2092077 E. O. G. Hultén 1964-07-01
United States of America, Alaska, Mount McKinley National Park; Park Highway Mile 36; Cathedral mountain
2092076 K. I. Beamish 620151 1962-08-01
Canada, Alberta, Sentinel Pass, Banff National Park; rock slope south exposure, 51.33 -116.17, 2606m
2092075 G. L. Smith 2990 1966-06-27
United States of America, Alaska, Northern Foothills Province; stony airstrip on floodplain of Utukok River, Driftwood Camp, 68.92 -161.17, 335m
2092079 C. B. Hardham 21004 1976-08-01
United States of America, Alaska, Endicott Mountains; headwaters of Tinaygut Creek; Gray Mountain; gravelly grassland, 762m
2092078 N. B. Sanson 1076 1928-07-00
Canada, Alberta, Rocky Mountains Park; Lake of the Hanging Glacier
02092074 W. J. Cody 34534 1984-07-14
Canada, Yukon, Ogilvie and Wernecke Mountains, north and east of Hart River; rock turf on saddle and adjacent rocky slopes, 64.85 -136.75, 1646m
242147 Holway, E.W.D.; F.K. Butters 799 1913-08-01
Canada, British Columbia, Mt. MacDonald, Glacier, 2286m
MSC0091693 E. W. D. Holway 799 1913-08-01
Canada, British Columbia, British Columbia; Mt. MacDonald, 2286m
18952 William James Cody, James H. Ginns 33015 1984-07-02
Canada, Yukon Territory, Ogilvie and Wernecke Mountains, Cloudy Range, 64.58 -138.45
56952 Reidar Elven 219090 2002-07-06
United States, Alaska, Chugach Mts, Thompson Pass, Mile 26 Richardson Hwy, towards Twentyseven Mile Glacier, 61.13 -145.75
39014 Carl Roland 4019-A 1999-07-10
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, ridge between Chedotlothna R. and Barren Cr, S slopes of ridge, 15 km NE of Heart Mtn., 62.97 -151.89
18774 Phil Caswell 96-454 1996-06-01
United States, Alaska, Neacola Mountains, Emerson Creek, 60.65 -153.91
85357 Michael Duffy MD02-156 2002-08-01
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, ridge E of Savage R. headwaters, Transect 02MC056 Stop 01, UTMzone 6, E393142, N7055839, 63.61 -149.15
31239 Carl Roland 3240-a 1998-07-09
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Windy Cr. valley directly across from W Fork, S-facing slopes of valley directly across from canyon of W Fork Windy Cr, 63.45 -149.04
144341 Patricia Loomis, Stacia Backensto 2424 2003-08-12
United States, Alaska, Wrangell Mts, Skookum Volcano Trail, near the end of the Nabesna Rd, lowland zone along creek, 62.4515 -143.085167, 892 - 892m
37792 Phil Caswell 366 2000-07-13
Canada, Yukon Territory, St. Elias Mts, Pikatak Nunatak, Queen Mary Glacier, 60.65 -139.81
56350 Carl Roland, Alan R. Batten 4310 2000-06-27
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, W side of canyon in West Fork Yentna R. headwaters, 4 km SW of Mystic Pass, 62.62 -152.59
47121 Phil Caswell, Anna Jansen, G. Deal 01-492 2001-07-26
United States, Alaska, Neacola Mts, Portage Lake, Mt. S of E end of lake, T5N,R26W,S28 & 33,E 1/2 28 & 33 & E 1/2 NW1/433, 60.47 -153.84, - 1250m
53653 Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad 12568 2002-07-24
United States, Alaska, Endicott Mts, Chimney Mt, N flank, 67.75 -150.5, - 1134m
71585 Carolyn L. Parker, Reidar Elven, Heidi Solstad 15313 2003-07-29
United States, Alaska, Central Noatak R. valley, mouth of Kugururok R, 1 km downstream from mouth, 67.98 -161.92
02352219 L. A. Viereck 1384 1956-07-17
United States of America, Alaska, [data not captured]
02352218 E. Scamman 4562 1947-06-22
United States of America, Alaska, [data not captured]
02352217 R. T. Porsild 278 1966-07-22
Canada, Yukon Territory, [data not captured]
02352216 R. T. Porsild 49 1966-06-00
Canada, Yukon Territory, [data not captured]
02352215 H. M. Raup & L. C. Raup 12617 1944-07-22
Canada, Yukon Territory, [data not captured]
02352214 W. J. Cody & J. H. Ginns 33015 1984-07-02
Canada, Yukon Territory, [data not captured]
19038 J. Kuijt, D. Coxson 5172 1977-06-22
Canada, Alberta, West flank of Loaf Mountain: West facing slope, 2438 - 2438m
19039 Jenny Burke 100 2003-07-22
Canada, Alberta, Waterton Lakes National Park, Mount Carthew, 49.0259667 -114.0045167, 2520 - 2520m
7324 Phil Caswell 04-1333 2004-07-23
Canada, Yukon Territory, Asi Keyi Special Management Area, N of Klutlan Glacier, 61.4598 -140.807383, 1652m
8195 Phil Caswell 2002-07-06
Canada, Yukon Territory, Kluane National Park - Atlas Mountain, 61.246333 -139.3191, 2012m
8200 Phil Caswell PPC-2002-592 2002-07-26
Canada, Yukon Territory, Kluane National Park - Hoge Mountain, 61.201667 -139.373889, 2229m
8717 Val A. Loewen 2005-07-12
Canada, Yukon Territory, Southern Peel Region, 65.310694 -132.697083, 1574m