2250792 L. E. Smith 129 1917-07-28
United States of America, Michigan, Cheboygan Co., Douglas Lake, Michigan., 45.580949 -84.696261
2250780 C. K. Dodge 26 1910-07-17
United States of America, Michigan, Macomb Co., In low ground along shore of Lake St. Clairs in Macomb Co, Mich.
2250820 H. F. Bergman 2805 1913-06-21
United States of America, Minnesota, Meeker Co., Darwin, Minn. [Inferred county from precise loc.], 45.096352 -94.410821
2250856 M. L. Fernald 1448 1909-07-22
United States of America, Maine, Washington Co., Valley of the St. Croix River. River-meadow, Princeton.
2250870 Collector unspecified 1014
United States of America, North Dakota, Botineau Co., Turtle Mts. [Inferred county from precise loc.]
2250722 T. G. Lammers
United States of America, Indiana, Starke Co., detailed locality information protected
2250730 W. W. Thomas 1143 1976-06-29
United States of America, Michigan, Chippewa Co., Michigan, Chippewa Co, Whitefish Point. Swale., 46.769468 -84.952578
2250695 B. L. Wilson 11127 2004-08-12
United States of America, Washington, Stevens Co., Colville; along entrance road of Colville Fish Hatchery; north of intersection of 3rd Avenue (=Highway 20) and Hoffstetter Street., 48.5469 -117.8932, 518m
2250817 K. K. Mackenzie
United States of America, New Jersey, Warren Co., detailed locality information protected
2250867 I. W. Clokey 3680 1920-07-08
United States of America, Colorado, Douglas Co., Edge of ditch, Wolhurst, Douglas Co., 1616m
2250929 D. T. MacDougal 643 1901-07-15
United States of America, Montana, Rost Lake., 1000m
2250865 C. O. Rosendahl 1949 1907-06-26
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Sproat Lake region.
2250822 P. Marie 9 1933-06-06
Canada, Quebec, Deux-Montagnes Reg. Co. Mun., La Baie., 48.333333 -70.866667
2250737 A. H. Brinkman s.n. 1926-07-06
Canada, Alberta, Alongside slough, Battle River. S of Alliance, Flagstaff Co, Central Alberta. [Inferred county from precise loc.]
2250910 J. H. Christ 1096 1931-05-05
United States of America, Idaho, Bonner Co., Denton Slough, in marsh.
2250718 K. M. Wiegand 170 1909-07-22
United States of America, Maine, Washington Co., River meadow east of Princeton.
2250923 A. J. J. Breitung 16811 1953-07-28
Canada, Alberta, Waterton Lakes National Park. Wet shore, Waterton River near crossing., 1280m
2250743 M. L. Fernald 23450 1921-07-25
Canada, Nova Scotia, Hants Co., Dryish swales near Wentworth gypsum quarries, Windsor.
2250861 Frère Rolland-Germain s.n. 2015-00-00
Canada, Quebec, Vicinity of Ottawa, Ont., 45.416667 -75.7
2250702 O. W. Knight s.n. 1904-07-25
United States of America, Maine, Penobscot Co., In ditch near railroad. Hermon.
2250935 Collector unspecified 2830 1929-07-19
United States of America, Minnesota, Clearwater Co., River bank, Mississippi River., 47.288627 -95.22674
2250901 J. Rousseau 1576 1944-08-08
Canada, Quebec, Factorerie de la compagnie de la Baie D'Hudson: clairière artificielle; site du camp d'été des indiens., 50.43 -73.8, 415m
2250727 K. H. Lackschewitz 4956 1974-06-21
United States of America, Montana, Ravalli Co., Bitterroot Mountains. Small marsh and adjacent parts of the borrow pit along Hwy 93 (W side) 1 mi S of the Sweeney Cr. Road., 991m
2250728 L. E. Smith 187 1918-07-11
United States of America, Michigan, Cheboygan Co., Very abundant in open grassy meadow, west shore of Burt Lake, Cheboygan Co, Mich. Douglas Lake Region., 45.469932 -84.667054
2250760 D. S. Erskine 1394 1952-07-26
Canada, Prince Edward Island, Prince Co., Wellington, Prince County. Wet ditch, in clay; in clumps.
2250908 M. E. Peck 22638 1944-07-28
United States of America, Oregon, Wallowa Co., Damp ground,Wallowa, Wallowa Co.
2250698 G. P. Van Eseltine 927 1917-06-27
United States of America, New York, Onondaga Co., Border of swale, Near Eastwood, Onondaga Co, N.Y., 43.066178 -76.104645
2250795 N. C. Fassett 7246 1928-09-21
United States of America, Wisconsin, Burnett Co., Sandy shore of Sucker Lake. Web Lake., 45.99821 -92.136048
2250751 J. H. Wiersema 1100 1979-07-04
United States of America, Michigan, Charlevoix Co., In shallow rocky pool near shore of Lake Michigan where Lake Shore Drive ends at cement plant near Charlevoix., 45.315137 -85.291324
2250811 H. E. Hayward 2181 1927-07-18
United States of America, South Dakota, Meade Co., Boulder Canyon & Bear Butte Creek, mesophytic canyon. [Inferred county from precise loc.], 44.41554 -103.556302
2250729 J. H. Ehlers 2717 1923-08-01
United States of America, Michigan, Cheboygan Co., Marginal [foss], Bryant's Bog (a sphagnum bog), Douglas Lake. [Inferred TRS: T37N R3W S29.], 45.571963 -84.701894
2250796 N. C. Fassett 7172 1927-09-13
United States of America, Wisconsin, Oneida Co., Swale along Tomahawk River, Minocqua., 45.859913 -89.674949
2250834 C. Billington 4 1915-06-22
United States of America, Michigan, Wayne Co., Sandy open ground near Detroit, Wayne Co, Mich., 42.331427 -83.045754
2250896 J. M. Macoun 59525 1903-08-04
Canada, Saskatchewan, Bear Creek, S of Peace River, [Atha]. [Inferred county from precise loc.]
2250890 T. F. Lacy s.n.
United States of America, New York, Chemung Co., Between Chemung Co. meadows and copses.
2250714 D. T. MacDougal 273 1900-08-01
United States of America, Idaho, Minard's Bay, Priest Lake., 600m
3909452 E. Kiviat 93-407 1993-08-16
United States of America, New York, Dutchess Co., Jame Baird State Park, Stringham Road, "Buttonbush bog" , Hopewell Junction USGS Quad map
2250932 W. N. Suksdorf 8747 1916-07-08
United States of America, Washington, Spokane Co., Spokane Bridge.
2250889 J. H. Sandberg 275 1891-06-00
United States of America, Minnesota, Carlton Co., Wet places, Carlton Co, Minn., 46.592402 -92.677052
2250866 I. C. Otis 981 1920-07-08
United States of America, Washington, King Co., Scenic, King Co., 640m
2250851 N. C. Fassett 7304 1928-09-21
United States of America, Wisconsin, Burnett Co., Sandy shore of Fish Lake. Web Lake., 45.973741 -92.120181
2250900 W. B. Schofield 1414 1950-08-11
Canada, Manitoba, Division No. 23, Churchill District. Gillam. Along grasses.
2250904 M. E. Moodie 211 1914-07-27
Canada, Alberta, Muddy banks of rivers, Red Deer River. Vicinity of Rosedale., 762m
2250769 J. M. Macoun 78175 1905-07-09
Canada, British Columbia, Lake House, Skagit River.
2250752 H. Marriott 9367 1984-08-30
United States of America, Wyoming, Crook Co., Black Hills, Sand cr between Mallory and Spottedtail Gulches, ca 10.5 air mi S of Beulah. Edge of creek., 44.3894 -104.0622, 1676m
2250717 W. A. Matthews 2030 1921-06-21
United States of America, New York, Monroe Co., Mendon, NY. [Inferred county from precise loc.], 42.997841 -77.50444
2250731 W. Deane s.n. 1885-07-24
United States of America, Vermont, Orleans Co., Willoughby Lake, VT. Westmore, Orleans Co. [Inferred county and town from precise loc.]
2250787 W. C. Ferguson 6693 1928-06-18
United States of America, New York, Newtown [=Elmhurst], Long Island, New York., 40.736491 -73.877914
2250816 W. D. Miller
United States of America, New Jersey, Warren Co., detailed locality information protected
2250763 W. W. Thomas 1170 1976-06-30
United States of America, Michigan, Alger Co., Gran Marais Park. NW corner M77 and Lowder Road., 46.657346 -85.999459
2250733 M. McKee 605 1926-08-05
United States of America, Michigan, Cheboygan Co., Sandy shore of Vincent's Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan., 45.603292 -84.694536
2250832 J. H. Schuette s.n. 1882-06-27
United States of America, Wisconsin, Brown Co., Point Sable, Green Bay. [Inferred county from precise loc.], 44.581439 -87.900728
2250839 J. M. Bates 5751 1913-07-14
United States of America, Nebraska, Howard Co., 41.214735 -98.458125
2250928 B. T. Butler 2185 1908-07-24
United States of America, Montana, Flathead Co., Big Fork.
2250821 M. L. Fernald s.n. 1891-06-27
United States of America, Maine, Penobscot Co., Swale, Orono. [Inferred county from precise loc.]
2250720 V. E. McNeilus 92-641 1992-07-14
United States of America, Minnesota, Becker Co., Mesic woods at Bear Trap Bay Resort. About 21 miles east of Waubun along Rt. 113., 47.142831 -95.457702
2250790 A. B. Klugh s.n. 1905-07-23
Canada, Ontario, Wellington Co., Guelph, Ont. [Inferred county from precise loc.], 43.55 -80.25
2250753 H. Marriott 7104 1984-06-23
United States of America, Wyoming, Crook Co., Black Hills, Sand cr, ca .5 air mi S of Beulah. Stream margin, on mud., 44.5406 -104.1014, 1128m
02705348 R. R. Halse 9521 2015-07-07
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., Clearwater National Forest; along U.S. Hwy. 12 ca. 6.7 miles southwest of the Powell Junction; near milepost 155., 46.49126 -114.83503, 953m
2250838 A. B. Stout s.n. 1907-06-28
United States of America, Wisconsin, Dane Co., Edge of marsh, South Madison, Wisc. [Inferred county from precise loc.], 43.042636 -89.374844
2250818 W. D. Miller
United States of America, New Jersey, Passaic Co., detailed locality information protected
2250868 C. H. Shaw [Illegible] 1905-07-06
Canada, Manitoba, Selkirk flora. Roadside, Revelstoke., 488m
2250911 I. C. Otis 1084 1921-07-19
United States of America, Washington, Chelan Co., Tumwater Canyon, Chelan Co., 457m
2250777 H. A. Gleason 54 1933-06-30
United States of America, Michigan, Cheboygan Co., Northern end of the Lower Peninsula. Near the north end of Burt Lake (Burt Lake hardwoods)., 45.469932 -84.667054
2250808 K. K. Mackenzie
United States of America, New Jersey, Sussex Co., detailed locality information protected
2250813 H. R. Bennett s.n. 1955-06-24
United States of America, Wisconsin, Door Co., Marsh near Green Bay in southwest corner of Peninsula State Park, 1 mi northeast of Fish Creek, Door County, Wisconsin., 45.1386737 -87.2325759
2250915 J. H. Ehlers 120 1922-08-16
United States of America, Idaho, Bonner Co., Open meadow, Sand Point, Bonner Co.
2250758 S. R. Hill 37532 2007-06-29
United States of America, Illinois, McHenry Co., East of Rakow Road at the southwestern portion of the included curve, north of Crystal Creek, north of a gravel access road, opposite the southernmost sewage treament plant buildings, Lake in the Hills, Crystal Lake, IL., 42.20983 -88.33162, 268m
2250748 C. O. Grassl 7991 1936-09-12
Canada, Ontario, Roadside gravel near [Stinson]., 46.52 -80.73
2250875 J. R. Crutchfield 533 1965-07-28
United States of America, New Mexico, Sandoval Co., Fenton Lake on Cebolla Creek. Edge of creek., 35.882822 -106.726646
155736 J. Lunell s.n. 1911-07-11
U.S.A., North Dakota, Benson, Leeds.
44775 L. R. Waldron 1610 1902-08-12
U.S.A., North Dakota, Pembina, Walhalla.
29776 P. A. Rydberg 6456 1900-07-14
U.S.A., Nebraska, Kearney, Platte River., 500m
264678 C. L. Porter, Marjorie W. Porter 8778 1961-07-19
U.S.A., Nebraska, Dawes, 20 mi S of Chadron., 42.55951 -102.96965, 1220m
742882 Ron Kass 4818 1996-07-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Bear Lodge Mountains: North Fork Cole Canyon, ca 7 mi N of Sundance., 44.4926 -104.3872, 1555 - 1707m
Timothy W. Chumley 2828 1995-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Douglas, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Rampart Range: along Fern Creek and surrounding uplands, approx 0.2 road mi from intersection with Forest Road 351 or Fern Creek Road, ca 12 air mi N of Woodland Park. EC1/4, 39.1642 -105.0826, 2439 - 2744m
Lori E. Brummer 7001 2011-08-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Ouray, Uncompahgre Plateau: Spring development off Dave Wood Road between Dewdrop Springs and Happy Canyon, ca 13 air mi SW of Montrose., 38.2712 -107.9705, 2632m
372616 Hollis Marriott 3754 1983-06-28
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Dugout Gulch ca 5.5 air mi S of Beulah., 44.4661 -104.10278, 1311m
429974 William M. Johnson 637 1968-06-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Poudre River and Taft Hill Road., 1524m
372612 Hollis Marriott 4923 1983-07-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: Lytle Creek Reservoir, ca 2 air mi E of Devils Tower., 44.57833 -104.6697, 1189m
383959 Robert D. Dorn 4471 1986-08-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, 44.3948 -104.0837, 1738m
Joseph L. M. Charboneau 8207 2011-07-23
U.S.A., Montana, Phillips, Little Rocky Mountains: E of Lodgepole Creek, ca 1 1/4 air mi N of Green Mountain, ca 4.5 air mi NNW of Zortman; ca 42 air mi SW of Malta., 47.9701 -108.5521, 1274 - 1351m
Lori E. Brummer, Joe E. Brummer 10608 2012-07-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Delta, Grand Mesa: Gunnison National Forest: Chalk Mountain, southeast slope to Overland Reservior, ca 17.5 air mi NNW of Paonia., 39.0943 -107.6417, 3016 - 3345m
869169 Emily Elliott, Brian Elliott 4182 2007-08-03
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Absaroka Range/Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along Forest Road 6639 and the Boulder River, ca 22 air mi SE of Livingston., 45.4731 -110.201, 1608 - 1610m
698554 Hollis Marriott, Patches 12192 2000-08-07
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness: Upper Pine Creek Natural Area, Pine Creek above Horsethief Lake ca 1.0 air mi SW of dam, where Centennial Trail (#89) meets Pine Creek coming from N., 43.8849 -103.4978, 1601m
372608 Ronald L. Hartman 16539 1983-07-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Horse Creek, ca 12.5 air mi NNW of Aladdin., 44.80278 -104.2842, 1098m
Stuart Markow 9281 1992-07-13
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Targhee National Forest: Island Park Plateau: Island Park, along small creek ca 50 yds N of Buffalo River; ca 300 yds W of U.S. Hwy 20., 44.4226 -111.3872, 1921m
567925 R. Tallent 462 1986-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Jefferson, Pike National Forest: along South Platte River at Bridge Crossing picnic ground., 39.2946 -105.2114, 2050m
642181 Stuart Markow s.n. 2000-07-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park: north end of sagebrush flat ca 100 ft S of boundary of R Lazy S Ranch, ca 0.5 air mi E of Moose-Wilson Road, ca 200 yds W of Snake River, ca 3.5 air mi S of Moose., 43.634 -110.7756, 1951m
372607 Ronald L. Hartman 17641 1984-07-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Sand Creek, 11-12 air mi ESE of Sundance., 44.43889 -104.1228, 1311m
Hollis Marriott, Patches 12073 2000-07-18
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness, just N of Sylvan Lake on Harney Peak Trail (#9) ca 0.2 mi upstream from Lost Cabin Creek crossing (junction with Trail #2), ca 0.7 air mi SSW of Harney Peak Lookout., 43.8574 -103.5375, 1997m
Hollis Marriott, Patches 12073 2000-07-18
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness: just N of Sylvan Lake on Harney Peak Trail (#9), ca 0.2 mi upstream from Lost Cabin Creek, crossing (junction with Trail #2), ca 0.7 air mi SSW of Harney Peak Lookout., 43.8574 -103.5375, 1997m
804276 Hollis Marriott 12508 2005-08-19
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Mount Rushmore National Memorial: Lafferty Gulch just S of park boundary., 1418m
Joy Handley, Erin Peters 7844 2000-08-04
U.S.A., Idaho, Idaho, Payette National Forest and Vicinity: Salmon River Mountains: Warren Airstrip, just NW of Warren, ca 20 air mi NW of Big Creek Guard Station; ca 23 air mi NNW of Yellow Pine., 45.2763 -115.6862, 1799m
372615 Hollis Marriott 3829 1983-07-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: Cook Lake, ca 7.2 air mi SSE of Alva., 44.5958 -104.4072, 1448m
568151 Gary E. Larson, James R. Johnson 10639 1991-07-20
U.S.A., South Dakota, Custer, Custer State Park., 43.822 -103.4024, 1448m
913091 Erwin F. Evert 40638 2003-08-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Yellowstone Plateau: Yellowstone National Park: along Mountain Ash Creek, 1/8-1/4 mi S of Union Falls, ca 6 mi NW of Grassy Lake Reservoir., 2067m
Jean Wood, Linda Swartz 6078 1996-07-06
U.S.A., Washington, Stevens, Western Colville National Forest and Vicinity: Trombetta Canyon, ca 2 air mi S of Northport on Fivemile Creek., 48.8998 -117.764, 595m
908725 Erwin F. Evert 39645 2002-07-31
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Yellowstone Plateau: Targhee National Forest: along Rock Creek, ca 8 mi W of Cave Falls Campground, ca 16 mi E of Ashton., 44.1006 -111.1699, 1753m
710061 Hollis Marriott, Patches 11469 1992-07-29
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Mount Rushmore National Memorial: Starling Basin (drainage west of Heads)., 43.8759 -103.4627, 1524m