Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Poa palustris (Poa eyerdamii, Poa crocata, Poa triflora, Poa serotina, Poa janczewskii, Poa rotundata, Poa strictula, Poa glauca var. crocata, Poa palustris var. strictula, Poa adspersa, Poa effusa)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 6, records 501-600 of 8947

Butler University, Friesner Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0002457J.E. Potzger   84891940-07-03
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Jct. of Rds. 51 and M

Image Associated With the Occurence
Poa triflora Gilib.
BUT0002433C.H. Knowlton   1932-07-31
United States, Maine, Washington, Machiasport

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0002409J.E. Potzger   1931-07-05
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Douglas Lake area

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0002401J.O. Moyee   4431931-06-27
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Norway Pine Forest

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0002395H.F. Williams   1930-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Sawyer

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0002400J.E. Potzger   76661937-08-08
United States, Vermont, top of Mt. Stratton

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0002394J.E. Potzger   82211939-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, on Dunn farm along U.S. 10, near Coon Creek, 6 miles east of Anoka

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0002393J.E. Potzger   93321942-08-30
United States, Michigan, Muskegon, Muskegan River

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0002392J.E. Potzger   99861945-08-22
United States, Michigan, Saginaw, Frost Rd. Tank's huckleberry marsh, 7 miles w. of Saginaw

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0032765Ray C. Friesner   90831941-07-13
United States, Indiana, LaGrange, Meadow adjacent to tamarack bog 1 mile south of Mongo

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

LeRoy Gross   35092008-07-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestRiver Road, west of Highway 38, where the road crosses the Santa Ana River at the South Fork Campground. Pass the cabins.; Moonridge 7.5 Quad.Started collecting near 34.17454N, 116.83909W. Ended at the bridge. near 34.17724N, 116.84437W., 34.17454 -116.83909, 1829 - 1856m

RSA0020820Naomi Fraga   40562012-08-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestNorth Fork Creek off of Mill Creek Road (2N10).; Big Bear Lake 7.5' quadrangle, 34.22327 -116.95625, 2287 - 2317m

J. P. Smith   72771973-08-09
United States, California, Modoc, Blue Lake, Modoc National Forest., 41.14472222 -120.2911111, 1829 - 1890m

Orlando Mistretta   39632009-07-08
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River Canyon. At junction of Jenks Lake Road and South Fork Trail, 34.16021 -116.87138, 2112m

A. C. Sanders   152991994-08-14
United States, California, San Bernardino, Meadow on upper Metcalf Creek, S of Big Bear Lake, 1.8 mi. above Tulip Lane on Mill Creek Road.; Big Bear Lake 7.5, 34.225 -116.9333333, 2245m

J. T. Howell   362771960-08-20
United States, California, Plumas, Drakesbad, 40.44511 -121.40238, 1677 - 1829m

LeRoy Gross   53512010-08-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestWest Fork of Barton Creek, above (south) of Jenks Lake Road, near 34.16091N, 116.89109W to a little beyond the San Gorgonio Wilderness Boundary near 34.15425N, 116.89157W.; Big Bear Lake 7.5 quad., 34.16091 -116.89109, 2077 - 2181m

A. C. Sanders   152431994-08-07
United States, California, San Diego, De Luz Canyon: Along De Luz-Murrieta Road and De Luz Creek., 33.45 -117.2916667, 150m

H. S. Yates   60791936-08-12
United States, California, Lassen, McKenzie Meadows; Susanville, 40.3416 -120.9105, 1524m

J. T. Howell   368521961-09-23
United States, California, Plumas, Indian Valley; Sierra Nevada, 40.108424 -120.883347, 1082m

Justin M. Wood   1972008-10-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cienega Seca Creek; Moonridge, Onyx Peak, 34.171067 -116.763703, 2210 - 2348m

Orlando Mistretta   40772009-08-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River Canyon. Barton Creek, At junction of Barton Creek and the Santa Ana River Trail., 34.18428 -116.91761, 1773m

Orlando Mistretta   53312010-06-17
United States, California, Los Angeles, Upper Big Tujunga canyon; Alder Creek; 0.4 miles upstream (NW) of creek crossing at Upper Big Tujunga Canyon Road., 34.3125 -118.0686111, 1025m

LeRoy Gross   52022010-08-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestFrom the "Aspen Grove" in Fish Creek near 34.14462N, 116.78902W, traveled down canyon to the mouth of a north flowing creek coming from the Wilderness, north of Grinnell Mountain, near 34.14994N, 116.80429W.; Moonridge 7.5 Quad.Climbed this tributary to the first fork, the east branch, near 34.14408N, 116.80386W., 34.14994 -116.80429, 2181 - 2270m

RSA0081363Jim M. André   318972012-07-18
United States, California, Mono, USFSEastern Sierra Nevada; along June Lake Loop at south end of Grant Lake.; June Lake 7.5', 37.8162833 -119.1162, 2199m

RSA0116255Lowell A. Ahart   196092014-07-10
United States, California, Butte, About 100 yards southwest of Memorial Spring and the Skyway, about a mile southwest of the intersection of Hymbug Road and Philbrook Road, about 2 1/2 miles (air) northwest of Philbrook Reservoir., 40.0162778 -121.53375, 1561m

Orlando Mistretta   33142008-06-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River Drainage in the vicinity of Jenks lake; Big Bear Lake, 34.16683 -116.88676, 2073m

C. A. Graham   2441937-08-27
United States, California, Mono, Bridgeport; Bridgeport, 38.255965 -119.227705, 1982m

Naomi Fraga   31102009-07-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River near San Ana River Road, east of Rattlesnake Creek.; Moonridge 7.5' quad, 34.18215 -116.85101, 1860 - 1890m

RSA0036250James Henrickson   200581985-05-31
United States, California, San Bernardino, ca. 20 air miles W of San Bernardino, 3 miles NW of Angeles Oaks.near junction of Deer Creek and Santa Ana river near Filaree Flat.

Scott D. White   115492006-06-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, Private, proposed for development.Big Bear Lake area, south side of lake, ca. 200 acres vacant land between Sawmill Canyon and developed areas. Site is west of Sugarloaf neighborhood and north of Villa Grove neighborhood.; Moonridge, 34.2416667 -116.85, 2149 - 2226m

Orlando Mistretta   38762009-06-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, Santa Ana river Canyon, E of Camp Radford, along Forest Road 2N04 about 0.075 miles E of Jct. with Forest Road 2N06., 1722m

LeRoy Gross   41412009-07-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestA short distance up the mouth of Fish Creek, from the Santa Ana River.; Moonridge 7.5 quad.Surveyed between 34.16485N, 116.81534 to 34.16141N, 116.81199W., 34.16141 -116.81199, 2009m

Beecher Crampton   37271956-07-17
United States, California, Placer, railroad embarkment under Alnus, 3/4 mile west Blue Canyon, 1433m

J. T. Howell   307351955-07-19
United States, California, Plumas, Portola; Sierra Nevada, 39.80845 -120.469433, 1479m

Christopher Davidson   45051976-08-14
United States, California, San Bernardino, Fish Cr, on Forest Service Rd 1N05, S of Heart Bar St. Park., 34.14772 -116.7958, 1981m

Beecher Crampton   44201957-07-24
United States, California, Sierra, Peat meadow, Van Vleck Ranch, Sierra valley, 4 miles northeast Sattley

Orlando Mistretta   39362009-06-25
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River Canyon. Staircase Canyon, Flats E of drainage, about 0.3 N of Forest Rd 1N04., 34.18855 -116.8774, 1887m

Scott D. White   75941999-07-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, Snow Valley Ski Area: South side of Hwy 18, about midway between Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear Lake.; Keller Peak 7.5, 34.2166667 -117.0383333, 2100 - 2200m

E. K. Balls   158431950-09-15
United States, California, Plumas, S tip Lake Almanor, near P G E dam, Hwy 89., 40.173311 -121.084311, 1372m

L. Ahart   123712005-09-19
United States, California, Plumas, on the east side of Taylor Lake, about 6 miles (air) southwest of Antelope Lake., 40.1537222 -120.7167222, 2077m

RSA0033727Duncan S. Bell   53262013-07-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National Forest; on ridge between Big Bear Lake and the Santa Ana River, just up canyon from Bellyache Springs about a half mile west of Clarks Summit.; Big Bear Lake, 34.20731 -116.9528, 2394m

J. T. Howell   362771960-08-20
United States, California, Plumas, Drakesbad, 40.4451 -121.4024, 1677 - 1829m

E. C. Twisselmann   180001971-07-15
United States, California, Tulare, Kern Plateau; along the small stringer below the spring near the cabin. probably seeded by William Joughin about 10 years from a bag of mixed seed., 2439m

L. Ahart   158152009-06-03
United States, California, Butte, About 100 yards west of the table at the old homestead and southwest of Ten Mile House Road, Upper Bidwell Park, about 3/4 air mile southwest of intersection of Highway 32 and Ten Mile House Road, about 10 miles northeast of Chico., 39.80175 -121.7278333, 240m

Campbell University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAU00000073S.L. Hatch   22961976-08-28
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, 15 mi W of Ruidosa at base of Sierra Blanca Mountains, 33.523414 -105.989948

Canadian Museum of Nature

CAN 592121MacKenzie, Will ; Marr, Kendrick L. ; Hebda, Richard J.   04-12132004-08-08
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cassiar Land Distr., Stikine River; beside river; S side, 58.125 -130.478, 600m

CAN 537145L\'Arrivée, Louis ; Brown, B.   87-431987-07-21
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lanark Co. (ON), Black Creek Wetland Con. 2, lots 23-26 and Con. 3, lots 25 and 26, Drummond Township., 44.9875 -76.125

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CAN 591590Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Percy, Diana M.   10472007-07-18
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cariboo Land Distr., Along Finmore Road, west of Prince George, S of Stuart River Provincial Park, along small road S of road to Cobb Lake and N of Beverly Lake Forest Service Road., 53.948 -123.574, 769m

CAN 365356Grandtner, Miroslav M.   G10581972-08-09
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de la Côte-de-Gaspé, Forillon National Park. Parc national de Forillon Au pied de la Chute., 48.8417 -64.2667, 38m

CAN 437584Baldwin, William K.W. ; MacPherson, J.   105861966-07-31
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Glaslyn Road to Turtle Lake, 53.6 -108.383

CAN 591049Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   184532004-07-06
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cariboo Land Distr., 30 miles SE of Pink Mountain on Hwy 97 towards Prince George., 56.831 -121.98, 875m

CAN 437656Baldwin, William K.W.   112231967-07-11
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Meadow Lake Rusty Lake. Meadow Lake Provincial Park, 54.4167 -108.75

CAN 502181Ley, Linda M.   16971984-06-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Ottawa Approx. 5 miles south of east side of Albion Road Albion Road woodlands Gloucester Township., 45.3 -75.6167

CAN 443543Darbyshire, Stephen J.   9771979-07-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Ottawa Rockcliffe Park, 45.4506 -75.6764

CAN 490587AGreen, I.J.   1974-07-16
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Crooked Feeder Brook 10 miles east Deer Lake on T.C.H. Humber East District., 49.2 -57.25

CAN 534693Shchepanek, Michael J.   81951988-06-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Rainy River Distr. (ON), Sandpoint Island East end of (Rainy Lake) Watten Township. Site # 18., 48.6333 -93.0667

CAN 597051Soreng, Dr. Robert J. ; Soreng, Nancy L.   63312000-08-17
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Continental Divide between Yukon and McKenzie river drainages, just W of Rancheria. KP 1162.8 Alaska Hwy., 60.073 -130.942, 994m

CAN 451116Cecile, Charles P. ; Mohr, P. ; Chamberlain, D.   1741980-07-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Durham Reg. Mun., Oshawa Second Marsh Study Area in Oshawa

CAN 10016715Raup, Hugh M. ; Soper, Dr. James H.   96761939-08-02
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Brintnell Lake [Glacier Lake, Nahanni National Park Reserve], NE of Brintnell Lake Camp., 62.0833 -127.55, 1066m

CAN 592153Marr, Kendrick L.   KM58852003-08-17
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., Fort Nelson; Clarke Lake; E of highway 97 on Clarke Lake Road; 5 km NE of Clarke Lake, 58.7208 -122.376, 413m

CAN 526535Shchepanek, Michael J.   71391985-07-18
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), York Co. (NB), St. Croix River Just south of St. Croix McAdam Parish Loc. # 20., 45.5667 -67.4167

CAN 527453Camfield, M.   24581987-06-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), South Gloucester Gloucester Township north of Regional Road 8, west of Hawthorne Road., 45.3 -75.55

CAN 407561Winterhalder, Keith W. ; Thompson, D.   13131976-08-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Manitoulin Distr. (ON), Courtney Island Northern peninsula of Courtney Island North Channel Lake Huron., 46.0167 -82.2833

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 584353Charest, René ; Labrecque, Jacques ; Brouillet, Luc   30771997-08-17
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Terra Nova Distr., (Terra Nova National Park). Bonavista North Dist. Maladie Head, scree slope., 48.6319 -53.9275

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10112440Macoun, John ; Herriot, William H.   771911906-07-09
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Cherryfield

CAN 597108Soreng, Dr. Robert J. ; Olonova, Marina V.   74592004-08-14
United States, West Virginia (State), Tucker Co., Canaan Valley State Park, trail and boardwalk, just west of camping area and north of main access road, 39.016 -79.462, 990m

CAN 323514Koski, W.R.   1969-06-28
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Sudbury Distr. (ON), Fairbank Lake Near Fairbank\'s Lake west of Sudbury, 46.4833 -81.5167

CAN 445944Sylvain, G. ; Champagne, J.   2011979-08-15
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de Lajemmerais, Ile Aux Prunes Archipel de Vercheres Ile de fleuve Saint-Laurent, 45.8 -73.35

CAN 535192Darbyshire, Stephen J.   38901988-07-11
United States, Colorado (State), Larimer Co., Chambers Lake South end of Roosevelt National Forest., 40.6 -105.85, 2800m

CAN 10147776Shea, Garry A.   118361976-08-31
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Sankey Township About 12 miles north of Mattice along the Missinaibi River, 49.75 -83.2667, 229m

CAN 10016719Soper, Dr. James H.   9839A1939-08-21
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Vicinity of Fort Simpson., 62.85 -121.383

CAN 439404Forsythe, J.A.   1861978-06-15
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Madawaska Co. (NB), Boucher Ca. 2 km. NW of Boucher along the N.E. side of the Madawaska River Wet sloping field and ditch to the E. of roadway towards St. Jacques, 47.4 -68.3333

CAN 10194481Soreng, Dr. Robert J. ; Soreng, Nancy L.   6320a2000-08-16
United States, Alaska (State), NNW of Haines ca. 10 km E side Chilkoot Rv. mouth, head of Lutak Inlet, 59.324 -135.556, 1m

CAN 495353Johnson, J.W.   61985-08-03
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Bruce Co. (ON), Oliphant Lake Huron shoreline of Bruce Peninsula, 44.7333 -81.2667

CAN 236997Bailey, Colonel J.A.   5691955-06-01
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Mount McKay Fort William., 48.35 -89.2833, 340m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10112498Aiken, Dr. Susan G.   87-0741987-07-08
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Ellerslie Research Station Experimental Field Laboratory., 53.4333 -113.5

CAN 530345Shchepanek, Michael J.   18651976-07-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leitrim 1 mile SE of, near creek Gloucester Township., 45.3167 -75.5667

CAN 540870Haber, Dr. Erich ; Bristow, Valerie N.   38321988-08-19
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Northumberland Co. (NB), Big Bald Mountain, 47.1958 -66.4222

CAN 520918Shchepanek, Michael J.   56591984-08-09
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Charlotte Co. (NB), Milltown 4 km SW of. Mohannas Stream where it crosses road to Upper Mills St. Stephen Township. Loc. No. 1, 45.1667 -67.3333

CAN 437652Baldwin, William K.W.   112111967-07-11
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Meadow Lake Greig Lake west of Kimball Lake. Meadow Lake Provincial Park, 54.4 -108.717

CAN 10112471Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   184302004-07-05
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Jasper National Park, 9 miles northwest of Bubbling Springs on Hwy 93 along Sunwapta River., 52.583 -117.738, 1260m

CAN 592155Marr, Kendrick L.   KM58742003-08-17
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., Fort Nelson; Snake River; Clarke Lake; E of highway 97 on Clarke Lake Road, beside Snake River; 12 km NE of Clarke Lake, 58.7694 -122.232

CAN 602557Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   208772007-08-12
United States, New Hampshire (State), Coos Co. (NH), Coos Co.: White Mountain National Forest, 2.2 mi up Cherrry Mt. Road, N of Hwy 302., 44.283 -71.261, 928m

CAN 10147738Riley, John L.   54631976-08-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Longridge Point Area James Bay (Loc. No. 197A)., 51.8 -80.7

CAN 10016717Raup, Hugh M. ; Soper, Dr. James H.   98961939-08-24
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Vicinity of Fort Simpson, west of Mackenzie River., 62.85 -121.383

CAN 520979Shchepanek, Michael J.   57191984-08-10
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Charlotte Co. (NB), Saint James Parish Near outlet of Canoose Stream from south end of Canoose Flowage. 4 km N.E. of Hwy 745. Loc. No. 2., 45.4 -67.35

CAN 591022Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   186672004-07-20
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cassiar Land Distr., 18 miles north of Dease Lake (Brady Creek) on Hwy 37 towards Watson Lake., 58.833 -130.069, 759m

CAN 534480Shchepanek, Michael J.   79851988-06-18
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Rainy River Distr. (ON), Big Traverse Bay (Lake of the Woods). Point of land 3 km west of Hwy 600. Site 6., 48.95 -94.5833

CAN 526490Shchepanek, Michael J.   70941985-07-17
United States, Maine (State), Washington Co. (ME), St. Croix River Grand Falls dam site Baileyville Township Loc. # 22., 45.2667 -67.4833

CAN 435670Darbyshire, Stephen J.   3981978-07-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Northumberland Co. (ON), Presqu\'Ile Point Southeast end of peninsula. Presqu\'Ile Provincial Park, 44 -77.6833

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10112394Saarela, Jeffery M.   9872007-07-14
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Rural Municipality of Pembina, ~10 km NW of Manitou, shale pit adjacent to Mary Jane Creek running SW from Mary Jane Reservoir towards La Riviere, at railroad track crossing., 49.281 -98.635, 456m

CAN 541006Haber, Dr. Erich ; Bristow, Valerie N. ; Tribe, F.   39621988-08-21
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Victoria Co. (NB), North Tilley 2 km NW of St. John River on east bank, south side of mouth of Little River., 46.8467 -67.6917

CAN 540254Haber, Dr. Erich ; Hinds, Harold R. ; Bristow, Valerie N.   32251988-08-09
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Restigouche Co. (NB), Sagamook Trail Lower north-facing slope., 47.435 -66.8706, 351m

CAN 500919Dugal, Albert W.   625B1980-07-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), South Gloucester Gloucester Township east of Highway 31, east side of Hawthorne Road. N of Dawson\'s woods., 45.3 -75.55

CAN 540620Haber, Dr. Erich ; Bristow, Valerie N.   35831988-08-15
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Restigouche Co. (NB), Thirty Mile Brook 22.5 km east of Hwy 17 in St. Quentin south side Hwy 180, drowned black spruce swamp., 47.5208 -67.1125

CAN 520999Shchepanek, Michael J.   57391984-08-10
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Charlotte Co. (NB), Saint James Parish Near outlet of Canoose Stream from south end of Canoose Flowage. 4 km N.E. of Hwy 745. Loc. No. 2., 45.4 -67.35

CAN 457465Dickson, H. Loney ; Darbyshire, Stephen J.   30501979-08-31
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Ottawa Just west of Conroy Road east of Albion Road South and south of east end of CN Rail yards. South of Walkley Road, 45.3667 -75.6333

CAN 521060Shchepanek, Michael J.   57991984-08-11
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Charlotte Co. (NB), Cranberry Lake NE end of, at Hwy 3, 2 km north of Moores Mills Saint James Parish. Loc. No. 4., 45.2833 -67.2833

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 584582Charest, René ; Brouillet, Luc ; Bouchard, André ; Hay, Stuart G.   96-20191996-07-29
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Terra Nova Distr., (Terra Nova National Park). Bonavista South Dist. Big Brook, E of TCH., 48.5333 -53.9667

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