PH00024372 unknown s.n.
R. Mts. plain [illeg.] Columbia
PH00024373 unknown s.n.
Altai [??]
PH00030337 C.F.v. Ledebour s.n.
Russian Federation, Altai
United States
United States
United States
United States
BRIT611645 G. Merzbacher 767 1903-07-14
Turkmenistan, Turkestania chinensis; declivitas australis jugi montium Tianschan. Oberstes Bechanant Tal bis hinauf zum Pass. [Turkestan region, Chinese part; southern slope of the Tian Shan mountain range. Upper Bechanant valley up to the pass.]
CAN 10057813 Soper, J. 1929-07-15
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Camp Kungovik, west coast, 65.6917 -73.7083
CAN 10057872 Soper, Dr. James H. 8229 1958-07-21
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Vicinity of Lake Hazen. Along stream (\"Skeleton Creek\") between McGill Mountain and large sandstone hill (\"Blister Hill\") west of Hazen Camp ., 81.8333 -70.4167
CAN 10057781 Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Sokoloff, Paul C. ; Bull, Roger D 2098 2012-07-04
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Katannilik Territorial Park Reserve, Soper River, east bank, ca. 1 km south of Mount Joy., 63.2403 -69.6178, 89m
CAN 10057858 Hattersley 1964-06-18
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Mouth of Otto Fjord., 81.0333 -87
CAN 10057843 Manning, Ella W. 121 1940-07-20
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., West coast Baffin Island: Pebble Brook, SE end Taverner Bay., 67.1083 -72.3269
CAN 10057736 Malte, M.O. 1927-08-15
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Pond Inlet, Eclipse Sound., 72.7 -78.25
CAN 10057860 Elven, Reidar RE 3054/99 1999-08-22
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Ellesmere Island, S side. Valley between Muskox Fiord and Baad Fiord, middle part., 76.5 -86.7667
CAN 10057794 Edlund, Sylvia A. 173 1986-07-23
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Storkerson Peninsula, North-Central; Site 51. Midslope on west facing side of a drumlin. Silty alkaline till with large slabs of carbonate rock., 72.7833 -106.233
CAN 10057988 Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Doubt, Jennifer ; Bull, Roger D ; Sokoloff, Paul C. 9563 2010-07-09
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NT), Small conical hill E of small round lake (~1 km diameter) ca. 4 km N of Boot Inlet on N side of Minto Inlet., 71.5105 -117.338, 80m
CAN 10057953 Porsild, R. Thorbjörn ; Porsild, Alf Erling 2232 1927-07-22
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Richards I., North end of Richards Island, 69.5 -134
CAN 10057957 Porsild, Alf Erling ; Porsild, R. Thorbjörn 2892 1927-08-15
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Nicholson I., Arctic Coast: Liverpool Bay, Nicholson Island, 69.9 -128.983
CAN 10058009 MacDonald, Stewart D. 133 1952-08-05
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Prince Patrick I., Mould Bay., 76.2006 -119.42
CAN 10057744 Drury, William H. Jr. 54148 1954-07-13
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Bylot I., At the mouth of the Aktineq River on southern Bylot Island, near main camp. On hilltops about three miles inland at Ooyaarshukjooeet., 72.8 -78.9167
CAN 10057778 Hainault, Robert ; Norman, R. 5805 1970-08-06
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Mallik I., South side of Mallik Island, 64.25 -76.6167
CAN 10057743 Elven, Reidar RE 3427/99 1999-08-27
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Baffin Island N. Pond Inlet, surroundings of settlement., 72.7 -78
CAN 10057861 Elven, Reidar RE 3261/99 1999-08-25
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Devon I., Devon Island, SE side. Croker Bay, E side near entrance., 74.5333 -82.7833
CAN 10057834 Soper, J. s.n. 1926-07-03
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Cape Dorset., 64.2333 -76.5417
CAN 10057845 Soper, Dr. James H. 8112 1958-07-05
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Vicinity of Lake Hazen: Near the lower end of valley of Blister Creek., 81.85 -71.45
CAN 10057839 Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; Campbell, Carol A. ; Robinson, Elizabeth 86-486 1986-08-21
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Frobisher Bay On south side of., 63.7333 -68.45
CAN 10058006 MacInnes, Kaye L. 1971-07-20
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), (Aulavik National Park). Shoran Lake Banks Island. Area #12., 73.5167 -120.3
CAN 10057948 Porsild, Alf Erling ; Porsild, R. Thorbjörn 2492 1927-07-24
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Arctic Coast: Six miles east of Kittigazuit., 69.3333 -133
CAN 10058018 Tyrrell, James W. 1893-08-12
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), 63.45 -102
CAN 10057991 Elven, Reidar RE 2572/99 1999-08-10
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), Banks Island, NE part. Parker River Valley, N side c. 7 km from sea., 73.6167 -115.85
CAN 10057844 Webber, Patrick J. 273 1963-07-31
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Grant Suttie Bay, west coast; 400m from shore, 69.7833 -77.25
CAN 10057793 Edlund, Sylvia A. ; Roncato 20 1987-07-17
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Namaycush Lake, E of; near base camp. Shallow system of N-S oriented drumlin ridges and intervening swales, composed of alkaline silty till., 70.6667 -107.55
CAN 10057840 Brassard, Guy R. 3011 1967-07-14
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Van Hauen Pass., 81.1167 -86.9167
CAN 10057846 Blachut, Piotr ; Wilkins, Susan 43 1973-07-16
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Vendom Fiord. On the flood plain of the Sverdrup River., 78.0333 -82.3667, 3m
CAN 10058000 Kuc, Marian M. 1968-07-25
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), SW Banks Island, valley of Masik River., 71.5333 -123.8
CAN 10057862 Macpherson, Elizabeth M. 204 1958-07-18
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Prince of Wales I. (NU), Prince of Wales Island., 72.5 -98.1333
CAN 10057789 Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Consaul, Laurie L. ; Bull, Roger D 7499 2008-07-04
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Oterkvik Point vicinity. Area S of camp; 9-10 km north of Coronation Gulf coast, 12-13 km north of point., 68.6047 -112.576, 50m
CAN 10057943 Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Consaul, Laurie L. ; Bull, Roger D ; Boxwell, Janet ; Hunter, Chris 9142 2009-07-21
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Uyarsivik Lake at mouth of tributary to Hornaday River., 68.8686 -122.822, 369m
CAN 10057819 Gaston, Anthony J. 62 1980-07-27
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Digges Island Eastern Island, 62.5333 -77.75
CAN 10058005 Gordon, M.E. s.n. 1986-07-13
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Downstream from Kathawachaga Lake, near Nadlok Island., 66.2667 -110.233
CAN 10057952 Porsild, Alf Erling 7388 1935-07-07
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Mackenzie River delta: East branch, near the village of Kittigazuit, 69.3389 -133.697
CAN 10057797 Edlund, Sylvia A. ; Argus, Dr. George W. 12641 1987-08-13
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Cambridge Bay, E of DEW Line Station along road to village., 69.1106 -105.093, 15m
CAN 10057992 Edlund, Sylvia A. 212 1985-07-22
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Kitson River, E side of; Site 188; tundra ponds on raised terraces; materials derived from several weakly alkaline sandstones and limestone & dolomite fms., 76.0583 -113.117
CAN 10057997 Harington, Dr. C. Richard 1982-07-13
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), Jesse Bay Location 1, Morgan Bluffs, east of Jesse Harbour., 72.2167 -119.917
CAN 10057917 Cooper, Mrs. P.F. 742 1979-07-08
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Clarence Lagoon UTM 7723200N 500900E Ivvavik National Park, 69.6183 -140.772
CAN 10058016 Ohenoja, Esteri 74 1974-08-02
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Melville Peninsula. Repulse Bay. Top of the 2nd ridge ESE of the settlement., 66.5167 -86.2167
CAN 10057853 Bartley, David D. 135 1965-07-16
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Frobisher Bay., 63.75 -68.5167
CAN 10057814 Kattuk, Emily 3921 2010-07-02
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Flaherty Island. The Hill 2 km southwest of Sanikiluaq airport, on west side of hill., 56.5583 -79.325, 50m
CAN 10057868 Dutilly, Arthème H. 745 1936-08-22
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Southampton I. (NU), Hudson Bay: Southampton Island., 63 -82
CAN 10057969 Edlund, Sylvia A. 554 1982-07-31
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NT), [Central Victoria Island, ca. 40 km SSW of Burns Lake]. Major peat deposit and silt in an old lake bed. Site 249., 71 -110.167
CAN 10008256 Edlund, Sylvia A. ; Roncato 50 1987-07-17
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Namaycush Lake, E of; near base camp. Shallow system of N-S oriented drumlin ridges and intervening swales, composed of alkaline silty till., 70.6667 -107.55
CAN 10058013 Tener, John Simpson ; Harington, Dr. C. Richard 322 1961-07-20
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Melville Island: Ibbett Bay., 76.9 -114.667
CAN 10057799 Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. 1110 1997-07-22
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Cambridge Bay, 3 km NW of Dew Line Site, 5 km WNW of town., 69.1333 -105.167, 25m
CAN 10057784 Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Sokoloff, Paul C. ; Bull, Roger D 2066 2012-07-03
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Katannilik Territorial Park Reserve, Soper River, across river from Mount Joy., 63.2503 -69.6119, 160m
CAN 510165 Macoun, James M. 1892-08-14
United States, Alaska (State), Aleutians West Census Area, St. Paul Island, 57.4 -170.267
CAN 10057791 Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Consaul, Laurie L. ; Bull, Roger D 8272 2008-07-22
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), South of Sinclair Creek North Warning System site (abandoned DEW-line site), approximately 1 km N of coast., 68.7261 -109.104, 10m
CAN 10057976 Porsild, Alf Erling 17305 1949-07-28
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NT), Vicinity of Holman Island trading post [Ulukhaktok]., 70.7358 -117.769
CAN 60174 Macoun, James M. 19538 1892-08-14
United States, Alaska (State), Aleutians West Census Area, Bering Sea., 57.4 -170.267
CAN 10057785 Soper, J. s.n. 1931-06-25
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Rapids of Koukdjuak River [Soper River], 5 miles north of Lake Harbour [Kimmirut]., 62.9097 -69.8375
CAN 10057764 Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; Mallory, Carolyn 02-006 2002-07-05
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., End of the main runway near the Sylvia Grinnell River., 63.7333 -68.5667
CAN 10057751 Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; Archambault, Annie 05-071 2005-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Near the houses in the \"Eskimo Village\" in Sylvia Grinnell Park, off Crystal II road at the most eastern entrance to the park., 63.7333 -68.5667
CAN 10057796 Edlund, Sylvia A. 86 1986-07-15
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Hadley Bay, South [of]; Site 18 (Base Camp). Two flights of raised river terraces on the W side of Nanook River, 5 km from mouth of river., 71.5667 -107.75
CAN 10057849 Porsild, Alf Erling 21557 1959-08-11
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Frobisher Bay, 63.75 -68.5167
CAN 10058052 Macpherson, Andrew H. 60 1956-07-17
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), East Pelly Bay., 68.6167 -89.825
CAN 10057810 Parker, G. AH-73-53 1973-07-19
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg I., Mokka Fiord; Queen Elizabeth Islands., 79.75 -87
CAN 10057729 Pasiuk, Deryle P90 1976-07-17
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Somerset I. (NU), Creswell Bay, 72.6833 -93.8333, 20m
CAN 10057748 Malte, M.O. 1927-08-12
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Arctic Bay, Admiralty Inlet., 73.0333 -85.1667
CAN 10057876 Porsild, Alf Erling 21684 1959-08-13
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Cornwallis I., Resolute Bay, 74.6833 -94.8333
CAN 345162 Vodopianova, N. 1276 1967-07-16
Russia, Stanovoy Highlands; Kodar mountain range, tributary of Syul\'ban River
CAN 10057859 Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; Campbell, Carol A. ; Robinson, Elizabeth 86-141 1986-08-08
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Nettilling Lake Burwash Bay., 65.95 -71.3
CAN 10058021 Woodruff, John 184 1949-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), East of Kigyik Lake., 67.05 -112.733
CAN 10057924 Rosie, R.M. 95 1975-07-22
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Frances Lake Simpson Tower, 61.4 -129.483, 1500m
CAN 10057979 Edlund, Sylvia A. 66 1983-07-10
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NT), Minto Inlet. Broad valley with older, raised terraces, near head of inlet., 71.5667 -115.35
CAN 10057989 Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; Edlund, Sylvia A. 3801 1985-07-27
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Ibbett Bay Base Camp Stoney silt diamicton - colluvial, and fluvial deposits in a 2 km wide valley. South of major Ibbett Bay valley., 75.9 -114.5
CAN 10057749 Parker, Gerry R. SP-70-84 1970-07-06
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Southampton I. (NU), Southampton Island: Salmon Pond., 64.2 -85
CAN 10057972 Porsild, Alf Erling 17304 1949-08-08
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NT), Vicinity of Holman Island trading post [Ulukhaktok]., 70.7358 -117.769
CAN 10057998 Lambert, J.D.H. 1964-08-06
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), Sachs Harbour Area of. Plot 54., 71.9833 -125.2
CAN 10058004 Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Bickerton, H. ; Consaul, Laurie L. 7119 2003-07-16
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), Masik River Valley; small upland lake in hills on N side of valley., 71.6669 -122.774, 300m
CAN 10057996 Porsild, Alf Erling 17519 1949-07-30
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), Sachs Harbour south of Cape Kellett on S. W. coast., 71.9833 -125.24
CAN 60172 Macoun, James M. 19539 1897-00-00
United States, Alaska (State), Aleutians West Census Area, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 57.4 -170.267
CAN 10057727 Porsild, Alf Erling 21767 1959-08-14
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Southampton I. (NU), Coral Harbour on gravelly limestone flat west of air base, 64.1522 -83.3886
CAN 10057956 Porsild, Alf Erling 6822 1933-08-15
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Eastern slope of Richardson Mts, west of Mackenzie River delta., 68 -136, 457m
CAN 10057750 Malte, M.O. 118885 1927-08-14
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Albert Harbour, Eclipse Sound., 72.7 -78.25
CAN 10057790 Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Consaul, Laurie L. ; Bull, Roger D 8033 2008-07-16
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Ridge S of large unamed lake, 3 km SE of Nakoyoktok R at lake outlflow., 68.6372 -110.668, 100m
CAN 10057848 Collins, Henry Bascom Jr. 1954-07-19
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Coats I., Coats Island: north coast across from Bencas Island., 62.9336 -82.7014
CAN 10057842 Manning, Ella W. 31 1939-07-16
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., West coast Baffin Island: Taverner Bay., 67.2022 -72.2564
CAN 236132 Edwards
Canada, Melville Island
CAN 10057941 Achuff, Peter L. 7544 2004-08-05
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), One-Island Lake, 69.306 -122.951
CAN 10057735 Soper, J. 1925-08-03
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Nettilling Lake., 66.6667 -70
CAN 10057857 Wynne 8887 1950-07-02
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Head of Clyde Inlet., 69.8333 -70.6667
CAN 10094320 Gaston, Anthony J. 27 1980-06-29
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Digges Island Eastern Island, 62.5333 -77.75
CAN 10057961 Edlund, Sylvia A. 311 1984-07-19
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Kitson River Along River W of Carbonate Entier. Raised silty sand gravel terraces Loc. # 30, 76.0333 -113.25
CAN 10057954 Porsild, Alf Erling ; Breitung, August J. 11808 1944-09-09
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Canol Road: Mackenzie Range. Plains of Abraham. Bald, windswept summit of Mt., 64.5667 -127.667, 1829m
CAN 10057822 Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; Campbell, Carol A. ; Robinson, Elizabeth 86-270 1986-08-13
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Frobisher Bay Koojesse Bay trail from Frobisher Bay to Apex Hill., 63.7333 -68.45
CAN 10057798 Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Consaul, Laurie L. ; Bull, Roger D 8256 2008-07-22
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Coast near Sinclair Creek North Warning System site (abandoned DEW-line site)., 68.7206 -109.086
CAN 10057852 Manning, Ella W. 47 1939-07-08
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., West coast Baffin Island: Taverner Bay., 67.2022 -72.2564
CAN 256374 Vassilkova, V. s.n. 1955-07-04
Russia, Ad sinum Tiksi prope ostia Lenae, 71.6667 129
CAN 10057855 Smith, N.G. VP-54 1960-07-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), White Id., 64.6667 -84.6333, 10m