Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Puccinellia andersonii (Puccinellia andersoni)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 158

Missouri Botanical Garden

2638839Vilhelm Dalgaard   86-5941986-08-29
Greenland, Disko, Nordfjord, between Perdlertut and Stordal. Sandy-stony seashore with scattered Honckenya peploides and Elymus mollis., 69.95 -54.33333

218597Jacob P. Anderson   4399A1938-08-05
United States, Alaska, Point Lay, 69.742742 -163.008572

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UT0028986Ernest LePage   32,5091954-08-21
Canada, Quebec, mouth of the river Kapsawis, James Bay; Embouchure de la riv. Kapsawis, James bay

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UT0028987Ernest LePage   32,9801954-09-03
Canada, Nunavut Nunavut, Qikiqtaaluk, Dresse, depression humide en haut du rivage pointe dans la baie de Paint Hills; Erect, wet depression at the top of the shorepoint in Paint Hills Bay

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1422984Daniel F. Brunton & Karen L. McIntosh   105981991-07-26
Canada, Northwest Territories, Keewatin District, NE shore Melvin Bay below town dump, Rankin Inlet, Hudson Bay, 62.8 -92.083333

University of Alaska Museum

Image Associated With the Occurence
129921David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev   102361990-07-24
Canada, Nunavut, Ellesmere I, Dodge R, N of Carolyn Lake, 81.31666667 -70.866667

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129724David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev   102991990-07-27
Canada, Nunavut, Ellesmere I, head of Tanquary Fiord, headwaters of Silene Creek, 81.41666667 -76.916667, 1 - 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
98210unknown   1800-01-01
No specific locality recorded.

Image Associated With the Occurence
129923David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev   102391990-07-25
Canada, Nunavut, Ellesmere I, head of Tanquary Fiord, 81.41666667 -76.916667

Image Associated With the Occurence
145954David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev   103571990-07-31
Canada, Nunavut, Ellesmere I, head of Tanquary Fiord, vicinity of camp, 81.41666667 -76.916667

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145961David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev   103561990-07-31
Canada, Nunavut, Ellesmere I, head of Tanquary Fiord, vicinity of camp, 81.41666667 -76.916667

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147398David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev   103951990-08-03
Canada, Nunavut, Ellesmere I, Black Rock Vale, 81.8 -67.266667, 25 - 25m

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36516Reidar Elven   2417-/991999-08-07
Canada, Northwest Territories, District of Mackenzie, Anderson River area, E side Cape Bathurst, brook system N of river from Lake McKinlay, 0.7-1.5 km from sea, 70.48 -127.8

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140595Marilyn D. Walker, Nan Lederer   83-2511983-08-15
United States, Alaska, Arctic Coastal Plain, Kuparuk oil field, Jones Mound, Milne Pt., 70.5 -149.516667, 8 - 8m

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136099David F. Murray   34141971-07-11
United States, Alaska, Arctic Coastal Plain, Prudhoe Bay, 70.33333333 -148.333333, 11 - 11m

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27353David F. Murray   49271974-07-29
United States, Alaska, Arctic Coastal Plain, Beaufort Lagoon, Nuvagapak Pt., 69.88 -142.3

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249868Lynn J. Gillespie, R. D. Bull, J. M. Saarela, Laurie L. Consaul   83772008-07-26
Canada, Nunavut, VICTORIA ISLAND: ~2.5km NE of Cambridge Bay along gravel road adjacent to river; just beyond bridge on W side of river., 69.14 -104.9655555556, 20 - 30m

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129775David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev   102371990-07-25
Canada, Nunavut, Ellesmere I, head of Tanquary Fiord, vic. camp, shoreline to Yellowstone and Noname Cr., 81.41666667 -76.916667

129975David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev   104501990-08-10
Canada, Nunavut, Ellesmere I, Fosheim Penin, Hot Weather Cr, Cool Lake, 2 km W of mouth of Hot Weather Cr., 79.95 -84.483333, 150 - 300m

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38482Reidar Elven   3155-/991999-08-26
Canada, Nunavut, Devon I, SE side Crocker Bay, E side near entrance, 74.53 -82.78

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

CM277429Simmons, C.   80A-2061980-08-06
United States, Alaska, Crrel-Instaar Seawater Toler, Prudhoe Bay oilfield, ca 3 km N of Arco Drill site No.4, E of East Dock Rd, 13-15 km NNE of Deadhorse, 70.17 -148.24, 5m

CM358012Dutilly, A.   182081940-07-15
Canada, Yukon, Hearschell Island, 69.593499 -139.062048

CM411900Dutilly, A.   312151953-08-11
Canada, Ontario, W coast of James Bay, Cape Henrietta Maria, 55.15 -82.316667

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

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01529841Bent Fredskild   

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01529858Kjeld Holmen   

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01529866Skip Walker; John Batty   PB0381974-07-21
United States, Alaska

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01529874Carol Simmons   80A-2061980-08-06
United States, Alaska

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01529882S. Walker; K. Palmer   80A-1251980-07-21
United States, Alaska

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01529890Vera Komarkova; Mary Duffy   4471976-08-09
United States, Alaska

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01529908M. D. Walker; D. A. Walker   2511983-08-15
United States, Alaska

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01530054S. Shushan; W. J. Maher   s.n.1958-07-00
United States, Alaska

Canadian Museum of Nature

CAN 10065479Oldenburg, Margaret E.   43-9401943-08-31
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), District of Franklin. Read Island, Victoria Island., 69.2014 -113.833

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CAN 10149883Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   22641999-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg Island; Expedition Fiord, N side of Expedition River; across river from Bastion Ridge, 10-20 m from current river level, 79.3933 -90.8567

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CAN 10018695Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Consaul, Laurie L.   63251997-07-29
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Cambridge Bay, between Coop Hotel and Coast Guard dock., 69.1139 -105.053

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CAN 10018662Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   57901994-08-10
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Ellesmere Island (Quttinirpaaq National Park), Hazen Camp on N shore of Lake Hazen. Vicinity of camp, ca. 600 m., 81.8167 -71.3333

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CAN 10018718Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Consaul, Laurie L.   63901997-08-09
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Cape Dalhousie., 70.1881 -129.683

CAN 606628Soreng, Dr. Robert J. ; Soreng, Nancy L.   6271-b-22000-08-08
United States, Alaska (State), North Slope (Borough), Prudhoe Bay, oil fields. Pt. McIntyre Pad # 1, drill mud spill site and adj. coast, 70.3913 -148.584, 2m

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CAN 10018673Malte, M.O.   1927-07-27
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Devon I., North Devon Island: Dundas Harbour., 74.55 -82.2

CAN 606627Soreng, Dr. Robert J. ; Soreng, Nancy L.   6271-b-12000-08-08
United States, Alaska (State), North Slope (Borough), Prudhoe Bay, oil fields. Pt. McIntyre Pad # 1, drill mud spill site and adj. coast, 70.3913 -148.584, 2m

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CAN 10018726Ovenden, L.   2265A1985-08-12
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Illisarvik. 60 km west of Tuktoyaktuk. Near stake 100E-250N., 69.4833 -134.583

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CAN 10068965Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Bull, Roger D   46672015-07-09
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Dorset Island. Cape Dorset. West side of hamlet along coast., 64.2303 -76.5572, 5m

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CAN 10020106Bennett, Bruce A.   11-03912011-08-02
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Cape Bathurst, northern spit, 70.5779 -128.073

CAN 247285Schofield, Wilfred B. ; Crum, Howard A.   66431956-07-13
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Vicinity of Churchill. Beach just above reach of tide., 58.7667 -94.1667

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CAN 10018724Elven, Reidar   RE 2440/991999-08-07
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Anderson River area: Cape Bathurst E side, brook system N of river from Lake Mc kinlay, 0.7 - 1.5 km from sea., 70.4833 -127.8

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CAN 10018696Hainault, Robert ; Norman, R.   59471970-08-10
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Mallik I., North shore of Mallik Island, 64.25 -76.6167

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CAN 10018689Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Vogel, C.   61861996-07-25
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., ELLESMERE ISLAND: Alexandra Fiord, valley at head of fiord (14 km WSW of RCMP post), 78.8333 -76.4167

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CAN 10007726Edlund, Sylvia A.   2741986-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Stefansson I., Kitikmeot Region: Stefansson Island [eastern side of island], Site 74., 73.4 -104.85

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CAN 10015005Edlund, Sylvia A.   2931985-07-25
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Melville I. (NT), Inuvik Region: Melville Island, Cape Grassy, Site 212., 76.25 -112.783, 70m

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CAN 10018676Consaul, Laurie L. ; Faubert, K.   2865-12003-08-05
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Eureka, barrens 5.32 km from Eureka PCSP camp., 79.97 -85.61, 10m

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CAN 10018719Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; McLachlan, K.I.   87-0961987-08-24
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Tuktoyaktuk. Within 500 m of P.C.S.P. base., 69.5 -133

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CAN 10149869Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   22631999-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg Island: Expedition Fiord, N side of Expedition River; across river from Bastion Ridge, 10-20 m from current river level, 79.3933 -90.8567

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CAN 10018670Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   21461999-07-19
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Tanquary Camp, Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve; ~500 m S of camp. 25-30 m from shore., 81.4 -76.8667

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CAN 10018715Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Consaul, Laurie L. ; Bull, Roger D   9339a2009-07-26
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Vicinity of Lower Brock River, west of Tuktut Nogait National Park. Brock lagoon, N of Brock River Delta., 69.5303 -123.086

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CAN 10018707Harington, Dr. C. Richard   s.n.1982-07-13
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), Banks Island. Jesse Bay, Location 1; Morgan Bluffs, east of Jesse Harbour., 72.2167 -119.917

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CAN 10149853Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   22021999-07-25
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere Island: Tuborg Lake, ~100 m from lake shore, 81.0106 -75.1894

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CAN 10018685Beschel, Roland E.   1960-08-24
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg Island. Hugh Thompson Valley, S of river, 5 km from shore., 79.4109 -90.8182, 50m

CAN 10007727Edlund, Sylvia A.   4111986-08-13
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Stefansson I., Kitikmeot Region: Stefansson Island, northeast corner of island, Site 150., 73.6333 -104.717

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CAN 10018661Beschel, Roland E.   111541960-07-26
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Delta of Station Creek, 80 -86.25, 5m

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CAN 10018716Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Consaul, Laurie L.   63941997-08-09
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Cape Dalhousie., 70.1881 -129.683

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CAN 10007787Edlund, Sylvia A. ; Roncato   215B1988-07-19
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Qikiqtaaluk Region: Ellesmere Island, Fosheim Peninsula, Site 86. 25 miles east of Eureka. Hot Weather Creek., 79.9667 -84.4333

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CAN 10018706Porsild, Alf Erling   172451949-08-08
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NT), Vicinity of Holman Island trading post [Ulukhaktok]., 70.7358 -117.769

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CAN 10068966Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Bull, Roger D   44672015-07-03
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Dorset Island. Cape Dorset. Northeast side of hamlet, coast near commercial area., 64.2344 -76.5442, 1m

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CAN 10018664Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   21531999-07-21
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Tanquary Camp, Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve. MacDonald River Delta, 1.5 km NE of camp, S shore of river., 81.4 -76.8667, 2m

CAN 10018699Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Consaul, Laurie L.   22571999-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg I., Axel Heiberg Island: Expedition Fiord, N side of Expedition River. ~ 100 m from Expedition River, ~ 1.5 km S of camp, in temporary runoff stream leading from upper ridges to river., 79.3933 -90.8567

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CAN 10018712Porsild, Alf Erling   168021947-07-29
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Richards I., Mackenzie River Delta: north end of Richards Island., 69.3333 -134.5

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CAN 10018722Elven, Reidar   RE 2362/991999-08-07
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Anderson River area: Cape Bathurst E side, brook system N of river from Lake Mc kinlay, 0.7 - 1.5 km from sea., 70.4833 -127.8

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CAN 10149884Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   22581999-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg Island; Expedition Fiord, N side of Expedition River; ~100 m from Expedition River, ~1.5 km S of camp, 79.3933 -90.8567

CAN 10149881Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   22621999-08-01
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg Island; Expedition Fiord, N side of Expedition River; across river from Bastion Ridge, 10-20 m from current river level, 79.3933 -90.8567

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CAN 10043071Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Godfrey   114582016-07-29
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Iqaluit, Igloolik St, behind Northern Store, 63.7451 -68.5195, 1m

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CAN 10149915Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Soreng, Dr. Robert J.   23011999-08-06
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Devon Island: Dundas Harbour, W of harbour mouth; 20 m from ocean, 74.5175 -82.5583

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CAN 10018668Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   2147-11999-07-19
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Tanquary Camp, Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve; ~500 m S of camp. 25-30 m from shore., 81.4 -76.8667

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CAN 10018692Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Consaul, Laurie L. ; Bull, Roger D   83762008-07-26
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), ~2.5 km NE of Cambridge Bay along gravel road adjacent to river; just beyond bridge on W side of river., 69.14 -104.966, 5m

CAN 10018714Bennett, Bruce A. ; Ruben, Frank ; Harris, James G.   2011-07-27
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Cape Bathurst, camp, 70.5131 -128.024, 6m

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CAN 10018671Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; Maus, L.A.   93-0671993-07-29
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., River bed at the head of the fiord, 78.0667 -82.8

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CAN 10001126Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Consaul, Laurie L. ; Bull, Roger D   8022b2008-07-16
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Coast opposite Richardson Islands, ca. 18 km E of Johansen Bay airstrip., 68.5983 -110.657

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CAN 10018677Heywood, W.W.   31952-07-27
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellef Ringnes I., Isachsen I. near Weather Station, 78.7833 -103.533, 46m

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CAN 10018683Yurtsev, B.A.   102991990-07-27
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Quttinirpaaq National Park Reserve. Head of Tanquary Fiord Quad, headwaters of Silene Cr. S of camp, 81.4167 -76.9167

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CAN 10018713Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Consaul, Laurie L. ; Bull, Roger D   86152009-06-29
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), West of hamlet., 69.3494 -124.087

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CAN 10149873Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   22341999-07-28
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere Island: Caledonian Bay, along N side of Danish River; 1-2 km from river mouth, 79.9539 -81.1994, 10m

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CAN 10018723Ovenden, L.   22391985-08-09
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Illisarvik. 60 km west of Tuktoyaktuk. Near stake 50W-0N., 69.4833 -134.583

CAN 10018709Manning, Thomas H. ; Macpherson, Andrew H.   991952-07-21
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), Southern Banks Island: Nelson Head. Coast flats behind boulder beach, 8 miles N.E. of Nelson Head., 71.1 -122.783

CAN 10149894Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Soreng, Dr. Robert J.   22981999-08-05
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg Island; Expedition Fiord, McGill Univ. Field Camp on N side of Expedition River; at base of Gypsum Hill, 79.9711 -84.4386

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CAN 10018659Beschel, Roland E.   111041960-07-24
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg I., Axel Heiberg Island, Expedition Fiord., 79.3333 -92, 1m

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CAN 10018666Elven, Reidar   RE 3155/991999-08-25
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Devon I., Devon Island, SE side. Croker Bay, E side near entrance., 74.5333 -82.7833

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CAN 10007772Edlund, Sylvia A.   3181988-08-07
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Qikiqtaaluk Region: Ellesmere Island, Fosheim Peninsula, Site 257., 79.968 -84.427

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CAN 10128023Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   70602002-08-13
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Qikiqtaaluk Region, Apex, west shore of Peter Tarr Inlet, 63.7297 -68.4153

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CAN 10018687Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   70702002-08-24
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., ELLESMERE ISLAND: Eureka, between Weather Station building (by airstrip) and shore, 80 -85.95

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CAN 10018675Webber, Patrick J. ; Beschel, Roland E.   655b1963-08-26
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Longstaff Bluff, 5 km N. of Station, 68.8833 -74.7833

CAN 10018688Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   70712002-08-24
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., ELLESMERE ISLAND: Eureka, in vicinity of Weather Station building (by airstrip), adjacent to small reservoir, 80 -85.95

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CAN 10018720Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; McLachlan, K.I.   87-0931987-08-24
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Tuktoyaktuk. Within 500 m of P.C.S.P. base., 69.5 -133

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CAN 10149866Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   22261999-07-28
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Caledonian Bay, along N side of Danish River; River mouth, 79.9539 -81.1994

CAN 272328Anderson, Jacob P.   1939-08-05
United States, Alaska (State), Point Lay

CAN 10018693Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Consaul, Laurie L.   63241997-07-29
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), Cambridge Bay, between Coop Hotel and Coast Guard dock., 69.1139 -105.053

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CAN 10018711Elven, Reidar   RE 2441/991999-08-07
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Anderson River area: Cape Bathurst E side, brook system N of river from Lake McKinlay, 0.7-1.5 km from sea, 70.4833 -127.8

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CAN 10018717Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Consaul, Laurie L.   63891997-08-09
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Cape Dalhousie., 70.1881 -129.683

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10149845Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   21941999-07-25
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Tanquary Camp, Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve, 81.4 -76.42

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CAN 10018694Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Vogel, C.   61151996-07-18
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Axel Heiberg I., N side of valley near foot of glacier at head of fiord., 79.4 -90.8

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CAN 10018725Gillett, John M.   187081981-07-20
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Tuktoyaktuk. On Beaufort Sea., 69.45 -133.033

CAN 10149858Consaul, Laurie L. ; Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J.   22061999-07-25
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere Island: Tuborg Lake, 81.0106 -75.1894, 30m

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