Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Heuchera puberula
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 134

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
186043B. F. Bush   1951899-07-27
United States of America, Missouri, Shannon Co., Monteer, 36.9833 -91.5667

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3463091D. Demarée   234331942-07-11
United States of America, Arkansas, Izard Co., 36.130884 -92.131352, 122m

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3463090D. Demarée   235111942-07-12
United States of America, Arkansas, Izard Co., 36.130884 -92.131352, 122m

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3463087D. M. Moore   56-2701956-09-28
United States of America, Arkansas, Stone Co., Ozark Plateau: Boston Mts.: Ozark National Forest- Sylamore Ranger District. Barkshed Recreational Area on North Sylamore Creek, about 10 mi. S.W. of Calico Rock, 36.03 -92.25

Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
United States, Arkansas, Conway

Missouri Botanical Garden

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102467779Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.   8211969-07-20
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Vicinity of Jam-Up cave, south bank of Jacks Fork River, Station 10.Site 2 vertical limestone, base of bluff, abundant, 37.0411111 -91.6102778, 244 - 274m

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1705139Julian A. Steyermark   145081934-08-12
United States, Missouri, Howell, Limestone bluff along Eleven Point River, about 5 miles NE of Peace Valley.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3535188Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.   14671969-09-20
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Just north of Akers Ferry, above Current River, station 28. site 1 north-facing bluffs and steep rocky slope, very abundant, vertical limestone, 37.385 -91.5647222, 238 - 305m

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1667331Julian A. Steyermark   78391933-06-09
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Shaded limestone bluffs along Pine Creek, N of Tecumseh.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1667451Julian A. Steyermark   146311934-08-17
United States, Missouri, Texas, Moist limestone bluffs at base, in Barn Hollow Canyon, 5 mi SE of Arroll.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3542302Julian A. Steyermark   233191937-07-17
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Near Roosevelt, along Spring Creek crevices of limestone bluff along creek, 36.8311111 -92.1216667

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1667403Julian A. Steyermark   155451934-09-27
United States, Missouri, Texas, Along limestone bluffs along Big Piney River and sandstone bluffs in ravine, about 3/4 mi N of "The Narrows", and 3 mi W of Houston.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1667258Julian A. Steyermark   147161934-08-19
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Limestone bluffs along North Fork of White River between Roosevelt and Richville.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1667245Julian A. Steyermark   142691934-08-06
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Limestone bluffs along spring branch tributary to Current River, 2 mi N of mouthe of Buffalo Creek, about 5 mi E of Bennett.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102468318Julian A. Steyermark   155311934-09-27
United States, Missouri, Texas, 3 mi W of Houston and .75 mi N of The Narrows in ravine tributary to Big Piney River moist roubidoux sandstone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102468360Julian A. Steyermark   236111937-07-24
United States, Missouri, Douglas, 2.5 mi E of Holt, along North Fork of White River crevices of lower limestone ledges

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102468357Julian A. Steyermark   233191937-07-17
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Near Roosevelt, along Spring Creek crevices of limestone bluff along creek, 36.8311111 -92.1216667

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3524788John H. Kellogg   s.n.1932-09-04
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Jam Up leges of cliffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3524497John H. Kellogg   s.n.1929-09-08
United States, Missouri, Carter, Van Buren, Big Spring State Park ledges

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3523818John H. Kellogg   257321931-08-13
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Jam- Up on Jacks Fork wet ledges

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3506686Arthur Christ   n.1971-05-11
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Jam-up Bluff along Jack's Fork of Current River. jam-up Bluff

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3550422Bill Summers   75111995-08-04
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Mark Twain National Forest, Greer Spring Special Management Area, ca. 3 mi N of Greer on the Eleven Point River in crevices on face of dolomite bluff, 36.7725 -91.3122222

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3506664Arthur Christ   s.n.1970-08-26
United States, Missouri, Texas, Barn Hollow, near Jack's Fork of Current River. on north-facing base of bluff

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3547966Bill Summers   13281983-11-26
United States, Missouri, Ozark, About 1 mi downstream from Hwy CC, on Norfork River ledges and crevices of north-facing bluff, in flower, 36.7561111 -92.1408333

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3505336Benjamin F. Bush   s.n.1893-10-21
United States, Missouri, Shannon

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3505976Albert Chandler   46501942-11-27
United States, Missouri, Carter, Van Buren, N bank of Current River near baxe of cliff, many plants in bloom

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3504799Benjamin F. Bush   s.n.1888-09-12
United States, Missouri, Shannon

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3541542Julian A. Steyermark   205101936-10-18
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Along Current river, 2mi. below below mouth of Wellser, 1 mi NW of Doniphan limestone bluffs, 36.6594444 -90.8755556

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3541171Julian A. Steyermark   195881935-08-27
United States, Missouri, Barry, S of town of Shell Knob, E of Shreiner Ferry, between ferry and Shell Knob, along White River crevices of limestone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3540446Julian A. Steyermark   155311934-09-27
United States, Missouri, Texas, 3 mi W of Houston and .75 mi N of The Narrows in ravine tributary to Big Piney River moist roubidoux sandstone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3534076Ernest J. Palmer   417261933-07-14
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Turner Mill Spring moist sandy ledges, dolomite bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3535364Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.   17091969-09-29
United States, Missouri, Shannon, On Current River, just west of Two Rivers, station 38. site 3 ridge, steep wooded slopes and bluffs (north-facing), abundant, vertical dolomite, midslope, 37.1830556 -91.2969444, 207 - 244m

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3535356Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.   8211969-07-20
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Vicinity of Jam-Up cave, south bank of Jacks Fork River, Station 10.Site 2 vertical limestone, base of bluff, abundant, 37.0411111 -91.6102778, 244 - 274m

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3530564Ernest J. Palmer   193201920-10-06
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Near Montier moist ledges, limestones bluffs, 36.9869444 -91.5752778

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3545536Julian A. Steyermark   699481950-07-14
United States, Missouri, Texas, 3 mi W of Houston, along Highway 17 on Big Piney River crevices of north-facing Roubidoux sandstone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3545621Julian A. Steyermark   70891932-07-17
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Jam Up Bluff along Jacks Fork of Current River, 6 mi N of Monteer moist shaded limesone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3545582Julian A. Steyermark   70481932-07-22
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Along Spring Branch and Greer Spring, 8 mi N of Alton moist shaded limestone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3542396Julian A. Steyermark   236111937-07-24
United States, Missouri, Douglas, 2.5 mi E of Holt, along North Fork of White River crevices of lower limestone ledges

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3552099Bill Summers   36241990-08-21
United States, Missouri, Texas, 1.5 mi downstream form Harlow Ford on Jack's Fork River near base of north-facing dolomite bluff, 37.0563889 -91.7

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3552102Bill Summers   36351990-08-23
United States, Missouri, Texas, 2 mi S of Arroll, on Grassy Hollow, a tributary to Jack's Fork River north-facing wooded chert slope above a dolomite bluff, 37.0855555 -91.7177778

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3549884Bill Summers   64571993-09-11
United States, Missouri, Howell, Ca. 4 1/2 mi W of Willow Springs on County Road NW 571, down stream from Lowe's Ford on Indian Creek shady N-facing sandstone ledges of bluff, 36.9905555 -92.0813889

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3549889Bill Summers   64661993-09-11
United States, Missouri, Howell, Ca. 4 1/2 mi W of Willow Springs on County Road NW 571, down stream from Lowe's Ford on Indian Creek moist crevices and ledges of a N-facing dolomite bluff on creek, 36.9905555 -92.0813889

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3550264Bill Summers   71891994-09-28
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Greer Spring Special Management Area, Mark Twain National Forest, bluff top on Hurricane Creek, about 1/4 mi N of the Eleven Point River base of east-facing dolomite bluff, small holes and crevices on face of bluff, 36.7722223 -91.2758334

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
101895857Julian A. Steyermark   147161934-08-19
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Limestone bluffs along North Fork of White River between Roosevelt and Richville.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3550192Bill Summers   70391994-09-11
United States, Missouri, Howell, Mark Twain National Forest; Spring Creek, between Highway AP and the Douglas/Howell County Line, ca. 1 mi S of Noblett Lake moist N-facing dolomite bluff, 36.9033333 -92.0838889

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3550172Bill Summers   70111994-09-10
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Corps of Engineers, Lake North Fork, ca. 3/4 mi NW of Tecumseh at the junction of Bryant Creek and North Fork of White River north-facing dolomite bluff on Bryant Creek, 36.5977777 -92.3072222

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3550641Bill Summers   8161980-09-27
United States, Missouri, Howell, 4.5 mi W of Willow Springs, on Indian Creek moist portions of north-facing limestone bluffs, 36.9902777 -92.0636111

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3548564Bill Summers   36961990-08-31
United States, Missouri, Howell, 6 mi SW of Willow Springs low moist ledges of dolomite bluffs on Noblett Creek, 36.9466666 -92.0647222

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3549351Bill Summers   55681992-09-23
United States, Missouri, Texas, 4 mi E of Success north-facing sandstone ledges of deep gorge, 37.4347222 -92.0030556

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3546757Julian A. Steyermark   81371932-10-09
United States, Missouri, Shannon, N of Monteer, along Jacks Fork of Current River, near Jam Up Bluff shaded limestone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3554810George Yatskievych   96-911996-09-23
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Alley Spring, ca. 6 mi W of eminence on N side of State Highway 106, just W of Jacks Fork River bridge scattered plants on shaded dolomite outcrops along trail on N side of spring branch, 37.1552778 -91.4444444, 213m

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
101895868Julian A. Steyermark   78391933-06-09
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Shaded limestone bluffs along Pine Creek, N of Tecumseh.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102468406Julian A. Steyermark   699481950-07-14
United States, Missouri, Texas, 3 mi W of Houston, along Highway 17 on Big Piney River crevices of north-facing Roubidoux sandstone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102468317Julian A. Steyermark   155311934-09-27
United States, Missouri, Texas, 3 mi W of Houston and .75 mi N of The Narrows in ravine tributary to Big Piney River moist roubidoux sandstone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
101895876Julian A. Steyermark   155451934-09-27
United States, Missouri, Texas, Along limestone bluffs along Big Piney River and sandstone bluffs in ravine, about 3/4 mi N of "The Narrows", and 3 mi W of Houston.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
101895869Julian A. Steyermark   81531932-10-09
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Low moist shaded limestone bluffs along Jack's Fork of Current River, at and just E of "Jam-up" Bluff, 6 mi N of Monteer.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102467488Ernest J. Palmer   329081927-10-07
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Near Tecumseh moist, shaded ledges, along dolomite bluffs of river, 36.5866666 -92.2863889

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3548820Bill Summers   4601979-05-24
United States, Missouri, Howell, 4.5 mi W of Willow Springs, on Indian Creek moist portions of north-facing limestone bluffs, 36.9905555 -92.0813889

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102467754Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.   14671969-09-20
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Just north of Akers Ferry, above Current River, station 28. site 1 north-facing bluffs and steep rocky slope, very abundant, vertical limestone, 37.385 -91.5647222, 238 - 305m

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3552115Bill Summers   36661990-08-30
United States, Missouri, Texas, 3 mi N of Houston, on Big Piney River at Mineral Springs Access growing on face of sandstone boulder of steep north-facing wooded slope above bluff, 37.3622222 -91.9655556

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
101895854Julian A. Steyermark   142691934-08-06
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Limestone bluffs along spring branch tributary to Current River, 2 mi N of mouthe of Buffalo Creek, about 5 mi E of Bennett.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
101895873Julian A. Steyermark   146291934-08-17
United States, Missouri, Texas, Base of moist limestone bluffs in Barn Hollow Canyon, 5 mi SE of Arroll.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
101895882Julian A. Steyermark   146311934-08-17
United States, Missouri, Texas, Moist limestone bluffs at base, in Barn Hollow Canyon, 5 mi SE of Arroll.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
101895877Julian A. Steyermark   145791934-08-15
United States, Missouri, Texas, Limestone bluffs along Jack's Fork of Current River, 4 mi SE of Arroll.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1667415Julian A. Steyermark   145791934-08-15
United States, Missouri, Texas, Limestone bluffs along Jack's Fork of Current River, 4 mi SE of Arroll.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1814567Benjamin F. Bush   11191901-10-23
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Monteer. Common on bluffs.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102468407Julian A. Steyermark   699481950-07-14
United States, Missouri, Texas, 3 mi W of Houston, along Highway 17 on Big Piney River crevices of north-facing Roubidoux sandstone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1667339Julian A. Steyermark   81531932-10-09
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Low moist shaded limestone bluffs along Jack's Fork of Current River, at and just E of "Jam-up" Bluff, 6 mi N of Monteer.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
1667379Julian A. Steyermark   146291934-08-17
United States, Missouri, Texas, Base of moist limestone bluffs in Barn Hollow Canyon, 5 mi SE of Arroll.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
101901696Julian A. Steyermark   145081934-08-12
United States, Missouri, Howell, Limestone bluff along Eleven Point River, about 5 miles NE of Peace Valley.

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3541335Julian A. Steyermark   200471936-09-12
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Blue Springs game refuge, Gardner National Forest crevices of limestone bluffs, 36.7413889 -92.1411111

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3541166Julian A. Steyermark   195761935-08-24
United States, Missouri, Barry, Along White River, between Shreiner Ferry and Shell Knob, S of town of Shell Knob shaded crevices of limestone bluffs

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3531405Ernest J. Palmer   329081927-10-07
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Near Tecumseh moist, shaded ledges, along dolomite bluffs of river, 36.5866666 -92.2863889

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
3553351William Trelease   7891897-09-10
United States, Missouri, Carter, Current River rocks

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
102467780Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.   17091969-09-29
United States, Missouri, Shannon, On Current River, just west of Two Rivers, station 38. site 3 ridge, steep wooded slopes and bluffs (north-facing), abundant, vertical dolomite, midslope, 37.1830556 -91.2969444, 207 - 244m

Austin Peay State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
APSC0011782Julian A. Steyermark   650831947-09-23
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Along Noblett creek, south of Noblett Lake, T 26 N, R 11 W, sect. 25 and W 1/2 sect. 36, 5-6 mi. northeast of Hebron, 6-7 mi. northeast of Twin Bridges.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
APSC0011783Julian A. Steyermark   666141948-10-02
United States, Missouri, Shannon, At Jam-Up Bluff along Jack's Fork of Current River, T 27 N, R 6 W, sect. 5, 4 mi. north of Teresita, 6 mi. northwest of Montier.

Pittsburg State University, Theodore M. Sperry Herbarium

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
KSP031620Theodore M. Sperry   1967-08-23
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Ozark National Scenic Riverways

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Form glabrata
J. A. Steyermark   666151948-10-02
U.S.A., Missouri

Duke University Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
United States, Arkansas, Stone

William & Mary Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
5437Redfearn, P L   17091969-09-29
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Current River just W of Two Rivers. NE 1/4 sect 17 R 3 W T 29. Station 38. Site 3, 207 - 244m

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00053751Culwell, Donald Edward   45051976-10-02
United States, Arkansas, Conway, at Cedar Falls on Petit Jean Mt. TRS: T6N R18W sec 32 SE1/4 F-AR, 35.124957 -92.935171

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00053754Demaree, Delzie   252721944-09-24
United States, Arkansas, Conway, Petit Jean State Park Under Cedar Falls Petit Jean Muntain P.O. Morrilton, 35.12064 -92.935386, 244m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00053756Tucker, G. E.   68701967-10-14
United States, Arkansas, Stone, Barkshed Rec. [Recreation] Area

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00175647Redfearn, Paul L., Jr.   19851969-10-11
United States, Missouri, Carter, Steep NE facing bluffs, rocky slope, and ridge above Current River. Station 46, Site 3. TRS: T27N R1W sec 4 F-MO, 37.010168 -91.02567, 168 - 219m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00053753Culwell, Donald Edward   45051976-10-02
United States, Arkansas, Conway, at Cedar Falls on Petit Jean Mt. TRS: T6N R18W sec 32 SE1/4 F-AR, 35.124957 -92.935171

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00053752Culwell, Donald Edward   45051976-10-02
United States, Arkansas, Conway, at Cedar Falls on Petit Jean Mt. TRS: T6N R18W sec 32 SE1/4 F-AR, 35.124957 -92.935171

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00053755Redfearn, Paul L., Jr.   275131971-07-24
United States, Arkansas, Newton, along upper reaches of Terrapin Branch TRS: T14N R23W sec 26 F-AR, 35.842905 -93.393084, 213 - 244m

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00053757Redfearn, Paul L., Jr.   192241966-06-27
United States, Arkansas, Stone, Blanchard Springs Rec. [Recreation] Area, Ozark National Forest TRS: T15N R11W sec 5 NW1/4 F-AR, 35.964518 -92.177367

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00175636Redfearn, Paul L., Jr.   263981969-08-14
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Vicinity of Holy Cliff on Indian Creek. Ca. 3 miles NE of Topaz. TRS: T26N R11W sec 3 F-MO, 36.968607 -92.136525

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00085603Babb, Don   13791972-04-11
United States, Arkansas, Cleburne, c. 6 mi. n. of Greer's Ferry, Ark. T13N-R11W-S15wc. c. 1 block s. of br. over Hill Cr. [Creek] on Brewer Rd.

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00086089Babb, Don   121972-10-09
United States, Arkansas, Cleburne, c. 6 mi. n. of Greer's Ferry, Ark... along Hill Creek, 35.694113 -92.150221

NCU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
NCU00175648Redfearn, Paul L., Jr.   15541969-09-21
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Steep, north facing wooded slope, and ridge above Current River. Station 31, Site 2. TRS: T31N R5W sec 34 SW1/2 F-MO, 37.342031 -91.475012, 223 - 250m

University of Memphis Herbarium

Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
MEM013128Raymond Athey   34571976-06-30
United States, Kentucky, Crittenden

University of Mississippi, Thomas M. Pullen Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mackenzie & Bush
MISS0025705J. A. Steyermark   859611957-10-19
USA, Missouri, Douglas, Along Little Indian Creek T27N R11W SW/4 sec 24 and SE/4 sec 23. 7 air mi SE of Ann.

Marshall University

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
United States, Missouri, Douglas

North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
United States, Missouri

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
United States, Missouri

University of Arkansas Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
UARK055716Jewel E. Moore   11131955-07-28
United States, Arkansas, Conway, Petit Jean Mountain. Petit Jean State Park. Morrilton.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush
UARK055728E. J. Palmer   243061923-10-03
United States, Arkansas, Van Buren, Along Little Red River, near Shirley.

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