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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Euphorbia geyeri (Chamaesyce geyeri), Euphorbia geyeri var. wheeleriana (Chamaesyce geyeri var. wheeleriana), Euphorbia geyeri var. geyeri (Chamaesyce geyeri var. geyeri), Euphorbia geyeri geyeri
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 3, records 201-300 of 764

Milwaukee Public Museum

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
B50824Charles Goessl   85511917-08-17
United States, Wisconsin, Washburn

Minot State University

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & A. Gray) Small
104-18Alexey Shipunov   2013-07-15
United States, North Dakota, McHenry, George Lake area: sandy hills around abandoned farmstead, 48.136763 -100.3717476

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & A. Gray) Small
109-39Alexey Shipunov, Jared Schumaier   2013-08-20
United States, North Dakota, McHenry, George Lake area, 48.1123152 -100.3993102

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & A. Gray) Small
112-4Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Botany class   2013-09-05
United States, North Dakota, McHenry, Denbigh experimental forest, natural forty and road between it and plot 6, 48.29183333 -100.6386667

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & A. Gray) Small
114-23Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Botany class   2013-09-19
United States, North Dakota, Bottineau, The edge of prairie reserve and Mouse river valley, 48.719333 -100.830167

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & A. Gray) Small
168-17Alexey Shipunov and Systrematic Botany class   2015-09-03
United States, North Dakota, Pierce, Roadside prairie and solonets, lake shore, 48.20265368 -99.99856293

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & A. Gray) Small
169-24Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Botany class   2015-09-10
United States, North Dakota, Bottineau, Roadside wetlands and prairie, 48.94545183 -101.3004203

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & A. Gray) Small
175-18Alexey Shipunov and Systematic Botany class   2015-10-22
United States, North Dakota, McHenry, Sides of railway and adjanced ponds, 48.09696651 -100.6427561

Missouri Botanical Garden

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm.) Small
1631068Heinrich K.D. Eggert   260281879-08-02
United States, Illinois, Saint Clair, Cahokia, IL.

1631262Ernest J. Palmer   188941920-09-02
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Waste and open ground, Kansas City.

1630992David B. Dunn   48551948-09-09
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, 7 miles west of the atom bomb crater on the road to Carthage.

1631032Ernest J. Palmer   188951920-09-03
United States, Missouri, Atchison, Open ground, near Watson.

1631008Samuel M. Tracy   78601902-06-04
United States, Texas, Parker, Weatherford, TX.

1631112Larry J. Harms   31031965-07-30
United States, South Dakota, Gregory, S side Ft. Randall Reservoir on access road.

3569327Julian A. Steyermark   688761949-08-17
United States, Missouri, Clark, Slopes of old river terrace or beach paralleling Des Moines River; 1 1/2 mi. SE of St. Francisville natural sandy prairie

3556656George Yatskievych   92-3221992-09-09
United States, Missouri, Scott, Sandy woods on S side of County Road, 2 1/4 mi W of State Highway 77, ca. 2 airmi E of Blodgett open forest of Quercus and Carya, with sand prairie remnants scattered in full sun, 37.00111 -89.49333, 99m

1488220Alan E. Brant   45192000-09-05
United States, Missouri, Scott, T27N, R14E, NW, SW, Sec. 5. Morley Quadrangle. Unnamed cemetery ca. 0.2 miles east of the intersection of County Rd. 425 & 427, 0.5 miles north of State Hwy. U. Dry sand savanna., 37.0166667 -89.5666667, 100m

3545445Julian A. Steyermark   688761949-08-13
United States, Missouri, Clark, 1 1/2 mi SE of St. Francisville natural sandy prairie on slopes of old river terrace or beach paralleling Des Moines River, 40.44527 -91.55805

1631137Ernest J. Palmer   288301925-09-15
United States, Wisconsin, Kewaunee, Sand dunes along Lake Michigan, near Kewaunee.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm.) Small
1631077William A. Kellerman   260271886-07-05
United States, Kansas, Riley, Manhattan, KS., 39.1836082 -96.5716694

1848342Charles A. Geyer   s.n.1842-00-00
United States, Illinois, Beardstown, Ill., 40.017 -90.424

1488158Alan E. Brant   44862000-08-30
United States, Missouri, Scott, T28N, R14E, Central E2, Sec. 34. Morley and Thebes SW Quadrangles. Old fields, pond and sand hills just east of County Rd. 505., 37.0333333 -89.5, 100m

3559022Janeen R. Laatsch   s.n.2001-09-07
United States, Missouri, Scott, Sand Ridge, 4 mi N of Blodgett open sand, 37.06111 -89.51305

1631126James F. Dupre   2641975-07-29
United States, Idaho, Bannock, Cherry Springs, Caribou National Forest.

100861861George Yatskievych   15-1192015-08-28
United States, Missouri, Scott, Hudson property, on N side of County Road 504, W of junction with County Road 505, ca. 3.5 air miles SE of Benton., 37.0538333 -89.5151389, 104m

3384435Bill Summers   98502001-09-07
United States, Missouri, Scott, Sand Ridge Prairie, Hutson property, ca. 4 mi. SE of Benton.

1631100Frank C. Gates   153501928-07-28
United States, Michigan, Emmet, Weeds in the millyard at Pellston.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm.) Small
145493Porter P. Lowry II   34401984-08-05
United States, Kansas, Wallace, roadside at Smokey Hill River, 2.8 mi E of Sharon Springs on U.S. 40.

101039886Megan Engelhardt   5602017-10-05
United States, Missouri, Scott, Racetrack site 3.7 air mi southeast of Benton. Provenance: Wild. Location Details: Located in open sand between racetrack and pond., 37.0623608 -89.5084385

101257192Alan E. Brant   94322020-07-24
United States, Missouri, New Madrid, Sikeston Ridge Botanical Inventory of sand prairies, Missouri Dept. of Conservation Big Prairie lease, north end. Just south of Sikeston, Missouri between I-55 and State Hwy. AA., 36.852398 -89.532072, 93m

102941133George Yatskievych   15-1192015-08-28
United States, Missouri, Scott, Hudson property, on N side of County Road 504, W of junction with County Road 505, ca. 3.5 air miles SE of Benton., 37.0538333 -89.5151389, 104m

Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks Herbarium


Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0054729Higgins, Larry C.   170231986-09-20
United States, Texas, Potter, Canadian river bottom at the Southwest end of Lake Meridith.

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Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
UT0054728Weber, W A   90-3871997-08-31
United States, Colorado, Logan, Vicinity of Sterling

New Mexico State University Herbarium

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
49855R.W. Spellenberg and R. Repass   52471979-08-02
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, about 40 miles E of Roswell, about 7 mi. N of U.S. Highway 380, Mather Natural Area

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
54296L. McIntosh   15881984-07-25
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, near Boundary Monument 4 (within 100 ft.), 1253m

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
58328R.W. Spellenberg and M. Mahrt   107541990-09-22
United States, New Mexico, Otero, White Sands Missile Range, 16 km NNW of Orogrande, 1 km NW of N end of Jarilla Mts, 1 km. S of Amrad Site, 1250m

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
56225R.W. Spellenberg   92031987-07-23
United States, New Mexico, Otero, ca. 10 air mi. NW of Orogrande, ca. 2 mi. due W of the Jarilla Mts.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
60792R.D. Worthington   146961986-08-23
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Potrillo Mts, West Potrillo Mts, Guzman's Lookout Mtn., 1400m

Chamaesyce geyeri var. wheeleriana (Warnock & M.C. Johnst.) Mayfield
60776R.D. Worthington   147511986-08-24
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, along I-25 at roadside rest area on N bank terrace of Rio Salado (about 19 rd. mi. N of Socorro), 1524m

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
71277J. Henrickson   57131971-08-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, 19 mi W of Hwy 45 along Chihuahua Hwy 10 towards Nuevo Casas Grandes, ca 25 mi SW of Cd. Juarez, 31.62 -106.78, 1280m

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
50588A.S. Hitchcock   4661895-08-03
United States, Kansas, Hamilton

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
77912H. Hapeman   sn1900-08-08
United States, Nebraska, Kearney, Minden.

New Mexico State University Range Science

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelmann) Small
29017Rob Strahan   12272007-07-18
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; Highway pasture. Along edge of large trench along hwy 206. Shin-oak sand dunes. N33 40.584 W103 20.501, 1283m

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelmann) Small
29018Rob Strahan   12362007-07-18
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; West side of Bernie pasture. Shin-oak, Aristida sp, Little bluestem mix community. Sandy soil. Eragrostis secundiflora present. N33 45.229 W103 22.368, 1313m

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelmann) Small
29019Rob Strahan   6042006-09-09
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; Jodi pasture ca 1.5 miles north east of Kyles house. Shin-oak dominated sandy plain. Dalea purpurea, Paspalum setaceum, Sporobolus cryptandrus, Heterotheca villosa, Schizachyrium scoparium associated. N33 41.920 W103 23.852

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelm. & A.Gray
263117C. A. Geyer   s.n.1842-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cass Co., 40.017548 -90.424292

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelm. & A.Gray
263118C. A. Geyer   s.n.1842-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Cass Co., 40.017548 -90.424292

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4002907L. C. Higgins   170231986-09-20
United States of America, Texas, Potter Co., Canadian River bottom at the southwest end of Lake Meridith, 35.578511 -101.726753

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4002914A. S. Hitchcock   4661895-08-03
United States of America, Kansas, Hamilton Co., 37.999153 -101.791256

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4002918B. H. Warnock   551948-09-15
United States of America, Texas, Ward Co., along highway 3 miles east of Monahans, 31.594289 -102.841534, 792m

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4002919D. H. Wilken   139121982-09-29
United States of America, Colorado, Washington Co., Along County Road 65, 2.8 miles W of State Highway, N of Akron, 40.378296 -103.270338, 1402m

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4002928B. F. Bush   5271894-09-25
United States of America, Oklahoma, Creek Co., Indian Territory, 36.002588 -96.123489

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4002930E. Palmer   3031868-00-00
United States of America, Oklahoma, in the Indian Territory, chiefly on the False Washita, between Fort Cobb and Fort Arbuckle, 34.981232 -97.812368

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4002933S. M. Tracy   78601902-06-04
United States of America, Texas, Parker Co., 32.759296 -97.797254

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4002934T. Drummond   319
United States of America, Texas

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4002935G. L. Webster   30911950-06-28
United States of America, Texas, Kenedy Co., about 25 miles south of Sarita, 26.858619 -97.789162

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4002938W. J. Dress   100741969-09-04
United States of America, Nebraska, Deuel Co., Between fields on N side of Route 30, 4.3 miles W of Chappell, 41.118794 -102.54338

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4002948R. C. Barneby   128931956-09-03
United States of America, New Mexico, Socorro Co., valley dunes, 22 mi E of San Antonio, 33.917246 -106.481213, 1554m

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4002908R. D. Worthington   147511986-08-24
United States of America, New Mexico, Socorro Co., Along I-25 at roadside rest area on N bank terrace of Rio Salado (about 19 rd mi N of Socorro), 34.304191732266 -106.8901262698, 1524m

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4002909P. A. Rydberg   15041893-07-06
United States of America, Nebraska, Thomas Co., Near Plummer Ford, Dismal River

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4002917E. W. Olive   107681893-07-00
United States of America, Oklahoma, Logan Co., 35.919342 -97.443322

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4002922P. A. Rydberg   17531893-09-09
United States of America, Nebraska, Thomas Co., On Middle Loup River, near Thedford

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4002931F. E. Clements   27841893-07-26
United States of America, Nebraska, Holt Co., Paddock

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4002946H. D. D. Ripley   24231939-10-10
United States of America, New Mexico, Valencia Co., west of Los Lunes, 34.914483 -107.041252, 1524m

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4020962G. L. Webster   212591976-09-14
Mexico, Chihuahua, c 7 mi S of Samalayuca, 31.25 -106.5, 1295m

4002921T. J. Hale   s.n.1860-00-00
United States of America, In Minnesota vel Wisconsin

4002936J. W. Richardson   24331966-08-21
United States of America, Nebraska, Wheeler Co., 2½ mi. s. Wheeler Co. line on 281

4020963J. S. Henrickson   57131971-08-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, 19 miles W of Hwy 45 along Chihuahua Hwy 10 towards Nuevo Casas Grandes, ca 25 miles SW of Cd. Juarez; on sandy rise in Chihuahuan Desert, 31.62 -106.78, 1280m

4002942G. Vasey   s.n.
United States of America, Illinois, Lee Co., 41.838921 -89.479548

North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

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United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Bunker Prairie Sand Dunes, 45.211344895928136 -93.28063070885403

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United States, Minnesota, Anoka, west side of Moore Lake, 45.077539121 -93.25070150671549

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United States, Colorado, Phillips, 40.594712 -102.345105

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United States, Texas, Kenedy, 26.890213 -97.591143

Northern Illinois University Herbarium

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DEK00103665Paul D. Sørensen   73411973-09-00
United States, Illinois, Lee, Lee County, Illinois. Along roadside adjacent to Lee Co. Conservation Area, 0.5 mi w of Illinois 21. Sec. 8, T49N, R9E, 41.650205 -89.487404

Northern Kentucky University, John W. Thieret Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
31973000025190Evers, Robert   1140101974-09-24
United States, Illinois, Scott

Oklahoma State University Herbarium

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OKLA020027605Fahti B. Erteeb   18431986-09-03
United States, Oklahoma, Woodward, From jct of Persimmon Creek x OK Hwy 183-3-270, 1.3 mi N, W side of road, 36.2831 -99.1839

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OKLA020027603Umalde T. Waterfall   78391948-06-10
United States, Oklahoma, Grant, 20 mi W of Medford, 36.806974 -98.095225

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OKLA020027604Umalde T. Waterfall   73681947-07-07
United States, Oklahoma, Grant, 20 mi W of Medford, 36.806974 -98.095225

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OKLA020027602Barbara Shirley   s.n.1959-07-01
United States, Oklahoma, Happy Hollow

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OKLA020028215Chester M. Rowell   103621964-07-04
United States, Texas, Lipscomb, 23.7 miles north of Canadian

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OKLA020028216Grady L. Webster   46261952-08-02
United States, Texas, Ward, 5 mi. E & 4 mi. S of Monahans

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OKLA020028214Fred Corbin   121952-09-12
United States, Texas, Houston, 5 miles south of Grapeland

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OKLA74433Sierra Hubbard   4922022-05-29
United States, Texas, Stonewall, FM 1646, 1.1 mi N of Hwy 380, 33.225278 -100.319722, 573m

Oregon State University

J. E. Kirkwood; J.E. Kirkwood   12061921-08-03
United States, Montana, Missoula, Northern Rocky Mountains; Marshall Gulch., 1036m

Pennsylvania State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
PAC0089056Alfred Traverse   16191960-08-10
United States, Texas, Matagorda, FM 57, S of Sargent, 1m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
PAC0089055Alfred Traverse   18161960-10-14
United States, Texas, Cameron, Boca Chica, 100 meters E of beach, 5m

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PAC0089219H. M. Patterson   s.n.1876-00-00
United States, Illinois, Henderson, Oquawka

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PAC0089220Vollum   s.n.
United States, Texas, Young, Fort Belknap

Putnam Museum and Science Center

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm.) Small
Guldner, L.F.   1953-09-21
United States, Iowa, Muscatine, Big Sand Mound, 41.331644 -91.084755

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm.) Small
Guldner, L.F.   1952-08-23
United States, Illinois, Carroll, below Thompson, 41.95891 -90.099331

Euphorbia geyeri Engelm. & A.Gray
United States

Euphorbia geyeri Engelm. & A.Gray
S.M.B. (Sister Mary Benita?)   3141950-07-26
United States, Iowa, Cedar, along Cedar River

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
383921Robert D. Dorn   45161986-09-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Goshen, 4 mi E of Torrington., 42.0817 -104.10083, 1280m

383921Robert D. Dorn   45161986-09-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Goshen, 4 mi E of Torrington., 42.08167 -104.10083, 1280m

345047Dieter H. Wilken   139121982-09-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Washington, Along County Road 56, 2.8 mi W of Colo Hwy 63, N of Akron., 1402m

511781Paul L. Ginter   6501942-08-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Weld, 12 mi west of Deerfield., 1433m

511782Paul L. Ginter   8501942-08-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Weld, 12 mi W of Wiggins on Hwy 6., 1433m

B. E. Nelson   297991993-09-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Goshen, Southern Powder River Basin/Southeastern Plains: Southeastern Plains: off Sheep Creek or County Road 43 ca 3.5-4 air mi ENE of Torrington., 42.0817 -104.1008, 1280 - 1296m

Image Associated With the Occurence
596688B. E. Nelson   297991993-09-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Goshen, Southern Powder River Basin/Southeastern Plains: off Sheep Creek or County Road 43; ca 3.5-4 air mi ENE of Torrington., 42.08167 -104.10083, 1280 - 1296m

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