ASU0125477 N.H. Holmgren 4093 1970-06-01
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Jackson Mountins, Jackson Creek drainage, Iron King Mine road, 2.1 miles above (northeast of) Jackson Creek-Trout Creek summit, 49 airmiles south of Denio.; 41.3 -118.4348, 41.3 -118.4348, 2134m
ASU0125478 N.H. Holmgren 4873 1971-05-29
USA, Nevada, Elko, Independence Mtns, Nevada Hwy. 11, 10.5 miles NW of Nevada Hwy. 51, 28 airline miles N-NW of Elko; 41.23 -116, 41.23 -116, 1935 - 1935m
ASU0125472 J.L. Reveal 1971-05-06
USA, Nevada, Nye, E slope of N Reveille Range., 1890 - 2134m
UTC00221943 M. Aitken; L. Shultz 680 1997-06-24
United States, Utah, Millard, Conger Range. Okelberry Pass, 1850m
UTC00223296 M. Aitken 304 1997-05-09
United States, Utah, Millard, Burbank Hills. N. Juniper Wash., 2006m
UTC00035801 B.F. Harrison 5342
United States, Utah, Millard
UTC00095096 Eric Bolen
United States, Utah, Juab
UTC00170989 Alan Taye 1316
United States, Utah, Juab
UTC00184281 D.J. Somerville, D. Andrews 10
United States, Utah, Box Elder
UTC00101009 Jack L. Reveal 27
United States, Utah, Tooele
492908 M. E. Jones s.n. 1893-05-04
United States of America, Nevada, Aurum
492909 M. E. Jones s.n. 1893-05-04
United States of America, Nevada, Aurum, 39.58 -114.57, 2225m
492912 B. Rogers 949 1978-06-02
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Southeast side of Badger Mountain, 3.4 air miles south of Badger Cabin., 1859m
492891 H. E. Bliss 13536 1934-03-25
United States of America, Idaho, Fairfield, 43.346568 -114.791728
2784652 C. L. Hitchcock 8736 1944-06-05
United States of America, Idaho, Elmore Co., drainage to s. of Dog Mt, ca 4 mi. n. of Pine, Boise Nat. For., 1981m
2784653 C. L. Hitchcock 8758 1944-06-06
United States of America, Idaho, Camas Co., Crouch Summit, ca 9 miles n. of Soldier, 2134m
492917 S. Watson 16 1868-05-00
United States of America, Nevada, Trinity Mountains, 1524m
492915 A. Tiehm 12781 1999-04-15
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Division Range, 2.3 road miles southeast of High Rock Lake Road on the Barley Road around the range., 41.16188 -119.3399, 1829m
492901 L. N. Goodding 630 1902-04-26
United States of America, Nevada, Kershaw, Meadow Valley Wash
492903 A. H. Holmgren 803 1941-05-22
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Mountains south of Railroad Canyon on Elko County Line.
492904 A. H. Holmgren 1193 1941-00-00
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Spruce Mountain, 40.5542 -114.8208
492895 J. L. Gentry, Jr. 2017 1968-06-01
United States of America, Utah, Millard Co., Confusion Range, 21.8 miles east of Nevada-Utah state line on U. S. Highway 6-50. 9.4 miles south of Highway., 39.03851 -113.5054, 2042m
2784663 A. A. Heller 8316 1906-05-23
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., Foothills west of Bishop., 1676m
2784665 A. A. Heller 8316 1906-05-23
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., Foothills west of Bishop., 1676m
492918 M. J. Williams 78 971 1978-06-04
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Just west of Belmont-Manhattan Summit, 38.55107 -117.0427, 2316m
2784644 R. C. Barneby 15072 1969-06-17
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Exposed clay-stone shoulder of steep mountain side below Galena summit, 26 miles n. of Ketchum
492916 A. Tiehm 12969 1999-06-14
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Calico Mountains, Mahogany Pass on the main road west to Goosey Lake Creek and the Santa Rosa Range, 41.79472 -117.2948, 2134m
2784656 J. C. Beatley s.n. 1970-04-26
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., On sites of recent snow-melt, below Mt. Stirling, ne. face of nw. Spring Mtns, rd from Rt 95. Drainage Basin: Indian Springs. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission's Nevada Test Site and vicinity., 2012m
492890 D. D. Biggers 13537 1929-00-00
United States of America, Idaho, Cassia Co., Raft River Valley, 42.597141 -113.235838
492899 J. C. Beatley 7676 1969-04-10
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., East face of Shoshone Mountain above Repeater Site barricade. Same collection site as No. 4000. Northwest Mid Valley Drainage Basin., 1890m
492913 J. L. Sevy JLS39 1938-06-25
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Reese River Valley; Toiyabe Forest, 38.90678 -117.4864, 2134m
492900 G. H. Bentley s.n. 1916-00-00
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Vicinity of Currant, 38.741 -115.479
01208762 N. H. Holmgren 15890 2009-03-20
United States of America, Utah, Tooele Co., Stansbury Island, Great Salt Lake, west side of the mountain at the south end, 40.7983 -112.5131, 1490m
2784646 C. L. Hitchcock 23833 1965-07-05
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., 25 mi. n. of Ketchum, on Galena grade, s. side., 44.042856 -114.363662
492889 N. D. Atwood 752 1967-04-21
United States of America, Idaho, Bingham Co., 1 mile north of Middle Butte, 43.490442 -112.736267, 1554m
492892 J. H. Christ 7098 1937-05-08
United States of America, Idaho, Butte Co., 25 miles east of Carey, 43.306604 -113.447087
492893 F. M. Ownbey 3104 1947-04-11
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., 3 miles southwest of Hailey, 43.304943 -114.158891
2784657 J. D. Armstrong 426 1967-05-13
United States of America, Nevada, Clark Co., Virgin Mountains;crest of Big Springs, cattle guard, 2256m
492896 T. K. Lowrey 1092 1974-04-27
United States of America, Utah, Millard Co., House Range, 2 miles west on road to Swasey Peak., 2377m
492897 T. K. Lowrey 252 1975-06-28
United States of America, Utah, Millard Co., House Range Flat, 5 miles west of Swasey Peak, 39.388245 -113.409862, 1981 - 1981m
2784654 A. I. Mulford s.n. 1892-06-23
United States of America, Idaho, Mountain near Ketchum., 43.685808 -114.377278, 1768m
492911 J. L. Reveal 10430 1970-05-05
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Grapevine Mountains, Death Valley Monument, at "shaft", head of Phinney Canyon. Sarcobatus Drainage Basin., 2088m
494714 S. L. Welsh 5161 1966-04-08
United States of America, Utah, Tooele Co., West of Riverbed, south end of Dugway Valley, 5 miles north of Bennion Ranches
2784647 J. H. Christ 17557 1948-06-30
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., 22 miles west of Ketchum, on the Warm Springs road. On bare rhyolitic ridge., 43.679894 -114.804292
492907 N. H. Holmgren 8128 1976-06-07
United States of America, Nevada, Lander Co., North end of the Toquima Range, vicinity of Petes Summit, 43 km (26.5 miles) airline distance southeast of Austin, 39.18315 -116.7885, 2400m
492905 N. H. Holmgren 4093 1970-06-01
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Jackson Mountains, Jackson Creek drainage, Iron King Mine Road, 2.1 miles above (northeast of) Jackson Creek-Trout Creek summit, 49 airline miles south of Denio., 41.3 -118.4348, 2134m
492902 S. Goodrich 11140 1978-05-20
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe National Forest; Toquima Range, 38.44925 -117.1165, 2195m
2784649 J. H. Christ 17681 1948-07-04
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., 3 miles east of Stanley. Stoop granitic sand slopes on edge of cliffs along the Salmon River.
2784650 J. H. Christ 17600 1948-07-02
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., About 18 miles north of Ketchum, at cirque lake at head of Boulder Creek. On gravelly knolls in cirque.
492906 N. H. Holmgren 4873 1971-05-29
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Independence Mountains, Nevada Highway 11, 10.5 miles northwest of Nevada Highway 51, 28 airline miles north-northwest of Elko., 41.22959 -115.9968, 1935m
492894 W. C. Cusick 2371 1900-05-05
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., Juniper Mountain
2784645 A. R. Kruckeberg 4528 1958-06-23
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., On dry open slopes, just above and east of Galena Summit, along Highway 93 between Ketchum and Sawtooth Valley., 2652m
2784660 T. L. Breene 33 1937-05-13
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., 6 - 9 mi. s.w. of Reno, along Hunter Creek road
2784655 A. A. Heller 10002 1910-04-30
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Fish Lake, above Marmol Station., 1676m
2784661 A. A. Heller 10002 1912-05-13
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Mountains south of Marmol station., 1676m
2784648 J. H. Christ 17541 1948-06-30
United States of America, Idaho, Camas Co., Dollarhide Summit, Smoky Mts, 28 miles west of Ketchum. On limestone ridge north of pass., 2658m
2784651 R. W. Spellenberg 1729 1967-06-13
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., On steep rocky slope in sagebrush rangeland above n. side of Pass Creek Gorge.
492914 A. Tiehm 12779 1999-04-03
United States of America, Nevada, Lyon Co., Pine Nut Mountains, Hoye Canyon on extreme southeast end of the Range, about 1.4 air miles south-southeast of Jack Wright Summit., 38.74321 -119.394, 1615m
492910 B. Maguire 25421 1945-06-14
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Mohawk Canyon; Toiyabe Range, Toiyabe National Forest, 2286m
2784658 T. L. Ackerman 83-271 1983-04-28
United States of America, Nevada, Clark Co., Desert National Wildlife Range. Near saddle to Cabin Canyon; Grapevine Canyon, N slope, Sheep Range., 2097m
2784659 A. P. Pinzl 3862 1981-04-16
United States of America, Nevada, Clark Co., Desert National Wildlife Range, Mormon Wells Road, mouth of Peek-a-boo., 1615m
492898 Jack L. Reveal 27 1962-04-18
United States of America, Utah, Tooele Co., Rocky ridge along U. S. Highway 6, 22 miles east of the Utah-Nevada line
Ronald L. Hartman, Emma E. Stewart 91229 2011-06-09
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Appendicitis Hill, ca 0.5 air mi N of Rocky Canyon, ca 2.8 air mi WSW of Moore; ca 8.5 air mi NW of Arco., 43.7247 -113.418067, 2073 - 2204m
Ronald L. Hartman, Emma E. Stewart 91259 2011-06-09
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Appendicitis Hill, ca 0.5-1 air mi N of Rocky Canyon, ca 2.5-2.8 air mi WSW of Moore; ca 8.5-8.8 air mi NW of Arco., 43.7247 -113.418067, 1887 - 2204m
Ronald L. Hartman, Emma E. Stewart 91138 2011-06-07
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Lost River Range: ca 3 air mi ENE of Moore., 43.746167 -113.3108, 1777 - 1915m
Elizabeth P. Johnson 165 2016-04-11
USA, Utah, Box Elder, West side of Hogup Mountains on Middle Pass Road. From Snowville, UT, take UT-30 W for 28.2 miles. Turn left (south) onto Kelton Rd. Just north of the cemetery in the ghost town of Kelton, take Emigration Trail Road west for 2.5 miles. Turn left onto E Hogup Road for 1.7 miles at which point the road turns into Old Railroad Grade Road, stay straight and continue on for 7.1 miles. At the 3-way intersection stay straight onto N Tower Road for 2 miles and continue straight again onto Loop Road for 4.7 miles. Finally, turn right onto Middle Pass Road for 4.9 miles., 41.4626 -113.21751, 1620m
BRYV0270975 Joyce Phillips Hardy 2610 1991-04-13
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, 37.32269 -113.90661
BRYV0101425 W. P. Cottam s.n. 1940-04-13
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Stansbury Island, north slope above Bonneville level., 1463m
BRYV0101430 Alan Taye 1323 1981-05-01
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Stansbury Mountains, 1 mile ESE of Timpie., 40.74176 -112.63842, 1341m
BRYV0101429 Alan Taye 1316 1981-04-30
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Cedar Mountains, Rydalch Canyon., 40.441 -112.96263, 1707m
BRYV0101428 N. Duane Atwood 10701 1985-04-20
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Cedar Mtn ca 2.5 mi SE of TabbyÕs Peak., 40.48449 -113.00075, 1676m
BRYV0101427 Earl M. Christensen 6 1967-05-03
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Dugway Range., 1463m
BRYV0101426 R. D. Heninger s.n. 1949-04-02
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, 1/2 mile off US 40. North tip of the Stansbury Mountains., 1280 - 1402m
BRYV0101424 Stanley L. Welsh 5161 1966-04-08
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, West of Riverbed, south end of Dugway Valley, 5 miles north of Bennion Ranches.
BRYV0270969 R. B. Warrick 699 1986-03-07
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Ca 1 mi w of jct on Danish Ranch road., 37.28064 -113.3941, 1439m
BRYV0270973 B. F. Harrison 6342 1935-05-10
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, 50 miles west of Hinckley, White Sage Valley., 1372m
BRYV0270971 Lori Armstrong 480 1994-04-06
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Sawmill Basin Canyon., 39.41711 -113.2844, 1960m
BRYV0270972 John Guidinger 1748 1984-05-11
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Payson Canyon., 39.15619 -113.59481, 1707m
BRYV0270970 D. Atwood 24844 1999-06-11
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Sawtooth portion of House Range, left fork Sawtooth Canyon., 39.14313 -113.38715, 2469m
BRYV0270980 D. Tilley 546 1999-06-12
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, House Range, Sawtooth Mt, top of ridge on northernmost side., 39.19973 -113.40932, 2591m
BRYV0270979 D. Tilley 523 1999-06-11
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, House Range, Sawtooth Mt. Sawtooth Canyon., 39.14333 -113.39245, 2438m
BRYV0270978 D. Tilley 491 1999-06-11
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, House Range, Sawtooth Mt, Pine Peak prospect., 39.17072 -113.40934, 2743m
BRYV0270977 D. Tilley 381 1999-05-29
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, House Range, Swazey Mt. Sawmill Canyon., 39.41716 -113.30306, 2073m
BRYV0270976 G. Baird 3282 1990-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, House Range, Sawtooth Canyon about 1 mile due E of Notch Peak., 39.14176 -113.39078, 2316m
BRYV0270974 B. F. Harrison 6315 1935-05-10
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Antelope Springs, 40 mi west Hinckley., 1981m
BRYV0270988 A. C. Blauer 8 1964-04-30
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Desert Experimental Range, Warm Point Ridge., 38.6097 -113.81325, 1829m
BRYV0270987 S. Goodrich 16537 1982-05-03
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Desert Experimental Range, 20 mi 126¼ SE of Garrison, UT., 38.75456 -113.73951, 2103m
BRYV0270986 John Guidinger 652 1983-05-07
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Confusion Range., 39.12715 -39.12715, 1859m
BRYV0270985 Ron Kass 1983 1985-05-05
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, House Range, Sawtooth Canyon., 39.14176 -39.14176, 2164m
BRYV0270984 Ron Kass 3208 1991-05-19
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Confusion Range, Kings Canyon., 39.08373 -113.59475, 1981m
BRYV0270983 H. Papenfuss 27 1964-05-02
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Pruess Lake., 38.88967 -114.00391, 1676m
BRYV0270982 D. Atwood 24692 1999-05-28
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, NE side of the Tunnel Mts., 38.79645 -113.70136
BRYV0270981 D. Atwood 24834 1999-06-10
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Notch Peak., 39.14998 -113.40756, 2438m
BRYV0271000 Stanley L. Welsh 28016 2001-04-15
U.S.A., Utah, Kane, Pine Hollow Cyn head, Buckskin Mt., 37.0112 -112.0769, 1704m
BRYV0270999 K. H. Thorne 6060 1988-05-06
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Reentry S of Clear Creek, adjacent to Kane Co. boundary, W of Checkerboard Mesa., 37.2162 -112.89011, 1829m
BRYV0270998 Edna Snow No. 1 S 1938-03-26
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Zion National Park., 1372m
BRYV0270997 Ken Heil 3911 1988-03-26
U.S.A., Utah, Kane, Zion National Park. Ca 3 mi E of the Tunnel on State Hwy 9; N of Hwy on Navajo sandstone.
BRYV0270996 M. (Ben) Franklin 7035 1990-05-18
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Dixie National Forest. Ca 5 miles SSW of Newcastle., 37.59761 -113.59702, 1829m
BRYV0270995 G. Baird 420 1984-03-28
U.S.A., Utah, Kane, Zions National Park, first turnout past Checkerboard Mesa., 37.20177 -112.88994, 1646m
BRYV0270994 M. A. Franklin 7118 1990-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, House Range, Sawtooth Cnyn, ca 1 mi, due E of Notch Peak., 39.14176 -113.39078, 2316m