BRYV0077980 C. Lynn Hayward 38 1945-07-28
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Atwood Lake., 3429m
BRYV0077979 Mont E. Lewis 642 1956-08-22
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Ashley National Forest, above Kidney Lakes., 3505m
BRYV0079168 Kenneth R. Genz 8917 1978-08-31
U.S.A., California, Alpine, Upper Fish Valley about Connels Cow Camp., 2499m
BRYV0077978 Mont E. Lewis 641 1956-08-20
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Ashley National Forest, above Kidney Lakes., 3505m
BRYV0077916 LuDean Marvin 2186a 1985-08-25
U.S.A., Alaska, Chugach St Park. Eklutna Lake, upper shoreline near confluence with Thachkatnu Creek., 265m
BRYV0079167 D. Atwood 11703 1985-08-08
U.S.A., California, Mono, Upper West Walker River, Upper Piute Meadows., 2530m
BRYV0079166 Atwood 11558 1985-08-07
U.S.A., California, Mono, Upper west Walker River @ Tower Lake. Toiyabe National Forest., 2926m
BRYV0079164 Herbert L. Mason 14491 1952-08-16
U.S.A., California, Nevada, Meadow opposite University of California Trout Laboratory., 1981m
BRYV0079163 Lee Streshley LS-11 1947-07-11
U.S.A., California, Alpine, Toiyabe, Mono Div., 2286m
BRYV0079162 G. K. Helmkamp 13846 2008-07-16
U.S.A., California, Amador, Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains: along CA-88 at Kirkwood., 38.70138 -120.07583, 2348m
BRYV0079327 S. Welsh 19130 1979-07-19
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, meander bend of Green River., 1905m
BRYV0079325 Aven Nelson 7489 1900-07-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Antelope Basin.
BRYV0079324 Leila M. Shultz 3006 1978-08-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, LaBarge Meadows at Little Corral Creek, S of Salt River Range, 31 miles W of LaBarge, Bridger National Forest., 2621m
BRYV0079323 C. Lynn Hayward 99 1945-08-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, 3 miles N.E. of Victor Lake, Windriver Mts, Wyoming., 3353m
BRYV0079322 C. Lynn Hayward 101 1945-08-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, 3 miles N.E. of Victor Lake, Windriver Mountains., 3353m
BRYV0079321 John D. Walker s.n. 1963-08-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Southeast of the Jackson Lake Lodge in the Grand Teton National Park., 2042m
BRYV0079320 B. F. Harrison 13099 1977-08-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Leucite Hills area, Radar Springs., 2077m
BRYV0079319 D. W. Lindsay 2084 1973-08-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Roaring Fork of Teton Creek. Canyon south of Tabe Rock., 2896m
BRYV0079318 Aven Nelson 7950 1900-08-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Telephone Mines.
BRYV0079317 E. F. Evert 3252 1981-07-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage; Cougar Creek Basin about 2 mi N of Ptarmigan Mountain, about 6 mi S of US Hwy 14, 16 & 20., 3048m
BRYV0079316 K. Thorne 5079 1986-08-31
U.S.A., Wyoming, Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park, Bechler River Trail. 1.5 air mi SW Douglas Knob. Twister Falls., 2438m
BRYV0079315 K. Thorne 5107 1986-09-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park Bechler River Trail. Big meadow SE Trischman Knob near continental divide., 2499m
BRYV0079314 B. Franklin 3678 1986-07-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, About 1.8 mi due E of Id-Wyo state line. At confluence of Shale Hollow with Salt Cany., 1951m
BRYV0079313 Richard W. Scott 5625 1986-08-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan, Nivation basin near the summit of Sheep Mountain., 2926m
BRYV0079311 Keith H. Dueholm 10502 1980-07-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, N side of Steamboat Mountain., 2286m
BRYV0077977 D. K. Despain 97 1969-08-15
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Collected by a small pond in the Mirror Lake area., 2743m
BRYV0079312 B. E. Nelson 7204 1980-08-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Johnson, Big Horn Mountains; along Merle Creek, about 0.7 air mi WSW of Sheep Mountain lookout, about 4.7 air mi NE of Powder River Pass, about 19 air mi SW of Buffalo., 2774m
BRYV0077976 Howard Stutz 149 1949-08-15
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Beside ÒthesisÓ lake, high Uinta Mountains, Grandaddy Lakes Basin., 3048m
BRYV0079310 Ronald L. Hartman 19293 1984-08-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains; Chief Mountain to Galena Ridge, about 2.5-3 air mi N of Kirwin., 3505 - 3658m
BRYV0079309 Ronald L. Hartman 20661 1985-07-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absarokas; Hayden Creek, 2-4 air mi SSE of Cooke City, Mt., 2621 - 2865m
BRYV0077975 S. Welsh 19074 1979-07-16
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Chain Lake Basin, Upper Chain Lake, Uinta Mountains., 3475m
BRYV0079229 Sherel Goodrich 12939 1979-06-26
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyable N.F. Toiyabe Range, South Twin River, in the canyon near the mouth, 16 mi. 325 degrees from town of Round Mtn., 38.8875 -117.24444, 1920m
BRYV0077974 77974 1980-08-02
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Uinta Mountains, Timothy Lake Basin, East Timothy Lake., 3353m
BRYV0079308 Stuart Markow 4432 1991-07-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Targhee National Forest: West Slope Teton Range: Moose Meadows, about 8 air mi E of Victor, ID., 2682 - 2865m
BRYV0079228 Kenneth R. Genz 8655 1978-07-28
U.S.A., Nevada, Washoe, Carson range. S. end of Big Meadows., 2658m
BRYV0079307 Stuart Markow 6539 1991-08-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Targhee National Forest: West Slope Teton Range: about 6-7 air mi E of Victor Idaho., 2560 - 2865m
BRYV0077973 E. Neese 9434 1980-07-30
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Uinta Mountains, Garfield Basin, Bluebell Lake., 3353 - 3414m
BRYV0079226 I. W. Clokey 8590 1939-08-09
U.S.A., Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon. Spring above lodge., 2300m
BRYV0079306 Ronald L. Hartman 24231 1988-08-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Johnson, Big Horn Mountains; Elk Peak, about 3 air mi SW of Dome Lake Reservoir., 3200 - 3353m
BRYV0077972 B. F. Harrison 9700 1940-07-23
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Wolf Creek Pass., 2888m
BRYV0079225 Kenneth R. Genz 8594 1978-07-27
U.S.A., Nevada, Washoe, Carson Range, meadow about Hunter Lake., 2508m
BRYV0079305 June Haines 7539 1989-07-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains; southwest of west Glacier Lake, Hillside above ponds, near plot #60., 3298m
BRYV0079224 Arnold Tiehm 12261 1997-07-15
U.S.A., Nevada, Douglas, Pine Nut Mountains, N fork of Red Canyon on the SE side of the Range, E side of the prospect area., 2149m
BRYV0077971 R. S. Bjerregaard 57 1965-08-14
U.S.A., Utah, Duchesne, Rocky ridge extending East from Mt. Emmons. Uinta Mountains., 3292m
BRYV0079304 Nancy Kastning 694 1988-07-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Sierra Madre; about 1 air mi S of Red Mountain., 2987m
BRYV0079223 Susan Daines Foster 184 1971-09-23
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Undisturbed area N of G-loop of Buffalo campground. Located on Island Park District, Targhee National Forest, ca 1/4 mi N of Buffalo River E off U.S. Hwy 191., 1981m
BRYV0079303 Nancy Kastning 1097 1988-08-07
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Sierra Madre; On Bridger Peak., 3261m
BRYV0079222 Noel H. Holmgren 5453 1971-07-15
U.S.A., Idaho, Bingham, Northwest end of Sheep Mountain, 38 airline miles north of Soda Springs., 2042m
BRYV0079302 R. Kral 58990 1976-09-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Snowy Range Pass between Centennial and Ryan Park., 2743m
BRYV0079221 D. W. Lindsay 1955 1973-07-07
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Snake River drainage. Hatchery Ford Rd, 4 miles east of Ashton Loop Rd, Island Park Area., 1859m
BRYV0079301 George Neville Jones 39020 1964-08-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Pass, Shoshone National Forest., 3353m
BRYV0079220 D. W. Lindsay 1978 1973-07-07
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Snake River Drainage. 2 miles east of Ashton Loop Rd, on Hatchery Ford Rd, Island Park., 1859m
BRYV0079300 C. H. Refsdal 6205 1995-07-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Uinta, North Slope Uinta Mountains: Wasatch National Forest: about 13 air mi SW of Robertson; 14.5 mi S on County Road 271., 8680 - 8730m
BRYV0079219 Noel H. Holmgren 5962 1972-06-18
U.S.A., Idaho, Twin Falls, South Hills, Rogerson-Oakley road, Shoshone Basin, 12 (8.5 airline) miles east-southeast of Rogerson., 1753m
BRYV0079217 J. S. Tuhy 349 1981-07-21
U.S.A., Idaho, Custer, Stanley Lake Creek bottom, ca 1 mile below Stanley Lake., 1978m
BRYV0079216 N. Duane Atwood 13040 1987-06-26
U.S.A., Idaho, Custer, Head of Thousand Springs, upper Thousand Springs Valley, WNW of Dickey., 1951m
BRYV0079215 Jim Vanderhorst 4790 1992-07-27
U.S.A., Idaho, Idaho, Payette National Forest; McCall Ranger District; Ridge between Burgdorf Summit and China Mt.; ca. 36 air mi. NE of McCall., 2377m
BRYV0079214 Jim Vanderhorst 4721 1992-07-20
U.S.A., Idaho, Adams, Payette National Forest, Council Ranger District; Granite Timber Sale, Squaw Flat; ca. 10 air mi. ENE of Council., 1890m
BRYV0079213 Jim Vanderhorst 4832 1992-08-03
U.S.A., Idaho, Adams, Payette National Forest; Council Ranger District; Council Mountain; ca. 8 air mi. E. of Council., 2286 - 2438m
BRYV0079212 Jim Vanderhorst 4850 1992-08-06
U.S.A., Idaho, Adams, Payette National Forest; Council Ranger District; Council Mountain (Lake Basin); ca. 8 air mi. E. of Council., 2134 - 2408m
BRYV0079211 Bob Moseley 1192 1987-08-22
U.S.A., Idaho, Custer, Kane Creek cirque, ca 0.5 mile E of Kane Lake, Pioneer Mountains, Callis NF, ca 13 miles NE of Ketchum., 3170m
BRYV0079210 Bob Moseley 1228 1987-08-25
U.S.A., Idaho, Gooding, Downstream channel of ÒSculpin SpringsÓ section, thousand Springs Preserve, the Nature Conservancy, ca 6 miles SE of Hagerman along the Snake River., 853m
BRYV0079209 Bob Moseley 1898 1990-07-31
U.S.A., Idaho, Lemhi, East ridge of Mt. McGuire, Bighorn Crags, Salmon N.F, ca. 16 miles NW of Cobalt., 2865 - 3073m
BRYV0079207 J. F. Smith 6221 2006-07-02
U.S.A., Idaho, Owyhee, Road to Silver City., 43.03698 -116.66583, 1462m
BRYV0079206 S. J. Brunsfeld 1153 1979-07-16
U.S.A., Idaho, Custer, East slope Lost River Range. Long Lost Creek Canyon., 2500m
BRYV0079205 James F. Smith 9230 2010-07-29
U.S.A., Idaho, Valley, Bear Valley Road (FS579), Boise National Forest, ~1 mile west of airstrip at Bruce Meadows., 44.41933 -115.3214, 2042m
BRYV0079204 N. Duane Atwood 5672 1973-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Along Hwy #103 west of its confluence with Hwy #5.
BRYV0079203 Larry C. Higgins 2319 1969-07-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Kettle Ponds, 1.5 miles southeast of Gothic.
BRYV0079202 Ralph K. Gierisch 2998 1964-08-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Pike Forest. Mt. Evans., 4237m
BRYV0079200 Larry C. Higgins 3682 1970-07-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Hinsdale, Ca. 3 miles west of the Rio Grande Reservoir.
BRYV0079199 C. William 4508 1955-07-03
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Meadow slopes above Taylor Park Reservoir.
BRYV0079198 Stanley L. Welsh 1420 1960-07-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, 3 miles east of NAVAJO PEAK., 3353m
BRYV0079197 R. Kass 1438 1983-09-11
U.S.A., Colorado, San Juan, Twilight Peak Area., 3475m
BRYV0079196 S. Nelson 689 1972-07-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Summit, Monte Cristo Creek, 2.5 miles W of State Highway 9., 3475m
BRYV0079195 S. Nelson 1281 1972-08-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Summit, West Tenmile Creek, 2 miles E of Shrine Pass., 3353m
BRYV0079194 S. Nelson 1106 1972-08-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Summit, Penrose Creek., 3383m
BRYV0079193 Elizabeth Neese 17190 1985-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Along small tributary, W side of Muddy Creek., 2277m
BRYV0079192 Elizabeth Neese 17231 1985-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Routt, 1/4 mi S of Colo. Hwy 134, near Dicker Cr, 15 mi NW of Kremmling., 2652m
BRYV0079191 JoAnn W. Flock FV-100 1972-07-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Niwot Ridge ca. one mile north of Niwot Mountain; ca. six miles west of Ward., 40.05 -105.61666, 3475m
BRYV0079190 JoAnn W. Flock FV-110 1972-09-09
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Niwot Ridge ca. one mile north of Niwot Mountain, ca. six miles west of Ward., 40.05 -105.61666, 3475m
BRYV0079189 Erik K. Bonde 32 1981-07-07
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Roosevelt National Forest, Niwot Ridge Saddle 7.2 km SSW of WArd., 40.05555 -105.58888, 3536m
BRYV0079188 Nancy Kastning 2300 1989-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Park Range; ca 17 air mi NW of Kremmling, by Service Creek., 2819m
BRYV0079187 James P. Vanderhorst 493 1990-06-22
U.S.A., Colorado, Garfield, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: Flat Tops Wilderness: cliffs above Rim Lake, ca 25 air mi NNE of Glenwood Springs., 3322m
BRYV0079186 James P. Vanderhorst 3923 1991-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Garfield, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: Flat Tops Wilderness: Small Lake below ÒLoaf of BreadÓ Mountain, ca 23 air mi NNE of Glenwood Springs., 3322m
BRYV0079185 James P. Vanderhorst 1508 1990-07-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Garfield, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: Crescent Lake Basin, ca 26 air mi NNE of Glenwood Springs., 3231 - 3353m
BRYV0079184 James P. Vanderhorst 4290 1991-08-22
U.S.A., Colorado, Garfield, Flat Tops/White River Plateau: Flat Tops Wilderness: Devils Causeway, ca 15 air mi SW of Yampa., 3566m
BRYV0079183 Arnold Clifford 01-976 2001-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Conejos, San Juan Natl. Forest; ca. 19.5 mi. e. of Pagosa Springs; 4.75 mi. n. of Fets Peak., 3490m
BRYV0079182 B. E. Nelson 51981 2000-08-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, North-central Colorado: Park Range: Lake Percy and along the creek below, ca 1/4 mi E of the Continental Divide, ca 4 air mi NW of Rabbit Ears Peak, ca 26-27 air mi SW of Walden., 2865 - 3066m
BRYV0079181 Sarah Nunn 2225 2001-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Roosevelt National Forest: Front Range: Sand Creek off Deadman Road (County Road 162) and Forest Raod 336, ca 41 air mi NW of Fort Collins., 3078m
BRYV0079180 Emily A. Holt 1589 2000-07-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, east Slope Continental Divide: Timberline Lake area, off County Road 9 at Colorado Trailhead at the west end of Turquoise Lake, ca 4 air mi S of Homestake Reservoir; ca 12 air mi NW of Leadville., 3048 - 3309m
BRYV0079179 Lynn Marie Moore 3799 1994-08-07
U.S.A., Colorado, Dolores, upper Dolores River Drainage and Adjacent Areas: San Juan National Forest: Black Mesa, Forest Road 533 and Forest Road 611, ca 27 air mi NNE of Dolores., 3231 - 3261m
BRYV0079178 Erin Foley 4362 2003-08-07
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Mount Evans, off Colo Hwy 5, ca 0.5 mi NW of Lincoln Lake, ca 9.5 air mi SW of Idaho Springs., 39.6208 -105.6053, 3719m
BRYV0079417 K. H. Mattisson 2390 1948-08-02
Norway, Grytten herred, valley of Isterdalen, Trollsteg-veien, at the road-bridge below Alnesreset.
BRYV0079416 Gsta Kjellmert s.n. 1945-07-18
Sweden, Narke, Svennevad. Kaiskrud.
BRYV0079415 K. H. Mattisson 4800 1955-08-10
Norway, Buskerud: Fla herred, about 4 km S.E. of the church, bank of river hallingdalselva, geolitoral belt. 135 msm.
BRYV0079414 Earl Jackson 140 1961-07-19
Finland, In park at Pietarsaari, Finland.
BRYV0079413 Wm. F. Palsson 122 1945-07-04
Iceland, Laxardal, north Iceland.
BRYV0079412 Earl Jackson 80 1961-07-15
Finland, Whole land. In park at Pitarsaari, Finland.
BRYV0079411 L Lagerstrm 32 1961-07-01
Sweden, SODERMANLAND, Morko, Kolso.
BRYV0079410 George Nakhutsrishvili 108 2001-08-20
Georgia, Georgia. Khevi, Kazbegi. Riv. Tergi gorge, about 2 km south of vill. Kaxbegi, about 1 km north of vill. Achkhoti, about 50 m right of riv. Tergi, beside Georgian Military Road., 1750m