Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 13191 1924-03-28
United States, Oregon, Jefferson, Deschutes canyon at Campbells' ranch, 12 mi. N. of Madras., 44.8208326535641 -121.1283
OSC-V-022761 Abraham L. Savage; Lincoln Savage none 1926-03-07
United States, Oregon, Josephine, near Pacific Highway, Savage Creek., 42.3713524797 -123.241621294
OSC-V-022774 Emil E. Zivney; E. Zivney 2 1939-00-00
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, Hermiston, 45.8406 -119.2883
David Thysell 596 1994-04-01
United States, Washington, Pierce, in Ponderosa Pine/White Pine/Douglas Fir plantation east of Johnson Marsh., 110m
OSC-V-255839 Alexander Abair 171 2017-03-31
United States, Oregon, Benton, above a quarry at Forest Road 720., 44.6123055555556 -123.294277777778, 612m
OSC-V-022755 Grace C. Fleischman; Grace Cole Fleischman s.n. 1933-04-02
United States, Oregon, Benton, Two miles beyond Philomath., 44.5403 -123.3664
OSC-V-022804 Richard E. Brainerd; R.E. Brainerd, D. Lytjen, N. Otting 367 2003-05-24
United States, Oregon, Malheur, canyon of Butte Creek, about 3 miles southeast of Skull Springs and 25 air miles southeast of Juntura., 43.47758 -117.73619, 1219m
OSC-V-022760 LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling 3967 1940-04-12
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Little Butte Cr. Valley, 42.45456 -122.66974
OSC-V-022816 Ruth M. Smith 286 2007-04-20
United States, Oregon, Columbia, Dike Road, Scappoose area from top of dike to road., 45.7322222222222 -122.858611111111, 5m
OSC-V-022779 Henry C. Gilbert; H.C. Gilbert s.n. 1917-05-03
United States, Oregon, Benton, East of Willamette hop yards.
OSC-V-258534 Dennis A. Albert; Dennis Albert 2016-22 2016-05-16
United States, Oregon, Lake, west 0.3 miles on BLM Road 6102-0-C0 from Hwy 140, just west of Blizzard Gap., 42.090972 -119.697463
Samantha Seitz; Samantha Seitz with Jayson Bird s.n. 2008-04-26
United States, Idaho, Nez Perce, located alongside the Clearwater River directly off of Highway 12 bridge to Orofino.
OSC-V-022792 William C. Cusick; W.C. Cusick 3502a 1910-07-02
United States, Oregon, Grant, Dixie Mtn., 44.585 -118.626, 2300m
Edmund P. Sheldon; E.P. Sheldon 11631 1903-03-15
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, none?
OSC-V-022766 Taini Lammi; T. Lammi s.n. 1939-04-13
United States, Oregon, [needs research], Wood's Creek
OSC-V-262821 Ernst J. Dornfeld s.n. 1973-04-06
United States, Oregon, Benton, McDonald Fst.
OSC-V-022751 D. S. Jeffers; D.S. Jeffers 34 1955-05-19
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Clark Cr., 42.6318399096 -122.59402342
OSC-V-022811 Martin W. Gorman 5604 1922-04-16
United States, Oregon, Hood River, Hood River, 45.7056 -121.5203
OSC-V-022786 B. F. Dana; B.F. Dana none 1934-04-13
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, Hermiston Butte, Hermiston., 45.8472 -119.3022
OSC-V-022759 Richard R. Halse 3267 1986-04-20
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis, Oregon State University, at the corner of NW Monroe and NW 25th., 44.5704 -123.28163, 75m
OSC-V-022798 Lilla R. Leach; Lilla Leach 2617 1929-04-09
United States, Oregon, [needs research], Columbia River Highway opposite Mary Hill.
OSC-V-022785 Albert N. Steward; Albert N. Steward, Willetta M. Smith 7044 1956-04-15
United States, Oregon, Benton, 1.5 miles east of Bruce Station, 12 miles south of Corvallis., 44.39673 -123.26278
OSC-V-022788 John R. Leach; J.R. Leach, Mrs. J. R. Leach s.n. 1928-04-22
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Mosier, 45.6836 -121.3961
OSC-V-022777 J. M. Conklin; J.M. Conklin s.n. 1916-04-17
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Maupin, 45.1753 -121.0803
OSC-V-022752 Ivan J. Donaldson; Ivan Donaldson s.n. 1946-00-00
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Maupin, 45.1753 -121.0803
OSC-V-022768 William H. Baker; W.H. Baker 2684 1946-03-26
United States, Oregon, Wasco, The Dalles, along Mill Creek at the mouth., 45.5947 -121.1775
OSC-V-022784 B. F. Dana; B.F. Dana s.n. 1936-04-04
United States, Oregon, Hood River or Wasco, Melrose Point, btwn. Hood River and The Dalles.
OSC-V-022793 John H. Weiler; John Weiler, A.P. Nelson 61202; 737 1961-05-26
United States, Oregon, Klamath, 1.7 miles west of Pelican Guard Station on State Highway 236., 42.4481 -122.147933754312
OSC-V-258135 Dennis A. Albert; Dennis Albert 2016-269 2016-06-11
United States, Oregon, Lake, Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Desert Lake, along southwest shore., 42.37622 -119.568712
OSC-V-022775 Shirley Kocken 13 1957-04-10
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis Airport., 44.4986 -123.2886
LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling 3967 1940-04-12
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Little Butte Cr. Valley, 42.45456 -122.66974
OSC-V-022778 H. A. Scullen; H.A. Scullen s.n. 1927-05-08
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, Meacham, 45.5067 -118.4203
OSC-V-022805 Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 12202 1930-03-27
United States, Oregon, Jackson, above Rogue-Elk Hotel, Rogus River.
OSC-V-270493 Barbara L. Wilson; Nick Otting 2022-04-24
United States, Oregon, Hood River, Hood River: Waterfront Park, 45.7161 -121.5174, 25m
OSC-V-258329 Dennis A. Albert; Dennis Albert 2016-9 2016-05-16
United States, Oregon, Lake, north 0.65 miles on BLM Road 6122-0-00 from Hwy 140, just west of Blizzard Gap., 42.100115 -119.685394
OSC-V-022762 Scott Sundberg 3725 1997-04-24
United States, Oregon, Benton, Camp Adair Rifle Range; north of Corvallis; in road west of the pistol range, behind #8 target., 44.7145 -123.26598, 240m
OSC-V-022789 Edmund P. Sheldon; E.P. Sheldon 11631 1903-03-15
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Bybie Slough, 45.6283 -122.7493
OSC-V-022800 William C. Cusick; W.C. Cusick 3422 0000-04-06
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, Bingham Springs., 45.7422 -118.2308, 500m
OSC-V-022802 Maxcine Williams s.n. 1977-03-12
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Graves Creek Road, 2 miles from Junction with Rogue River.
B. F. Dana; B.F. Dana s.n. 1950-04-07
United States, Washington, Klickitat, 6 mi. N of the summit, Satus Pass Hwy. 97.
OSC-V-022806 Rayma Brown s.n. 1934-03-10
United States, Oregon, Lane, Top of Spencer Butte., 43.9836 -123.0967
OSC-V-022809 Dale W. McNeal; D.W. McNeal 2602 1982-04-12
United States, Oregon, Jackson, beside the trail to Upper Table Rock N of Medford., 42.48 -122.915
OSC-V-022757 H. A. Scullen; H.A. Scullen s.n. 1927-05-02
United States, Oregon, Wasco, the Dalles., 45.5947 -121.1775
OSC-V-022810 Janet E. Dibble s.n. 1979-05-09
United States, Oregon, Jefferson, E facing slope below mesa, W side of Jackson Trail Rd, 3 mil S of US Hwy 26 (SE of town of Warm Springs); Warm Springs Reservation., 44.7273234581 -121.262313998
OSC-V-266221 David M. Danley 1662 1981-04-09
United States, Oregon, Deschutes, Sunri er resort, 15 miles south of Bend, near Harpers Bridge
Edmund P. Sheldon; M.W. Gorman, E.P. Sheldon 11684 1903-05-22
United States, Oregon, Unknown, none?
UAM009958 Charles R. Werth, William P. Pusateri, David M. Brandenburg, Gary W. Synder, Matthew H. Hills MO 7C5 1980-04-19
United States, Ohio, Butler
UAM009982 Eric Sundell 16753 2004-03-21
United States, Arkansas, Benton, Rogers Historic District. In city park., 36.330395 -94.117464
UAM009983 Eric Sundell 16785 2004-04-03
United States, Arkansas, Benton, War Eagle. Vicinity of Old Mill on War Eagle Creek., 36.268412 -93.943855
UAM009984 J. E. Ellis 46 1989-03-30
United States, Arkansas, Washington, NW Fayetteville. Near Altheimer Lab. on the U. of A. Agri. Expt. Station; by Hwy 112., 36.099216 -94.178801
UAM009985 Eric Sundell 12065 1997-04-18
United States, Arkansas, Sharp, Highland. Hwy 62 roadside.
UAM009986 H. E. Ahles 65613 1967-05-03
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire
UAM009987 Seth Cole 1 2001-03-23
United States, Missouri, Christian
UAM009988 D. E. Trisel 55 1990-04-05
United States, Ohio, Butler
UAM009989 D. E. Trisel 33 1990-03-22
United States, Ohio, Butler
UAM009990 Eric Sundell 16463 2003-05-27
United States, Michigan, Grand Traverse, Interlochen. Interlochen Arts Camp campus.
UAM009991 Eric Sundell 16840 2004-04-18
United States, Tennessee, Cumberland, Crossville. Rest stop on I-40.
OBI100856 Walters 55 1965-10-25
United States, Indiana, Monroe, on Gritty Lake dam, in lawn
OBI100862 Raul J. Cano 5 1970-04-06
United States, Washington, Spokane, south slope of Spokane River, 457m
OBI100863 R. F. Hoover 5588 1942-03-14
United States, Washington, Yakima, hills south of White Swan
OBI100864 Marvin Roberts 6941 1971-03-27
United States, Ohio, Franklin, Along Scioto River near limestone quarries
OBI100865 Robert R. Haynes 3579 1971-04-17
United States, Ohio, Muskingum, lawn of picnic area at Blue Rock State Park, ca. 5.7 mi. SE of Duncan Falls, Sec. 14, Blue Ridge Twp.
OBI100854 Joy Nishida 213 1982-04-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, American Cyn campground, 35.288256 -120.266468, 536m
OBI100852 Anthony Baniaga 24 2010-02-05
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Tierra Redonda Mtn BLM ACEC; along Oak Shores Rd, 35.764569 -120.989294, 311m
OBI100861 Anthony Baniaga 313 2011-06-07
United States, California, Lassen, Lassen National Forest. Northwest area of Grays Valley, just South of intersection of 33N11 and 32N83Y. Poison Lake quadrangle., 40.65085 -121.15495, 1747m
OBI100866 D. R. Miller 295.554 1995-02-18
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Pine Mt Region. In front (inland) side of Edmunson cabin, E slope of Pine Mt; Tobacco Crk drainage, 35.691971 -121.082357, 792m
OBI181244 David J. Keil 15812 1982-04-04
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nipomo Mesa along Black Lake Cyn, 35.056237 -120.564034
OBI100858 David J. Keil 21498 1991-04-06
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nipomo Dunes. Big Coreopsis Hill s of Oso flaco Lake, 35.03 -120.6175
OBI100859 David J. Keil 26223 1997-04-19
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Los padres national forest. la panza mountains. along navajo road, 0.2 road miles north of junction with pozo road., 561m
OBI100851 David J. Keil 26611 1998-04-07
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, 2.3 mi W from Hwy 58 on Huerhuero Rd.
OBI100860 David J. Keil 28254 1999-04-25
United States, California, Kern, Just s of Hwy 178 on Kern Canyon Road near Democrat Hot Springs., 35.5311 -118.623
OBI100849 David J. Keil 30353 2005-03-13
United States, California, El Dorado, Foothills of Sierra Nevada. S of Placerville at 3203 Sand Ridge Rd, 38.62428 -120.755556, 500m
OBI100855 George Butterworth 216 1998-03-20
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Carrizo Plain Natural Area. At Visitor center. T31S, R20E, S32 NW Qtr, 35.190093 -119.863198, 597m
OBI100850 Greg Frugoli 7 1997-02-22
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Collected 0.25 mi N of Queen Bee cmpgd. La Panza Range, Los Padres NF (Hwy 58 burn area), 35.35532 -120.24127, 796m
OBI100857 J. Applegarth s.n. 1970-04-11
United States, California, Siskiyou, 914m
OBI100853 Lewis S. Rose 67059 1967-05-06
United States, California, Plumas, Quincy, 39.937 -120.945, 1042m
OBI100848 David J. Keil 26996 1998-04-30
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, 1.5 miles from Hwy 58 on Red Hill Rd. Los Padres National Forest., 35.385664 -120.28917
David Keil 36299-1 2020-04-11
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Upper Calf Canyon, 35.43492 -120.53375, 430m
JMUH0005774 H. B. Lantz 365 1971-03-21
United States, Virginia, Orange, Spicer's Mill Rd. - 1 1/2 mi. W. of Orange
JMUH0018132 Conley K. McMullen 1007 2015-03-30
United States, Virginia, Shenandoah, Rt. 733 at Flat rock Church, next to parking lot on north side of the church., 38.69979 -78.74548
JMUH0018131 Conley K. McMullen 1007 2015-03-30
United States, Virginia, Shenandoah, Rt. 733 at Flat rock Church, next to parking lot on north side of the church., 38.69979 -78.74548
JMUH0018130 Conley K. McMullen 1007 2015-03-30
United States, Virginia, Shenandoah, Rt. 733 at Flat rock Church, next to parking lot on north side of the church., 38.69979 -78.74548
JMUH0005780 Kurt Lindquist 84120 1984-03-08
United States, Virginia, Pittsylvania, Rt. 58 to Junc. With Rt. 863. 5.4 mi. South of Junc. On Rt. 863. 200 yds East of road in open meadow.
JMUH0005781 Nick Mastrota 1519 1983-04-03
United States, Virginia, Fairfax, On N. side of Van Winkle DR, 0.2 mi. W. of Sleepy Hallow Rd, E. of Falls Church, Va.
JMUH0005782 Deanna Ward 15 1980-04-07
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, Route 257, Briery Branch Along roadside, poor soil
JMUH0005777 B. A. Lentz 31 1974-04-08
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton, Blue Hole, West Virginia, Ridge in picnic area near German River
JMUH0005778 Dale Smith 1987-00-00
United States, Virginia, Augusta, 1/4 west of intersection of Rt. 11 and 701, in plowed field.
JMUH0005779 Jimmie K. Grimm 17 1976-03-29
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, 2 miles on North River Rd. off Rt. 42 south, at dump.
JMUH0005776 Betsy Pearce 1 1973-04-07
United States, Virginia, Warren, Shenandoah Farms, Fellows Drive
JMUH0005775 Laura Labiemic 18 1976-03-29
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, Bridgewater Rt. 42 south - two miles down North River Rd. at dump area.
JMUH0015902 Brinton Domangue 76 2011-03-29
United States, Virginia, Shenandoah, Woodstock, Riverview Park. Near Effinger Trail entrance, growing through dense mosses., 38.87339 -78.49115
JMUH0015901 Brinton Domangue 76 2011-03-29
United States, Virginia, Shenandoah, Woodstock, Riverview Park. Near Effinger Trail entrance, growing through dense mosses., 38.87339 -78.49115
JMUH0005783 Lynn Swierczek 12 1987-04-13
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, Bridgewater. 1/2 mile away from the confluence of North and Dry Rivers, at the old Bridgewater dump.
JMUH0005784 James E. Irre 12 1990-03-12
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, open field behind Spotswood Elementary School.
JMUH0005785 Pam Farmer 7 1990-03-28
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, Road 726 West facing ditch
JMUH0005786 Diana DeAngelis 4 1990-03-12
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, Spotswood School yard, Harrisonburg, VA
JMUH0005787 T. Duncan 844 1984-03-17
United States, Virginia, Page, From Rt. 340 in Shenandoah to Trenton Ave, .05 mi. Along Right side of road approx. 20 ft. from roadside
JMUH0005788 C. Stanovick 51033 1980-04-20
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, Rt. 11 .5 mile south of H'burg city line.
JMUH0005789 Marjorie E. Smith 18 1980-04-07
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, Briery Branch area alongside Rt. 257 where the road parallels Dry River. Found off south shoulder of road.
JMUH0005790 Gina Ellison 1992-04-16
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, City of Harrisonburg. 1211 Garber's Church Road - pasture land