6378 -110.662, 1006 - 1021m
ASU0158211 Lynn Wolden 278 1989-08-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ca two miles southeast of Wickenburg on highway 89., 33.9345 -112.693, 610m
Lara Gengarelly 12 1992-08-01
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, South of Tubac bridge west of the Santa Cruz River, 31.6894 -111.12, 969m
ASU0158183 David J. Keil 926 1967-03-04
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 2 miles southeast of What-a-Peak Mountain off Beeline Highway
Elinor Lehto 2238 1963-08-22
USA, Arizona, Gila, Rye Creek, 34.0282 -111.286, 1067m
Elinor Lehto L-19115 1975-09-21
USA, Arizona, Gila, Globe, 33.3942 -110.786
ASU0158213 David J. Keil 3488 1968-07-31
USA, Arizona, Gila, Natural Drainage A, Sierra Anchas Mountains, channel bottom near diabase, 33.78 -110.96, 1463m
ASU0158238 Elinor Lehto 16845 1970-05-09
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains Russell Gulch, ca 3 mi below jct of forest roads 55 & 55a, 33.3751 -110.817
ASU0158214 Jerry M Johnson 32 1934-10-16
USA, Arizona, Gila, White ridges, 33.8333 -111.417, 1067m
ASU0158239 Charlotte M. Christy 1109-b 1992-04-11
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Anchas, ca 5 rd-mi south of Experiment Stationl AZ 288, mi post 273-4, 33.76 -110.97, 1189m
ASU0158206 Mont Cazier 91 1966-08-08
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, 2 miles northeast of Portal, 31.9341 -109.117
Elinor Lehto 9330 1967-06-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 24.3 miles north of Sasabe, 31.8413 -111.541
ASU0158232 Elinor Lehto 9300 1967-06-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 5 miles west of Arivaca (7.1 miles east of Arivaca-Sasabe Junction), 31.5747 -111.211
ASU0158207 Lyle A. McGill 1094 1974-05-20
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Along AZ hwy 92, ca 5 mi south jct w/AZ 90 south of Sierra Vista, 31.4819 -110.303
ASU0158208 G. Marrs-Smith 718 1981-07-23
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch, 18 mi east of Douglas, 31.3441 -109.239, 1158m
ASU0158233 G. Marrs-Smith 716 1981-07-23
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch, 18 mi east of Douglas, 31.3441 -109.239, 1158m
ASU0158209 Lyle A. McGill 2414 1978-04-21
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Bonita Creek between Midnight Canyon and San Carlos Indian Reservation boundary, 32.9549 -109.531
ASU0158200 D. J. Pinkava 2344-4 1965-07-23
USA, Arizona, Graham County, 7.2 miles north of Graham County line, Rte 666, 33.1786 -109.863
ASU0158190 Elinor Lehto 17069 1970-09-19
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Calabasas Canyon Campground (E of Pena Blanca), 31.4589 -110.985
ASU0158191 TF Daniel 2899 1983-05-14
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Galiuro Mountains, Bass Canyon on Muleshoe Ranch, ca 25 mi northwest of Willcox; (Wincherster Mountains Quad 15 min ser)., 32.3611 -110.225, 1280m
Elinor Lehto 9168 1967-06-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 13 miles north of Nogales, 31.529 -110.934
ASU0158193 Lyle A. McGill LAM-1961 1978-03-19
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, Along Gila River at Gillard Hot Springs, 32.9684 -109.356
ASU0158194 Elinor Lehto L-20174 1973-06-01
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 14 mi northeast Seven Springs, '51 Ranch' along Lime Creek, 34.09 -111.85
David J. Keil 3415 1968-07-22
USA, Arizona, Gila, Natural Drainage B, Sierra Anchas Mountains, 33.78 -110.96, 1463m
ASU0158196 Rose E Collom sn
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Mormon Lake, 34.9475 -111.454
ASU0158181 Monte M Dodson 7 1974-09-07
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Kofa Game Range, 33.5152 -113.827, 472m
ASU0158199 Lyle A. McGill 6474 1995-08-25
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Geronimo Trail, ca 12 mi east of Douglas on spur road to cinder cone, 31.3443 -109.341, 1280m
A. H. Holmgren 15605 1971-05-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino, On ridge east of mouth of Clear Creek; 84 miles below Lees Ferry on the Colorado River, 36.0823 -112.036
ASU0158210 Barbara C. Hovatter 31 1970-05-13
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Southwest side Littlehorn Mountains, 32.9447 -113.503, 699m
D. J. Pinkava sn 1971-07-04
USA, Arizona, Gila, E of Payson, Preacher Canyon, 34.2706 -111.17
ASU0158222 Elinor Lehto 525 1962-04-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ariz 87, 6.6 miles north of Sunflower, 33.9599 -111.467, 1372m
ASU0158252 Marc A. Baker 4008 1981-10-10
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, 31 mi east of jctn routes 80-89 and 287 (Florence) on State Prison Road, south-east fork, 33.0302 -110.85
ASU0158276 Lyle A. McGill LAM-2308 1978-04-18
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Dry Canyon of Gila River, ca 2-3 mi downstream from Bonita Creek, 32.9549 -109.531
David J. Keil 794 1966-11-25
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Mountain Regional Park, 33.4992 -111.641
ASU0158250 Joseph A Sprankle 6 1963-02-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 4.3 miles south of Chandler, 33.2437 -111.841, 335m
ASU0158227 Lara Gengarelly 92 1993-09-18
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 340m from the Santa Cruz River, 31.5874 -111.055, 982m
ASU0158225 M. Butterwick 5975 1980-04-05
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Alamo Dam 15' Quad; Butler Valley near Alamo Dam Rd, in the vicinity of Black Butte, 34.0517 -113.566, 853m
ASU0158249 Marc Mittleman 175 1982-07-28
USA, Arizona, Pima County, S of San Xavier, west of Helmet Peak, vicinity of Indian Kitchen, Twin Buttes 7.5' Quad, 31.9498 -111.105
ASU0158224 Elinor Lehto 10746 1968-03-01
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Oracle Junction - Tucson Highway, 4 miles south of Pima county line, 31.9422 -112.003
ASU0158248 JE Bowers R-1281 1983-08-27
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Espiritu Canyon, Rincon Mountains, 32.1319 -110.519, 1097m
Larry C. Higgins 11779 1978-04-14
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mountains; 15 miles northeast of Tucson, 32.3755 -110.744
Elinor Lehto 8953 1967-06-08
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 10.4 miles north of Nogales (road to Patagonia), 31.4912 -110.934
ASU0158220 M. Butterwick 4260 1979-03-03
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Arrastra Mt 7.5' Quad; near Black Canyon, 34.4959 -113.398, 732m
ASU0158243 Gregory J Imdorf 1525 1993-10-09
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area; Cold Spring Canyon, 33.8337 -110.869, 1158m
ASU0158242 J. Jeremy Buegge 436 1998-07-31
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Sycamore Canyon; near TR 67 by forest boundary, 32.9277 -110.205, 1219m
ASU0158293 C. T. Mason, Jr. 3667 1983-09-16
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Along highway 80, south of St David, 31.891 -110.213, 1128m
ASU0158268 JL Strong 122 1961-09-22
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Monument, 33.6485 -111.114, 853m
John J Reed sn
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Carbella Creek, 335m
ASU0158266 Charlotte M. Christy 2045 1993-10-02
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Gilespie Wash, along AZ 266, ca 5 rd-mi west US 666; ca 25 mi south Safford, 33.1786 -109.863, 1433m
ASU0158265 Marc A. Baker 11399 1994-05-02
USA, Arizona, Gila, Just south of Punkin Center, south side of Tonto Basin Ranger Station, just east of hwy 188, 33.8662 -111.312, 738m
ASU0158264 Lyle A. McGill LAM-1306 1977-05-11
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Along FS road #172 (to Roger's Trough) 7.1 rd mi north of junction w/FS #357.1, 33.43 -111.17, 914m
ASU0158263 C. O. Moore 1999 1950-08-07
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Thompson Arboretum, 33.2794 -111.157
ASU0158262 Robert Mays sn 1983-05-17
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Rita Experimental Range and Wildlife Area; Box Canyon Wash west of Forest Road #485, 31.8231 -110.853, 1280m
ASU0158286 M Butterwick 8208 1982-06-11
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Inspiration 7.5' Quad; Bloody Tanks Wash, near Miami, 33.386 -110.901, 1113m
J. Jeremy Buegge 777 1999-04-30
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Goat Mountain; south side of mountain, 32.855 -110.171, 1646m
ASU0158258 Lyle A. McGill 6971 1997-09-14
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Dos Cabezas, drain southwest of town; southwest drainage from Dos Cabezas Mountains toward Willcox Playa, 32.2083 -109.575, 1524 - 1585m
ASU0158198 Elinor Lehto 16490 1969-09-28
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Agua Fria River bottom at Junction with Castle Hot Springs Rd, 33.9548 -112.241
ASU0158259 Elinor Lehto L-18536 1975-05-13
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ca 2mi northeast of Buckeye Hills Recreation area, 33.2881 -112.651
ASU0158279 Elinor Lehto 6143 1965-05-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Bartlett Dam Rd west of intersection to Horseshoe Dam, 33.8697 -111.758, 900m
Elinor Lehto L-19714 1976-03-31
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Cottonwood Creek, 33.897 -112.28, 477m
ASU0158261 Kathleen C. Rice 1637 1993-03-17
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area, Peralta Trailhead, Forest Rd. 77, ca. 7mi from US Hwy 60, Trail 109, 33.4006 -111.346, 792m
Elinor Lehto 5469 1965-10-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Cottonwood Creek, Area #6, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m
ASU0158282 Meredith A. Lane 1747 1975-09-21
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park (Ft. McDowell Quad 15 minute series) west side Rock Knob, 33.6908 -111.778, 790m
Elinor Lehto 4404 1965-02-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Area #6 along Cottonwood Creek, 33.8776 -112.277, 427m
ASU0158255 David J. Keil 5787 1969-09-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 1.5mi east of White Tank Mountains Regional Park, Turnoff from Greenway Rd to road to old quarry at northeast end of Park, 33.5965 -112.557, 418m
ASU0158253 Robert K Weaver sn 1966-04-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 1mi southeast of Wildcat Hill, 6mi east of Carefree, 33.8361 -111.831
ASU0158254 D. J. Pinkava 6812 1970-11-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 2mi south of Camp Creek, 33.8001 -111.735
ASU0158298 Elinor Lehto 720 1962-04-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Seven Springs, 33.9626 -111.862, 1067m
ASU0158245 Elizabeth Makings 722 2001-09-01
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, Boquillas Ranch, in backyard of old brick house behind bunkhouse, ~200 m east of San Pedro, 31.6987 -110.181, 1189m
Elizabeth Makings 1078 2002-06-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, Boquillas Ranch, back yard of bunk house northwest corner of old brick house, 31.7 -110.142, 1158m
Elizabeth Makings 1152 2002-08-03
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, 4-5 miles south of Hwy 82, ~1 mile east of San Pedro, most northern rocky outcrop of Charleston Hills, west side., 31.6513 -110.168, 1228m
Richard Felger 02-354 2002-10-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sonoran Desert National Monument, 5.8 miles on Hwy 238 (Maricopa Rd.) west of east boundary of the Monument, then 0.8 mile on dirt road north of Hwy 238; collection of plants at margin of dirt of cattle tank with stagnant water (ca. 0.8 km northeast or small granitic hill), 33.0275 -112.409, 454m
V. Beauchamp 291 2000-09-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South of Needle Rock near Tonto Verde, 33.8125 -111.643, 460 - 488m
ASU0158240 Richard S. Felger 01-428 2001-08-15
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sonoran Desert National Monument, Vekol Valley, ca. 0.1 mi NE of junction of Vekol Road and road to Table Top Mountain trail head., 32.6975 -112.227, 608 - 608m
Theresa Price 956-a 2007-08-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mt. Ord; East side of Mt. Ord, north/ east of Reno Creek. In bottom portion of Sycamore Canyon drainage area into Reno Creek., 33.8875 -111.341, 772m
ASU0158241 Theresa Price 956-b 2007-08-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mt. Ord; East side of Mt. Ord, north/ east of Reno Creek. In bottom portion of Sycamore Canyon drainage area into Reno Creek., 33.8875 -111.341, 772m
ASU0158215 Bethany Lester 299 2006-09-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Eagle Eye Road and Pump Mine Wash, north of Hummingbird Springs Wilderness., 33.7878 -113.206, 653m
ASU0158257 D. Damrel t-142 2000-12-05
USA, Arizona, Gila, Growing on east side of Coon Creek, 33.688 -110.85, 805m
asu0013118 Wendy Hodgson 8188 1994-04-23
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Sierra San Francisco, Arroyo Solidad, within 0.25-0.75 mile east of junction with Cañón Santa Theresa., 27.6889 -113.033, 515m
ASU0013123 S. L. Friedman 457-94, 1994-10-20
Mexico, Sonora, Rio Mayo Region, Diez de Abril vicinity 0.8 km north Diez de Abril at Arroyo Muerto and powerline road, 5.25 km north Melchor Ocampo., 26.6111 -109.208, 55m
ASU0013124 T. R. Van Devender 94-165 1994-03-14
Mexico, Sonora, Rio Mayo Region. El Guayabo crossing of Rio Cuchujaqui, 2.6 km northeast of Sabinito Sur, 14 km (by air) east-southeast Alamos., 27.0139 -108.806, 350m
ASU0013125 A. L. Reina G. 2002-608 2002-09-09
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Imuris. Rancho Aribabi, Río Cocospora, 12.4 km northeast of Imuris on MEX 2., 30.8889 -110.708, 1000m
ASU0013126 T. F. Daniel 1975 1982-01-12
Mexico, Sonora, Nacapuli Canyon, NE of Tetas de Cabra Mtn, 6.3 mi W of Hwy 15 on paved road to San Carlos, then 4.4 mi N on dirt road., 28.885594 -110.846797, 121m
ASU0013127 L. McGill 6692 1970-06-07
Mexico, Sonora, Ca. 4 mi N of jct road to Bacoachi (from Rte 2) on road to Esqueda, at jct with road to mine., 30.689282 -109.964738, 1111m
ASU0013128 Jon P. Rebman 1681 1993-04-18
Mexico, Baja California Sur, 64 km north of Ciudad Insurgentes and 13.7 miles east of Francisco Villa at riparian area on the Rio Commundu., 25.9667 -111.933