Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Carex bebbii (Carex tribuloides var. bebbii)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 3420

University of Nebraska at Kearney Herbarium

15935R. Koch   79941973-07-31
USA, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Port Wing Harbor

4766S. Stephens   71471966-07-18
USA, South Dakota, Pennington, 6 mi. E Sheridan Lake

Luther College

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
LCDI001295Anna Burke   912013-07-15
United States, Iowa, Winneshiek, 43.31266 -91.74417

Jemez Mountain Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BRMP 1985hFoxx   1991-03-11
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Jemez Mtns. Fenton Hill not sure where --estimating below, 35.895833 -106.670833, 2652m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
04721hC. F. Keller & R. Greiner   2018-08-22
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Fenton Lake below dam along stream LOCATION APPROXIMATE, 35.875833 -106.730556

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
1745Brian Reif   2002-07-04
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Jemez Mountains: East Fork Jemez River at Jemez Falls, 5 air mi NE of Jemez Springs. Jemez Falls Campground S for 0.4 mi to falls, then N along river to complete loop. SE1/4 S3; also NE1/4 S10., 35.8163 -106.6, 2420m

Minot State University

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fernald
106-26Alexey Shipunov   2013-07-25
United States, North Dakota, McHenry, George Lake area: sandy hills around abandoned farmstead, 48.13440463 -100.370641

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fernald
0-2666Hegstad   1969-06-12
United States, North Dakota, Mountrail, NA

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fernald
0-2669Hegstad   1970-07-12
United States, North Dakota, Burke, 4 miles north of Powers Lake, near Lake Smishek

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fernald
157-13Alexey Shipunov and Ryan Perry   2015-06-08
United States, North Dakota, Sioux, Prairie slopes towards the lake, 46.16463002 -100.983345

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fernald
0-1035Hegstad   1971-07-10
United States, North Dakota, Williams, NA, 48.326 -103.42

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fernald
0-1036Hegstad   1970-06-25
United States, North Dakota, Burke, South end of Smishek Lake ca. 4 miles northwest of Powers Lake, 48.6195 -102.6651

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fernald
0-1037Hegstad   1971-07-15
United States, North Dakota, Burke, Ca. 8 miles east of Powers Lake, 48.5623 -102.4732

University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
USCH0053263Steinauer, Robert   51612017-06-28
United States, Nebraska, Cherry County, Niobrara River Valley, 42.852535 -101.308854

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
USCH0062039Naczi, Robert   97932003-06-25
Canada, Manitoba, Richer, 49.4016 -96.6421

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
USCH0062038Naczi, Robert   98272003-06-25
Canada, Manitoba, Falcon Lake, 49.4558 -95.1343

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
USCH0062040Rosendahl, C.O.   74401940-08-05
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
USCH0062037Murray, Merritt J.   38631931-07-12

Auburn University, John D. Freeman Herbarium

Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
AUA000041871Clokey, Ira W.   36801920-07-08
United States, Colorado, Douglas, WOLHURST (1616M)., 39.57054 -105.03332, 1616m

Butler University, Friesner Herbarium

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0003312Charles M. Ek   
United States, Indiana, Elkhart, detailed locality information protected

Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
BUT0028971Scott Namestnik   
United States, Indiana, LaGrange, detailed locality information protected

Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
BUT0032644Na. J. Pilla   
United States, Indiana, Marshall, detailed locality information protected

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0003314Charles M. Ek   
United States, Indiana, Kosciusko, detailed locality information protected

Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
BUT0044900Na.J. Pilla   
United States, Indiana, Porter, detailed locality information protected

Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
BUT0044902Na.J. Pilla   
United States, Indiana, Noble, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000930Cecil Billington   1918-07-13
United States, Michigan, Oakland

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
BUT0004142R. F. Cain   3281930-08-15
Canada, Ontario

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0003315Helene Starcs   
United States, Indiana, Steuben, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000928William Overlease; Edith Overlease   19121974-06-27
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Edge of cedar swamp, Clark's Woods.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000933Mildred Campbell   8254
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Douglas Lake region

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000932Charles Atwood   1927-07-28
United States, New York, Cayuga

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000931F. C. Seymour   103541948-09-09
United States, Wisconsin, Marquette, Fox River

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000929William Overlease; Edith Overlease   21671975-06-23
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Edge, Little Platte Lake, Sylvan Point

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000927Edith Overlease; William Overlease   20051974-08-17
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Belt Lake Bog

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000926Edith Overlease; William Overlease   21621975-06-20
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Old bogging road, High School Hardwoods

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0003313Helene Starcs   
United States, Indiana, Fulton, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000925William Overlease; Edith Overlease   21681975-06-23
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Edge, Little Platte Lake, Cedar Swamp, Sylvan Point

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000924William Overlease; Edith Overlease   16691973-08-17
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Marshy, open shore of Lower Herring Lake

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000923William Overlease; Edith Overlease   19481974-07-08
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Semi-open marshy area by Grass Lake Campground

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000922William Overlease; Edith Overlease   22611975-08-13
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Copper Road

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000921William Overlease; Edith Overlease   18951947-06-23
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Otter Creek

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000920William Overlease; Edith Overlease   15321972-09-05
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Sedge, marshy edge of Betsie Lake

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000919William Overlease; Edith Overlease   15311972-09-05
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Margin of Betsie Lake

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
BUT0000918William Overlease; Edith Overlease   25951979-07-30
United States, Michigan, Benzie, Edge of Cold Creek settling pond

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
BUT0000917R. J. Crathy   1871-06-01
United States, Iowa, Emmet

Clemson University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
CLEMS0075653Craig C. Freeman   127431999-06-29
United States, Iowa, Winneshiek, Winneshiek, 43.10745 -92.041576

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex bebbii (L. H. Bailey) Fernald
CLEMS0075652Craig C. Freeman   140051999-09-05
United States, Iowa, Bremer, Bremer, 42.7008333 -92.3566667

Benedictine College Herbarium

Carex bebbii Olney ex Fern.
HWBA000293H.W. Blocker   7781961-06-29
United States, Kansas, Atchison, Swampy ground along Mo. river road 1/2 mile North of Atchison.

Missouri Botanical Garden

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694111Cozette J. Scofield   501987-07-15
United States, Michigan, Macomb, Rochester-Utica State Recreation Area. Utica unit moderate to wet meadows.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694113David Castaner   20761971-08-30
United States, Montana, Flathead, Wet swale in meadow north of Apgar; Glacier National Park. Sect. Ovales/Festucaceae.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693971Cozette J. Scofield   591987-07-17
United States, Michigan, Wayne, Lake Erie Metropark. Marshbanks, clay and sand soil.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693959Ada Hayden   1941935-06-15
United States, Iowa, Palo Alto, Lost Island Twp, Sec. 30. Swanp SE Mud Lake.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693821Frank C. Seymour   181021959-08-11
United States, Vermont, Caledonia, Peacham. Along a shady rill with Tussilago.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693875August J. Breitung   45841947-07-10
Canada, Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park. Wet meadow., 1204m

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693813David Castaner   99511987-08-13
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, At Fall Lake, along Fall Lake Road Forested. East of Winton.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693738David Castaner   108251992-08-08
Canada, Ontario, Sleeping Giant Provincial Park Trail to Sleeping Giant.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693578J.M. Brett   1651978-07-03
Canada, Ontario, Wellington County. Guelph Twp. SW corner of the intersection of Co. Rd. 30 and Regional Rd. 86. Ditch, moist soil.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693541DOWNING   1481980-07-24
Canada, Alberta, Near Prairie Creek Ranger Station. Plot 10C. NE31-Tp 37-R9-W5M. 1 % slope. Jackfish Creek till parent material. Moderately moist, moderately well-drained fine-loamy orthic dystricbrunisol. Growing on seismic line cut throuth dense (70 % canopy cover) pine/black spruce.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693487BEBB   s.n.
United States, Illinois, Winnebago

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695138David Castaner   32721973-06-24
United States, Michigan, Isabella, Just South of Mount Pleasant at 1 1/2 miles N of Shepahrd; in low wet open area.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695146I.C. Otis   10841921-07-19
United States, Washington, Chelan, Tumwater.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695157Susan A. Reznicek   72791983-08-12
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, SW 1/4, Sec 14, T2N, R3E, ca 1 mile east of Rochford, 16 miles south of Lead. Dry, gravelly soil along railway.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695196David Castaner   25301972-08-30
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Section Ovales. North of Libby Dam; wet area by road.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695074Arthur J. Eames   94451918-06-26
United States, New York, Cayuga, Scrubby pasture, W of R. R. East Genoa.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695075I.C. Otis   1961
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Kachess River at State Hwy bridge.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695049Mildred E. Mathias   1731927-07-09
United States, New Hampshire, Base of Black Mt, near Pike.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695058M.W. Muenscher   29681932-06-21
United States, New York, Washington, Shore of Hedges Lake.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695305LEDINGHAM   51331969-07-28
Canada, Moist open ground, near Nipawin.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695259Susan A. Reznicek   72931983-08-13
United States, South Dakota, Custer, SW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec 19, T3S, R6E, & 1/2 miles east of Custer. Wet sedge meadow dominated by Carex haydenii.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695263Ruth H. West   s.n.1918-07-00
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695266David Castaner   60931980-08-07
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, On Hwy 2, E of Brevort, at Brevort creek.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695430G. Trottier   s.n.1971-07-00
Canada, Alberta, Deschamsia caespitosa community, wet, flat - sloping at 1 % to NW. Highwood Summit. Subalpine meadow. (T-31)., 50.6 -114.98333, 2195m

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695436Frank C. Gates   105151917-07-10
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, IN the vicinity of the UNiversity of Michigan Biological Station at Douglas Lake. N. Fishtail.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695515Johnson   8731974-06-27
Canada, Alberta, Near Meadows Forestry Cabin, aproximately 35 miles W of Rocky Mountain House, wet, mud-filled roadside ditch., 52.33333 -115.63333, 1280m

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695639Lois E. Smith   1221917-07-27
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Road to E shore of Burt Lake.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2722222Robert Bebb   
United States, Indiana, Lake, detailed locality information protected

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
1670782William P. Fraser   s.n.1934-07-04
United States, P.a. Nat. Park; old road through swamp; densely cespitose

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694704George H. Turner   31951942-08-11
Canada, Alberta, Stuigea Run flat, 6 miles nourtheast of Fort Saskatchewan

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694604J. William Thompson   136781936-08-06
United States, Montana, Mineral, Mountain Stream near Taft, base of Bitterroot Mts., 1524m

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693917David Castaner   99961987-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Two Harbors, edge of grass. Along Lake Superior.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
1742043Rhett Johnson   RJ-99-0531999-06-07
United States, Oregon, Baker, By North Pine Rest Stop on Wallowa Mountain Loop Road.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
1685274Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1900-09-00
United States, Michigan, Manistee, Marshes, Manistee, MI.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694855David Castaner   32011973-06-22
Canada, Ontario, Nipissing District. Just west of North Bay on highway; low wet area.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694858David Castaner   60951980-08-07
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, On Hwy 2, at mound City, westside.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694128Charles L. Hitchcock   143141946-07-02
United States, Idaho, Lemhi, Sandy above Salmon River 4 miles E of Indianola Ranger Station.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694211Richard R. Clinebell II   1781982-06-25
United States, Illinois, Lee, County Line Prairie.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693547O.A. Stevens   5281941-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Becker, Detroit Lakes. Marshy meadow.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693670Joseph R. Churchill   2201912-06-05
United States, Illinois, Peoria, Rich soil, in ravine.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695565BALDWIN   107441966-08-03
Canada, Saskatchewan, Hudson Lake. McBride Lake. Edge of Mixed woods; at Marshy shore of Lake., 52.46666 -102.36666

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695522DEBB   20881904-07-29
United States, Wisconsin, Lauderdale. Borders of Lake

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694799CRINS   10491977-07-23
Canada, Ontario, Halton County. Nassagaweya. Ca. 1/4 miles S of 25 side Rd. on 2nd Line Rd. Mesic, partially shaded undergrowth in Populus balsamifera sward near road.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694593David Castaner   59161979-08-18
Canada, Manitoba, Grand Beach Area, woods.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694490George F. Ledingham   s.n.1942-08-15
Canada, Saskatchewan, Wet area S of biology lab, Waskesiu, Prince Albert National Park.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694344Joseph R. Churchill   s.n.1915-08-11
United States, Massachusetts, Berkshire, State Road. New Ashford.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2693511J.B. Moyle   7821933-07-07
United States, Minnesota, Hubbard, Between Park Rapids & Itasca Park. Wet meadow. Soil Peat.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695177Kenneth K. Mackenzie   
United States, New Jersey, Sussex, detailed locality information protected

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2695280William K. W. Baldwin   111911967-07-08
Canada, Saskatchewan, Meadow Lake. Waterhen River Bridge. Meadow Lake Provincial Park. Gravelly roadside through marsh and willow thicket., 54.63333 -107.78333

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694940D.W. Fellows   44361907-08-05
United States, Maine, Fort Kent.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694908David Castaner   59171979-08-18
Canada, Manitoba, Grand Beach Area, woods.

Carex bebbii (Olney ex L.H. Bailey) Olney ex Fernald
2694883Charles H. Shaw   8281905-07-06
Canada, British Columbia, Selkirk. Revelstoke. Roadside.

Page 9, records 801-900 of 3420


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