Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Eriogonum visheri
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0122953James L. Reveal,   25121971-07-14
USA, South Dakota, Jackson, 0.4 mi W of South Dakota Hwy 40A; about 2.5 mi S of Interior.; 43.7144 -101.9471, 43.7144 -101.9471, 701 - 713m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0122954L.E. Lindstrom   2971957-07-22
USA, South Dakota, Badlands Nat'l Monument, 6 mi E of Interior

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
24130H. A. Stephens   493111971-07-13
United States of America, South Dakota, Mellette Co., 9 1/2 miles west of Wood, 43.496786 -100.667056

Image Associated With the Occurence
24133H. A. Stephens   493111971-07-13
United States of America, South Dakota, Mellette Co., 9 1/2 miles west of Wood, 43.496786 -100.667056

Image Associated With the Occurence
24132H. A. Stephens   495191971-07-17
United States of America, South Dakota, Meade Co., 24 1/2 miles south of Faith, 44.66825 -102.035992

Image Associated With the Occurence
24131J. L. Reveal   25121971-07-14
United States of America, South Dakota, Jackson Co., 0.4 mile west of SD Highway 40A, about 2.5 miles south of Interior, 43.690727 -101.984042, 701 - 701m

Image Associated With the Occurence
24134H. A. Stephens   495221971-07-17
United States of America, South Dakota, Meade Co., 6 1/2 miles south of Faith, 44.928911 -102.035992

Image Associated With the Occurence
24129L. R. Miller   2351912-08-10
United States of America, South Dakota, Meade Co., Faith, 45 -102

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

636749Staria S. Vanderpool, Dionn Schaaf   1458b1993-09-16
U.S.A., North Dakota, Slope, Little Missouri National Grasslands: site F93DAS2X

636751Staria S. Vanderpool, Kari Rogers, Dionn Schaaf   1456b1993-09-10
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: N 1/8 to 1/4 mi from jct ND Hwy 68 on FDR 845, then due W across two small draws to top of knob overlooking Hwy 68; Site F93SSV11.

636752Staria S. Vanderpool, Kari Rogers, Dionn Schaaf   1455b1993-09-10
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: jct ND Hwy 68 and FDR 845.

636748Staria S. Vanderpool, Dionn Schaaf   1459d1993-09-22
U.S.A., North Dakota, Billings, Little Missour National Grasslands: 1.3 mi from jct of FDR 726 on FDR 730, then 0.5 mi E of old corral; site F93DAS3X.

636750Staria S. Vanderpool, Dionn Schaaf   1457b1993-09-16
U.S.A., North Dakota, Slope, Little Missouri National Grasslands: 24 mi S of Bellfield on Hwy 85, then 6.5 mi W on FDR 769 past corral, site F93DAS1X

636753Staria S. Vanderpool, Kari Rogers and Dionn Schaaf   1454a1993-09-09
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: 1.25 mi W from jct of county road #3 on Hwy 68; north of road over small ridge, site F93SSV9X.

636760Staria S. Vanderpool   1446d1993-08-05
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: 0.9 mi N of ND Hwy 68 on FDR 845.

636755Staria S. Vanderpool, Kari Rogers and Dionn Schaaf   1452b1993-09-08
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: 1 mi N of jct of ND Hwy 68 on FDR 845, then NE on a 2-track road along a ridgetop for 1 mi; site F93SSV6X.

636754Staria S. Vanderpool, Kari Rogers and Dionn Schaaf   1453b1993-09-09
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: 1 mi W of jct ND Hwy 68 on county road #3, then N 1/3 mi along point of long narrow ridge; site F93SSV7X.

636756Staria S. Vanderpool, Kari Rogers, and Dionn Schaaf   1451b1993-09-08
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: ca 1 mi on FDR 845 from jct with ND Hwy 68, then N along ridgetop for 1 mi; site F93SSV5X.

636757Staria S. Vanderpool, Kari Rogers, and Dionn Schaaf   1450c1993-09-07
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: 0.9 mi N of ND Hwy 68 and FDR 845 jct to pipeline crossing, then ca. 3/4 mi NE along ridgeline; site F93SSV4X.

636758Staria S. Vanderpool, Kari Rogers, and Dionn Schaaf   1449b1993-09-07
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: 0.9 mi N of ND Hwy 68 on Forest Road 845.

636759Staria S. Vanderpool, Kari Rogers, and Dionn Schaaf   1448b1993-09-07
U.S.A., North Dakota, McKenzie, Little Missouri National Grasslands: 0.9 mi N of ND Hwy 68 on Forest Road 845; site F93SSV1X.

Image Associated With the Occurence
957360Grace M. Kostel   71462005-06-20
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Buffalo Gap National Grassland and Vicinity: ca 5 air mi SE of Wall., 43.938967 -102.170883, 829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
957361Grace M. Kostel   66872005-06-17
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Buffalo Gap National Grassland and Vicinity., 43.808017 -101.559883, 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
957359Grace M. Kostel   73922005-06-23
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Buffalo Gap National Grassland and Vicinity: ca 6 air mi SSE of Wall., 43.909317 -102.196333, 823m

Image Associated With the Occurence
957358Grace M. Kostel   71822005-06-20
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Buffalo Gap National Grassland and Vicinity: ca 6.5 air mi SE of Wall., 43.923683 -102.143917, 814m

633516James P. Vanderhorst   57321997-07-12
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Powderville Road badlands, ca 17 air mi WSW of Ekalaka., 915m

Image Associated With the Occurence
909117Hans Hallman   59062010-07-08
U.S.A., Montana, Powder River, Along Powderville Road East in vicinity of Oliphant Butte, ca 31-33 air mi WSW of Ekalaka., 45.6618 -105.1426, 945 - 963m

Image Associated With the Occurence
841491Robert D. Dorn   106182009-08-23
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Ca 1 mi SE of the SE corner of Custer County., 45.771667 -104.926667, 945m

Image Associated With the Occurence
957386Grace M. Kostel, Beth Burkhart and Richard Petersen   48512002-07-07
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Buffalo Gap National Grassland and Vicinity: Conata Basin, ca 13-13.5 air mi SSE of Wall., 43.7866 -102.179, 805m

Image Associated With the Occurence
909118Hans Hallman   67412010-07-25
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Just S of Powderville Road, ca 2.5 air mi E of Powder River County, ca 20 air mi WSW of Ekalaka., 45.7694 -104.9256, 948 - 982m

Image Associated With the Occurence
76411S. S. Visher   5361912-08-03
U.S.A., South Dakota, Perkins

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

BRYV0081966Hans Hallman   67412010-07-25
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Just S of Powderville Road, ca 2.5 air mi E of Powder River County, ca 20 air mi WSW of Ekalaka., 45.7694 -104.9256, 948 - 981m

Black Hills State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056672Ode, David J.   84-1481984-08-19
United States, South Dakota, Ziebach, Thunder Butte Road ca. 1 mile south of Highway 20; T16N R19E S4, 45.385332 -101.817589

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056673Ode, David J.   84-1501984-08-19
United States, South Dakota, Ziebach, Thunder Butte Road ca. 9.3 mi south of Highway 20; T15N R19E S10, 45.2776 -101.777011

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056674Ode, David J.   83-1901983-08-16
United States, South Dakota, Perkins, Hell Creek badlands butte, SE of Shadhill Dam ca. 1.3 mile south and 1.4 mile west of Sommerville; T21N R16E S31 NW1/4 NW1/4 S31, 45.739393 -102.187037

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056676Ode, David J.   82-52a1982-07-11
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Badlands National Park - Buckwheat Curve. About 3.3 miles W of Interior along Hwy. 44. T4S R17E S11 E1/2, NE1/4, NE1/4, 43.712934 -102.042208

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056677Visher, Stephen S.   5361912-08-06
United States, South Dakota, Perkins, Rabbit Creek, 45.343484 -102.491791

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056678Visher, Stephen S.   5361912-08-06
United States, South Dakota, Perkins, Rabbit Butte, 45.364117 -102.58692

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056679Ode, David J.   83-1871983-08-16
United States, South Dakota, Meade, E side of SD Highway 73 ca. 6.8 miles south of Faith; this is the same site as Stephens #49522 (KANU), T11N R17E S10, 44.925641 -102.044484

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056680Over, William H.   B 2021913-07-23
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, Cedar Pass, 43.755271 -101.935986

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056681Over, William H.   61821913-07-23
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, Cedar Pass, 43.75555 -101.936673

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056682Lindstrom, Lester E.   2971957-07-22
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, East of Interior ca. 5 miles, 43.72731 -101.883534

Image Associated With the Occurence
BHSC0056683Ode, David J.   84-1441984-08-12
United States, South Dakota, Mellette, Little Badlands, S of Mellette Mountain ca. 9.7 mi west of Wood on Highway 44, then 1/2 mile south; T41N R28W S21 NW1/4 of SW1/4, 43.514397 -100.665122

BHSC0016051Ode, David J.   
United States, South Dakota, Meade, detailed locality information protected

BHSC0065047Hallman, Hans   
United States, Montana, Powder River, detailed locality information protected

BHSC0041872Ode, David J.   
United States, South Dakota, Meade, detailed locality information protected

BHSC0041873Ode, David J.   
United States, South Dakota, Meade, detailed locality information protected

BHSC0016046Ode, David J.   
United States, South Dakota, Corson, detailed locality information protected

BHSC0016048Ode, David J.   
United States, South Dakota, Corson, detailed locality information protected

BHSC0016049Ode, David J.   
United States, South Dakota, Perkins, detailed locality information protected

BHSC0016050Ode, David J.   
United States, South Dakota, Perkins, detailed locality information protected

BHSC0016052Ode, David J.   
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, detailed locality information protected

BHSC0028534Kravig, Myrtle L.   
United States, South Dakota, Perkins, detailed locality information protected

Auburn University, John D. Freeman Herbarium

AUA000029796Hallman, Hans   67412010-07-25
United States, Montana, Carter, JUST S OF POWDERVILLE ROAD, CA 2.5 AIR MI E OF POWDER RIVER COUNTY, CA 20 AIR MI WSW OF EKALAKA., 45.7694 -104.9256, 981m

University of Nevada Herbarium

9192J.L. Reveal   25121971-07-14
USA, South Dakota, Jackson, 0.4 mile W of SD Hwy 40A [now Hwy 44], ca 2.5 miles S of Interior., 43.713145 -101.946171, 701 - 701m

Chadron State College, High Plains Herbarium

CSCN-V-0029397Beth Burkhart   s.n.2001-07-24
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Buffalo Gap National Grassland. Allotment: Conata West - East Unit., 44.27652 -102.19793

South Dakota State University, C. A. Taylor Herbarium

0007905David J Ode   86-921986-08-29
USA, South Dakota, Corson, Abandoned Keller stripmine, 8.8 mi S, 2.5 mi W, 2 mi S and 1 mi NW of Hwy 65 Grand River bridge. T 19N, R 21E, Sec. 36, SW1/4.

0007906David J. Ode   86-871986-08-28
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Grand River National Grassland; Pasture 9 -- East Unit. T 20N, R 17E, Sec. 8, SE1/4 of SE1/4.

0007907David J. Ode   86-711986-08-23
USA, South Dakota, Meade, Lemmon Butte, 4 mi N and 11 mi E of Opal. T 12N, R 14E, Sec. 36, S1/2.

0007908David J. Ode   86-741986-08-24
USA, South Dakota, Meade, Signal Butte, 2 mi N and 9 mi E of Maurine. T 12N, R 14E, Sec. 4, N1/2.

0007909David J. Ode   86-861986-08-28
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Grand River National Grassland; Pasture 9 -- North Unit. T 21N, R 16E, Sec. 33, NW1/4 of SE1/4.

0007910David J. Ode   86-731986-08-24
USA, South Dakota, Ziebach, Butcher Creek headwaters, 1/2 mi S, 4 mi E of Faith. T 12N, R 18E, Sec. 7, NE1/4 of SE1/4

0007911David J. Ode   86-661986-08-06
USA, South Dakota, Jackson, Buffalo Gap National Grassland, 11 air mi WSW of Kadoka. T 3S, R 20E, Sec. 15, SE1/4 of SW1/4.

0007912Bonnie Heidel   12761994-07-08
USA, South Dakota, Harding, S of Slim Buttes along Spring Creek headwaters. T 16N, R 8E, Sec. 17, NE1/4 and Sec. 18, SE1/4., 920m

0002224Ralph Brooks   22381970-06-08
USA, South Dakota, Pennington, 29 mi E Scenic

0005355David J. Ode   84-1481984-08-19
USA, South Dakota, Ziebach, Thunder Butte Road, 1 mi S of Hwy. 20. T 16N, R 19E, Sec. 4 & 5.

0007921David J. Ode   83-1881983-08-16
USA, South Dakota, Meade, Along U.S. Highway 212, 1 mi W of Faith. T 12N, R 17E, Sec. 9, NW1/4. Same site as Stephens 49523 (KANU).

0007922David J. Ode   83-1861983-08-16
USA, South Dakota, Meade, 3.8 mi N of Howes on SD Hwy 73; E side of Hwy ca. 100 yards S of benchmark. T 8N, R 17E, Sec. 10. Same site as Stephens 49519 KANU.

0007897Christopher W. Kopp   11812003-07-28
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Grand River National Grassland; T 20N, R 17E, Sec. 17, NW1/4, 45.703611 -102.105278

0007923David J. Ode   86-1051986-09-19
USA, South Dakota, Corson, Hump Creek badlands, 8.8 mi S of McIntosh along Hwy. 65. T 21N, R 23E, Sec. 7, SW1/4 of SW1/4.

0007898Christopher W. Kopp   11472003-07-27
USA, South Dakota, Corson, Grand River National Grassland; T 18N, R 18E, Sec. 23, NW 1/4, 45.498056 -101.870833

0007913David J. Ode   86-651986-08-06
USA, South Dakota, Jackson, Sixteen-mile Creek badlands, 6.5 air mi ESE of Interior. T 4S, R 19E, Sec. 9, W1/2 of NW1/4 of NE1/4.

0007899Christopher W. Kopp   9612003-07-01
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Grand River National Grassland; T 20N, R 16E, Sec. 10, SE1/4, 45.715 -102.142778

0007914David J. Ode   82-52c1982-07-11
USA, South Dakota, Pennington, Badlands National Park -- Buckwheat Curve. About 3.3 mi W of Interior along Hwy. 44. T4S, R 17E, Sec. 11, E1/2 of NE1/4 of NE1/4.

0007915David J. Ode   84-1501984-08-19
USA, South Dakota, Ziebach, Thunder Butte Road, 9.3 mi S of Hwy. 20. T 15N, R 19E, between Sec. 10 & 11.

0007900Christopher W. Kopp   8292003-06-19
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Grand River National Grassland; T 20N, R 16E, Sec. 10, SE1/4, 45.715 -102.142778

0007916David J. Ode   83-1921983-08-17
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Shadehill Recreation Area. 1.3 mi S, and 1.5 mi W of Sommerville. T 21N, R 15E, Sec. 36, E1/2 of NE1/4.

0007901Christopher W. Kopp   6512002-08-19
USA, South Dakota, Corson, Grand River National Grassland; T 18N, R 18E, Sec. 15, NW 1/4, 45.530833 -101.892778

0007917David J. Ode   84-1441984-08-12
USA, South Dakota, Mellette, Little Badlands, S of Mellette Mountain ca. 9.7 mi W of Wood along Hwy. 44 then 1/2 mi S. T 41N, R 28W, Sec. 21, NW1/4 of SW1/4.

0007902David J. Ode   86-981986-08-31
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Highway 73 badlands butte, 2 mi N of Usta. T 15N, R 16E, Sec. 22, NW1/4

0007918David J. Ode   84-1471984-08-18
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Rabbit Butte, 25 mi N of Maurine (same site as Visher 536 SDU). T 16N, R 13E, Sec. 7, N1/2 of SW1/4.

0007903David J. Ode   86-1001986-08-31
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Cedar Canyon, 5.5 mi N and 6.5 mi W of Maurine. T 13N, R 11E, Sec. 13, S1/2 of SW1/4.

0007919David J. Ode   83-1891983-08-16
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, 10 mi N on SD Hwy 73 from U.S. Why 212 intersection. Hell Creek badlands on E side of road near mile marker #187. T 14N, R 16E, Sec. 23, NW1/4 of SE1/4 (Same site at Stephens 49526 KANU)

0007904David J. Ode   86-901986-08-29
USA, South Dakota, Corson, Cottonwood Creek badlands, 8.8 mi S and 2.5 mi W of Hwy. 65 Grand River bridge. T 19N, R 21E, Sec. 36, NW1/4 of NE1/4.

0007920David J. Ode   83-1931983-08-17
USA, South Dakota, Perkins, Hell Creek badlands, 7 mi S of Grand River on SD Hwy 73 then 5.3 mi E. T 20N, R 17E, Sec. 19, S1/2 of SE1/4.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

CM434825Berkheimer, D.   20631940-07-15
United States, South Dakota, 12 mi SEE of Wall, Badlands, 43.827187 -102.171849

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
01722628James L. Reveal; Caroline G. Reveal   25121971-07-14
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, 0.4 mi W of South Dakota Hwy 40A; about 2.5 mi S of Interior., 43.7144 -101.9471, 701 - 713m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01722644W. H. Over   61821913-07-23
United States, South Dakota, Stanley, Cedar Pass.

Image Associated With the Occurence
01722651James L. Reveal; Caroline G. Reveal   25121971-07-14
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, 0.4 mi W of South Dakota Hwy 40A; about 2.5 mi S of Interior., 43.7144 -101.9471, 701 - 713m

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
230957Steve Stephens   514901971-08-22
United States, South Dakota, Mellette, Wood, 9.5 mi W, 43.49679 -100.66706

Image Associated With the Occurence
230955Steve Stephens; Ralph E Brooks   393111970-06-08
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Scenic, 29 mi E, 43.77824 -101.97311

Image Associated With the Occurence
230960James H Locklear   1201987-08-27
United States, South Dakota, Mellette, Jct Hwys 83 & 44, 4 mi E, 43.522878 -100.653826

Image Associated With the Occurence
334785James L Reveal; Caroline G Reveal   25121971-07-14
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, Interior, ca 2.5 mi S, 43.82013 -101.69204, 701m

Image Associated With the Occurence
230962Steve Stephens   495221971-07-17
United States, South Dakota, Meade, Faith, 6.5 mi S, 44.92901 -102.03894

Image Associated With the Occurence
230952Steve Stephens   494971971-07-16
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Scenic, 29 mi E, 43.77824 -101.97311

Image Associated With the Occurence
230959James H Locklear   1201987-08-27
United States, South Dakota, Mellette, Jct Hwys 83 & 44, 4 mi E, 43.522878 -100.653826

Image Associated With the Occurence
230961Steve Stephens   495191971-07-17
United States, South Dakota, Meade, Faith, 24.5 mi S, 44.66835 -102.03894

Image Associated With the Occurence
230963Steve Stephens   495291971-07-17
United States, South Dakota, Perkins, Meadow, 17.5 mi N, 2 mi E, 45.52976 -102.21659

Image Associated With the Occurence
230956Steve Stephens   493111971-07-13
United States, South Dakota, Mellette, Wood, 9.5 mi W, 43.49679 -100.66706

Image Associated With the Occurence
230954David J Ode   84-1481984-08-19
United States, South Dakota, Ziebach, Thunder Buttte Rd, 1 mi S of Hwy 20, 45.3785 -101.8133

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