00002213 David D. Taylor 3994 1983-06-25
USA, New York, Erie, Along both sides Ganson St. at Piilsbury Mills, Elevators and Huron Cement Company, Buffalo River and harbor, Buffalo.
0008052MOR Johnson, K 3070 1997-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kane, Commonwealth Edison substation, 1 mile SW of South Elgin. East of Randall Road, at corner of McDonald Road and Umbdenstock Road. In waste ground.
0008050MOR Johnson, K 3071 1997-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kane, Commonwealth Edison substation, 1 mile SW of South Elgin. East of Randall Road, at corner of McDonald Road and Umbdenstock Road. In waste ground.
0058177MOR Kobal, S FPD 11-22 2011-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, West end of the Du Page County Fairgrounds in Wheaton.
0058214MOR Kobal, S FPD 11-22 2011-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, West end of the DuPage County Fairgrounds, Wheaton.
0008051MOR Schulenberg, RF | Wilhelm, G 76-967 1976-10-00
United States of America, Illinois, Boone, Belvidere, in SE part of town, on east side of Warren Avenue immediately south of Laurel Street. Weed in turf.
0008055MOR Wilhelm, G | Lampa, W 2349 1976-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, On the dike of the second retention pond south of Fullerton Ave, w of Ill. 83, east of Salt Creek., 41.91266 -87.967055
0008056MOR Schulenberg, RF | Wilhelm, G | Young, R 74-185 1974-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Grundy, On Rock Island RR right-of-way 1/8 mile W of Nettle School Rd. in median strip between 2 sets of tracks, in crushed rock.
0008054MOR Armbrust, C s.n. 1966-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, In garden of Chris Armbrust residence, 1129 Norfolk, Downers Grove., 41.76952 -88.013081
0008053MOR Lunn, E 5572 1975-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Lake, Lake Forest, edge of vacant lot - disturbed.
31234100268075 K. Knauss 100 1998-08-08
United States, Illinois, Cook, Side of house at 407 Selborne in Riverside.
R.A. Evers & Clara V. Evers 115510 1976-08-12
United States, Alaska, Unknown, At Tok.
Canada, Quebec
WVW002724 George B. Rossbach 10743 1988-10-08
United States, Maine, Aroostook, n. of city, Presque Isle.
WVW002725 George B. Rossbach 10744 1988-10-09
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Near Nylander Museum, Main St, opposite Unitarian-Universalist Church, Caribou
WVW002726 George B. Rossbach 7496 1970-08-17
United States, Maine, Knox, Beside and behind shopping mart, near Rt. 1, Rockland
UAM026191 Michael A. Vincent 577 1985-05-27
United States, Ohio, Darke
CINC-V-0022285 Neupauer, John C. 94070410 1994-07-04
United States, Ohio, Killbuck, Killbuck Marsh. Waste place in the road berm.
11826 Rood, Almon 1954-06-28
United States, Ohio, PORTAGE, PORTAGE, OH, US
60271 Vincent, M. 1985-05-27
United States, Ohio, DARKE, DARKE, OH, US
UAC:Vascular Plants
28079 B. Gordon 34 1974-07-22
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Bow River
UAC:Vascular Plants
40396 B.M. Hallworth a. Joan Hallworth 679 1972-08-07
Canada, Alberta, Okotoks
UAC:Vascular Plants
28078 Barbara Danielson 30 1972-05-31
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Lowery Gardens NA
UAC:Vascular Plants
28076 Derek Johnson 156 1972-07-04
Canada, Alberta, Calgary
UAC:Vascular Plants
28077 G.H. Turner 6505 1948-09-03
Canada, Alberta, Fort Sasktchewan
UAC:Vascular Plants
28074 Harold W. Pinel 1051 1972-06-17
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Edworthy Park
UAC:Vascular Plants
28071 Harold W. Pinel 998 1973-07-23
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Inglewood Bird Sanctuary
UAC:Vascular Plants
28072 J.K. Whitehorn 852 1971-10-03
Canada, Alberta, Calgary
UAC:Vascular Plants
28069 Jette Svendsen 1969-07-15
UAC:Vascular Plants
44494 John Corbin a. Dan Cressman 1978-07-28
Canada, Alberta, Stavely (utm)
UAC:Vascular Plants
28068 Kalevi Alho a. Raili Alho 1970-08-01
UAC:Vascular Plants
38996 Kathy Wilkinson 1979-08-20
Canada, Alberta, Grande Prairie
UAC:Vascular Plants
49264 Kerry Hubick 1975-09-09
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-St. George's Island
UAC:Vascular Plants
33162 M.W. Battrum 658 1975-07-01
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (tr, ll)
UAC:Vascular Plants
28081 M.W. Battrum 722 1975-07-28
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (tr, ll)
UAC:Vascular Plants
28080 M.W. Battrum 719 1975-07-25
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (tr, ll)
UAC:Vascular Plants
28064 Niels Jacobsen 1969-07-04
UAC:Vascular Plants
28066 Paavo S. Jokela 1962-07-09
UAC:Vascular Plants
28067 Paavo S. Jokela 1970-07-30
UAC:Vascular Plants
28075 T. Mosquin 4091 1961-10-05
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Spruce Cliff