BRYV0121032 Stephen S. Talbot SIM5015B 2014-08-01
U.S.A., Alaska, Aleutians East, Simeonof Island, Shumagin Islands. Rocky slope on hill 624., 54.91666 -159.25277, 180m
BRYV0265513 Stephen S. Talbot 50 1995-07-14
U.S.A., Alaska, Aleutians East, Simeonof Island; Shumagin Islands; E side of Hill 624., 54.915 -159.25833, 100m
BRYV0265512 Aline Strutz 2104 1975-07-03
U.S.A., Alaska, Cleveland Creek, along the Nome-Teller Road, Seward Peninsula.
BRYV0265510 Stanley L. Welsh 20776 1981-08-05
U.S.A., Alaska, Prudhoe Bay, ca. 1 miles ENE of Deadhorse Airport.
BRYV0265509 Stanley L. Welsh 5923 1966-07-14
U.S.A., Alaska, Anvil Mt, ca 5 miles north of Nome.
BRYV0265508 Pegau 263-69 1969-07-16
U.S.A., Alaska, ? Burough, Cape Woolley - 40 miles west of Nome., 64.76666 -166.5, 3 - 15m
BRYV0265507 Maxcine Williams 2381 1968-08-07
U.S.A., Alaska, Denali highway mile 12.
BRYV0265506 Aline Strutz 1625 1971-07-17
U.S.A., Alaska, Cold Bay, near airport.
BRYV0265504 Maxcine Williams 1350 1965-07-28
U.S.A., Alaska, Denali, Road to MercerÕs ranch, Lignite. Side road off new highway south of Clear.
BRYV0265503 K. M. Reed 4338 1975-08-07
U.S.A., Alaska, Limestone knob on stream flowing east out of Shellabarger Pass., 62.5225 -152.6, 732m
BRYV0265502 L. C. Marvin 2574 1987-07-12
U.S.A., Alaska, Schwatka Mountains: Dahl Creek Valley, about 8 km. north of the Dahl Creek Airstrip near Kobuk in the Kobuk River Drainage., 66.98333 -156.88333, 640m
BRYV0265501 Arthur Cronquist 12138 1988-07-03
Russian Federation, Gorno-Altaysk Autonomous Region: Altai Mts, ca 160 km south-southeast of Gorno-Altaysk., 2600m
BRYV0265500 D. Jaques 1578 1972-07-31
U.S.A., Alaska, Prince of Wales Island, Klawock Mountains, south ridge of main massif, 18 miles northeast of Craig., 55.51666 -132.88333, 975m
BRYV0265499 Maxcine Williams 2856 1971-07-17
U.S.A., Alaska, Cold Bay Alaska Peninsula..
BRYV0265498 K. Ostler 2117 1980-08-04
U.S.A., Alaska, On Prudhoe Bay Road, 25 mi S of Prudhoe Bay along pipeline right-of-way., 61m
BRYV0265497 Maxcine Williams 1034 1965-06-30
U.S.A., Alaska, Foothills of Marsh Mt, Lake Aleknagik.
BRYV0265496 Maxcine Williams 17964 1966-07-15
U.S.A., Alaska, Nome C.A., Anvil Mountain, ca. 5 miles north of Nome.
BRYV0265495 Stanley L. Welsh 5922 1966-07-14
U.S.A., Alaska, Anvil Mt, ca 5 miles north of Nome.
BRYV0265494 Stephen Talbot p13-1 1983-07-07
U.S.A., Alaska, Anchorage, Nunivak Island; Yukon Delta NWR., 60.08333 -166.75
BRYV0265492 Stanley L. Welsh 10143 1970-07-01
Canada, Yukon Territory, Site of DC-3 wreckage, divide between Spring River, and Roland Creek., 69.11666 -139.16666
BRYV0265491 J. K. Rigby 137 1970-07-26
Canada, Yukon Territory, West-side Blow River Valley. Blow River Quadrangle., 68.28333 -137.86666, 671m
BRYV0265490 Stanley L. Welsh 11175 1971-07-15
Canada, Yukon Territory, South Cache Creek Hills. Between main fork and west fork of Cache Creek, near headwaters., 68.06666 -136.58333, 914m
BRYV0265489 Stanley L. Welsh 10348 1970-07-09
Canada, Yukon Territory, Ca. 13 mi due west of Sam Lake., 68.38333 -139.13333, 762m
BRYV0265487 Stanley L. Welsh 12211 1973-06-27
Canada, Yukon Territory, Drainage of Blow River, near BM 2736., 68.58333 -137, 533m
BRYV0265486 Stanley L. Welsh 10264 1970-07-05
Canada, Yukon Territory, In British Mountains, ca. 4 mi. northeast of Mt. Page, in headwaters of unnamed river driining to Clarence Lagoon, ca. 21 mi. south of coast., 69.4 -140.83333
BRYV0271406 Aline Strutz 480 1963-07-13
U.S.A., Alaska, Eagle Summit, Steese Hwy Mi Ca. 110., 1105m
BRYV0271405 Robert Pegau 252 1966-08-10
U.S.A., Alaska, Nome C.A., Near Teller Road, around Feather River, 60 miles N.W. of Nome, Alaska., 64.75 -166.33333, 152 - 366m
BRYV0265493 Pegau 119-69 1969-06-23
York Mtns, 3 miles west of Lost River, near the coast., 65.26666 -167.25, 152m
BRYV0265488 Stanley L. Welsh 10364 1970-07-09
Canada, Yukon Territory, 68.45 -139.41666, 975m
CAN 10019636 Ponomarenko, Serguei Vu059 2014-07-06
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Vuntut National Park, 68.392483 -139.1346, 760m
CM199026 Hamilton, R.D. s.n. 1946-07-00
United States, Alaska, 2 mi SW of Teller, 65.243191 -166.409615
CM199028 Charlesworth, W. s.n. 1945-07-31
United States, Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Cold Bay Harbor, 55.20396 -162.702228
CM277345 Kelso, T. 45 1979-06-00
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Cape Prince of Wales, Village Creek, 65.612271 -168.041634, 0 - 700m
CM411788 Duman, M.G. 70-196 1970-06-29
Canada, Yukon, Burwash Creek up old mine road Alaskan Highway mi 1110, 61.431623 -139.220121
CM413023 LePage, E. 24093 1948-08-26
United States, Alaska, Naknek, Alaska Peninsula, 58.728333 -157.013889
00011946 M. L. Fernald, K. M. Wiegand & J. Kittredge, Jr. 4188 1910-08-16
Canada, Newfoundland & Labrador, Region of Port au Port Bay, Table Mountain, 200 - 300m
KHD00028777 Loraine Yeatts 2180.1 1989-07-23
United States of America, Idaho, Custer, Pioneer Mts, E side of Baptie L, 10130 ft; granite substrate., 43.77586 -114.01289, 3084m
Canada, Alberta, detailed locality information protected
United States, Utah, Salt Lake
621710 M. W. Harrington s.n. 1871-00-00
United States of America, Alaska, Popoff I. Vc.
03088450 A. Nelson 3804 1939-07-14
United States of America, Alaska, Mount McKinley National Park, Polychrome Pass
3088457 W. H. Welch 19426 1960-07-07
United States of America, Alaska, Along Dexter Road between Nome and Girl Scout Camp. 5-6 mis. n. of Nome
3088458 W. H. Welch 19382 1960-07-07
United States of America, Alaska, Along Dexter Road between Nome and Girl Scout Camp, 5-6 mi. N. of Nome
3088460 S. L. Welsh 12211 1973-06-27
Canada, Yukon, Drainage of Blow River, near BM 2736, 68.58 -137, 533m
United States, Montana, Park, 45.463081 -110.53493
NDSU050046 Ira N. Gabrielson 1940-07-12
United States, Alaska, Bethel
Maxcine Williams 2856 1971-07-17
United States, Alaska, [needs research], Cold Bay Alaska Peninsula.
Maxcine Williams 2381 1968-07-08
United States, Alaska, [needs research], Denali highway mile 12.
Joy Handley, Erin Peters 7800 2000-08-04
U.S.A., Idaho, Idaho, Payette National Forest and Vicinity: Salmon River Mountains: Pony Meadows, ca 5 air mi S of Warren; ca 18 air mi WNW of Big Creek Guard Station., 45.1874 -115.6884, 2256m
Heather Bradtke 1680 2001-07-06
U.S.A., Oregon, Grant, Umatilla National Forest and Vicinity: Haiku Meadow along Lost Creek, ca 2 air mi SE of Olive Lake., 44.742778 -118.5975, 1951 - 2165m
Heather Bradtke 1681 2001-07-06
U.S.A., Oregon, Grant, Umatilla National Forest and Vicinity: Haiku Meadow along Lost Creek, ca 2 air mi SE of Olive Lake., 44.742778 -118.5975, 1951 - 2165m
Rick McNeill 7667 2009-07-28
U.S.A., Montana, Lewis and Clark, Lewis and Clark National Forest: Front Range: pass on Crown Mountain Trail (Forest Trail 270), ca 0.5 mi S of Crown Mountain., 47.3702 -112.7623, 2234m
Rick McNeill 7562b 2009-07-27
U.S.A., Montana, Lewis and Clark, Lewis and Clark National Forest: Front Range: long narrow spur on north end of Scapegoat Mountain above Green Fork Straight Creek and Halfmoon Creek., 47.3271 -112.8345, 2499m
Joshua J. Irwin 8791 2012-07-21
U.S.A., Idaho, Lemhi, Northern Salmon River Mountains: N shore of unnamed lake to the SW of Lost Packer Lake, 25.4 air mi WNW of Shoup., 45.46936 -114.78233, 2259m
Joshua J. Irwin 8891 2012-08-04
U.S.A., Idaho, Custer, Southern Salmon River Mountains: open area ESE of Cabin Creek Peak, 13.2 air mi N of Stanley., 44.40416 -114.88491, 2538m
SIU085954 Robertson, P.A. 473 1973-08-20
United States, Wyoming
SIU085955 Robertson, P.A. 643 1973-08-13
United States, Wyoming
49231 Carolyn L. Parker, Sarah J. Fowell 11410 2002-06-25
United States, Alaska, Baird Mtns, Jade Mt. , N side, NW shoulders below summit, 67.24 -158.09
76924 David F. Murray 4044 1973-07-12
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Alatna R, Headwaters Lake, 67.88 -155.08
76927 David F. Murray 4074 1973-07-12
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Alatna R, Headwaters Lake, 67.88 -155.08
79822 Robert Pegau 252 1966-08-10
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula Highlands, Feather R, mile 36 Teller Hwy., 64.83 -166.08
79086 G. Barber 4280 1987-07-23
United States, Alaska, Arctic Coastal Plain, Mile 311 Dalton Hwy., 68.81 -148.76
90503 S. Galen Smith 1961 1953-08-08
United States, Alaska, White Mts, Sourdough Cr. headwaters, off Mi 66 Steese Hwy., 65.36 -146.48, - 1067m
90418 S. Galen Smith 1988 1953-08-09
United States, Alaska, White Mts, Sourdough Cr. headwaters, off Mi 66 Steese Hwy., 65.36 -146.48, - 1067m
6042 Carolyn L. Parker 3797 1992-07-17
United States, Alaska, Kodiak Island, Pyramid Mountain vic., 57.76 -152.61
16834 Stephen S. Talbot 50 1995-07-14
United States, Alaska, Shumagin Is, Simeonof I, E side of Hill 624, 54.91 -159.25
6126 David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev, Tass Kelso 10715-B 1992-07-12
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Trail Creek, 65.81 -163.4
162572 Carolyn L. Parker, Stacy Studebaker 17751 2008-07-28
United States, Alaska, Red Lake, SE end of ridge between Red Lake and Hidden Lake, 58.378 -152.682, 300 - 355m
137405 Rob Lipkin 85-107 1985-07-22
United States, Alaska, Arctic Foothills, hill slope 3 km E of Tamayariak R, 1985 seismic trail study, ground photo point G13, 69.9 -145.55, 83 - 83m
35660 Michael Duffy 98-330 1998-08-05
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Molybdenum Ridge, UTM 517750, 7079004, 63.83 -146.63
145154 Carolyn L. Parker, Stacy Studebaker 16381 2005-07-06
United States, Alaska, Kodiak Archipelago, Kodiak I, Grant Lagoon vic, lowlands and base of ultramafic slope SW of 'Duncan Lake', 57.46666667 -154.566667, 120 - 120m
135960 G. W. Garner 1984-07-21
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, E side Limit Cr, Sadlerochit Mts, ca. 7.2 km from junction with Fire Cr, bear den no. 84-26, 69.58333333 -145.033333, 1067 - 1067m
78309 David F. Murray 4187 1973-07-18
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Killik R, Lake Kaniksrak, Killik R. valley, 68.18 -154.15, - 750m
81669 Rob Lipkin, Julie A. Michaelson 243 1993-07-09
United States, Alaska, Ahklun Mts, Tatlignagpeke Mtn. ridge crest, 59.37 -161.4, - 760m
135776 Cynthia R. Meyers 80-93 1980-08-02
United States, Alaska, Arctic Coastal Plain, Beaufort Lagoon, Nuvagapak Point, 69.88333333 -142.3, 2 - 2m
240741 Stacy Studebaker 09-151 2009-07-07
United States, Alaska, Alitak Bay vicinity, Twin Peaks, above Alitak cannery, 56.8974 -154.2451, 274 - 274m
74419 L. J. Palmer 222 1921-08-03
United States, Alaska, Kotzebue-Kobuk Lowland, Kivalina, 67.75 -164.5
22530 David F. Murray 3288 1970-07-25
United States, Alaska, Arctic Plain, Beaufort Lagoon, Aichilik R. and Egaksrak R. interfluve, ca. 1.5-3 km inland, 69.83 -142.08
41188 Stephen S. Talbot 008-X-1 2001-07-11
United States, Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Wide Bay, Big Creek, 25 miles N of Wide Bay, 57.48 -156.25
50525 Carolyn L. Parker, Heidi Solstad 13730 2002-08-05
United States, Alaska, Schwatka Mts, Igning R. headwaters, broad N-NW trending valley, 67.42 -156.04, - 900m
79251 Rob Lipkin, Alan R. Batten, Julie A. Michaelson, Ginny Moran, Debbie Blank 63 1993-07-07
United States, Alaska, Ahklun Mts, Kisogle Mtn., 59.41 -161.17, - 600m
135678 Alan R. Batten 74-121 1974-08-07
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Lake Peters drainage, E side of lake, 69.33333333 -145.016667, 1067 - 1067m
8312 David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev, Tass Kelso 11490 1993-07-14
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula Highlands, Harris Dome, 65.61 -164.57
15249 Alan R. Batten, Jim Herriges 95-235 1995-06-18
United States, Alaska, Yukon-Tanana Uplands, West Crazy Mts, 1 km W of VABM Wolf, ridge to south, 65.83 -145.88
41862 Linda Vorobik 108 1979-07-01
United States, Alaska, Alexander Archipelago, Control Lake Jct. On Road To Craig, Prince of Wales I, W of Control Lake, 55.7 -132.86
15059 Carolyn L. Parker, Linda Hasselbach 6308-A 1996-06-19
United States, Alaska, Ogilvie Mts, Mt. Casca vic, headwaters of Tindir Cr, alpine ridges N of Mt. Casca, 65.35 -141.05
73215 Leslie A. Viereck, Keith Jones 5870 1962-07-09
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Dry Cr, 50 miles E of Healy, 63.93 -147.46
86077 Tass Kelso 84206 1984-07-09
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula Highlands, E side Kigluaik Mts, along Crater Cr. near Kougarok Road, ridge between Crater Cr. And Homestake Cr., 64.91 -164.91
69455 James A. Calder, John Montagu Gillett 26450 1960-07-02
United States, Alaska, Yukon-Tanana Uplands, Mt. Fairplay, Mile 34 Taylor Hwy., 63.68 -142.25
53026 Carolyn L. Parker, Heidi Solstad 13284 2002-07-28
United States, Alaska, Endicott Mts, upper Encampment Cr, 3 km NNE of Inualurak Mt., 68.23 -152.19, - 1400m
55345 Tom A. Ager TAA-814 1976-07-24
United States, Alaska, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Nelson I, Tanunak, 60.61 -165.25
83937 Amy Larsen, Delia Person 02-1494 2002-06-25
United States, Alaska, Ogilvie Mts, N. Ogilvie Base Camp, ridge between Tindir and Waterfall Cr , S-facing slope 4.9 km S of VABM Casca, 65.3 -141.07
148522 Carl Roland, Jedediah Brodie, Eric Groth 5401 2002-06-18
United States, Alaska, Ogilvie Mts, saddle between Sqaw Pk. and Nimrod Pk., 65.07205 -141.042583, 1050 - 1050m
31922 Carolyn L. Parker, Debbie Blank 8806 1999-06-29
United States, Alaska, Lime Hills, southern-most major ridge in Lime Hills, 61.3 -155.61, - 700m
73502 Leslie A. Viereck 1368 1956-07-17
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Confl. Muldrow Gl. and glacier from Anderson Pass, 63.3 -150.3
69909 Maxcine Williams 2381 1968-07-08
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Mile 12 Denali Hwy., 63.05 -145.75
73752 Leslie A. Viereck 1243 1956-07-11
United States, Alaska, Alaska Range, Mt. Eielson (Copper Mtn.), NW slope to summit, 63.41 -150.33
133307 Brina Kessel S-152 1956-07-10
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Ambresvajun Lake (=Last Lake), Sheenjek R. valley, 68.6 -143.75, 762 - 762m
55830 Roseann Densmore 81 1970-07-18
United States, Alaska, Upnuk Lake, Tikchik Lakes, 60.38 -158.91, - 762m
16975 Carolyn L. Parker 7592 1997-07-21
United States, Alaska, Lisburne Ridge, central portion of ridge, 68.6 -156.5