167116 collectors: Ronald L. Hartman 77244 2003-06-04
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval County, Valles Caldera National preserve: jemez Mountains: Alamo Canyon, upper reaches in valley to the E of main road., 35.9 -106.58, 2778m
202209 S. Popovich s.n. 1985-06-01
United States, Colorado, Douglas, Roadside Greenland Ranch; 200 yards West of I-25, Exit 167; South of Castle Rock
201854 Melissa Islam 761 2013-06-12
United States, Colorado, Fremont, Upper Arkansas River Valley. San Isabel Land Protection Trust private ranch, ca. 6.87 air miles southwest of Florence. About a 1/2 mile south of Chandler Road (Co. Rd 78). Along Oak Creek., 38.339593 -105.20855, 1796m
52017 collectors: COLYER, MARILYN 1986-07-02
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, PRATER CANYON, LINE CAHNGE, OLD ROAD S, NEAR TOP
177775 collectors: Dina Clark Mike Gellner, Jane Wingate, Eleanor Von Bargen 3333 2010-07-29
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Red Mountain, Larimer County Open Space, 25 miles north of Fort Collins. Mouth of Haygood Canyon
52018 collectors: COLYER, MARILYN 1986-07-02
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, PRATER CANYON, LINE CAHNGE, OLD ROAD S, NEAR TOP
180314 collectors: Pam Smith Laura Cascardi. Bernadette Kuhn, Adam Wagner, Dave Leatherman 2013 2013-08-07
United States, Colorado, Denver County, Denver County, CO Parkfield Park in Denver
188252 collectors: D.L. Denham M.L. Denham BM3 1987-07-14
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Bald Mountain Scenic Area.
52020 collectors: UNKNOWN 1941-05-24
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, CHAPIN MESA, STH
188253 collectors: D.L. Denham 79279 1979-04-08
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Walker Ranch E of Gross Reservoir between Langridge Dyke and South Boulder Creek.
52021 collectors: UNKNOWN 1941-05-24
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, CHAPIN MESA, STH
52022 collectors: UNKNOWN 1941-05-24
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, CHAPIN MESA, STH
52023 collectors: UNKNOWN 1941-05-24
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, CHAPIN MESA, STH
52024 collectors: UNKNOWN 1941-05-24
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County
139801 collectors: M. Smith D. Randolph 439 1994-09-13
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale County, Little Sand Creek 3500 feet downstream of FS road 631., 37.5 -107.3, 2789m
198655 Tom Schweich 1677 2017-06-28
USA, Colorado, Jefferson, Ranson/Edwards Homestead Open Space Park. 1.7 miles west of Colorado Highway 93 on Colorado Highway 72 (Coal Creek Canyon Road), 1.2 miles north on Plainview Road, then 67 meters east into the open field., 39.889 -105.2608, 1923m
197732 D. L. & M. L. Denham 79279 1979-08-04
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Walker Ranch East of Gross Reservoir between Langridge Dyke and South Boulder Creek, 2179m
173705 collectors: B.E. Nelson Peter Ebertowski 57039 2002-06-16
United States, Wyoming, Converse County, Thunder Basin National Grassland and Vicinity: between a tributary of Dugout Creek and the railroad tracks, ca 2.5 air mi E of Wyo Hwy 59, ca 41.5 air mi N of Douglas; ca 9 air mi NNW of Bill., 43.35 -105.33, 1417m
197537 B. Baldwin 40 2000-07-31
United States, Colorado, Jackson, Growing along roadside, 0.8 km north of Gould on Northbound Hwy 14., 2713m
173490 collectors: Allison Shaw 152 2010-06-22
United States, Colorado, Teller County, Quinlan Gulch, near Painted Rocks Campground, Pike National Forest., 39.07 -105.11, 2438m
198527 Janet L. Wingate 10843 2016-07-06
USA, Colorado, Phillips, Frenchman Creek State Wildlife Area, 5 miles W of Holyoke between County Roads 27 and 29, 0.5 mile S of Highway 6. Frenchman Creek SWA is approximately 71 acres and ranges from 3,804 to 3,847 ft in elevation., 40.59185 -102.40685, 1165m
167152 collectors: C Richardson 307 1995-08-25
United States, Idaho, Latah County, Ca 0.6 mi from top of Mineral Mtn, Skyline Drive, St. Joe National Forest., 1518m
162849 collectors: C Richardson Bob Richardson 292b 1996-06-07
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, Roan Plateau. Painted Canyon, 13.5 mi S of Rangely on S. R. 139., 39.89 -108.73, 2042m
162850 collectors: Kittel and Fayette GK 1996-07-21
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Roosevelt National Forest, along Gordon Gulch., 40 -105.47
139816 collectors: P Douglas 2104 1988-08-15
United States, Colorado, Conejos County, 4 mi ENE of Los Magotes, 1.5 mi N of Las Mesitas, 37.08 -106.1, 2500m
139806 collectors: S O'Kane 2188 1985-07-24
United States, Colorado, Douglas County, Roxborough St Park, SE of Carpenter Peak, 39.42 -105.08, 2073m
139805 collectors: B Baker 64 1956-07-18
United States, Colorado, Eagle County, 5 mi NE of Basalt, 39.42 -106.96, 2286m
139804 collectors: J Christ 902 1935-07-07
United States, Colorado, El Paso County, Monument, 39.09 -104.87
139799 collectors: G Osterhout 1898-06-25
United States, Colorado, Huerfano County, La Veta, 37.5 -104.99
139812 collectors: G Kunkel & L Shultz 258 1973-07-02
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County, 7 mi S of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment, 39.89 -105.21
139811 collectors: G Kunkel & L Shultz 58 1973-06-16
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County, 7 mi S of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment, 50 yds E of W boundary & just S of Church Ditch, 39.88 -105.23
139808 collectors: G Kunkel & L Shultz 324 1973-07-16
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County, 7 mi S of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment, by Woman Ck & meadow S of Woman Ck, 39.87 -105.21
139813 collectors: J Walsh BDSR-A21 1970-07-02
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Ben Delatour Scout Ranch, shoreline of Upper Shotgun Lake, 40.74 -105.5, 2352m
139810 collectors: B Neely 4537 1987-08-13
United States, Colorado, Las Animas County, Wilkins Park, Bar NI Ranch, between Whiskey Ck & Wilkins Ck, Culebra Range, 3017m
140428 collectors: B Neely 4464 1987-06-28
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Dinosaur Natl Mon, N-S ridge NE of Zenobia Peak, ca .5 mi E of Zenobia Ba sin, 40.63 -108.86, 2621m
139798 collectors: B Neely 4125 1987-05-28
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Dinosaur Natl Mon, upper drainage of E Serviceberry Draw, ca .25 mi NE of The Seeps, Mantle Ranch Rd, 40.45 -108.82, 1828m
196163 collectors: Johannes Johansson 1965-06-05
United States, Sodra Sallerups s:n; vid ett overgivet krithal, c:a, 800m
139800 collectors: R Rollins 1562 1936-08-21
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, 15 mi N of Mancos, Montezuma NF, 2438m
139802 collectors: W Pool P-52 1942-07-31
United States, Colorado, Montrose County, Round Park, Uncompahgre NF, 38.48 -108.43, 2682m
139807 collectors: H Harrington 2266 1946-07-15
United States, Colorado, Phillips County, 1/2 mi E of Holyoke, 40.58 -102.28, 1137m
139797 collectors: W Ward 1548 1935-08-21
United States, Colorado, Teller County, jct of Mount Hermona & Bald Mt Rds, 39.09 -104.86
139803 collectors: D Loebig 233 1991-07-22
United States, Colorado, Dolores County, Hwy 666 to Pleasant View, CO C.R. CC 10.5 miles to Cross Canyon rim, hike down to bottom of canyon; Ruin Canyon Quadrangle 7.5 min., 37.59 -108.94
184376 collectors: Brian Reif 5544 2003-06-19
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba County, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity; Jemez Mountains; Forest Raod 77 S to Canada Spring in Canada Schmidt, 2 air mi ESE of Capulin Peak., 2597m
184377 collectors: Brian Reif 3846 2002-08-13
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity; Sangre de Cristo Mountains; NW Hwy 263 along Gallinas Creek, 16 air mi NW of Las Vegas. From Fishing Hole Picinic Area 0.3 mi in both directions along creek, 2362m
184378 collectors: Brian Reif 2928 2002-07-30
United States, Colorado, San Miguel County, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity; Sangre de Cristo Mountains; Along NM Hwy 86 just shy of Cow Creek Crossing, 5 air mi NE of Pecos. From prominent bend SE for 0.3 air mi on ascending road, 2481m
184892 collectors: Jenna M. McAleer Sally Ebeling 497b 2012-09-23
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Soapstone Prairie Natural Area; In center of Cedar Canyon, 40.98 -105.13, 2092m
184895 collectors: Jenna M. McAleer 289a 2012-06-20
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Red Mountain Open Space; Along Sand Creek, just west of Ruby Wash and south of junction with Big Hole Wash Trail, 40.96 -105.17, 1934m
1789306 T. Morong s.n. 1874-07-01
United States of America, Massachusetts, Essex Co., In my garden.
1789648 B. E. Nelson 9097 1982-07-12
United States of America, Wyoming, Crook Co., Just E of Colony off Hwy 212, ca 34 air mi N of Sundance in Daly Cr drainage. Pond margin., 44.8514 -104.1215, 991m
1789476 A. R. Bechtel 5559
United States of America, Indiana, Montgomery Co., Wabash College, Crawfordsville
1789598 C. L. Hitchcock 24004 1965-07-11
United States of America, Montana, Lake Co., Small pond 1.5 miles S.W. of Nine-Pipes Reservoir.
1789319 G. V. Nash 307 1896-06-27
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Bronx Park, 40.856459 -73.877114
01088552 D. E. Atha 7552 2009-06-17
United States of America, New York, Putnam Co., ca 7 km W of New York/Connecticut border and ca 10 km N of Putnam/Westchester border, Ice Pond Conservation Area, E of Ice Pond Rd, W of Co. Rd 62 (Farm to Market Rd), N of Rte 312 and S of Rte 164, 41.4529739 -73.615765, 136m
1789417 M. McKee 865 1929-06-24
United States of America, Indiana, Newton Co., Floor of McKee Stone Quarry, 3 mi. E of Kentland.
1789412 C. M. Ek s.n. 1942-06-25
United States of America, Indiana, Howard Co., In vacant lot, Kokomo.
1789665 B. F. Harrison 12892 1968-08-04
United States of America, Utah, Summit Co., Upper Provo River, near Cobblerest Campground.
1789705 E. P. Sheldon S.12092 1903-06-08
United States of America, Oregon, Portland, 45.523452 -122.676207
1789457 C. H. Jones s.n. 1935-07-03
United States of America, Ohio, Meigs Co., Salem Twp., 39.013046 -82.323854
1789692 L. Boner 194 1939-07-03
United States of America, Washington, Ferry Co., Along Kettle River two miles N. of Boyds.
1789377 C. L. Pollard 415 1895-06-19
United States of America, District of Columbia, Rock Creek near mouth of Privy Branch., 38.93523 -77.047535
1789676 S. Clark 2447 1977-06-08
United States of America, Utah, Emery Co., CC Wattis, E of Cleveland Reservoir., 39.5716 -111.2188, 2591m
1789489 P. A. Rydberg 1275 1893-06-14
United States of America, Nebraska, Thomas Co., One Middle Loup River, near Thedford., 41.973154 -100.575475
1789694 L. Boner 194 1939-07-03
United States of America, Washington, Ferry Co., Along Kettle River two miles N. of Boyds.
1789477 J. T. Sarvis 16284 2010-09-02
United States of America, South Dakota, Orchard South Dakota State College.
1789414 R. M. Kriebel 3874 1936-06-16
United States of America, Indiana, Lawrence Co., Roadside bank, 5 miles east of Bedford.
1789658 M. J. Williams 78-281-10 1978-08-01
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Berry Creek Road, Schell Creek Range. 13.2 mi uphill from campground., 2835m
1789450 H. R. Bennett 5625 1958-06-24
United States of America, Wisconsin, Door Co., Moist sand on upper beach of Lake Michigan, Ferdinand Hotz County Park, 4-1/2 miles E from Ellison Bay.
1789430 W. H. Welch 9496 1944-05-28
United States of America, Indiana, Putnam Co., 5 mi. s. of Manhattan., 39.482569 -86.927511
1789655 M. H. Nee 50138 1999-06-28
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Jefferson Co., Shale bank and roadside along hwy. I-80, 7 miles W of Clearfield County line and intersection with Hwy. 219 at Clearfield.
1789592 H. N. Moldenke 10615 1938-06-20
United States of America, New York, Westchester Co., Yonkers., 40.944245 -73.865978
1789302 Collector unspecified s.n. 1891-07-22
United States of America, Vermont, Newfane, 42.985636 -72.655926
1789639 F. Beckwith 35 1917-08-00
United States of America, Colorado, Trinidad, 37.169463 -104.500541
1789299 E. J. C. Gilbert s.n. 1884-07-07
United States of America, New Hampshire, Mt. Monadnock. Keene.
1789525 B. Shimck s.n. 1925-08-15
United States of America, Iowa, Muscatine Co., On old dunes 8 mi. N.W. of Muscatine.
1789657 M. J. Williams 73-20-5 1973-07-24
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Northwest side of Peavine Mountain., 1951m
1789460 R. C. Friesner 9663 1936-06-08
United States of America, Indiana, Cass Co., Margin of open woods, north side of road, 1/2 mile northwest Georgetown.
1789502 S. D. Swanson 909 1975-06-25
United States of America, Minnesota, Houston Co., Site 28; to the W a railroad levee, 43.812383 -91.301638
1789458 T. H. Kearney s.n. 1892-06-01
United States of America, Ohio, Fernbank., 39.125614 -84.702447
1789400 H. A. Allard 2938 1937-06-08
United States of America, Virginia, Prince William Co., Eastern slope of Bull Run Mountains. Harris pasture 1 mile north of Hopewell gap.
1789327 E. P. Bicknell 11172 1903-07-16
United States of America, New York, Hewlett Valley Stream, Long Island., 40.643159 -73.695686
1789454 C. D. Richards 1047 1948-07-19
United States of America, Michigan, Keweenaw Co., West Bluff., 47.464628 -87.945107
1789513 C. O. Rosendahl 4654 1924-07-07
United States of America, Minnesota, Cook Co., In rock crevices, Grand Marais.
1789597 M. Mooar 12262 1970-07-01
United States of America, Montana, Flathead Co., Around McGilvray Lake and nearby potholes. Flathead Valley north of Bigfork and southeast Creston., 48.1459 -114.0829
1789442 J. H. Wiersema 1158 1979-07-17
United States of America, Michigan, Charlevoix Co., Along shore of Lake Michigan off US-31 W of roadside park, ca 3.5 mi W of Emmet Co line.
1789578 T. E. Wilcox s.n. 1888-06-14
United States of America, Nebraska, Fort Niobrara., 42.883501 -100.442198
1789613 A. Cronquist 1488 1939-07-06
United States of America, Idaho, Fremont Co., Edge of Snake River at St. Anthony., 43.965413 -111.680393, 1524m
1789585 Collector unspecified s.n.
United States of America, New Jersey, Mercer Co., Quaker Bridge, 40.2693 -74.6721
1789495 C. H. Thompson s.n. 1892-08-00
United States of America, Kansas, Manhattan, 39.183608 -96.571669
1789697 M. H. Nee 59049 2012-04-28
United States of America, Wisconsin, Grant Co., N side of Fennimore, N of 4th St. and E of Hwy. 61., 42.989444 -90.655, 365m
1789310 D. C. Eaton s.n. 1858-00-00
United States of America, Connecticut, New Haven Co., 41.308153 -72.928158
1789644 C. C. Curtis s.n. 1900-07-13
United States of America, Wyoming, Hams Fork and La Barge, 2134m
1789256 A. J. Eames 301 1914-08-20
Canada, Ontario, Essex Co., Pelee Island, 41.766667 -82.65
1789603 C. L. Hitchcock 23005 1963-07-25
United States of America, Montana, Ravalli Co., Gravelly bank 4 mi. n. of Ida.-Mont. stateline s. of Sula.
1774913 V. Bostick 5877 1973-10-06
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., At spring on Mt. Grafton., 2743m
1789535 S. R. Hill 26035 1994-08-31
United States of America, Illinois, Ford Co., Prairie remnant along E side of IL Rt. 47, 1.4 mi N of IL Rt. 165. 0.4 mi N of Rd. 1400N, Sibley.
1789674 S. Welsh 15183 1977-06-28
United States of America, Utah, Utah Co., CC Price-Ferron, 7.5 mi se of Thistle, Lake Fork., 39.9171 -111.3968, 1951m
1789338 N. Taylor 1265 1909-08-11
United States of America, New York, Greene Co., Near Baltimore.
1789707 J. T. Howell 28394 1952-06-21
United States of America, Oregon, Benton Co., Near Blodgett on road to Corvallis.
1789255 J. M. Coulter 1091 1875-00-00
United States of America, Indiana, Hanover, 38.714226 -85.473571
1789524 B. Shimek s.n. 1927-07-19
United States of America, Iowa, Clayton Co., Near top of Pike's Peak, McGregor.