Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Euphorbia geyeri (Chamaesyce geyeri), Euphorbia geyeri var. wheeleriana (Chamaesyce geyeri var. wheeleriana), Euphorbia geyeri var. geyeri (Chamaesyce geyeri var. geyeri), Euphorbia geyeri geyeri
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 6, records 501-600 of 764

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
428281Dunevitz, H.   3141990-07-05
United States, Minnesota, Rice, Rice Co.; bluff on east side of the Straight River in Faribault, on south to west facing knob; T 110N R 20W SE1/4 of NE1 Rice Co.; bluff on east side of the Straight River in Faribault, on south to west facing knob; T 110N R 20W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 30. 110N 20W 30, 44.3051343 -93.2724558

Image Associated With the Occurence
439608Smith, Welby   16265A1989-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Chisago Co. Spring Hill Park in the city of Branch; SE1/4 NW1/4 sec.15, T35N R21W;;035N;21W;15, 45.5210611 -92.9499581

Image Associated With the Occurence
440517Smith, Welby   14974A1988-08-24
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston Co. About 2 mi SE of Rushford; SE1/4 SE1/4 sec.19, T104N R7W;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;104N;07W;19, 43.7900009 -91.7138901

Image Associated With the Occurence
441882Moore, John; Dahl, A.   182461945-09-21
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, 1/2 mi. S, 1 mi. E of Ireland Station below Wabasha.;;N, 44.334882 -92.036722

Image Associated With the Occurence
459313Morley, T.   17601993-07-26
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota County...1.3 mi ESE of Cenex plant at Pine Bend...T27N, R22W, NE1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4 sec.34.;Pine Bend Bluffs Scientific Natural Area;027N;22W;34, 44.7826184 -93.0343217

Image Associated With the Occurence
508612Lee, Michael   MDL6031994-06-24
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Fillmore Co. Rushford Sand Barrens SNA, along Root River 1.5 mi ENE of Peterson; T104N R8W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of sEc 21;Rushford Sand Barrens Scientific Natural Area;104N;08W;21, 43.7961597 -91.8001722

Image Associated With the Occurence
561453Ovington, John   s.n.1959-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Cedar Creek Natural History Area.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.4280632 -93.2039968

Image Associated With the Occurence
568857Moore, John   252801960-09-21
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, W side of Fish Lake.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.4280632 -93.2039968

Image Associated With the Occurence
585694Moore, John   261671962-10-01
United States, Minnesota, Houston, 8 mi. W of Houston;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;N, 43.763187 -91.728923

Image Associated With the Occurence
704576Smith, Welby   16281979-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, T109N, R09W, NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 7. 20 m due E of Co. Rd. 84.;;109N;09W;7, 44.2581065 -91.9389097

709989Wheeler, Gerald   50191979-10-06
United States, Minnesota, Le Sueur, East Minnesota River Wildlife Management Area. Le Sueur Co. Approx. 1 mi SW of Kasota; on a bluff overlooking the Minnesota River. High Lime Prairie. T109N, R26W, Se Le Sueur Co. Approx. 1 mi SW of Kasota; on a bluff overlooking the Minnesota River. High Lime Prairie. T109N, R26W, Sec. 6.. 109N 26W 6, 44.274575 -93.9984742

Image Associated With the Occurence
720213Ottoson, S.; et al.   1691979-08-13
United States, Minnesota, 2 miles southwest of Fertile.;Agassiz Dunes Scientific Natural Area, 47.51564 -96.31032

Image Associated With the Occurence
747008Galatowitsch, S.   7171982-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, SE1/4 and E1/2 NE1/4 of Sec. 7; NW1/4 and W1/2 NE1/4 of Sec. 8.;Kellogg-Weaver Dunes Scientific Natural Area / Kellogg-Weaver Dunes, The Nature Conservancy;109N;09W, 44.2331079 -91.9172451

Image Associated With the Occurence
770232Smith, Welby   83681983-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Kellogg-Weaver Dunes Scientific Natural Area / Kellogg-Weaver Dunes, The Nature Conservancy. Kellogg-Weaver State Scientific and Natural Area. Ca. 4 mi. SE of Kellogg, on the E side of Co. Rd. 84. SE1/4 NE1/4 Se Kellogg-Weaver State Scientific and Natural Area. Ca. 4 mi. SE of Kellogg, on the E side of Co. Rd. 84. SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 6, T109N, R09W.. 109N 09W 6, 44.2726079 -91.9389825

Image Associated With the Occurence
770233Smith, Welby   87061983-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Kellogg-Weaver Dunes State Scientific and Natural Area. Ca. 4 mi. SE of Kellogg, on the E side of Co. Rd. 84.;Kellogg-Weaver Dunes Scientific Natural Area / Kellogg-Weaver Dunes, The Nature Conservancy;109N;09W;6, 44.2726079 -91.9389825

Image Associated With the Occurence
776335Morley, T.   16091985-06-30
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Scott Co. NNW of Jordan near the Minnesota River. T114N, R24W, SE corner of Sec. 12, N of N loop of E Sioux Vista Drive Scott Co. NNW of Jordan near the Minnesota River. T114N, R24W, SE corner of Sec. 12, N of N loop of E Sioux Vista Drive.. 114N 24W 12, 44.6915235 -93.654586

Image Associated With the Occurence
805688Almendinger, J.   001-141987-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Rushford Sand Barrens Scientific Natural Area. Fillmore Co. Rushford Sand Barrens, Rushford. T104N, R8W, SW1/4 SE1/4 of Sec. 21, ca. 3 mi. W of town, SE of Co. Rd. 16 Fillmore Co. Rushford Sand Barrens, Rushford. T104N, R8W, SW1/4 SE1/4 of Sec. 21, ca. 3 mi. W of town, SE of Co. Rd. 16 bridge over Root River.. 104N 08W 21, 43.7961597 -91.8001722

Image Associated With the Occurence
813020Morley, T.   17031990-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Long Lake County Park. Long Lake Regional Park, New Brighton. In W part of sand prairie N of oak woods between Rush Lake and the r.r. T30N, R Long Lake Regional Park, New Brighton. In W part of sand prairie N of oak woods between Rush Lake and the r.r. T30N, R23W, S1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 17.. 030N 23W 17, 45.0862905 -93.1983985

Image Associated With the Occurence
832174Morley, T.   17341992-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota Co.; ridge running N-W ca. 2 mi SE of Hastings, 1/2 mi S of highway 316; T114N, R17W, NW1/4 NE1/4 sec.14.;;114N;17W;14, 44.6804578 -92.8228948

Image Associated With the Occurence
924497Smith, Welby   138111987-08-11
United States, Minnesota, Washington, About 1 mile S of Bayport. NE1/4 SE1/4 of section.;Bayport Wildlife Management Area;29N;20W;15, 44.8738889 -92.7825

Image Associated With the Occurence
923297Smith, Welby   136231987-07-30
United States, Minnesota, Washington, About 2 miles south of St. Paul Park. Terrace of Mississippi River. SW1/4 SW1/4 of section.;;27N;21W;29, 44.7933333 -92.9625

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
962894Whitfeld, T.J.S.; Weiblen, G.D., Yang, Y., Crum, A.H. & Ezedin, Z.   24042019-08-28
United States, Minnesota, Cass, US Army Corps of Engineers Leech Lake Recreation Area (Federal Dam), 47.255563 -94.218975

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
275551Lakela, Olga   3031949-07-17
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Minot; In the college garden west of the dormitory., 48.23251 -101.296273

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
148306Tracy, S.M.   78601902-06-04
United States, Texas, Parker

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
251888White, Paul J.   s.n.1900-06-28
United States, Oklahoma, Woods

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
345810   s.n.1899-08-25
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Carroll co; Bluffs of Mississippi River., 42.068686 -89.934413

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
542218Stoesz, A.D.   s.n.1934-09-18
United States, North Dakota, Ransom, S.E. of Anselm., 46.52858 -97.495648

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
527978[illegible], A.D.   s.n.1934-06-29
United States, North Dakota, Richland, Barney, 46.267182 -97.00064

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
148305Patterson, Harry N.   s.n.
United States, Illinois, Henderson, Near Oquawka., 40.931982 -90.947086

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
148308Clements, Fred   27841898-07-26
United States, Nebraska, Holt

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
571623Cooperrider, Tom S.   41811957-09-20
United States, Iowa, Clinton, Spring Rock twp; SE 1/4 Sec. 13., 41.821953 -90.792187

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
489944Stevens, O.A.   5561941-08-10
United States, North Dakota, Billings, Medora; Little Missouri River., 46.907746 -103.529852

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
396260Hitchcock, A.S.   s.n.1897-08-28
United States, Kansas, Kearny, Kearny Co, 38.000197 -101.319861

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
361678Hayden, Ada   60361937-09-13
United States, Iowa, Allamakee, Sec. 21. About 4 miles south of New Albin., 43.439255 -91.288467

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
468804Shimek, B.   s.n.1921-10-06
United States, Iowa, Louisa, N.E. part of Louisa co, 41.286649 -91.164861

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
396259Wadmond, S.C.   s.n.1937-08-28
United States, Wisconsin, 4 mi. w. of Arena along Milwaukee RR rightofway., 43.165521 -89.992344

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
148546   23141884-07-25
United States, Wisconsin, Pepin, Pepin, 44.441078 -92.14795

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
531675Hale, T.J.   1861
United States, Wisconsin, La Crosse

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia geyeri Engelmann
964231Paul J. White   s.n.1900-06-28
United States, Illinois, Woods

University of Mississippi, Thomas M. Pullen Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
MISS0037286P. K. Lago   12081974-09-09
USA, North Dakota, Clay, 8 mi E, 1 N of Glyndon

University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178681Per Axel Rydberg   15041893-07-06
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, Near Plummer Ford, Dismal River, on sandhills., 41.837654 -100.787334

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178680Per Axel Rydberg   15041893-07-06
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, Near Plummer Ford, Dismal River, on sandhills., 41.837654 -100.787334

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
246876N. P. Tulen   15041893-07-03
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, Near Plummer Ford, Dismal River, in sandhills., 41.837654 -100.787334

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178677John Mallory Bates   s.n.1889-07-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine., 42.872783 -100.550967

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178942John Mallory Bates   s.n.1890-06-00
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine., 42.872783 -100.550967

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178687John Mallory Bates   s.n.1889-08-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine., 42.872783 -100.550967

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
277974Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   57741989-09-16
United States, Nebraska, Arthur, Locally common on exposed soil in sand prairie in valley bottom W of the W windmill at Arapaho Prairie.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178685John Mallory Bates   s.n.
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Long Pine.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178689John Mallory Bates   s.n.1898-08-18
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Long Pine.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178674Fred Eastman   14611917-09-13
United States, Nebraska, Lincoln, North Platte.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178684John Mallory Bates   s.n.1895-08-00
United States, Nebraska, Holt, Euing.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178673John Mallory Bates   s.n.1898-07-18
United States, Nebraska, Holt, Ewing.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178682Per Axel Rydberg   17531893-09-09
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, On Middle Loup River, near Thedford, on sandhills.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178901William L. Tolstead   s.n.1937-09-20
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine Lakes Refuge, growing on bare dune sands., 42.499737 -100.566585

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
273036William L. Tolstead   s.n.1937-09-25
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine Lakes Refuge. Growing on bare dunesands., 42.499737 -100.566585

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
235462William L. Tolstead   s.n.1937-09-25
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine Lakes Refuge. Growing on bare dunesands., 42.499737 -100.566585

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
235468William L. Tolstead   s.n.1937-09-25
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine Lakes Refuge. Growing on bare dunesands., 42.499737 -100.566585

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
273035William L. Tolstead   s.n.1937-09-05
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine Lakes Refuge. Growing on bare dunesands., 42.499737 -100.566585

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
235467William L. Tolstead   s.n.1937-09-05
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine Lakes Refuge. Growing on bare dunesands., 42.499737 -100.566585

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
95491Julien Reverchon   8501877-08-00
United States, Texas, Parker, Weatherford. Lands.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
95463Samuel Mills Tracy   78601902-06-04
United States, Texas, Parker, Weatherford.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
276863Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   44421988-08-18
United States, Nebraska, Keith, Grazed, disturbed hillside in sandhills prairie 8 mi. NNW of Kinsgley Dam, along Hwy 61; with E. glyptosperma.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
276349Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   44881988-08-19
United States, Nebraska, Buffalo, Buffalo County. T8N R14W, SW1/4 s18. Sandy-gravelly flat above S side of main channel of Platte R, ca 11 mi. N of Minden on Hwy 10; common, with Mollugo, Chrysopsis villosa.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
298999Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   149851999-09-01
United States, Nebraska, Platte, Roadbank and adjacent roadsides in Calamovilfa longifolia - Digitaria cognata Sandhills prairie outlier on E side of Monroe-Duncan Road, 7.5 mi. S of Monroe. Soil sandy. Elevation 1540 ft. Occasional on disturbed sand.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
292523Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   109981992-08-28
United States, Nebraska, Chase, Occasional in loose sand of abandoned road through sandsage prairie S of road E of Church Grove Recreation Area, W end of Enders Reservoir, 2.75 mi. W, 1.5 mi. S of Enders.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178688Frederic Edward Clements   27841893-07-26
United States, Nebraska, Holt, Paddock.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
290788Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   107531992-07-17
United States, Nebraska, Perkins, Locally common in disturbed sand, N of old farmstead in sandsage prairie range 4 mi. W, 8.5 mi. S, 2.5 mi. W from Grant.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
284835Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   80381990-09-16
United States, Nebraska, Boone, Uncommon in open sandhill prairie along road ca 10 mi. W, 4 mi. N of Petersburg (1mi. N of Beaver Cr.); with Muhlenbergia pungens, Aristida basiramea, Triplasis, Redfieldia.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178679Per Axel Rydberg   15041893-09-11
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, On Middle Loup River, near Nattick, in sandhills.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
178683Per Axel Rydberg   15041893-09-11
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, On Middle Loup River, near Nattick, on sandhills.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
320698Robert F. Steinauer   41682011-07-28
United States, Nebraska, Antelope, N41.91779░ W098.28227░ (NAD83); T23N R08W SW ╝ SE ╝ 31; Beaver Creek. Blowout on low dunes on north side of Beaver Creek valley. With Muhlenbergia flexuosa, Muhlenbergia flexuosa, Strophostyles leiosperma., 41.91779 -98.28227

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
311812Robert F. Steinauer   28912006-07-25
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, N42.49469o W100.51705o (WGS84). T29N R27W SE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 7. Pasture 22B2. West end of Pony Lake. Sandhills dune prairie. Blowout at dune crest with Chamaesyce missurica, Redfieldia flexuosa, Helianthus petiolaris, Cyperus schweinitzii, Yucca glauca, Muhlenbergia pungens., 42.49469 -100.51705

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
275429Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   38311987-08-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Open, sandy areas along roadside 19 mi. NW of Brownlee. Common, 42.4756 -100.8838

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
293958Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   132911997-06-19
United States, Nebraska, Deuel, Uncommon on sand flats E of Lodgepole Cr. at Goldenrod Wildlife Management Area, S of U.S. 385 3 mi. SE of Chappell; with E. missurica, Aristida purpurea fendleriana, Sporobolus cryptandrus, Verbena stricta.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
286282Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   70891990-07-20
United States, Nebraska, McPherson, Uncommon in disturbed ground along road, sandhill prairie 18 mi. W of Tryon on Nebr. 92, with Dalea villosa, Physalis.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
284899Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   81721990-09-22
United States, Nebraska, Knox, Scattered in disturbed, open sandy soil in old blowout in sand prairie on S side of road 1/4 mi. W of parking area at Bohemia Prairie Wildlife Management Area, 4.5 mi. W, 5.5 mi. N of Verdigre; with Corispermum, Shinnersoseris, Aristida basiramea.

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
292511Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   120601995-09-13
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, T31N R33W, S1/2 s2. Occasional on disturbed Sandhill prairie dunes on S side of pasture S of Steer Cr. campground, SW part of McKelvie National Forest., 42.6928 -101.1577

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
317972Paul B. Marcum   57712009-08-18
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Cherry County: 42.52687 Latitude, -100.70771 Longitude. 3000 Ft. Elev.; Quadrangle: Simeon; Niobrara Valley, Nebraska. Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, located approximately 20 miles south of Valentine, Nebraska; Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83.; Sandhills Dune Prairie Community, at the edge of an old (revegetated) blowout; north of Long Lake. Associated species include: Andropogon gerardii ssp. hallii, Yucca glauca, Muhlenbergia pungens, Schizachyrium scoparium, Helianthus pauciflorus, Calamovilfa longifolia, Cyperus schweinitzii, Psoralidium lanceolatum, Ambrosia psilostachya, Oenothera sp. (white flowers), Eriogonum annuum, and Opuntia humifusa., 42.52687 -100.70771

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
318437Loy R. Phillippe   419502009-08-16
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Brown County: 42.77979 Latitude, 100.02219 Longitude. 2280 Ft. Elev.; Quadrangle: Norden; T32N, R23W, SW1/4 NE1/4 NE1/4 NW1/4 Sect. 4. Niobrara Valley Preserve. About 38 mile southeast of Valentine Nebraska, south side of the Niobrara River. East of Valentine along State Route 12 to Norden and then south to the Niobrara River and then a little east.; Sandhills Mixed-grass Prairie. Growing in mature blowout in open sand prairie with Amorpha canescens, Ambrosia psilostachya, Andropogon gerardii, Bouteloua hirsuta, Calamovilfa longifolia, Commelina erecta, Cycloma atriplicifolium, Dalea villosa, Erigeron bellidiastrum, Eriogonum annuum, Helianthus petiolaris, Liatris squarrosa, Linum rigidum, Muhlenbergii pungens, Oenothera rhombipetala, Panicum virgatum, Schizachyrium scoparium, etc. Annual herb., 42.77979 -100.02219

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
275430Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   38501987-08-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Exposed, sandy soil along roadside N of Big Alkali Lake. Common., 42.628961 -100.613824

University of New Mexico Herbarium

UNM:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
UNM0038553D.L. Bleakly   2791993-07-19
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Melrose Air Force Range. 2 miles due N of mesa top installation, 1.5 mi. E of Krider Road., 34.3156971334 -103.794101294, 1314m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri var. wheeleriana (Warnock & M.C. Johnst.) Mayfield
UNM0038552R.D. Worthington   147511986-08-24
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Along I-25 at roadside rest area on the north bank terrace of the Rio Salado, about 19 road miles north of Socorro., 34.291924 -106.894737, 1524m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
UNM0038554G.T. Manthey   3131975-09-14
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Sevilleta. Sand dunes along Rio Salado and I-25., 34.291924 -106.894737, 1402m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
UNM0038555T. Dunbar   2941982-09-24
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Sevilleta sand dunes., 34.322945 -106.784424, 1493m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm. & Gray) Small
UNM0038556R.D. Worthington   227281993-10-02
United States, Texas, El Paso, 3.5 road mi by US62- 180 W of jct. with TX 2775., 31.82 -106.1197, 1310m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri var. wheeleriana (Warnock & M.C. Johnst.) Mayfield
UNM0140004G.L. Clifton   498352009-09-15
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Quad. Highway 206., 33.721393 -103.339616, 1283m

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri var. wheeleriana (Warnock & M.C. Johnst.) Mayfield
NCU00000261Correll, Donovan S.   243301961-09-08
United States, Texas, El Paso, 20 miles east of El Paso.

University of North Texas, Benjamin B. Harris Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
NTSC00001899H. L. Graham   s.n.1935-10-20
United States, Texas, Denton, Denton County.

University of Northern Colorado Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm.) Small
08959AEB   1896-09-05
United States, Colorado, Weld County, Greeley, 40.425144 -104.695056

Chamaesyce geyeri (Engelm.) Small
13077Schiebout, Michael   24852004-08-08
United States, New Mexico, Union County, El Valle Escondido Ranch; up El Valle Escondido Rd 3.5 miles, between mile markers 31 and 32 on NM Hwy 456., 36.80813889 -103.0489722

44692Michael A. Vincent   97382001-08-08
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Along St. Rt. 97, 1 mi. N of the Hooker County line, and 4.6 mi. N of the junction (in Mullen) of St. Rt. 97 and St. Rt. 2, 42.097017 -101.039226

University of Oklahoma, Robert Bebb Herbarium

B. W. Hoagland   CHK02861994-07-19
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Chickasaw NRA; Bromide Hill, Chickasaw NRA, 34.499 -96.9765

P. Folley   1354.51994-10-09
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka, Boehler Seeps and Sandhills Preserve, 34.1784 -95.7879

F. L. Johnson   ALT00161994-07-21
United States, Oklahoma, Jackson, Altus Air Force Base; N side of golf course, Altus AFB, 34.6741 -99.2902

B. W. Hoagland   02861994-07-19
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Chickasaw NRA; Bromide Hill, Chickasaw NRA

Bruce Hoagland   AB-15122001-07-05
United States, Oklahoma, Beckham, Erik; ca 2.0 mi E of Erik at rest area on I-40 W-bound, 35.2263 -99.8325

C. C. Freeman   183562001-10-03
United States, Oklahoma, Roger Mills, Cheyenne; 4.0 mi S, 5.0 mi W of Cheyenne, Thurmond of Ranch, 35 32'43''N 99 45'42'''W, 35.5521 -99.7663

K. S. Kliewer   4031978-05-30
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Black Mesa; S side of Black Mesa near top, 36.944 -102.95700000000001

D. Demaree   133041936-07-27
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Kenton; bottoms of Cimarron River, Kenton

F. Johnson   5671971-09-12
United States, Oklahoma, Cleveland, Norman; 10.5 mi E of Norman

Page 6, records 501-600 of 764


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