Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Commelina diffusa var. gigas
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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University of Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
28881J.K. Small   82481917-05-09
United States of America, Florida, Martin County, eastern shore of Lake Okeechobee.

Image Associated With the Occurence
49908J.B. McFarlin   111451937-08-02
United States of America, Florida, Highlands, About Lake Istokpoga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
93195J. Beckner   7091965-05-21
United States of America, Florida, Palm Beach County, Torrey Island, n.w. of Belle Glade.

Image Associated With the Occurence
53012Carol H. Beck   3941947-04-10
United States of America, Florida, Broward County, Banks of New River.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry

Image Associated With the Occurence
17551Noemi Negron   2023-02-07
United States, Florida, Indian River, West Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Wetlands; 8405 8th Street; Lat./Long. 27.616907 / -80.505898. Growing in the wet margin of a shallow pond, with grasses, Typha, and water hyacinth. Native to Florida. B2023-87; LIST 02082023-01003. New County Record.

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
160906T. R. Alexander   s.n.1981-12-02
United States, Florida, Lee Co., SW of the intersection of I-75 and Colonial Boulevard; 1 mi. S of intersection (W of I-75); on the W edge of 6-mile cypress [Taxodium] strand along a trail that follows a section line., 30.7 -85.0667

Image Associated With the Occurence
156143D. S. Correll, J. Popenoe, T. Alexander   515291981-03-12
United States, Florida, Palm Beach Co., Along old abandoned roadway on S side of Torrey Island in Lake Okeechobee., 27.2439 -80.8298

Image Associated With the Occurence
158470R. P. Wunderlin, J. Beckner   91181981-09-05
United States, Florida, Highlands Co., Arbuckle Creek public boat dock at the end of Arbuckle Creek Road off FL 64 (Avon Park Bombing Range Road) S of bombing range.

Image Associated With the Occurence
165494D. R. Lindsey, S. Upchurch   10971981-10-09
United States, Florida, Highlands Co., Avon Park Bombing Range, Along Arbuckle Creek near old broken bridge. T33S, R30E, Sec. 6.

Image Associated With the Occurence
225769K. J. Ruesch   s.n.2000-03-29
United States, Florida, Polk Co., Walk-in-the-Water Creek.

Image Associated With the Occurence
165495R. P. Wunderlin, B.F. Hansen, K.R. DeLaney, R. Day, G.L. Robinson   92101982-03-08
United States, Florida, Polk Co., Avon Park Bombing Range, Along Arbuckle Creek S of Lake Arbuckle. T32S, R29E, Sec. 36.

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

47795D. S. Correll, John Popenoe, Taylor Alexander   515291981-03-12
United States of America, Florida, Palm Beach, growing among and climbing on Napier Grass, along old abandoned roadway on south side of Torrey Island in Lake Okeechobee., 27.2439 -80.8298

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