Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Lupinus hartwegii
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-18 of 18

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
02598203D. B. Dunn   s.n.1973-05-15
United States of America, Missouri, Boone Co., Plants cultivated at the greenhouse at the University of Missouri., 226m

Image Associated With the Occurence
02598204H. N. Moldenke   78241933-07-30
United States of America, New Jersey, Somerset Co., In cultivation, Watchung.

Western Illinois University, ​R. M. Myers Herbarium

Lupinus hartwegii Lindl. [excluded]
MWI00061362Kelch, Dean G.   7.1872007-04-20
USA, California, Nevada, East of Bridgeport Covered Bridge near Buttermilk Trail, 39.29342 -121.19236, 168 - 198m

Florida State University, Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lupinus hartwegii Lindl. [excluded]
000101621R. K. Godfrey   530071955-00-00
United States, Florida, Leon, near Tallahassee

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lupinus hartwegii Lindl. [excluded]
000101622R. K. Godfrey   582431959-00-00
United States, Florida, Leon, Near Tallahassee

Missouri Botanical Garden

1674416Dunn   s.n.1973-05-15
United States, Missouri, Boone, Plants cultivated at the greenhouse at the university of missouri. These Specimens form voucher materials for plants used in experiments. Planted oct 1972., 226m

1674332David B. Dunn   140431961-00-00
United States, Missouri, Boone, Plants cultivated in the greenhouse at the university of missouri and used in Botany classes. These specimens form voucher materials for plants used in Experiments. Commercial material sold as l. Hartwegii. Could be of several Sources, requires checking. Multicolored colony. Also white, pink and pale Blue.

Wisconsin State Herbarium, Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0299292WISGoesel, Charles   s.n.
United States, Leed

University of Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
278409Paul O. Schallert   4341961-05-30
United States of America, Florida, Seminole County, Altamonte Springs. Cultivated in my garden.

North Carolina State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lupinus hartwegii Lindl. [excluded]
NCSC00032481R. K. Godfrey   530071955-03-16
United States, Florida, Leon, winter cover crop, near Tallahassee, 30.45931 -84.2778

University of Central Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lupinus hartwegii Lindl. [excluded]
FTU0011271Paul O. Schallert   4341981-00-00
United States, Florida, Seminole, Altamonte Springs. Cultivated in my garden.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lupinus hartwegii Lindl. [excluded]
FTU0010228Paul O. Schallert   4351964-00-00
United States, Florida, Seminole, in my garden; Altamonte Springs

Indiana University Herbarium, Deam Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
IND-0051966Cyrus G. Pringle   139581907-07-19
Mexico, Mexico, lecheria. Valley of Mexico, 19.617798 -99.182585, 2225m

Rutgers University, Chrysler Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CHRB0033436M.A. Johnson   s.n.1930-09-25
United States, New Jersey, Middlesex, College Farm (cult.)

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Lupinus hartwegii Lindl. [excluded]
CM224355BroArsène, G.   55991910-08-04
Mexico, Michoacan, Morelia vicinity - rd to Zapote, 1400m

Lupinus hartwegii Lindl. [excluded]
CM109178Pringle, C.G.   89961904-07-04
Mexico, Mexico, Lecheria, Valley of Mexico, 2225m

Lupinus hartwegii Lindl. [excluded]
CM134657Davis, H.A.   57681943-06-17
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, Morgantown, 39.629526 -79.955897

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
02176557N. T. Kidder   1923-08-19
United States of America, Massachusetts, [data not captured]

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