Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Matricaria maritima var. agrestis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-40 of 40

Georgia Southwestern State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
00002213David D. Taylor   39941983-06-25
USA, New York, Erie, Along both sides Ganson St. at Piilsbury Mills, Elevators and Huron Cement Company, Buffalo River and harbor, Buffalo.

The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Vascular Plants

0008052MORJohnson, K   30701997-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kane, Commonwealth Edison substation, 1 mile SW of South Elgin. East of Randall Road, at corner of McDonald Road and Umbdenstock Road. In waste ground.

0008050MORJohnson, K   30711997-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Kane, Commonwealth Edison substation, 1 mile SW of South Elgin. East of Randall Road, at corner of McDonald Road and Umbdenstock Road. In waste ground.

0058177MORKobal, S   FPD 11-222011-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, West end of the Du Page County Fairgrounds in Wheaton.

0058214MORKobal, S   FPD 11-222011-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, West end of the DuPage County Fairgrounds, Wheaton.

0008051MORSchulenberg, RF | Wilhelm, G   76-9671976-10-00
United States of America, Illinois, Boone, Belvidere, in SE part of town, on east side of Warren Avenue immediately south of Laurel Street. Weed in turf.

0008055MORWilhelm, G | Lampa, W   23491976-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, On the dike of the second retention pond south of Fullerton Ave, w of Ill. 83, east of Salt Creek., 41.91266 -87.967055

0008056MORSchulenberg, RF | Wilhelm, G | Young, R   74-1851974-06-00
United States of America, Illinois, Grundy, On Rock Island RR right-of-way 1/8 mile W of Nettle School Rd. in median strip between 2 sets of tracks, in crushed rock.

0008054MORArmbrust, C   s.n.1966-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, In garden of Chris Armbrust residence, 1129 Norfolk, Downers Grove., 41.76952 -88.013081

0008053MORLunn, E   55721975-08-00
United States of America, Illinois, Lake, Lake Forest, edge of vacant lot - disturbed.

Eastern Kentucky University, Ronald L. Jones Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
31234100268075K. Knauss   1001998-08-08
United States, Illinois, Cook, Side of house at 407 Selborne in Riverside.

Illinois Natural History Survey

R.A. Evers & Clara V. Evers   1155101976-08-12
United States, Alaska, Unknown, At Tok.

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Canada, Quebec

West Virginia Wesleyan College, George B. Rossbach Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
WVW002724George B. Rossbach   107431988-10-08
United States, Maine, Aroostook, n. of city, Presque Isle.

Image Associated With the Occurence
WVW002725George B. Rossbach   107441988-10-09
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Near Nylander Museum, Main St, opposite Unitarian-Universalist Church, Caribou

Image Associated With the Occurence
WVW002726George B. Rossbach   74961970-08-17
United States, Maine, Knox, Beside and behind shopping mart, near Rt. 1, Rockland

University of Arkansas at Monticello

Image Associated With the Occurence
UAM026191Michael A. Vincent   5771985-05-27
United States, Ohio, Darke

University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
CINC-V-0022285Neupauer, John C.   940704101994-07-04
United States, Ohio, Killbuck, Killbuck Marsh. Waste place in the road berm.

Kent State University Herbarium

11826Rood, Almon   1954-06-28
United States, Ohio, PORTAGE, PORTAGE, OH, US

60271Vincent, M.   1985-05-27
United States, Ohio, DARKE, DARKE, OH, US

University of Calgary Herbarium

UAC:Vascular Plants
28079B. Gordon   341974-07-22
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Bow River

UAC:Vascular Plants
40396B.M. Hallworth a. Joan Hallworth   6791972-08-07
Canada, Alberta, Okotoks

UAC:Vascular Plants
28078Barbara Danielson   301972-05-31
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Lowery Gardens NA

UAC:Vascular Plants
28076Derek Johnson   1561972-07-04
Canada, Alberta, Calgary

UAC:Vascular Plants
28077G.H. Turner   65051948-09-03
Canada, Alberta, Fort Sasktchewan

UAC:Vascular Plants
28074Harold W. Pinel   10511972-06-17
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Edworthy Park

UAC:Vascular Plants
28071Harold W. Pinel   9981973-07-23
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

UAC:Vascular Plants
28072J.K. Whitehorn   8521971-10-03
Canada, Alberta, Calgary

UAC:Vascular Plants
28069Jette Svendsen   1969-07-15

UAC:Vascular Plants
44494John Corbin a. Dan Cressman   1978-07-28
Canada, Alberta, Stavely (utm)

UAC:Vascular Plants
28068Kalevi Alho a. Raili Alho   1970-08-01

UAC:Vascular Plants
38996Kathy Wilkinson   1979-08-20
Canada, Alberta, Grande Prairie

UAC:Vascular Plants
49264Kerry Hubick   1975-09-09
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-St. George's Island

UAC:Vascular Plants
33162M.W. Battrum   6581975-07-01
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (tr, ll)

UAC:Vascular Plants
28081M.W. Battrum   7221975-07-28
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (tr, ll)

UAC:Vascular Plants
28080M.W. Battrum   7191975-07-25
Canada, Alberta, Calgary (tr, ll)

UAC:Vascular Plants
28064Niels Jacobsen   1969-07-04

UAC:Vascular Plants
28066Paavo S. Jokela   1962-07-09

UAC:Vascular Plants
28067Paavo S. Jokela   1970-07-30

UAC:Vascular Plants
28075T. Mosquin   40911961-10-05
Canada, Alberta, Calgary-Spruce Cliff

Page 1, records 1-40 of 40


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