Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Hilaria jamesii (Pleuraphis jamesii, Hilaria sericea, Pleuraphis sericea)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 7, records 601-700 of 3279

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00101357G. Goodwin   34322012-05-30
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Espee Ranch, 3 miles north of Espee Camp, 35.591367 -112.5792, 1740m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00100143Wendy C. Hodgson   203542005-06-01
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, South Bass Trail, on Esplanade., 36.20275 -112.373389, 1622m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00101461G. Goodwin   38752012-08-31
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Espee Ranch, Little Baldy Tank 4 miles west of Tin House, 35.68215 -112.597983, 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00103706M. Licher   32872011-09-28
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, East Mingus Ave, just W of Hwy 89A, E of the Verde River, on N side of road, near Cottonwood., 34.734833 -111.9825, 1040m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00103988G. Goodwin   40882013-04-12
United States, Arizona, Coconino, CO Bar Ranch, north of Black Point and 6 miles east of Gray Mountain, 35.751483 -111.3694, 1311m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00105998D. Neff   s. n.1977-09-13
United States, Arizona, Coconino, East of Flagstaff, Spur Ranch 1 mile SE of the Headquarters, 34.164667 -111.280117, 1798m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00106881Kirstin Olmon   5412012-08-19
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, Lee Canyon, 33 km W of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 2.5 km W on Forest Road 307, 326 m NE of Forest Road 2815., 35.920399 -111.77364, 1888m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00107250Kirstin Olmon   6992012-10-07
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 39 km NW of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 4.2 km NE on Forest Road 2814, 4.2 km E on Forest Road 6140 at intersection with Forest Road 2820A., 35.96577 -111.72675, 1922m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00108218S. Fick   CP1-0072010-07-16
United States, Colorado, Delta, Bureau of Land Management land near Austin, 0.2 mi W of Shea Road on State Route 92, area extends from road to north rim of Gunnison River Canyon., 38.784389 -107.934222, 1656m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00109518Wendy C. Hodgson   292612013-09-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Paria Plateau, east end, south of Colonel Valley, near edge of plateau, overlooking Dutchman Spring., 36.797959 -111.744197, 2058m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00109710G. Goodwin   50042015-05-08
United States, New Mexico, Catron, East of the Arizona New Mexico state line along County Road A009, about 10 miles NW of Zuni Salt Lake, 34.5037 -108.8832, 1905m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00111377G. Goodwin   53022016-04-13
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Abt. 4 miles north of Joseph City and 2.0 miles east of the Porter Ranch Road, 35.024233 -110.319417, 1615m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00112322Rachel Ostlund   SOS-CP1-1662012-10-24
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Bluff, UT, go west on Highway 163. Turn right (north) onto the dirt road after BLM Road 262. This road is unmarked. The population extends on both sides of Butler Wash., 37.273 -109.642806, 1356m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00116754Rachel Ostlund   s.n.2011-06-20
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Highway 89 N from Flagstaff, past the first Sunset Crater entrance, turn left onto unmarked forest road after Sacred Mountain Trading Post (after mile marker 439)., 35.496917 -111.563639, 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00117585Stella Copeland   3022016-05-19
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Wu Patki Camp Road, 0.3 miles N of Wupatki Loop Road, 1 mile E of US 89. Associated with Northern Arizona University/USGS experimental site called "Antelope"., 35.58378336 -111.5134853, 1636m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00119186S. Lencioni   212018-10-03
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Collected in foothills within .25 miles of Indie Route 60., 35.44019 -110.37889, 1873m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00104711Walter Fertig   265342011-06-02
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: White Cliffs, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, base of cliffs and lower terrace at confluence of Three Lakes Canyon an Kanab Creek, N of Kanab. T42S R6W S32 NE4 of SW4, 37.114624 -112.550538, 1596m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00028784LC Higgins   88821974-06-28
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Near mi post 22 E of Las Vegas on Hwy 104-65, 35.5844444 -104.8111111

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00031892LC Higgins   88821974-06-28
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Near mi post 22 E of Las Vegas on Hwy 104-65, 35.5844444 -104.8111111

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00085911Madson, M.   23432005-06-22
United States, Utah, Garfield, Sheep Creek Flat. Powell rd/Dixie National Forest, 37.5505 -112.12889, 2012m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00059910M. Ian Jenness   s.n.1971-10-16
United States, Utah, Kane, E.I.S. Study - Kaiparowitz Basin. Nipple Bench BYU site 14, 37.13082 -111.580998, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00059911M. Ian Jenness   s.n.1972-04-07
United States, Utah, Kane, E.I.S. Study Kaiparowits Basin, Tibbet Canyon, 37.161931 -111.538219, 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00009876Xerpha M. Gaines   8031957-04-15
United States, Utah, Garfield, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area; Glen Canyon, Good Hope Bar above bank of Colorado River, 37.661453 -110.503002

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00021197J.N. Mann   s.n.1964-06-20
United States, Colorado, La Plata, 2 mi E of Ignacio., 37.114998 -107.596743, 1951m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00020148D. Jaques   s.n.1968-04-20
United States, Nevada, Clark, Red Rock Canyon, 7 mi NW of Las Vegas, 36.163578 -115.505288, 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00035392J. R. Kierstead   80-1121980-06-09
United States, Nevada, Esmerelda, 4 mi. NE of the town of Silver Peak on the road to Mineral Development Corp. silver mine., 37.767934 -117.56049

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00052775Vernon O. Mayes   s.n.1977-06-11
United States, New Mexico, McKinley, 20 mi W Crownpoint; 35.551944 -109.101667; 35.551944 -109.101667, 35.551944 -109.101667, 1981m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00081944R.C. Sivinski   48541999-06-10
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, North foot slope of Sandia Mountains ca 2 mi W of old Placitas., 35.29921263 -106.4629419, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00052570V. Mayes   s.n.1972-04-23
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, 1 mi E of Shiprock., 36.785553 -108.668925

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00067530   s.n.
United States, Utah, San Juan, Navajo Nation. 15 mi N of Montezuma Creek., 37.475227 -109.234114

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00052597V. Mayes   s.n.1972-05-07
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, 7 mi S of Shiprock., 36.682664 -108.704885

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00119394A. Tiehm   169732015-06-09
United States, Nevada, Churchill, Stillwater Range, North Fork of Pete Canyon, 1.6 road miles E of junction with Middle Fork Pete Canyon road, 39.598833 -118.296783, 1539m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00104442Kirstin Olmon   8692013-06-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Colorado Plateau, Coconino National Forest, Anderson Springs Allotment, 39 km SE from Flagstaff on Lake Mary Road, 14.2 km E on Forest Road 125, 3.1 km S on dirt road at fork after cattle guard, on NE side of road. Zone 2, plot 97., 34.928206 -111.28297, 2128m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00013990Sharon Gregorich   961964-05-12
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Hillside E of Chavez Crossing Campground, about 1mi S of Sedona, 34.84333 -111.77611

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00122807Amy Prince   3142013-04-21
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, base of cliffs on south side of Paria plateau, north of 89A., 36.807266 -111.675577, 1145m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00122951Amy Prince   6992013-08-31
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, east central Paria plateau, Shed Valley, 36.860273 -111.740347, 2009m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00124034A. Tiehm   166822014-05-18
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Pine Grove Hills, 0.1 road miles south of Pine Grove Canyon road on the road to Rockland Canyon, 38.69989 -119.06466, 1662m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00124314Amy Prince   7942013-09-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, east rim Paria plateau, east of road 1112 end, 36.785738 -111.748191, 2154m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00125589Wendy C. Hodgson   276062012-09-09
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab National Forest, Kaibab Monocline east edge, Burro Canyon, below Burro Spring, north of highway 89A., 36.813898 -112.091004, 1882m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00125605Wendy C. Hodgson   28417A2013-05-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument/Wilderness Area, Upper Soap Creek Bench below Walts Spring., 36.745613 -111.7765, 1597m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00125623Wendy C. Hodgson   253632010-06-18
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Kanab Creek Wilderness, Kaibab National Forest, west edge of Sowats Point, 12S 362623 E, 4041203 N, NAD 83/84, 36.506317 -112.534062, 1864m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00126353G.L. Clifton   502272010-05-20
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Wolf Hole Mts. E Quad: Quail Canyon, 36.858002 -113.568489

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00126354G.L. Clifton   399572003-05-09
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Needles NE Quad: HWy 95, 34.877828 -108.597127

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torrey) Bentham
ASC00126606Marc A. Baker   197202015-08-28
United States, NEW MEXICO, Quay County, Tucumcari, one block north of Route 66, six blocks east of NM18, 900m SW of Tucumcari Lake, vacant lot, 35.1728 -103.7169, 1240m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00128473Wendy C. Hodgson   330772021-09-07
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Middle Granite Gorge, opening of side canyon across from 133 Mile Canyon, near RM 133.6, river left., 36.362648 -112.46131, 608m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
ASC00128482Wendy C. Hodgson   273122012-08-02
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Cathedral Wash, Lower Lowrey Spring., 36.838992 -111.679771, 1336m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASC00129168Lisak, A. & Cobb, A.   s.n.2023-10-19
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Arizona Strip Field Office, County Rd 5, 36.913964 -113.5564665, 1122m

Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00051720Wendy C. Hodgson   171292003-05-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Phantom Canyon/Creek, at junction with Haunted Canyon., 36.14567 -112.1211, 1187m

Wendy C. Hodgson   174942003-11-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, along Clear Creek Trail, above Tapeats Formation break., 36.10225 -112.063, 1172m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00053596Wendy C. Hodgson   174942003-11-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, along Clear Creek Trail., 36.1131 -112.0157, 1298m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00056713Wendy C. Hodgson   195662005-05-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Carbon Canyon. Carbon 4A Transect, 12 0424722E, 4001714N (3 m accuracy)., 36.15725 -111.83689, 1013m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00059926Wendy C. Hodgson   213072006-08-12
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Near Safford preColumbian farming grids, north of Gila River and northwest of Safford, foothills of Gila Mountains., 32.971683 -109.787433, 1040m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00061585Wendy C. Hodgson   203542005-06-01
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, South Bass Trail, on Esplanade., 36.20275 -112.373389, 1622m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00062407Wendy C. Hodgson   209372006-05-07
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, East Fork Carbon Creek., 36.1651 -111.8365, 1051m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00062298Wendy C. Hodgson   209812006-05-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, 140 Mile Canyon, Transect 1A, 12S near 359439 E, 4029217 N. NAD 83., 36.397867 -112.567483, 604m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00062406Wendy C. Hodgson   209922006-05-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, 140 Mile Canyon, Transect 1B, 12S 359411 E, 4029160 N. NAD 83., 36.397867 -112.567483, 604m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00054612T. L. Burgess   102904.42004-10-29
USA, California, San Bernardino County, On divide between Pinto Valley and Caruthers Canyon, mid hills SW of New York Mountains, 35.216 -115.313167, 1653m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00054613T. L. Burgess   102904.52004-10-29
USA, California, San Bernardino County, On divide between Pinto Valley and Caruthers Canyon, mid hills SW of New York Mountains, 35.216 -115.313167, 1653m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00054611T. L. Burgess   102904.62004-10-29
USA, California, San Bernardino County, On divide between Pinto Valley and Caruthers Canyon, mid hills SW of New York Mountains, 35.216 -115.313167, 1653m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00065608Wendy C. Hodgson   218722007-05-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Nankoweap Canyon along Nankoweap Creek., 36.284883 -111.8891, 1045m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00066618Wendy C. Hodgson   253632010-06-18
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kanab Creek Wilderness, Kaibab National Forest, west edge of Sowats Point, 12S 362623 E, 4041203 N, NAD 83/84, 36.506317 -112.534062, 1864m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00068135Wendy C. Hodgson   241012009-06-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, East side of Kaibab Plateau and Little Mountain, Kane Canyon, at spring south of Kane Spring, 12S 406189 E, 4049003 N NAD 83/84., 36.581887 -112.048609, 1940m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00067896Wendy C. Hodgson   247992010-05-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Paria Canyon, just northwest of mouth and Lees Ferry, 12S 445745 E, 4081649 N, NAD 83/84, 36.879238 -111.608806, 984m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00067862Wendy C. Hodgson   249092010-05-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermillion Cliffs, just below and to east of Hancock Springs, 12S 419249 E, 4065836 N, NAD 83/84, 36.734811 -111.904417, 1648m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00016315E. Neese   40161977-08-23
USA, Utah, Wayne, SC Henry Mts, 4 mi S of Hanksville on U-95., 38.3013742 -110.6663779, 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00016562E. Neese   31671977-06-15
USA, Utah, Emery, CC Range Creek, 34 mi due NW of Green River on U-6., 39.5061295 -110.5235767, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00016669E. Neese   28331977-05-17
USA, Utah, Emery, Jct of U-24 & I-70, W of Green River., 39.0199493 -110.2745631, 1250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00019558Sherry L. McNatt   1980-06-00
USA, New Mexico, Catron, Datil Mts, North end of Ox Spring Canyon., 34.42444 -107.83333, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00023506Vlad Siplivinsky   24441981-09-20
USA, Colorado, Delta, Uncompahgre Plateau, Escalante Canyon., 38.6856047 -108.326315, 1676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00028206L. C. Higgins   132011983-05-23
USA, Utah, San Juan, Halls Crossing., 37.4613 -110.7028, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00031510Wendy Hodgson   46011987-06-05
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Off west jeep trail to Whitmore Point. Overlooking Parashaunt Canyon., 36.1868 -113.2765, 1650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00034699Arnold Tiehm   119771989-05-17
USA, Nevada, Lyon, Bluffs on the northwest side of Lahontan Reservoir, northwest of the narrows area and just south of Hwy 50., 39.4248 -119.1455, 1360m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00036854Wendy Hodgson   69031992-10-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, ca. 1-6/10 miles (as raven flies) northwest of Bright Angel Creek, above and west of Phantom Creek., 36.126111 -112.114444, 1215m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00043640Wendy Hodgson   106191997-09-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Slide Canyon, along trail 58, near or within Kanab Wilderness Area, between leaky pipe and Horse Spring Canyon entrance., 36.656583 -112.589433, 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00043647Wendy Hodgson   106331997-09-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Along FSR 236, south of Slide Canyon Trail 58 trailhead and Horse Spring Canyon, at Jump Up Divide., 36.627383 -112.522317, 1770m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00044783G. K. Helmkamp   19921997-05-31
USA, Arizona, Coconino, On the road between Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monument., 35.438333 -111.381667, 1710m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (TORR.) BENTH.
DES00045323Wendy Hodgson   112391998-10-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, Nankoweap Canyon., 36.275 -111.905556, 1190m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00062780Wendy C. Hodgson   230752008-05-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Paria Canyon, downstream from Big Spring and upstream from Wrather Arch., 36.991765 -111.783017, 1198m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00071115Dustin Wolkis   342012-08-22
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, FR 618 North of 260, 34.58462 -111.73242, 1205m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00071176Max Licher   32872011-09-28
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, East Mingus Ave, just west of Hwy. 89A, east of the Verde River, on north side of road, near Cottonwood., 34.734833 -111.9825, 1040m

Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
Wendy C. Hodgson   2012-08-01
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, below Dutchman's Spring., 36.792846 -111.731526, 1394m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00071550Wendy C. Hodgson   273122012-08-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Cathedral Wash, Lower Lowrey Spring., 36.838992 -111.679771, 1336m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00073159Wendy C. Hodgson   277602012-09-13
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Paria Plateau, Sand Hills, on ridge overlooking Bush Head Valley., 36.889364 -111.741626

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00073556Wendy C. Hodgson   272832012-08-01
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, below Dutchman's Spring., 36.792846 -111.731526, 1394m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00075932Wendy C. Hodgson   283382013-05-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument/Wilderness Area, along packtrail to Fisher Spring., 36.864173 -111.62989, 1147m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00078636Wendy C. Hodgson   28417A2013-05-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument/Wilderness Area, Upper Soap Creek Bench below Walts Spring., 36.745613 -111.7765, 1597m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00077103Wendy C. Hodgson   287122013-07-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, northeast of White Pockets, north of Franks Reservoir, east side of large outcrop/butte., 36.968237 -111.875604, 1757m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00076647Wendy C. Hodgson   292612013-09-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Paria Plateau, east end, south of Colonel Valley, near edge of plateau, overlooking Dutchman Spring., 36.797959 -111.744197, 2058m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00075286Kirstin Olmon   5412012-08-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, Lee Canyon, 33 km W of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 2.5 km W on Forest Road 307, 326 m NE of Forest Road 2815., 35.920399 -111.77364, 1888m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00077804Wendy C. Hodgson   276062012-09-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab National Forest, Kaibab Monocline east edge, Burro Canyon, below Burro Spring, north of highway 89A., 36.813898 -112.091004, 1882m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00076246Elizabeth P. Johnson   332013-06-19
USA, Utah, Grand, From Green River, UT go east on 1-70 to Exit 187. Turn south on Salt Valley Gorge Road to where it ends at Little Valley Road (Road 146). Population occurs throughout this valley as it runs east (Road 146)., 38.871778 -109.708722, 1501m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00083315Wendy C. Hodgson   297572014-08-30
USA, Arizona, Apache County, Petrified Forest National Park, northeast of Cedar Tank., 34.92765 -109.70935, 1681m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00085587Wendy C. Hodgson   298612014-08-30
USA, Arizona, Apache County, Petrified Forest National Park, Hatch Ranch, south side of Puerco River., 35.060817 -109.647267, 1661m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00085878Cass Blodgett   9072017-03-11
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, White Tank Mountain Regional Park, Mesquite trail., 33.591107 -112.518899, 534m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00086197Lucas C. Majure   57192015-05-14
United States, California, San Bernardino County, Mojave National Preserve, just S of Castle Peaks (Castle Peaks Camp), 35.33064 -115.17632, 1475m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00087276Lucas C. Majure   57192015-05-14
United States, California, San Bernardino County, Mojave National Preserve, just S of Castle Peaks (Castle Peaks Camp), 35.33064 -115.17632, 1475m

Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00095659Wendy C. Hodgson   313432017-04-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, along Tonto Trail and Monument Creek, 36.083036 -112.18746, 922m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00096593Wendy C. Hodgson   205062005-09-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino, At southeast corner of highway 89A and Buffalo Ranch Road, 36.704217 -111.947067, 1528m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00096460Wendy C. Hodgson   330772021-09-07
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Middle Granite Gorge, opening of side canyon across from 133 Mile Canyon, near RM 133.6, river left., 36.362648 -112.46131, 608m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth.
DES00096835Liz Makings   57122018-04-29
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument; along sandy wash toward Grand Gulch Canyon adjacent BLM Road 1050, 36.37089 -113.8836, 700m

Page 7, records 601-700 of 3279


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