Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Draba verna, Draba verna var. aestivalis, Draba verna var. boerhaavii, Draba verna var. major, Draba verna var. verna, Draba verna verna
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 22, records 2101-2200 of 4312

Murray State University Herbarium

MUR17240Raymond H. Athey   48761984-04-12
United States, Kentucky, Christian, Fruit Hill, Ky 2.5m on Ky800W from Ky189, 37.00472 -87.36833

MUR21016G. P. Johnson   5501979-04-14
United States, Kentucky, Barren, Spillway, Barren river Reservoir Dam, 36.933932 -86.166768

MUR21508Larry M. Wilson   1251975-04-11
United States, Kentucky, Carlisle, Sandy Branch, KY; 89 degrees W Long.; 36 N Lat.; 7.9km WSW Bardwell; 1.9km SSE Laketon; Alt. 137m, 36.8375 -89.10333

Natural History Institute Herbarium

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NHI002333Chuck Walker   1998-01-09

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

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UT0002433S. Goodrich   28385A2012-04-23
USA, Utah, Daggett, Ashley National Forest, Uinta Mtns, Pipe Creek-Spruce Creek., 40.90343 -109.40376, 2152m

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UT0066440Arnow, L.   12251968-05-16
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Wasatch Range, 1768m

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UT0066441Goodrich, S.   203521984-05-18
United States, Utah, Morgan, 19.75 km, 277 deg. W of Coalville. 2.6 mi along Hwy 66 NW of E. Canyon Reservoir Dam., 40.908259 -111.589686, 1750m

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UT0066442Ludwig, John A.   3331967-05-20
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Terraces in White City Area near Sandy, Utah, 1433m

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UT0066443Albee, Beverly   12331973-04-08
United States, Utah, Tooele, West side of Oquirrh Mtns. Foothills at Stockton, Utah.

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UT0066444Windham, Michael Dennis Ph.D.   90-801990-04-26
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Along Dry Creek at W base of Wasatch Mtns. ca. 2.69km SW of Granite Spring. Dimple Dell Regional Park., 1471m

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UT0066445Arnow, Lois A.   2691967-05-13
United States, Utah, Tooele, 3 miles south of Tooele on Rt. 36- west side of Oquirrh Mts., 1646m

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UT0066447Anderson, Jerry B.   1921959-04-02
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Northeast of University campus in grassy field., 1433m

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Draba verna subsp. boerhaavii
UT0066449Schimpf, Dr. David J.   41974-04-21
United States, Utah, Cache, Hyrum Canyon, 1615m

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UT0066552McNeal, D. W.   25921982-03-13
United States, California, Calaveras, On an outcrop above Hwy. #49, ca 100 yds. S of the N. Fork of the Calaveras River.

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UT0066555Kaltwasser, R.G.   10101973-05-12
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Shore near the Gerber Dam on Gerber Reservoir.

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UT0066556Hermann, F. J.   26931932-04-01
United States, New Jersey, Camden, Barrington.

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UT0066557McNeal, D. W.   26021982-04-12
United States, Oregon, Jackson, On the slope beside the trail to Upper Table Rock n. of Medford.

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UT0096625Baker, Jason   1930-04-30
France, Odland Neudorf/Michelfelden bei Basol, Alsace (des Elsass)

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UT0096626Cottam, Walter P.   1884-03-16
France, Velizy, Paris

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UT0096627Goodrich, S.   1920-12-18
Ukraine, Kiev, Neraina, in arenosis prope urb. Kiev.

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UT0096628Baker, Jason   40971952-04-22
Portugal, Serra da Estrela: Leagoa Comprida

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UT0096629Goodrich, S.   8171969-05-11
Romania, Dobruja, Tulcea, Istria, on lake Razelm, ca. 60 mi north of Constanta, 15m

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UT0096630Cottam, Walter P.   1920-04-18
Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraina, in Arenosis prope urb. Kiev

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UT0096631Baker, Jason   1961-05-20
Finland, Taivallahti, Helsinki

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UT0096632Goodrich, S.   3034, L9301930-04-30
Germany, Neudorfer Heide bei Basel

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UT0096633Twiss, W C   1963-04-17
Switzerland, Geneva, Sous le village de Malval; Under the village of Malval, Suisse, Dardagny\n\n

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UT0096634Goodrich, S.   1978-04-29
United Kingdom, Wales, Glamorgan, Old coal tip, Blaenrhondda; National Grid SN 9200

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UT0096635Hreha, Alyce M.   2531977-04-22
Belgium, Liege, Ben/Ahin

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UT0096636Pennell, Francis W.   2021977-04-08
Belgium, Liege, Ampsin, Rue de Bende [Road], Ampsin, [Amay Town, could be the Quarry nature reserve

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UT0096637Baker, Jason   2001977-04-08
Belgium, Liége, Chaudfontaine, Fond des Cris [Road], Chaudfontaine, [Town]

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UT0096638Goodrich, S.   118761972-06-05
Portugal, Guarda District, Caldeirao, Miradouro do Macho Real

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UT0096639Goodrich, S.   1930-04-29
Switzerland, Basel/Stadt, Basel, Odland bei der Eisenbahnbrucke bei Basel

UT0136765L. Arnow   10121968-03-24
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Southeast facing slope near mouth of Canyon, 1579m

UT0136827L. Arnow   10961968-04-28
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, T. 1 S, R. 1 E. Sec 3. NENWNE.Rocky, south-facing slope at mouth of Canyon., 1631m

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UT0138099Harms, Bill   14811982-03-08
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Rock Canyon water tanks, Temple Hill Drive and Temple View Drive 40.261292 -111.642195 +-75 meters WGS84

New Mexico State University Herbarium

11892H. Hapeman   sn1896-04-00
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe Sevier, Biltmore

40020H.L. Barnett   281935-05-01
United States, Michigan, Ingham, East Lansing

11893L. Tower   sn1889-03-30
United States, Maryland, Anne Arundel, Brooklyn

11894A. Chase   21211904-00-00
United States, District of Columbia, United States, Dept. of Agriculture grounds. Potomac Valley

76622R.W. Spellenberg and N. Zucker   135022005-02-16
United States, California, Calaveras, Highway 49 1.6 km N of junction with Hwy 120, N of Chinese Camp, S side of N. Fork of the Calaveras River, 38.21842 -120.69864, 240m

82908L. Urban   12832008-03-22
United States, Tennessee, Maury, Approximately 0.5 miles north of I-65 on N side of SR 50., 35.52225 -86.90851, 208m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

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102261N. Ertter   61981-03-31
United States of America, Idaho, Ada Co., Northeast Boise foothills, north of Horizon Drive, 2 feet from road, 872m

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102266H. N. Mozingo   79-101979-03-13
United States of America, California, Nevada Co., On Bridgeport Road, 5.6 miles southwest of junction with Route 49 at Sweetland, 335m

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102268D. W. McNeal   25921982-03-13
United States of America, California, Calaveras Co., Above Highway 49, ca 100 yards south of the North Fork of the Calaveras River

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102263A. P. Pinzl   103471993-04-28
United States of America, Nevada, Lyon Co., North end of Pine Nut Mountains, Old Como Road, near summit of knoll/small hill to west of road, about 1 1/4 road miles north of transmission line crossing to north of ephemeral lake, 39.2 -119.53, 1743m

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102259P. L. Packard   70-341970-04-09
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Cow Creek, 43.08 -116.98

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102255B. Rogers   8761978-05-09
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge; Bald Mountain, hill south of Refuge sub- HQ, 41.85 -119.63, 1920m

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102249C. Jones   3811983-04-09
United States of America, Utah, Davis Co., Antelope Island State Park, edge of rocks, 41.03 -112.23

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102253A. P. Pinzl   84831989-04-06
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., North of Reno, above road cut above northbound lane of Route 395 between Golden and Lemmon Valleys, 1.2 road miles east of road leading into Stead, 39.62 -119.85, 1554m

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102260R. D. Bratz   B65-941964-05-16
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Old Mill meadow, east slope of Whiskey Hill, 43.18 -116.8, 1615m

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102256B. Rogers   9971978-06-05
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Sheldon National Wildlfie Refuge; creek west of Racetrack Reservoir, 4.3 air miles northwest of Refuge sub-HQ, 41.9 -119.58, 1750m

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102251A. Tiehm   39991979-04-14
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Northeast end of Sun Valley, north of Reno, 39.62 -119.77, 1463m

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102246A. P. Pinzl   59311984-05-14
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., South end of Eden Valley, near Peak Canyon drainage, fork in road, 41.2 -117.4, 1478m

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102258S. Goodrich   203521984-05-18
United States of America, Utah, Morgan Co., 19.75 kilometers, 277° west of Coalville; 2.6 miles along Highway 66 northwest of East Canyon Reservoir Dam, 40.93 -111.63, 1750m

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102262J. H. Christ   69411937-05-01
United States of America, Idaho, Ada Co., 10 miles south of Orchard, Idaho, 43.169758 -116.026214

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102250B. Maguire   214691942-04-26
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake Co., 1 mile north of Parley's Canyon along Wasatch Boulevard

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102265M. T. Hysell   3261993-04-28
United States of America, Utah, Utah Co., Traverse Mountain Range, 40.4242 -111.4446, 1609m

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102257N. H. Holmgren   48841971-05-29
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Indepence Mountains, Nevada Highway 11, summit, 11.2 miles northwest of Nevada Highway 51, 28 airline miles north-northwest of Elko, 41.23 -115.98, 1981m

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102252A. Tiehm   40121978-04-20
United States of America, Nevada, Churchill Co., Fairview Valley, northwest of Slate Mountain, 39.12 -118.23, 1341m

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102247K. H. Thorne   23491983-04-25
United States of America, Utah, Utah Co., Mouth of Rock Canyon, 40.27 -111.63, 1524m

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102254J. D. Morefield   5456dupl. b1991-05-12
United States of America, Nevada, Carson City (Independent City), Eagle Valley; 0.5 mile south of Carson Hot Springs, 0.5 mile east-northeast of Lone Mountain summit, northeast side of city, 39.18 -119.77, 1430m

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102264A. P. Pinzl   104361993-05-05
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Fortynine Creek, 5 3/4 road miles northwest of first drainage west of Fortynine Camp, 41.6 -119.93, 1798m

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102248C. S. Lieb   6061985-04-06
United States of America, Utah, Utah Co., Lake Mountains, east slope of mountains, off State Highway 68 at Little Cove, 40.23 -111.88, 1402m

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704047N. H. Holmgren   84141977-06-13
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake Co., Wasatch Range, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Moss Falls, above Moss Ledge, which is 8.2 km (5.1 mi) east of Foothill Drive, 40.63 -111.73, 2130m

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704048N. H. Holmgren   129981998-05-30
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Cedarville-Vya road, 9.5 km (5.9 mi) east of the California (Modoc Co.) border, in Fortynine Mile Creek Canyon, 41.60222222 -119.9272222, 1800m

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01011439S. Goodrich   271912007-04-12
United States of America, Utah, Daggett Co., Ashley national Forest, Uinta Mountains, near Cedar Springs Campground, 40.90839 -109.4465, 6144m

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00964366J. Bair   1341997-04-29
United States of America, Nevada, Douglas Co., Pine Nut Mounatins, Brown Meadows on southwest side of range, 2.0 road miles east of U.S. 395, 38.78739 -119.57481, 1996m

01192003N. H. Holmgren   159112009-05-17
United States of America, Utah, Cache Co., Wasatch Range, Mount Pisgah Road, McMurdie Hollow, 6 km (3.7 mi) road distance west of State Route 165 (town of Paradise), 41.5714 -111.9047, 1610m

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01088064D. E. Atha   69642009-04-23
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., The New York Botanical Garden, W of the Bronx River and E of the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory, 40.8637481 -73.8801469, 33m

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102267J. W. Grimes   11281978-04-28
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., Leslie Gulch, hillside on north side of Leslie Gulch, Runaway Gulch confluence, 43.3 -117.25

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01533956D. H. Mansfield   11-2222011-06-10
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Northeast of cattleguard, on Owyhee river road 20 miles northeast of NV highway 225 at Duck Valley, 42.0974 -116.4645, 1548m

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704046N. H. Holmgren   125281996-06-05
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., 40.4 km (25.1 mi) south of U.S. Highway 20, along the Harper-Crowley road, 37 km (23 mi) air distance south-southwest of Harper, 43.5619444 -117.7652778, 1305m

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677906R. E. Brainerd   3672003-05-24
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., Canyon of Butte Creek, about 3 miles southeast of Skull Springs and 25 air miles southeast of Juntura, 43.47758 -117.73619, 1219m

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01088163D. E. Atha   69102009-03-22
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Grounds of The New York Botanical Garden, the crabapple collection, SE of the Everett Children's Adventure Garden, ca 0.2 km W (by air) of the Bronx River and ca 0.4 km N of Fordham Road/Pelham Parkway/US 1, 40.8596019 -73.8788889, 27m

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666396W. R. Buck   418402002-05-19
United States of America, New York, Putnam Co., Town of Southeast, Doansburg Preserve, ENE of Mill Farm Lane and WSW of Gage Road, 0.2 mi SE of Doansburg Road, 41.44931 -73.55181, 135m

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01158825D. E. Atha   85252010-04-04
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., New York City. Grounds of The New York Botanical Garden, S of Waring Ave and E of the Bronx River, 40.860942 -73.874089, 27m

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02549189W. D. Longbottom   146422011-03-26
United States of America, Maryland, Caroline Co., Town of Federalsburg, Caroline Industrial Park, along Caroline Drive just N of MD Rt. 313-318, Federalsburg Highway, in area along the roadside., 38.682917 -75.782278

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02342508G. V. Nash   s.n.1897-04-21
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., New York Botanical Garden, 40.862412 -73.878143

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02549186W. D. Longbottom   146382011-03-26
United States of America, Maryland, Talbot Co., Town of Easton, along MD Rt. 33, Saint Michaels Road, E of MD Rt. 370, Unionville Road, in fallow agricultural fields on the S side of the road., 38.783025 -76.113458

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01138785M. H. Nee   543122006-05-03
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Bronx. The New York Botanical Garden, 40.8669 -73.876, 17m

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02589695D. E. Atha   149952015-04-27
United States of America, New York, New York Co., Central Park, Mount, between 103rd and 104th and between 5th and 6th Aves, 40.793469 -73.954083, 24m

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02342509A. M. Vail   s.n.1891-03-01
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., West Farms on the edge of Bronx Park, 40.856767 -73.875413

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02549193W. D. Longbottom   146472011-03-27
United States of America, Maryland, Caroline Co., Town of Preston, Preston Police Department and Town Hall on Back Landing Road at Railroad Avenue, in gravel parking area., 38.707008 -75.906781

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02342510   s.n.
United States of America, New York, New York Co., Central Park near Mt. St. Vincent, 40.913432 -73.907081

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02544640W. D. Longbottom   146122011-03-07
United States of America, Delaware, Sussex Co., Town of Fenwick Island, at the E end of Atlantic Avenue growing along the edge of the parking area for beach access., 38.456344 -75.050167

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02589668D. E. Atha   149682015-04-15
United States of America, New York, New York Co., Central Park. North Meadow, Recreation Center. Between 97th and 98th St and between 7th and 8th Aves, 40.791169 -73.961011, 28m

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02549218W. D. Longbottom   146082011-02-28
United States of America, Maryland, Caroline Co., Town of Preston, along Railroad Avenue, along the left field fence of little league baseball field, 188 ft from home plate., 38.707914 -75.908056

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02544641W. D. Longbottom   146312011-03-20
United States of America, Maryland, Caroline Co., Town of Federalsburg, Hayman Drive and MD Rt. 313, Federalsburg Highway, in area N of parking area of shopping center., 38.699381 -75.7876

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02450009D. E. Atha   143092014-04-26
United States of America, New York, New York Co., Central Park, North Woods, between 106th and 107th Sts and between 5th Ave and Lenox Ave, 40.795722 -73.953869, 20 - 20m

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2817602S. A. Mori   275432013-04-28
United States of America, Massachusetts, Outskirts of Sudbury., 42.383428 -71.416172

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03180040E. Hansen   H-237a-761976-06-00
United States of America, Idaho, Fremont Co., Harriman Ranch., 44.337501 -111.438343

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3200272A. Brown   s.n.1879-06-14
United States of America, New York, Ballast grounds, at Hunter's Point, 40.747794 -73.94922

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3200419J. H. Christ   74961937-05-30
United States of America, Idaho, Clearwater Co., Greer. On sharp basalt escarpment at top of grade.

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3200355A. Brown   s.n.
United States of America, New York

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3200291F. Tweedy   s.n.1879-04-00
United States of America, New Jersey, Union Co., 40.613389 -74.422309

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3200294S. L. Clarke   s.n.1891-03-00
United States of America, New York, New York Co., High Bridge

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3200310W. D. Longbottom   124942009-04-15
United States of America, New Jersey, Camden Co., Town of Cherry Hill, Town Center Drive and Haddenfield Road, growing along a roadside ditch., 39.92511 -75.03336

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3200343P. J. D. Redmond   5421931-05-18
United States of America, Maryland, Worcester Co., Roadside, Furnace, 38.204117 -75.470542

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3200324S. R. Hill   89481980-03-30
United States of America, Maryland, Prince George's Co., W side of Greenbelt Lake, 39.004004 -76.887874

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3200296W. D. Longbottom   147132011-04-04
United States of America, Delaware, Sussex Co., Town of Saint Johnstown, Saint Johnstown Church along Saint Johnstown Road (Road 600) just south of DE Rt. 16, Beach Highway, growing in the cemetery around the church, scattered., 38.80315 -75.574394

Page 22, records 2101-2200 of 4312


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