310796 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 16959 2003-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Pasture 33c, Bison Trail at crossing of Whitehead Creek. Moist gorund at aedge of stream in sparsely Juniperus scopulorum wooded canyon. Full sun. Soil silt loam with sand. Elev.3960-3980 ft., 42.8386111 -103.5944444
221323 Robert J. Lemaire 2536
United States, Nebraska, Hall, Prairei about 4 miles southwest of Grand island.
301066 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 10846 1992-07-30
United States, Nebraska, Garden, T16N R34W, N1/2 NW3/4 s17. Low ground in sandy, somewht disturbed ope-wooded flodplain meadow on N side of N. Platte River, 3 mi SE, 1 mi S of Oshkosh.
253472 Paul Russell Shildneck C-6521 1974-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, In alluvial soil on north shoulder of Rulo-White Cloud road at base of hilly bluff on south bank of Missouri River, north part of Sec 26 N, R 18 E, T 1 N.
197334 William Cleburne s.n. 1891-06-21
United States, Nebraska, Douglas, South of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, along Burlington and MIssouri railroad.
197330 William Cleburne s.n. 1891-06-21
United States, Nebraska, Douglas, South of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, along Burlington and MIssouri railroad.
197338 John Mallory Bates s.n. 9999-06-25
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Marsland, Neb.
197341 John Mallory Bates s.n. 9999-06-25
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Marsland, Neb.
197471 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1889-07-23
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine, Nebraska, 42.872783 -100.550967
144683 Per Axel Rydberg 1881 1894-06-00
United States, Virginia, Fairfax, Mount Vernon
312870 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 18614 2007-06-09
United States, Nebraska, Holt, Chambers, 9 mi W. Elev. 2210-2220 ft. Low ground in Poa pratensis-infested Andropogon gerardii-Panicum virgatum tallgrass prairie band adjacent to Calamagrostis stricta-Carex scoparia ditch-bottom wetland in upper Elkhorn River drainage. Full sun., 42.204722 -98.92278
197349 Theodore Lindsay Steiger s.n. 1927-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lincoln, Lancaster County. Waste places; abandoned field.
286993 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 6416 1990-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Wheeler, T23N R12W, mid W side NE1/4 s 10. Uncommon on roadbank in sandhills prairie ca 7 mi W of Cumminsville corner and 0.25 mi S.
277777 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 4998 1999-05-31
United States, Nebraska, Dakota, T27N R8E NE4 NE4 s3. Upper-mid slopes of oak-linden bluff forest, S of Basswoord Ridge WMA, 2 mi NNW of Homer
287344 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 6200 1990-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, Low wooded slopes of open oak drainage, E side of lake at Red Cedar Wildlife Area; 5 mi N, 2 mi W of Valparaiso.
301077 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 12317 1996-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Low moist silty clay soil N of small impoundment in badlands exclosure E of Sugar Loaf Butte, W side of pasture 31E, Oglala National Grasslands
314360 Jared Gage Smith s.n. 1888-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Cult'd. Agr. Exp. Stn. Neb.
322743 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 20470 2012-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Holt, Chambers, 4.1 mi S, 2.6 mi W. Nebraska Sandhills: Timperley WRP Easement. T25N R13W SEC14 NE╝ NE╝ NW╝. 42.14633 N, 98.79876 W, WGS84 (det GPS). Elev 2165-2170 ft (det topo map). Carex - Juncus - Agrostis gigantea wet meadow in low ground between dam and windbreak on N side of hay pasture, in upper Elkhorn River drainage. Level. Full sun. Soil sandy loam. Frequent., 42.14633 -98.79876
306659 Robert F. Steinauer 1719 2002-06-11
United States, Nebraska, Brown, T33N R23W NE4 SE4 SE4 Section 33. The Nature Conservancy-Niobrara Valley Preserve. Mouth of stream that flows past preserve headquarters. Wet sand on shore of Niobrara River.
306641 Robert F. Steinauer 1736 2002-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Nemaha, Approximately 0.25 miles south of the Otoe/Nemaha county line on east side of Highway 67. Wet-mesic prairie remnant in Little Nemaha River valley.
293054 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 12613 1996-07-17
United States, Nebraska, Banner, T20N R54W SW4 SE4 s26. Occasional in sandy loam soil on low slopes in pine-juniper canyon bottom ca 1.5 mi SW of Smokestack Rock, 1/2 mi SW from McGrew.
317043 A. Tyrone Harrison NMP-003 1979-05-23
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lincoln, Nine-mile Prairie, W. Fletcher Ave. & NW. 70th St. Upper edge of ravine, dry, at W side of E ridge. Short infl. broader leaves
326665 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 21934 2015-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Crawford, 4.5 mi S, 11.1 mi E. Pine Ridge Escarpment: Pine Ridge Ranger District Nebraska National Forest: Unit 14 (W of East Ash Rd.). T31N R50W SEC33 NW╝ NW╝ SE╝. 42.61777 N, 103.19373 W, WGS84 (det Garmin etrex 10). Elev 4180-4200 ft (det topo map). Lower slope of Pinus ponderosa - Acer negundo wooded N-S trending ravine W of tributary of East Ash Creek, burned in 2012 (White River drainage). Steep, W-facing slope. Partial sun. Fine sandy soil from calcareous sandstone. Locally common on eroding slopes with P. pratensis, Berberis repens, Galium boreale., 42.61777 -103.1937
270817 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1147 1985-09-15
United States, Nebraska, Seward, Moist, shaded ground in Springy Salix ravine, E end of NE bay, E lake at Twin Lakes WMA
275787 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1512 1985-09-15
United States, Nebraska, Seward, Moist, shaded ground in Springy Salix ravine, E end of NE bay, E lake at Twin Lakes WMA
271266 William L. Tolstead 316 1936-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Dewey Lake, 35 miles south of Valentine, Nebraska. In wet meadow., 42.54484 -100.633855
197344 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1897-06-13
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Chadron, Neb. Roadside.
197342 Herbert John Webber 5579 1885-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lincoln, Neb.
301072 Robert Bruce Kaul 5267 1986-07-02
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Common along the north dirt road, in dry soil.
301069 Robert Bruce Kaul 7693 1998-06-22
United States, Nebraska, Keith, On damap,sandy loam, south side of Keystone Lake.
201961 John Mallory Bates s.n. 9999-07-15
United States, Nebraska, Rock, Bassett, Nebraska
301168 Robert F. Steinauer 398 1998-08-25
United States, South Dakota, Fall River, T9S R5E NE4 SE4 Sec. 30. At edge of beaver pond on Cascade Creek. Wet sandy, calcareous soil. Uncommon.
321837 Larry L. Einemann s.n. 1992-07-06
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, SE of West Point, along Road F, between 19th and 20th Roads (Leland Einemann's place).
317416 Stephen Winter 2402 2010-05-27
United States, Nebraska, Pawnee, Pawnee Prairie Wildlife Management Area; T1N, R10E, n 1/2 of 29; northwest of the intersection of 703 Rd. and 614 Ave.; Garmin GPS Map60CSX, NAD83, UTM 14N; 727734E; 4433895N; disturbed soil in abandoned food plot adjacent to upland tallgrass prairie, 40.02451 -96.331278
243079 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1899-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Chadron, Dawes county, Neb.
301063 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 14492 1999-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Clay, T6N R5W SE4 s24. Meadow E of rainwater basin wetland in SE corner of section, 2 mi N, 1 mi E, 3 mi N from Ong. Soil silt loam over claypan. Elevation 1705 ft.
310599 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 16974 2003-06-19
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Level ground in bottom of Fraxinus pennsylvanica-Acer negundo wooded draw in drainage of Chadron Creek. Part shade. Soil loamy. Elev 3860 ft., 42.8805556 -103.0233333
293053 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 12621 1996-07-18
United States, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, Sandy loam soil in mesic pine-wooded canyon bottom below pumphouse, Wildcat State Recreation Area, 8 mi S of Gering
318258 Paul B. Marcum 41657 2009-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Cherry County: 42.90113 Latitude, 100.46609 Longitude. 2380 Ft. Elev.; Quadrangle: Cornell Dam; T34N, R27W, SE1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 Sect. 23. Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, just east of Valentine, Nebraska along and south side of Nebraska Route 12. Collected on south side of the Niobrara River below the falls at Fort Falls.; Mixed deciduous ravine valley forest community, valley of Falls Creek. Growing with Acer negundo, Betula papyrifera, Juniperus virginiana, Ulmus americana, Ostrya virginiana, Rhus glabra, Lonicera dioica, Aquilegia canadensis, Aralia nudicaulis, Arenaria lateriflora, Carex peckii, Galium triflorum, Viola canadensis, etc., 42.90113 -100.46609
247998 John Wilbur Voigt s.n. 1947-07-10
United States, Nebraska, Cass, Greenwood, Nebr.
301064 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 12247 1996-06-05
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, T33N R52W SW4 SW4 s35. Low ground in disturbed, weedy, silty clay prairie in S part of Pasture 40E, Oglala National Grassland, 6 mi N, 1 mi W of Crawford
197479 Herbert John Webber 4924 1889-07-00
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Belmont, Neb.
287117 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 6286 1990-06-06
United States, Nebraska, Seward, Small upland tallgrass prairie remnant, 0.5 mi N of SE entrance of Meadowlark Rec. Area.
271801 Garland R. Upchurch 218 1974-06-13
United States, Nebraska, Gage, Woodland near Rockford Lake.
197352 William Cleburne s.n. 1902-07-04
United States, Nebraska, Douglas, Syndicate Park [now Springlake Park], South Omaha.
311082 William Cleburne s.n. 1902-07-04
United States, Nebraska, Douglas, Syndicate Park [now Springlake Park], South Omaha.
253995 Steven P. Churchill 3627 1974-06-25
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, 1.5 mi south of Beemr and 1/4 mi E, Elhorn valley bluffs. Edge of road, shaded by Quercus-Celtis woods.
197335 Carl Christian Engberg s.n. 1894-06-00
United States, Nebraska, Dodge, near Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska
253121 David M. Sutherland 3672 1974-06-06
United States, Nebraska, Dakota, NW of Homer at Basswood State Special Use ARea. Disturbed prairie opening in oak-linden forest.
301065 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 14487 1999-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Fillmore, T6N R4W SW4 s19. Sedge meadow E of rainwater basin wetland, 2 mi N, 1 mi E, 3 mi N from Ong. Soil silt loam over clay pan. Elevation 1704 ft.
197336 William L. Tolstead 316 1936-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Dewey Lake, 35 miles south [north (sic) incorrect] of Valentine, Nebraska., 42.54484 -100.633855
301074 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 10283 1992-06-11
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, Locally common in shade of Populus-Elaeagnus woods on S side of the N. Platte River at Bridgeport State Recreation Area, NW of Bridgeport
311182 Robert F. Steinauer 2380 2005-08-19
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Pine Ridge T33N R57W Sec16: SE4; Latitude 42:49.717 N; Longitude 104:02.120 W. Sparsely vegetated shallow soils over calcareous sandstone., 42.8286167 -104.0353333
269078 Craig C. Freeman 1440 1982-06-30
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Collected on a stabilized sandbar on the S side of the Niobrara River E of the mouth of Barney Creek, ca 8.4 mi SE of Norden. SE4 sec 2 T32N R23W
246391 Zella Flebbe 8 1952-06-27
United States, Nebraska, Sarpy, Grassy area beside railroad track. Central part of Fontenelle Forest. Full sun.
317249 Stephen Winter 2236 2009-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Pawnee, Pawnee Prairie Wildlife Management Area; T1N, R10E, ne 1/4 of 29; west of 614 Ave. : Garmin GPS Map60CSX, NAD83, UTM 14N; 728489E; 4434338N; intersection of field road and abandoned food plot within upland tallgrass prairie, 40.028339 -96.322284
301071 Robert Bruce Kaul 5258 1986-07-29
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Common along the north and east dirt roads but not in the prairie itself.
251236 George N. Lamb s.n. 1909-06-24
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, campus
327738 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 22534 2016-06-23
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Dawes County: Chadron, 12.9 mi S, 4.6 mi W. Pine Ridge Escarpment: Pine Ridge Ranger Unit Nebraska National Forest: Unit 19S. T31N R49W SEC20 NW╝ SE╝ SE╝. 42.64341 N, 103.09121 W, WGS84 (det Garmin etrex 10). Elev 4220-4240 ft (det topo map). Among rocks on middle slope of Pinus ponderosa - Prunus virginiana forested ravine burned in 2012, in drainage of Deadhorse Creek (White River drainage). NE-facing slope. Nearly full sun. Soil fine sand from calcareous sandstone. Uncommon., 42.64341 -103.09121
258423 Steven P. Churchill 5541 1975-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, 12 miles west of Wahoo on Hwy 92 and just north (Sec. 3, T14N, R5E). on Quercus-Tilia shaded hill slope.
253445 Paul Russell Shildneck C-6632 1974-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, Thin rocky soil of Carl Porr hill prairie pasture by west shoulder of road, by south bank of South Fork Nemaha River
144672 William Cleburne s.n. 1906-06-28
United States, Kentucky, Campbell, Dry shaded ridge south of Brunie Lesley and between it and Ft. Thomas electric carline, Newport, Kentucky
277627 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 5030 1989-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Dixon, T30N R06E SE4 NW4 s03 Base of steep oak-linden bluffs along floodplain of Missouri River, N part of Ponca State Park, 2 mi N of Ponca.
271329 Jesse Lafayette Fults 7-285 1936-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Sarpy, 4 miles south of South Bend State Fish Hatcheries, near South Bend, Nebr. along north side of Platte River.
301075 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 13153A 1997-06-10
United States, Nebraska, Sherman, Sandy loam soil in lowland tallgrass prairie on low ridges in wet meadow S of the Middle Loup River, 1 mi W of Rockville
253302 David M. Sutherland 3447 1973-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Douglas, Springlake Park (the old Syndicate Park). Wooded hillside in NW end of park.
327950 Robert F. Steinauer 4666 2016-06-04
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Sioux County. N42.78431 W103.98739 (NAD83) ▒ 20m T32N R57W NW╝ NW╝ 02 Pine Ridge - Warbonnet Canyon Siltstone ledge at head of vertical walled canyon. With Festuca saximontana., 42.78431 -103.98739
293025 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 13248 1997-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Kimball, Loamy sand on N-facing open-wooded Pinus flexilis-P. ponderosa escarment S of INterstate 80, 1 mi E, 1/2 mi S of Pine Bluffs, WY[oming]
286506 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 6908 1990-07-11
United States, Nebraska, Pawnee, Upland tallgrass prairie remnant SE part of Pawnee Prairie Wildlife Management Area, 7 mi S, 2 mi E, 1 mi S of Burchard
301073 Robert Klein 320 1998-06-19
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, NW ridge of sandstone knoll.
197343 Frederic Edward Clements 2643 1893-07-01
United States, Nebraska, Cedar, Bluffs of the Missouri.
270623 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1282 1985-08-02
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Near road, in vicinty of old field, NIne-Mile Prairie.
314958 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 18338 2006-07-18
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Crawford, 10 mi N, 10 mi W. Oglala National Grasslands: Hudson-Meng Bison Bonebed and vicinity: Pasture 33B, ca. 0.3 mi NNE of bonebed. T33N R53W SEC17 NW1/4 SW1/4. 42░49'55"N, 103░35'59"W, NAD27 (det GPS). Elev. 4060-4080 ft. (det topo map). In bottom of draw at fork, open Populus deltoides - Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Poa pratensis woods, N of Pine Ridge escarpment in drainage of Whitehead Creek (Hat Creek basin). Part shade. Fine silty soil. Locally common., 42.8319444 -103.5997222
301068 David M. Sutherland 5822 1984-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Keith, E of Cedar Point Biological Station along the lower road to the diversion dam. AMong seeded native grasses.
197371 Melvin Philip Somes s.n. 1909-08-00
United States, Nebraska, Box Butte, Alliance, Box Butte County
302468 Kay L. Kottas 1074 1999-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, SW35NE by south pond
274136 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1028 1985-06-22
United States, Nebraska, Seward, Slope of oak ravine, just below bottom, E side of Bur Oak WMA, 5 1/2 mi. E of Seward on U.S. 34, with Carex amphibola.
321926 Larry L. Einemann s.n. 1990-05-26
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lincoln, Pioneers Park (3201 S Coddington Avenue). Prairie
301076 Joyce Phillips Hardy 4057 1995-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Oglala National Grassland badlands vegetational survey. Near Sugar Loaf Butte. Moist swale near stockpond.
290171 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 8830 1991-06-07
United States, Nebraska, Otoe, Upper slopes of Quercus-Ostrya woods on N side of S. Table Creek, S of pond bed in Morton Orchards, Nebraska City.
301067 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 14635 1999-06-29
United States, Nebraska, Garfield, T24N R15W, S1/4 SW1/4 s16. Vernal pool near NE corner of schoolyard E of Cedar Valley School, in Sandhills prairie range, 3 mi S of Holt County line on Nebr. 11, and 0.25 mi E. Soil muck overlying sand. Elevation 2300 ft.
197425 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1891-06-00
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Long Pine, Neb.
278098 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 5195 1989-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Dixon, T30N R06E NE4 SW4 s03 Upper, somewhat open slopes in SW part of Ponca State Park, 2 mi N of Ponca.
293079 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 13384 1997-06-25
United States, Nebraska, Howard, Occasional in full sun in abandoned railroad grade E of the MIddle Loup River, 1/2 mi SE, 1/2 mi NE, 1/2 mi E, 1 mi N, 3/4 mi W from St. Paul
7641 Stu Withers SW00-189 2000-08-31
Canada, Yukon Territory, Southa Dena Hes mine site, 60.546667 -128.863333
6120 Reidar Elven 03-083 2003-08-26
Canada, Yukon Territory, Whitehorse, 60.590833 -134.895278, 715m
DRURY3639 Tracy Haertling 2000-04-28
United States, Missouri, Greene, Drury University Campus
OCLA-0007036 L. K. Magrath s.n. 2003-07-22
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, Rush Springs; Taylor Lake, 2 mi S on US 81 and 1.5 E of Rush Springs, 34.7469996157879 -97.9405316315543
NMMNH:Herb:247 Collector(s): unknown 1985-08-25
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel County, Near summit of Hermit Peak (Solitario Peak), 3050 - 3050m
013845 A.E. Pleak 155 1896-05-10
United States, Ohio, lebanon
Ned Fetcher 14-63 2014-06-24
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne, Wilkes-Barre Mountain, Luzerne County, 41.2333 -75.8202
Minnie Nguyen 23-04 2023-06-05
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne, Jenkins, SLG 91 section 91.1, Suscun Road, 41.258 -75.687
United States, Pennsylvania
United States, Pennsylvania
United States, Illinois, Champaign
United States, North Carolina, Durham
FSUH007783 Robert M. Downs 1146 1967-07-24
United States, Maryland, Washington, Round Top, 3 miles SW of Hancock, along Potomac River
FSUH007784 Homer Duppstadt s.n. 1968-06-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Bedford, 1.5 miles E of West End
FSUH007785 Ina Lee Donius s.n. 1968-07-01
United States, Maryland, Allegany, near Ellerslie
United States, West Virginia, Morgan