ASU0112738 A. Tiehm 13582 2001-06-04
USA, Nevada, White Pine, White River Valley, 1.1 road miles W of the main dirt road on the W side of the valley, on a main E-W road across the valley, just N of the county line., 38.773411 -115.128556, 1640m
ASU0112739 N.H. Holmgren 4934 1971-05-31
United States, Idaho, Owyhee, Idaho Hwy 51, 13.5 mi S of Bruneau, 1052m
ASU0112740 N.H. Holmgren 5256 1971-06-27
United States, Nevada, Nye, Railroad Valley, U. S. Highway 6, 13.5 mile soutwest of Currant., 38.6258 -115.6615, 1463m
ASU0112741 J.L. Reveal 2794 1972-07-23
United States, California, Mono, Hot Springs, 1.5 miles south of Bridgeport and 0.9 mile east of U. S. Highway 395., 38.2338889 -119.2238889
DES00010264 Noel H. Holmgren 4934 1971-05-31
USA, Idaho, Owyhee, Idaho Highway 51, 13.5 miles south of Bruneau., 42.7137 -115.9051
DES00010265 Noel H. Holmgren 5256 1971-06-27
USA, Nevada, Nye, Railroad Valley, U. S. Highway 6, 13.5 mile soutwest of Currant., 38.6258 -115.6615, 1463m
DES00029079 A. Tiehm 9233 1984-08-14
USA, Nevada, Washoe Co., Yellow Hills area at junction of High Rock Canyon road and Massacre Lakes road, east of Stevens Camp., 39.1 -119.5, 1737m
DES00029153 Arnold Tiehm 9215 1984-08-10
USA, Nevada, Pershing, Buena Vista Valley, Kyle Hot Springs., 40.40639 -117.8825, 1390m
DES00031357 Arnold Tiehm 9774 1985-06-26
USA, Nevada, Nye, White River Valley, 4.3 road miles west of highway 38 on the road to Wells Summit Station., 38.639857 -115.1253355, 1615m
James L. Reveal 1980 1968-08-31
United States, Nevada, Nye, 1.2 mi E of Kawich Valley Road, on road to Cliff Spring, 37.51081 -115.97081, 1677m
UCR0037520 Tom Schweich 1162 2015-06-24
United States, California, Mono, Warm Springs, c. 450 m south of the GNIS location of Warm Springs, accessed by way of Forest Road 01N54 “East Shore Road,” 20.4 km by air east northeast of Lee Vining, 38.02939 -118.90419, 1948m
UCR0037522 Beecher Crampton 284 1941-07-10
United States, California, Mono, about 1.5 mi east [SE] of Bridgeport [prob. vicin. Travertine Hot Spring], 38.24639 -119.20444, 2134m
UCR0037519 Ann Howald 4311 2017-07-14
United States, California, Mono, Eastern Mono Valley, 8.5 km SE of Cedar Hill, 3 km S of Nevada Hwy 359, and c. 0.5 km east of FS4N01, 38.14064 -118.77092, 2153m
UCR0193808 Cynthia Nicely 23-PP--06 2023-07-20
United States, California, Inyo, west of the Owens River, east of Blackrock, and SE of Aberdeen, 36.93569 -118.19556, 1160m
UCR0037521 Ann Howald 3532 2015-08-03
United States, California, Mono, East Mono Basin, FS road 4N01, c. 2 miles S of intersection with NV Hwy 359, and c. 0.3 mile east, 38.14108 -118.77161, 2152m
UCR0037523 Ann Howald 3013 2014-05-21
United States, California, Mono, Volcanic Tableland, along Fish Slough Rd, c. 3.3 mi north of intersection with Five Bridges Rd., 37.46539 -118.40542, 1290m
UCR0037524 James L. Reveal 2794 1972-07-23
United States, California, Mono, Hot Springs, 1.5 mi. south of Bridgeport and 0.9 mi. east of U.S. Hwy 395., 38.22419 -119.21569
UTC00073635 Bassett Maguire; A. H. Holmgren 26272
United States, Idaho, Owyhee, Poison Cr. 10 mi. S. of Grand View., 42.8380556 -116.1177778
UTC00240674 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 14350 2001-06-01
United States, Idaho, Twin Falls, West edge of butte along Sawyer Drive, 13.5 km (8.5 mi) air distance north-northwest of downtown Buhl., 42.6603 -114.868, 915m
UTC00073637 Bassett Maguire; A. H. Holmgren 26190
United States, Idaho, Ada, Snake River Canyon, Above Swan Falls power station., 43.2333333 -116.3666667
UTC00240675 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 14568 2001-08-22
United States, Nevada, Nye, White River Valley, 6.9 km (4.3 mi) west of State Route 318 along the Wells Station Road, 27.5 km (17 mi) air distance south-southwest of downtown Lund., 38.6341667 -115.1347222, 1625m
UTC00240676 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 13844 2000-06-07
United States, Nevada, Nye, Railroad Valley, along U.S. Highway 6, north side of the highway, 0.5 km (0.3 mi) northeast of Lockes (Black Rock Station)., 38.5583333 -115.7697222, 1480m
UTC00036934 Arnold Tiehm; Margaret Williams 6503 1981-05-23
United States, Nevada, Nye, Railroad Valley, Chimney Hot Springs south of Lockes, 38.466 -115.7911
UTC00153469 Arnold Tiehm; Janice Freeman 3471 1977-06-10
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Along highway 34 north of Nixon, 40.1662 -119.3674
UTC00168673 K. H. Thorne, B. T. Welsh 1093 1980-06-27
United States, Nevada, Nye, Railroad Valley Lockes, 38.5822 -115.6246, 1463m
UTC00207567 Ann Pinzl; Terri Knight 9051 1990-05-31
United States, Nevada, Washoe, West side of Winnemucca Lake and Rte 447, about 23 1/2 road miles south of Empire, 1173m
UTC00189780 Arnold Tiehm; Gray Schoolcraft 9233 1984-08-14
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Yellow Hills are at junction of High Rock Canyon road and Massacre Lakes road, east of Stevens Camp., 41.4807 -119.4697, 1737m
UTC00189794 Arnold Tiehm 9215 1984-08-10
United States, Nevada, Pershing, Buena Vista Valley, Kyle Hot Springs, 40.4141 -117.8786, 1390m
UTC00171385 Margaret J. Williams 79-63-1 1979-05-28
United States, Nevada, Nye, 12.7 mi SW of Currant, near Hwy 6., 38.6258 -115.643, 1478m
UTC00188301 Arnold Tiehm 7918 1983-06-16
United States, Nevada, Churchill, Hot Springs Mts, 2.3 air miles ENE of Desert Peak, 39.8038 -118.784, 1341m
UTC00166852 James L. Reveal 3690
United States, Idaho, Owyhee, Along Idaho Highway 51, about 14 mi. S. of Bruneau and 24 mi. N. of Grasmere., 42.7230556 -115.8963889, 975m
UTC00165745 S. Goodrich 1979-06-27
United States, Nevada, Nye, Between East and West Stone Cabin Valleys, 42 mi. 57drg. from Tonopah near 1971 Bench Mark of 6225' elev., 38.3977778 -116.5805556, 1897m
UTC00245108 Arnold Tiehm; Jan Nachlinger 14468 2004-05-27
United States, Nevada, Nye, Low hills between East and West Stone Cabin Valleys, 1.2 air miles NE of Stone Cabin Ranch., 38.2158333 -116.6169444, 1789m
UTC00173513 Margaret . Williams 80-165-2 1980-06-29
United States, Nevada, Nye, 0.3 mi NW of Lockes., 38.5534 -115.7911, 1615m
UTC00138976 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 4934
United States, Idaho, Owyhee, Idaho Highway6 51, 13.5 mi. S. of Bruneau., 42.7180556 -115.905, 1052m
UTC00138977 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 5256 1971-06-27
United States, Nevada, Nye, Railroad Valley, U. S. Highway 6, 13.5 mile soutwest of Currant., 38.6258 -115.6615, 1463m
UTC00070751 annie M. Alexander; Louise Kellogg 3789 1944-06-30
United States, California, Mono, Above white-encrusted basin, Hot Springs formation. two miles southeast of Bridgeport., 2042m
UTC00192967 Arnold Tiehm; Kathy Lindsey 9774 1985-06-26
United States, Nevada, Nye, White River Valley, 4.3 road miles west of highway 38 on the road to Wells summit Station, 38.6403 -115.1263, 1615m
UTC00158078 Barbara J. Ertter 76-92
United States, Idaho, Gooding, Dry gray-ash hillside above Clover Creek about 8 mi. E. of King Hill., 43.0172222 -115.0722222, 884m
18864 M.E. Jones sn 1891-07-04
Mexico, Muney [?]
165039 collectors:
United States, Nevada, Pershing County, Buena Vista Valley, Kyle Hot Springs., 40.41 -117.87
202356 Tom Schweich 1162 2015-06-24
United States, California, Mono, Warm Springs, c. 450 m south of the GNIS location of Warm Springs, accessed by way of Forest Road 01N54 “East Shore Road,” 20.4 km by air east northeast of Lee Vining, 38.02939 -118.90419, 1948m
39101 A. Tiehm 9233 1984-08-14
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Yellow Hills area at junction of High Rock Canyon road and Massacre Lakes road, east of Stevens Camp, 41.37 -119.4, 1737m
832193 J. F. Smith 5769 2005-06-30
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Northeast of Grasmere road, gradual slope below cliff area, 42.7775 -115.75027778, 900m
39086 A. M. DeBolt 1094 1989-05-11
United States of America, Idaho, Gooding Co., 100 feet above and North of the Snake River, 1/4 mile northeast of the Bliss Dam and 6 air miles southwest of Bliss, 42.92 -115.07, 823m
02212043 J. Nachlinger 2549 2003-07-05
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Garden Valley. E of Grant Range., 38.238066898619 -115.3911818465, 1640m
281356 N. D. Atwood 23667 1998-05-31
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., South of Bruneau. UTM 0602158; 4734720., 42.75883 -115.751733, 884m
39099 J. L. Reveal 1980 1968-08-31
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Cent. Kawich Basin, 1.2 miles east of kawich Valley Road, on road to Cliff Spring
537259 A. Tiehm 13582 2001-06-04
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., White River Valley, 1.1 road miles west of the main dirt road on the west side of the valley on a main east-west road across the valley, just north of the county line, 38.7725 -115.1235, 1640m
39103 A. Tiehm 9215 1984-08-10
United States of America, Nevada, Pershing Co., Buena Vista Valley, Kyle Hot Springs, 40.42 -117.88, 1390m
694032 N. H. Holmgren 14350 2001-06-01
United States of America, Idaho, Twin Falls Co., West edge of a butte along Sawyer Drive, 13.5 km (8.5 mi) air distance north-northwest of downtown Buhl, 42.7033333 -114.8494444, 915m
39073 H. D. D. Ripley 5657 1943-06-10
United States of America, Nevada, Lyon Co., Northeast of Fernley, 39.5914 -119.2172, 1234 - 1234m
39096 N. H. Holmgren 5256 1971-06-27
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Railroad valley, U.S. Highway 6, 13.5 miles southwest of Currant, 38.63 -115.67, 1463m
39094 H. D. D. Ripley 5652 1943-06-10
United States of America, Nevada, Churchill Co., Northeast of Springer's Hot Springs, 39.7878 -119.0114, 1311 - 1311m
39070 A. Tiehm 7918 1983-06-16
United States of America, Nevada, Churchill Co., Hot Springs Mountains, 2.3 air miles east-northeast of Desert Peak, 39.8 -118.78, 1341m
537039 J. G. Lemmon 113 1875-00-00
United States of America, California, 38.581545 -121.494345
537038 J. G. Lemmon 113 1875-00-00
United States of America, California, 38.581545 -121.494345
39066 J. H. Christ 16714 1947-06-10
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., 13 miles southeast of Bruneau, at Hot Creek, 42.762675 -115.731472
39126 A. P. Pinzl 9051 1990-05-31
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., West side of Winnemucca Lake and Route 447, about 23 1/2 road miles south of Empire, 1173m
39069 M. E. Jones s.n. 1891-07-04
United States of America, Nevada, Muncy
39063 J. L. Reveal 3690 1974-07-07
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Along Idaho Highway 51, about 14 miles south of Bruneau and 24 miles north of Grasmere, 975m
39067 J. H. Christ 19103 1949-07-18
United States of America, Idaho, Twin Falls Co., 11 miles west of Buhl., 42.598868 -114.975986
39089 R. C. Barneby 18323 1989-05-27
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Low sandy bluffs 14 miles south of Bruneau, 42.6789 -115.7989
39056 P. H. Hawkins s.n.? 3 is near the label header 1917-07-21
United States of America, Idaho, Southern Idaho
39074 S. Goodrich 13024 1979-06-28
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Little Fish Valley, ca. 0.5 miles east of Upper Fish Lake, 24 miles 75° from Belmont, 38.6903 -116.4389, 1996m
39065 N. H. Holmgren 4934 1971-05-31
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Idaho Highway 51, 13.5 miles south of Bruneau, 42.72 -115.9, 1052m
01806993 J. F. Smith 12532 2015-06-10
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Roadside along highway 51, near milepost 58., 42.7292 -115.89697, 1013m
39098 M. J. Williams 80-165-2 1980-06-29
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., 0.3 mile northeast of Lockes, 38.55 -115.78, 1615m
112230 J. Torrey 138 1865-00-00
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., 41.406842 -118.111968
39100 J. D. Morefield 5588 1991-08-17
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Lake Range: east base of west shore of Winnemucca Dry Lake, east side of Nevada Highway 34, 36.6 miles north of Wadsworth, 2.9 air miles south 33° east of Nugent Springs, 40.1 -119.37, 1167m
112231 J. Torrey 138 1865-00-00
United States of America, Nevada, Churchill Co., [From handwritten note attached to this sheet: Collected by Dr. Torrey (138) in a valley west of Job's Peak, Nevada.]
39087 B. Ertter 76-92 1976-06-07
United States of America, Idaho, Gooding Co., Above Clover Creek, about 8 miles east of King Hill, 43.02 -115.07, 884m
39075 M. J. Williams 79-63-1 1979-05-28
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., 12.7 miles southwest of Currant, near Highway 6, 38.63 -115.65
39127 A. Tiehm 3471 1977-06-10
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Along Highway 34 north of Nixon, 40.17 -119.37, 3900m
39068 J. W. Grimes 1365 1979-05-20
United States of America, Idaho, Twin Falls Co., Isolated BLM tract above Banbury Hot Springs, 42.7 -114.83, 945m
39062 B. Maguire 26190 1946-05-19
United States of America, Idaho, Ada Co., Snake River Canyon above Swan Falls power station, 43.240742 -116.370797
537040 A. P. Pinzl 13735 2000-08-19
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., West of Winnemucca Lake, Route 447, 1.4 road miles north of Pyramid Indian Reservation boundary, just north of turnoff to gravel pit, 40.2098 -119.3674, 1167m
39090 B. Maguire 26226 1946-05-27
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., 8 miles south of Grand View, 42.873723 -116.093431
694034 N. H. Holmgren 14568 2001-08-22
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., White River Valley, 6.9 km (4.3 mi) west of State Route 318 along the Wells Station Road, 27.5 km (17 mi) air distance south-southwest of downtown Lund, 38.63416667 -115.13472222, 1625m
39091 B. Maguire 26272 1946-06-05
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Snake River Drainage; Poison Creek, 10 miles south of Grand View
537041 R. R. Halse 1923 1979-05-19
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Along Mud Flat Road, 8.5 miles south of Grandview, 42.88647 -116.0841, 825m
39058 J. W. Grimes 1577 1980-05-14
United States of America, Idaho, Twin Falls Co., Along Yahoo Creek, a tributary to the Snake River near Thousand Springs, 42.75 -114.92, 975m
283632 N. D. Atwood 23725 1998-06-01
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., S of Bruneau., 42.72 -115.92, 953m
01154278 L. C. Smithman 497 1980-05-10
United States of America, Idaho, Twin Falls Co., Across from the mouth of the Malad River in the Snake River Canyon, 42.8575 -116.1039, 884m
112187 M. E. Jones 25070 1930-06-23
United States of America, Idaho, Bruneau., 42.880452 -115.797308
572460 L. Hufford 3741 2001-06-18
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Southwest of Bruneau. Along Highway 51, 12.1 miles south of its junction with Highway 78., 42.72708 -115.898017, 1004m
39061 A. M. DeBolt 1038 1988-07-19
United States of America, Idaho, Elmore Co., On the north side of Highway 67. Chattin Hill, 3 miles north of Grandview, and the Snake River, 43.03 -116.07, 799m
283638 N. D. Atwood 23717 1998-06-01
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., S of Bruneau., 42.73 -115.9
39095 A. Tiehm 9774 1985-06-26
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., White River Valley, 4.3 road miles west of Highway 38 on the road to Wells Summit Station, 38.63 -115.13, 1615m
39071 A. Tiehm 11355 1987-06-26
United States of America, Nevada, Esmeralda Co., Silver Peak Range, 1.3 road miles west of Cavve Springs on the Coyote road from silver Peak to Fish Lake Valley, then 1 road mile northwest along a wash, 37.83 -117.85, 1981m
39085 A. M. DeBolt 962 1988-05-27
United States of America, Idaho, Elmore Co., Little Pilgrim Gulch, 1/2 mile southeast of Glenn's Ferry, 42.9 -115.12, 884m
39064 N. H. Holmgren 5808 1972-06-06
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., 10.2 air miles southeast of Bruneau and a quater mile northeast of the road, 42.77 -115.68, 914m
39060 J. W. Grimes 1743 1980-07-03
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Along Shoofly Creek, above Mud Flat Road about 10 miles south of Grandview, 42.85 -116.1, 914m
39088 D. M. Henderson 5525 1980-06-09
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., North-northwest of Mud Flat Road, ca. 12 air miles due west of State Highway 51 and 9 miles nearly due south of Grandview, 42.85 -116.12
39093 G. Wuerthner 83-28 1983-08-03
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., 1/2 mile northeast of Indian Bathtub near Bruneau, 42.77 -115.73, 853m
537042 L. C. Smithman LS853 1982-06-16
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Big Jack's Creek., 42.78609 -116.0033, 884m
694033 N. H. Holmgren 13844 2000-06-07
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Railroad Valley, along U.S. Highway 6, north side of the highway, 0.5 km (0.3 mi) northeast of Lockes (Black Rock Station), 38.5583333 -115.7697222, 1480m
1920912 D. H. Mansfield 10133 2010-06-29
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Gravel road to Hot Creek Falls and Indian Bathtub, ~1/2 mile east of the Blackstone Grasmere Road, ~8 miles south of Bruneau, 42.7592 -115.7444, 853m
39057 H. D. D. Ripley 6515 1945-06-01
United States of America, Idaho, Elmore Co., 4 miles southwest of Hot Springs, 42.7594 -115.7825, 762 - 762m
283637 N. D. Atwood 23729 1998-06-01
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., 42.75 -115.92