BRIT364297 L. Sanchez 595 1994-06-02
United States, Texas, Bandera, Bandera/Medina County; Hill Country State Natural Area: Southern eastern area of park, along Trail 2. Banks of West Verde Creek.
BRIT364298 Marshall C. Johnston 53254.10 1953-06-12
United States, Texas, Aransas, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.
BRIT364299 D. S. Correll. 18922 1958-06-03
United States, Texas, Aransas, Just south of bridge across Copano Bay
BRIT364300 E. S. Nixon 12955 1983-10-20
United States, Texas, Anderson, About 1/2 mile south of the junction of Hwy. 7 and loop 256 on loop 256. Small lakeside area near road, Palestine.
BRIT364301 Billy F. Caddell 821 1960-07-20
United States, Texas, Jack, 15 mi E of Jacksboro, Tex., 33.2199 -97.906724
BRIT364302 M. Eewis 22 1939-06-20
United States, Texas, Johnson, West of Rio Vista., 32.221283 -97.354204
BRIT364303 Jeff Quayle 1140 2006-05-23
United States, Texas, Johnson, Egan, Judith Sear property, around edges of pond #2.; 32.43445 -97.286667; 32.43445 -97.286667, 32.43445 -97.286667
BRIT364304 Marshall C. Johnston 542109 1954-11-24
United States, Texas, Jim Wells, 11.7 miles south of Alice.
BRIT364305 RHP 217 1977-08-02
United States, Texas, Jefferson, North of Port Arthur. Adjacent to Intracoastal Waterway.
BRIT364306 RHP 306 1977-08-02
United States, Texas, Jefferson, Sta. 4 along Intracoastal Waterway, Port Arthur.
BRIT364307 Barton H. Warnock 6531 1947-07-20
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, About 17 miles north of Ft. Davis; Davis Mountains; Limpia Canyon, 1524m
BRIT364308 L. C. Hinckley 3940 1947-06-20
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, About 8 mi. down Limpia Canyon from Ft. Davis, 1372m
BRIT364309 V. L. Cory 56578 1949-07-08
United States, Texas, Jasper, 2 1/3 miles south of Jasper.
BRIT364310 Lloyd H. Shinners 7943 1945-06-19
United States, Texas, Jack, 9 miles n.w. of Jacksboro., 33.308721 -98.272388
BRIT364311 Guy Newson 972 2002-10-16
United States, Texas, Hutchinson, Lake Meredith National Recreation Area; LAMR, Bugbee Creek, vicinity of creek cross of park road in canyon, ca. 0.5 mi. mi S of jct with FM 3395; 35° 43 38, 101° 35 39., 35.727222 -101.594167, 910m
BRIT364312 Roger W. Sanders 3415 1995-06-13
United States, Texas, Hunt, Clymer Meadow Preserve, ca. 15 air mi. NW of Greenville; along county road ca 1/2 mi (1 km) N of FM 1562 at 3 mi (5 km) W of Celeste. Main tract, W-facing slopes N & W of Chastain house, dominated by tall grasses; 33.316667 -96.25, 33.316667 -96.25
BRIT364313 Roger W. Sanders 3521 1995-07-11
United States, Texas, Hunt, County Line Prairie Preserve, approximately 13 air mi. (21 km) NW of Greenville along county road that follows Hunt-Collin county line; approx. 1/2 mi (1 Km) S of county road 3/4 mi (1.5 km) W of st. Hwy 36 and community of Dewey., 33.266667 -96.283333
BRIT364314 Wm. F. Mahler 9525 1982-06-15
United States, Texas, Henderson, W oof gravel pits, S of Malakoff., 32.146049 -96.01255
BRIT364315 D. S. Correll. 13072 1946-07-06
United States, Texas, Hemphill, North side, along Canadian River about 3 miles from Canadian.
BRIT364316 Larry C. Higgins 12064 1978-06-20
United States, Texas, Hemphill, Lake Marvis and vicinity
BRIT364317 Angermeier 111 2010-06-02
United States, Texas, Hays, Along slough side of Spring Lake, 29.895917 -97.926461
BRIT364318 Geyata Ajilvsgi 4284 1977-06-01
United States, Texas, Harrison, Ca. 6.5 mi. n.e. of Marshall.
BRIT364425 Marshall C. Johnston 53254.8 1953-06-13
United States, Texas, Aransas, Along Hynes Bay east of headquarters, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.
BRIT364440 Geyata Ajilvsgi 3369 1976-05-09
United States, Texas, Goliad, West of Coleta Creek and north of Hwy. 59, approx. 13 miles west of Victoria.
BRIT364441 Killian 286
United States, Texas, [No locality data on sheet]
BRIT364442 Killian 347
United States, Texas, [No locality data on sheet]
BRIT364443 Killian s.n.
United States, Texas, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT364444 Barbara C. Reuter 560 1986-06-08
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Power Line Right-Of-Way, Equestrian Trail, Ft. Worth Nature Center and Refuge., 32.75 -97.516667
BRIT364445 J. Kuban s.n. 1972-09-05
United States, Texas, Tarrant, On Greer Island on Lake Worth NW, 32.827677 -97.463206
BRIT364446 E. S. Nixon 5701 1972-06-01
United States, Texas, Tarrant, On either side of the river from the junction of Clear Fork Trinity and the West Fork Trinity, Fort Worth, to one mile south of Hwy 121., 32.760177 -97.338339
BRIT364447 Dora Sylvester 2347 1995-07-09
United States, Texas, Tarrant, FMNC-Shoreline Road, 32.838492 -97.469921
BRIT364448 C. L. Lundell 12875 1944-06-10
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Between Irving and Arlington, 32.776109 -97.028415
BRIT364449 Eula Whitehouse 16300 1946-07-09
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Eagle Mt. Lake west of Saginaw., 32.928137 -97.499785
BRIT364450 Eula Whitehouse 16125 1946-07-02
United States, Texas, Tarrant, East of Euless on Bear Creek north of Highway 183., 32.847846 -97.050821
BRIT364451 Elizabeth Nash 7 1939-08-01
United States, Texas, Tarrant, West of Mansfield, 32.563192 -97.141677
BRIT364452 John Steele s.n. 1997-08-18
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Benbrook Lake, 32.627019 -97.468718
BRIT364453 Norlan C. Henderson 62-742 1962-06-18
United States, Texas, Taylor, Along a farm road, between U.S. # 277 and Lake Abiliene., 32.241063 -99.942666
BRIT364454 Casey Williams 34 2010-06-12
United States, Texas, Terrell, On Oasis Ranch Nature Conservancy Property., 30.465669 -101.797872
BRIT364455 Dr. W. L. Tolstead 7601 1943-07-20
United States, Texas, Taylor, At Abilene State Park. Along Elm Creek., 32.23654 -99.882448
BRIT364456 Joe Cornelius 1654 1982-07-17
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, Salt Fork of the Brazos River bottom approximately 23 km N and 14 km E of Throckmorton. John Davis, Jr Ranch.
BRIT364457 Peggy Amerson 193 1970-07-29
United States, Texas, Titus, West side of Lake Mt. Pleasant 3 mi. north of Hwy. 271.
BRIT364458 W. F. Mahler 6782 1971-07-17
United States, Texas, Titus, Above Blundell Creek Bottom, ca. 1 mile E of Monticello, TX Lat 33 6' 00". Long 90 4'25"., 33.1 -95.073611
BRIT364459 Don L. McGregor 102 1971-07-18
United States, Texas, Titus, W of Blundell Creek; E of Monticello., 33.1 -95.073611
BRIT364460 Peggy A. Amerson 769 1971-08-18
United States, Texas, Titus, N. of Site 32 along Blundell Creek bottom lands. N. of F.M. 127, Monticello Community.
BRIT364461 Geyata Ajilvsgi 7085 1977-08-29
United States, Texas, Titus, N.W. of Mt. Pleasant, ca. 2 mi. n. of Hwy. 67, along FM 1734.
BRIT364462 B. C. Tharp s.n. 1940-08-01
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin., 30.282053 -97.73568
BRIT364463 J. Cohn 13197 1943-07-12
United States, Texas, Travis, 5 miles northwest of Austin., 30.313114 -97.811479
BRIT364464 B. C. Tharp 50-34 1950-07-29
United States, Texas, Travis, Northwestern edge of Travis County. J. B. Watkins Ranch., 30.527591 -98.039316
BRIT364465 D. S. Correll 13175 1946-07-13
United States, Texas, Upshur, Along Cypress Creek, five miles north of Ore City.
BRIT364466 D. S. Correll 28019 1963-06-22
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Con Can, along Rio Frio.
BRIT364467 Delzie Demaree 58812 1968-08-14
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Uvalda. Nueces River.
BRIT364468 George L. Fisher 1018-2 1930-07-31
United States, Texas, Walker, Pattison., 30m
BRIT364469 Robert J. O'Kennon 17079 2002-08-24
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 68. By Dan Pond in the Western Cross Timbers., 33.372218 -97.558636
BRIT364514 Eula Whitehouse 15996 1946-06-06
United States, Texas, Denton, 6 miles northeast of Roanoke., 33.065556 -97.152438
BRIT364515 Lynn R. Irby 100 1972-06-23
United States, Texas, Denton, Murrell Park. Grapevine Lake. 8 mi. W. of Lewisville., 32.998106 -97.088728
BRIT364516 C. L. Lundell 13921 1945-06-23
United States, Texas, Dallas, North side of Bachmans Dam, near upper end of Lake.
BRIT364517 Jeff Quayle 420 2003-06-24
United States, Texas, Dallas, Lancaster, Bear Creek Park and Nature Preserve., 32.569267 -96.773986
BRIT364518 C. L. Lundell 11551 1942-08-20
United States, Texas, Dallas, No. of White Rock Lake., 32.849678 -96.72419
BRIT364519 Dan Northcut 28 1988-07-19
United States, Texas, Dallas, J & W Gravel Pits, 2.8 mi S of Hwy 175 on Simonds Road. N side of Hickory Creek, SE of Dallas., 32.635043 -96.599138
BRIT364520 Douglas Whitley 218 1937-06-10
United States, Texas, Coryell, Near Gatesville., 31.434981 -97.744254
BRIT364521 Geyata Ajilvsgi 5044 1977-07-12
United States, Texas, Cherokee, Ca. 9.7 mi. s.e. of Troup, ca. 9.5 mi. n. of Hwy. 79.
BRIT364522 Geyata Ajilvsgi 5300 1977-06-23
United States, Texas, Cherokee, Ca. 15.5 mi. s.e. of Troup, ca. 2.7 mi. n. of Hwy. 79.
BRIT364523 Alfred Traverse 2492 1961-06-26
United States, Texas, Chambers, Anahuac, boat launch site below old bank building., 3m
BRIT364524 Alfred Traverse 813 1958-07-15
United States, Texas, Chambers, Trinity River delta, head of passes, on point N of passes, W side of river., 1m
BRIT364525 C. L. Lundell 8703 1940-05-04
United States, Texas, Cameron, South of Brownsville.
BRIT364526 V. L. Cory 51402 1945-11-30
United States, Texas, Cameron, Resaca del Rancho Viejo, 6 air-line miles northeast of Brownsville.
BRIT364527 P. Fryxell 1802 1971-07-04
United States, Texas, Brazos, E of College Station.
BRIT364528 D. S. Correll 27583 1963-06-08
United States, Texas, Brazoria, Hoskin's Mound.
BRIT364529 Eula Whitehouse 20505 1948-09-29
United States, Texas, Bowie, Lewis Ferry, 8 miles north of New Boston.
BRIT364530 Barney L. Lipscomb 2231 1977-06-08
United States, Texas, Bosque, Approx. 2 miles NW of Mosheim west from dam site along Hog Creek., 31.656507 -97.627111
BRIT364531 Kim I. Miller 928 1961-07-07
United States, Texas, Blanco, C. 4 miles west of Blanco on Ranch Rd. 1623, on limestone ledges above the Blanco River.
BRIT364532 Roger W. Sanders 12805 2002-06-04
United States, Texas, Blanco, LBJ National Historic Park; Johnson City Unit. East of Johnson Settlement buildings.
BRIT364533 B. H. A. Groth 104 1903-07-15
United States, Texas, Bexar, Cibolo River near Bracken., 29.610821 -98.322794
BRIT364534 J. Estes BUL0854 1995-06-14
United States, Texas, Bexar, Camp Bullis; Pond E of Buck Hill, W branch of Lewis Creek. UTM: (⁰⁵415³²864)., 29.707033 -98.570972
BRIT367310 S. E. Wolff 2219 1930-06-07
United States, Texas, Bell, Swampy ground near Academy School., 30.980979 -97.341326
BRIT235801 R. J. O'Kennon 11647 1993-06-13
United States, Texas, Gillespie, FM 1376, 4.6 miles south of US 290. 30.179873193 N, -98.754920872 W, ± 100 m WGS 1984., 30.179873193 -98.754920872
BRIT379225 Marie-Theres Herz 613 2014-09-06
United States, Texas, Dallas, 5151 Regent Blvd, Irving, TX (Prairie to the west, Adjacent to LBJ).
BRIT20480 Lloyd H. Shinners 8574 1946-06-09
United States, Texas, Dallas, S.E. of intersection of Coit Rd. and Yale Blvd, e. of S. M. U, Dallas., 32.839266 -96.774111
BRIT505548 Mary Gard 147 2006-05-15
United States, Oklahoma, Adair, Ozark Palteau National Wildlife Refuge., 35.7036 -94.5325
BRIT570152 V. L. Cory 58831 1951-06-18
United States, Oklahoma, Bryan, U.S. Denison Dam Reservation, west side of dam, north side of Lake Texoma.
BRIT570153 J. Massey 1635 1967-06-14
United States, Oklahoma, Caddo, 5 mi. e. & 6 S. of Anadarko.
BRIT570154 Charles S. Wallis 4533 1957-07-06
United States, Oklahoma, Cherokee, 3½ mi. N.E. of Ft. Gibson.
BRIT570155 Charles S. Wallis 7615 1958-07-13
United States, Oklahoma, Cherokee, 7½ mi. S. of Tahlequah on State 10.
BRIT570156 John Taylor 5036 1968-08-23
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Canyon on west side of Lake Carl Etling.
BRIT570157 Delzie Demaree 13087 1936-06-22
United States, Oklahoma, Cleveland, Ten Mile Flat. P. O. Cleveland.
BRIT570158 Jim Robertson 136 1975-09-27
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, North end of Lake Lawtonka.
BRIT570159 R. A. Thompson S0609 1989-06-24
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Lake George; Ft. Sill Reservation.
BRIT570160 Delzie Demaree 13142 1936-06-27
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Canyon of West Cache creek; Wichita National Forests; Cache.
BRIT570161 Barney L. Lipscomb 1946 1976-10-09
United States, Oklahoma, Cotton, 4 mi. east & 2 mi. north of Temple
BRIT570162 Robert Pearce 1376 1964-07-07
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, Washita riverbottom prairie 2½ miles northeast of Bradley.
BRIT570163 Robert Pearce 835 1963-06-23
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, 4.5 miles south & 2 miles west of Rush Springs.
BRIT570164 V. L. Cory 58908 1951-06-19
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, 7.2 miles southeast of Tishomingo; Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge; at an arm of Lake Texoma.
BRIT570165 G. J. Goodman 5689 1953-06-23
United States, Oklahoma, Love, 2 mi. s.w. of Bomar.
BRIT570166 Shirley Handler s.n. 1952-06-19
United States, Oklahoma, Marshall, Island #2, Lake Texoma.
BRIT570167 Forrest Johnson s.n. 1983-08-01
United States, Oklahoma, Marshall, 1.6 km W. of O. U. Biological Station. Section 7 T8S R5E.
BRIT570168 V. L. Cory 59001 1951-06-20
United States, Oklahoma, Marshall, University of Oklahoma Biological Station, 2½ miles east of Willis.
BRIT570169 George J. Goodman 7357 1962-07-11
United States, Oklahoma, McClain, 2 miles west of Goldsby.
BRIT570170 Amy Buthod LR-471 2007-06-21
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Little River National Wildlife Refuge; Little River National Wildlife Refuge, Unit 5 at Forked Lake. T7S R26E Sec. 1. 15S 357345 3760079., 33.971579 -94.544173
BRIT570171 Keith Patrick 22 1950-06-30
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, 7 miles North of Broken Bow.
BRIT570172 Milton Hopkins 57 1936-07-18
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Turner Falls, Arbuckle Mountains.