ASU0135266 E. Brainerd 1879-07-30
USA, Vermont, Grand Isle, Lake Champlain, North Hero
BRIT471292 Roberta G. Poland s.n. 1966-07-10
United States, Vermont, Orange, West of Route 25 on road to South Corinth.
BRYV0011839 C. H. Refsdal 2503 1994-08-03
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Southwestern Wyoming and Adjacent Utah: browns Park: ca 12 air mi E of Dutch John, 0.5 mi west of Browns Park Road on the east side of the Green River., 1655m
BRYV0011872 Robert S. Kirkpatrick 832 1983-07-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Absaroka Mountains; ca 17 air mi NW of Dubois, along east fork Du Noir Creek, ca 9 mi N of U.S. Hwy 26 287., 2316 - 2377m
BRYV0011870 Luanne Lum 5727 2002-08-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: along Sunlight Creek at Forest Road 101 crossing in Sunlight Basin, ca 28.6 air mi WNW of Cody., 2079m
BRYV0011940 G. W. Douglas 9935 1976-07-20
Canada, British Columbia, Datlaska Range, Nadahini Mtn, in alpin Salix reticulata community., 59.7 -136.61666, 1220m
BRYV0011881 Frank C. Seymour 26971 1968-06-29
U.S.A., Vermont, Rutland
BRYV0011875 Edgar Wieslander s.n. 1974-07-17
Plantae Scandinaviae. To. L. Abisk.
CSCN-V-0000463 C.L. Bushey 5463 1977-09-15
United States, Wisconsin, Sheboygan, 1/4 mi inland from Lake Michigan SE of Haven.
UTC00020213 Bassett Maguire 13167 1934-08-06
United States, Utah, Iron, Cedar Breaks National Monument
UTC00040669 Bassett Maguire 17591 1939-08-13
United States, Utah, Iron, Cedar Breaks National Monument ; 1 mi E of Cedar Breaks Lodge, 3170m
UTC00040670 Bassett Maguire 19458 1940-07-12
United States, Utah, Iron, 15 mi E Cedar City, 2808m
UTC00122941 GB Ownbey 3479 1963-08-24
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, 7 mi N 0.5 mi W of Lake Itasca Post Office
UTC00246369 M.D. Windham & M. J. Windham 2759 2003-07-13
United States, Utah, Duchesne, N of Hanna near South fork of Rock Creek in the Uinta Mts. ca. 3.84 km SE of the summit (11659 ) of East Grandaddy Mountain ., 40.5627778 -110.7597222, 2850m
UTC00258101 Holte 360 1996-08-06
United States, Idaho, Bannock, Indian Rocks State Park, path near Oxbow., 42.791856 -112.208364, 1430m
KHD00080623 Lori E. Brummer 7052 2011-08-14
United States of America, Colorado, Montrose, Uncompahgre Plateau: BLM lands off of H54 Road, ca 12 air mi S of Delta., 38.5768 -108.0746, 1729m
KHD00080626 Lori E. Brummer 2099 2010-08-16
United States of America, Colorado, Mesa, Uncompaghre Plateau: Unaweep Canyon, lower East Creek, ca 25 3/4 air mi NW of Delta., 38.968 -108.4629, 1430 - 1470m
MEVE 79185 COLYER, MARILYN 1983-06-08
USA, Colorado, Montezuma County, MANCOS CANYON, N. BOUNDARY, MI. 0.75, S., 2256m
MSC0261881 R. K. Rabeler 697 1982-07-09
United States, Michigan, Chippewa, along sloped drainage ditch, about 1.8-2.4 m S of shoulder of M28, 53 m E of driveway to Hulbert Corners "borrow pits", 2.7 km (1.7 mi) SW of Hulbert Corners, 5 km (3.15 mi) E of Chippewa-Luce Co. line. 2 PM EDT, 46.321637 -85.182244
MSC0261882 John A. Churchill s.n. 1972-05-31
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, Moran Twp, dune hollows along Straites of Mackinac just west of Pointe aux Chenes, 45.925011 -84.904225
MSC0261883 G. W. Parmelee 2241 1951-05-13
United States, Michigan, Houghton, Sandy beach of Lake Superior, 47.235598 -88.606113
MSC0261884 C. F. Wheeler s.n. 1879-05-20
United States, Michigan, Montcalm, Banks of Fish Creek, 43.313813 -84.968166
MSC0261885 K. Tan 64 1966-08-08
United States, Michigan, Van Buren, 42.306581 -85.799388
MSC0261886 Marjorie J. Bingham s.n. 1939-07-22
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, Bois Blanc Island, near Ekey cabin, 45.772575 -84.470838
MSC0261887 C. W. Bauzin 9269 1953-06-23
United States, Michigan, Keweenaw, Isle Royale, Shore pools, Lake Superior shore, East of Hat Island, 47.983218 -88.773134
MSC0228402 Max Britton 1939-08-10
United States, Michigan, Berrien, Mud Lake Bog, growing along roadside, 4 miles west of Buchanan, 41.829351 -86.432637
MSC0261888 Cathey Newhouse 397 1977-07-09
United States, Michigan, Presque Isle, about 10 yds from lake, 45.361101 -83.619718
MSC0261889 R. C. Harris s.n. 1964-10-06
United States, Michigan, Emmet, Waugoshance Point, 45.758342 -85.012007
MSC0261890 Steven P. Grund 606 1994-08-15
United States, Michigan, Kalkaska, 0.3 mi E of 42nd Rd and 0.2 mi S of Territorial Rd, 42.296601 -85.346884
MSC0261891 S. N. Stephenson s.n. 1993-08-10
United States, Michigan, Chippewa, Drummond Island, Maxton Plains Preserve (Poe Pt. Unit) where scattered on shore of north passage, 46.10391 -83.635278
MSC0261892 Dennis Cooley s.n.
United States
MSC0261391 C. L. York 28 1943-05-29
United States, Alaska, Anchorage
MSC0261392 L. M. Umbach s.n. 1896-06-27
United States, Illinois, Naperville, 41.750839 -88.153535
MSC0261411 C. G. Pringle s.n. 1878-05-21
United States, Vermont, Lyndon, 44.545309 -72.000072
MSC0261412 D. Cooley 28 1852-07-21
In mud along the Clifton brook
MSC0261413 G. H. Clinton 186
United States, New York, Goat Island, Niagara R., 43.080889 -79.067545
MSC0261415 G. W. Clinton 1689
United States, New York, Buffalo, 42.892736 -78.858113
MSC0261416 M. L. Fernald 198 1893-07-08
United States, Maine, Aroostook, About the mouth of Aroostook River. Fort Fairfield., 46.777959 -67.840181
B160824 William Carl Taylor 4101 1978-08-24
United States, Wisconsin, Door
MOAR0026585 Janet Ebert 1615 2016-10-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne, Plains Township, Wilkes-Barre Mountain, Seven Tubs Nature Area, W of Route 115, 41.242212 -75.810753
UT0006415 G.Y. Croft 10 C.B. 1934-07-01
United States, Utah, Cedar Breaks Nat'l Mon., 37.633311 -112.842443, 3170m
UT0006414 J.L. Crawford F-82 1946-08-16
United States, Utah, Cedar Breaks - meadow at Sunset View., 37.620811 -112.828553
UT0006413 M.D. Windham 2237 2000-07-12
United States, Utah, Summit, Along Deadman Creek on N slope of the Uinta Mts. ca. 4.67 km NW of the summit (10747) of Deadman Mountain.; 40.91444 -110.79277, 40.91444 -110.79277, 2615m
UT0006412 M.D. Windham 2759 2003-07-13
United States, Utah, Duchesne, N of Hanna near South fork of Rock Creek in the Uinta Mts. ca. 3.84 km SE of the summit (11659 ) of East Grandaddy Mountain .; 40.5627778 -110.7597222, 40.562778 -110.759722, 2850m
UT0006411 M.D. Windham 2231 2000-07-10
United States, Utah, Emery, NW of Huntington in upper Scad Valley on the Wasatch Plateau ca. 1.70 km WSW of the summit (10360) of Seeley Mountain., 39.5 -111.233333, 2652m
UT0006510 Linna Muller-Wille 1973-08-00
Canada, Northwest Territories, Northwest Territory: Repulse Bay, northwest coast of Hudsons Bay, on the Arctic Circle., 66.625873 -86.326717
UT0006508 W.P. Cottam 17234 1962-07-17
USA, Montana, Mission Creek, Upper Falls, base., 47.354653 -114.285397, 1676m
UT0006572 H. Burdet 1971-06-25
Switzerland, Helvetia: in latere dextro lacus Neocomi infra pagum "Chabrey" reipublicae Valdiae, 430 m supra maris aequor. In phramitetis ad ripam, solo arensoso. (Switzerland, on the right side of the lake district Neocomi "Chabrey" Valdir country, 430 m above sea. The phramitetis the bank arensoso soil)., 46.920692 6.993392, 430m
3518424 T. N. Morgan 89118 1989-11-00
United States of America, New York, Dutchess Co., Near Pawling. N. of Rt. 55 and E. of the railroad., 41.55 -73.6019
3518425 J. V. Haberer 2677 1904-07-08
United States of America, New York, Along West Canada Creek, East Herkiner
3518379 J. Feilberg 5372 1973-08-04
Greenland, Godthab distr.: Eqalugialik, Itlvdleq, 64.35 -50.45, 2m
3518380 H. A. Senn 3748 1948-07-05
Canada, Nunavut, Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island., 63.75 -68.53
3518381 W. J. Cody 7765 1953-08-02
Canada, Northwest Territories, Mackenzie. Carcajou River, Mile 23E, Canol Road.
3518382 P. F. Bruggemann 783 1954-07-22
Canada, Northwest Territories, Eureka, Ellesmere Island. Franklin District., 80.12 -85.57
3518383 R. Platt 419C 1947-08-29
Canada, Nunavut, Baffin Land: Savage Islands, 61.83 -65.75
3518384 J. M. Powell 260 1958-07-19
Canada, Ellesmere Island: vicinity of Lake Hazen. One Mile N of Hazen Camp., 81.958 -70.625
3518385 G. R. Brassard 1395 1964-07-09
Greenland, N. Ellesmere Island. Head of Tanquary Fjord; 1.5 km E of base camp., 55m
3518386 W. J. Cody 9778 1957-07-01
Canada, Northwest Territories, Mackenzie. East bank of East Channel Mackenzie River., 69.25 -134.05
3518387 D. B. O. Savile 4587 1962-07-09
Canada, Northwest Territories, 1 mi. NW of Camp. Ellesmere Island, Hazen Camp., 81.82 -71.35
3518388 S. L. Welsh 12054 1973-06-24
Canada, Northwest Territories, Gravel bar, Bear Creek in a Salix-Popular, a tributary of Rat River., 67.72 -136.2, 305m
3518392 A. E. Ortmann s.n. 1899-09-02
Greenland, Kudlisat, Disco Island, W. Greenland
3518393 C. Kruuse s.n. 1897-07-31
Greenland, Grl. occ. Ynugsulik
3518394 C. Kruuse s.n. 1902-07-29
Greenland, Ad Kuigarssuak
3518395 C. Kruuse s.n. 1900-07-00
Greenland, Groenl. Orient.: Cap Borlase Warren
3518396 A. E. Porsild s.n. 1925-08-05
Greenland, Syd-Gronl. Qagssiarssuk, Igaliko-Fjord
3518397 C. Kruuse s.n. 1902-06-22
Greenland, Ykerasausak
3518398 G. Seidenfaden 260 1929-08-10
Greenland, Eastgreenland: Head of Musk Ox Fjord.
3518399 G. Seidenfaden 929 1930-08-09
Greenland, Eastgreenland: North of Mt. Sederholm, Musk Ox Fjord.
3518400 G. Seidenfaden 734 1928-07-10
Greenland, Westgreenland. Lyngrnastobugten, Godham, Disko Island.
3518401 O. J. Hamann 69-1455 1969-07-19
Greenland, Angmagssalik distr.: Qingertivaq, 66.1 -37.22
3518403 R. T. Clausen 2802 1937-08-20
Canada, Quebec, Montmagny Reg. Co. Mun., St. Lawrence Valley. Shore of St. Lawrence River, Berthier-en-bas.
3518404 R. T. Clausen 2988 1937-09-08
Canada, Quebec, Bonaventure Reg. Co. Mun., Gaspé Peninsula. Tidal meadow of Bonaventure River, immediately below highway bridge, Bonaventure.
3518409 J. M. Macoun 79226 1910-08-03
Canada, Manitoba, Churchill, Hudson Bay.
3518411 F. W. Johnson 193 1916-06-18
Canada, Ontario, Shore Ft. Erie.
3518416 J. F. Collins s.n. 1904-08-02
Canada, Quebec, Bonaventure Reg. Co. Mun., Marly Arbor Vitae swamps, mouth of the Bonaventure River
3518417 K. K. Mackenzie s.n. 1921-07-28
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Table Top
3518418 M. L. Fernald 26171 1924-08-01
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Straits of Belle Isle. Sandy (or Poverty) Cove.
3518419 H. Trapido 1070 1939-07-12
United States of America, Vermont, Orleans Co., At south end of Eligo Lake along inlet., 269m
3518436 T. Morong s.n. 1875-08-31
United States of America, New York, Edges of cataract, Niagara Falls
3518439 Collector unknown s.n. 1834-05-19
United States of America, New Hampshire, Banks of the Connecticut River, at Walpole. Opposite Bellows Falls Village.
3518440 K. M. Wiegand 68 1909-08-09
United States of America, Maine, Aroostook Co., 46.768739 -67.833909
3518441 M. L. Fernald 198 1893-07-08
United States of America, Maine, Aroostook Co., About the mouth of Aroostook River. Fort Fairfield.
3518444 W. W. Eggleston 2186 1900-07-27
United States of America, New Hampshire, Plainfield, Sumner's Falls. The Connecticut River.
3518445 W. W. Eggleston 2186 1900-07-27
United States of America, New Hampshire, Plainfield, Sumner's Falls. The Connecticut River.
3518446 J. Carey s.n. 1834-05-00
United States of America, New Hampshire, Banks of the Connecticut River, near Bellows Falls Bridge.
3518447 S. R. Hill 16963 1986-08-09
United States of America, Vermont, Lamoille Co., Belvidere Mountain, s slope, near old pit asbestos mine, Eden., 396m
3518448 J. J. Copeland 2005 1940-08-19
United States of America, Vermont, St. Johnsbury
3518449 C. A. Weatherby 503 1932-06-04
United States of America, Connecticut, On railroad right of way in rich, Salisbury, 41.9833 -73.4167
3518451 C. G. Pringle s.n. 1878-05-21
United States of America, Vermont, Caledonia Co., Banks of a brook., 44.514223 -72.010929
3518452 M. L. Fernald 198 1893-07-08
United States of America, Maine, Aroostook Co., About the mouth of Aroostook River. Fort Fairfield.
3518454 M. L. Fernald 198 1893-07-08
United States of America, Maine, Aroostook Co., About the mouth of Aroostook River. Fort Fairfield.
3518455 H. St. John 2086 1917-07-21
United States of America, Maine, Somerset Co., Valley of the the St. John River. Township IX, Range 17.
3518457 B. L. Robinson 51 1901-08-16
United States of America, Maine, Aroostook Co., Beach of the Aroostock River
3518458 B. Heidel 2980 2007-07-23
United States of America, Wyoming, Park Co., Northern Absaroka Mountains; Clarks Fork Valley, Swamp Lake wetland at base of the Cathedral Cliffs. Ca. 34 air mi northwest of Cody. Sec. 14 N 1/2., 44.873475 -109.544914, 2012m
3518459 T. G. Lammers 12759 2010-07-15
United States of America, Michigan, Menominee Co., Along County Hwy G18, 2 miles west of Carney.
3518460 M. J. Leoschke 1801 1997-10-11
United States of America, Minnesota, Clay Co., Rivertown Township. Bluestem Prairie Scientific and Natural Area is approximately 5 miles east/southeast of Glyndon., 46.83556 -96.46422
3518461 P. C. Lesica 8983 2004-08-26
United States of America, Montana, Beaverhead Co., Centennial Valley. On the margin of an alkaline wetland 3 miles southwest of Antelope Peak, 44.673 -112.0758, 2042m
3518462 M. A. Vincent 13968 2008-06-16
United States of America, Michigan, Chippewa Co., DeTour Village, on St. Mary's River, N of Lake Huron. Spring Bay Rd., 46.016333 -83.925111, 182m
3518463 R. L. Hauke 125 1957-06-01
United States of America, Michigan, Cheboygan Co., Lake Huron, just north of Pries Landing.
3518465 M. D. Windham 2237 2000-07-12
United States of America, Utah, Summit Co., Along Deadman Creek on N slope of the Uinta Mts. ca. 4.67 km NW of the summit (10747) of Deadman Mountain., 40.9144 -110.7928, 2615m