UTC00175338 Loran C Anderson 4320 1976-07-17
United States, California, Alpine, Beside trail from Carson Pass to Frog Lake near the pass, 2682m
UTC00175747 Arnold Tiehm 7560 1982-08-19
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Sierra Nevada Carson Range ridge north of Mt. Rose 0.75 airmile NNW of the peak, 3109m
50153 G. R. Hall 8771 1910-07-00
United States of America, California, El Dorado Co., Near Angora Peak, Sierra Nevada Mountains, 2682m
82119 G. R. Hall 8829 1910-07-30
U.S.A., California, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Ralston Creek, near Lake Tahoe., 2805m
BRYV0173074 Loran C. Anderson 4889 1979-07-22
U.S.A., California, Alpine, Locally established on red-brown granitic cliffs S of Carson Pass above Route 88 in limber pone-tamarack. 17.5 air mi S of S shore of Lake Tahoe., 2652m
BRYV0251028 James D. Morefield 4714 1987-07-26
U.S.A., California, Mono, White Mountains: N-facing S wall of N Fork Perry Aiken Creek 1.6 mi N80deg of White Mtn. Peak. Fishlake Valley drainage., 3414m
BRYV0173082 Loran C. Anderson 4320 1976-07-17
U.S.A., California, Alpine, Locally established in crevices of cliffs and on massive granitic boulders beside trail from Carson Pass to Frog Lake - near the pass., 2652 - 2682m
BRYV0173081 James D. Morefield 4081 1986-07-09
U.S.A., California, Mono, S wall of the S fork of McAfee Creek below McAfee Meadow 2.2 miles N 84degrees E of Mt. Barcroft summit. Fishlake Valley drainage., 3505m
BRYV0173080 James D. Morefield 3102 1985-08-19
U.S.A., California, Mono, White Mountains: 3.4 miles S 85 degrees E of the U.C. Nello Pace Lab on divide between N fork of Cottonwood Creek and Toler Creek, Fishlake Valley drainage., 3368m
67449 G.L. Clifton 1988-08-31
United States, California, Alpine, Local landmark: Carson Pass. Markleeville Quad., 38.691833 -119.987056, 2657m
RSA0001249 Geo. R. Hall s.n. 1910-07-30
United States, California, El Dorado, Sierra Nevada Mts. Ralston Peak., 38.8329 -120.1016, 2805m
00008661 Geo. W. Hall 8771 1910-07-00
United States of America, California, El Dorado County, Near Angora Peak