L. R. Landrum 11732 2012-08-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff, road to Humane Society, 35.18877 -111.6044, 2074m
ASU0086263 Liz Makings 4626 2015-04-16
United States, Arizona, Pima, Ironwood Forest National Monument, Roskrug Mountains; Agua Dulce Ranch wetland NNE of Dos Titos, 32.301331 -111.443937, 690m
Liz Makings 7468 2023-06-09
United States, Arizona, Pinal County, Tonto National Forest; Superstition Mountain Wilderness Area; Pinto Spring, near Miles Ranch trailhead; FS Road 287A, 33.4393 -111.059974, 1040m
ASU0106968 Liz Makings 5234 2017-06-20
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Colorado Plateau/Arizona Strip: Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument; Upper Jump Canyon along BLM Road 1032, 1.7 miles east of intersection of BLM Road 1034, 36.60905 -113.657, 1500m
Darin Jenke 721 2009-06-09
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, New River bed above confluence with Skunk Creek., 33.6203 -112.242, 366 - 366m
M. Butterwick 9024 1986-08-10
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Hualapai Mountains; along Hualapai Mountain road; Rattlesnake Hill 7.5' Quad., 35.1455 -113.942, 1420m
Andrea Hazelton 284 2007-06-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa River south of Wickenburg off HWY 60 on Preserve, packet voucher., 33.9322 -112.696, 593m
ASU0132712 Albert R. Sweetser
United States, Oregon, Near Western Oregon.
ASU0061490 F. M. Irish 1912-05-05
USA, Arizona, Gila, Globe road, north of Campaign Cr.
ASU0061491 F. M. Irish 1910-07-03
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff., 35.19806 -111.65056, 2140m
Meg White, Melanie Tluczek, Andrea Hazelton 2007-09-09
USA, Arizona, Pinal, San Pedro River floodplain at the the Nature Conservancy's preserve near Dudleyville., 32.9283 -110.738, 2000m
ASU0302194 J. McCormick 1961-65 1961-07-21
USA, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Peloncillo Mountains. Granite Gap; 32.01 -108.22, 32.01 -108.22
Raul Gutierrez 2247 2008-08-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino, NE edge of Lake Marshall on Anderson Mesa, 35.1191 -111.53, 2168m
ASU0302193 C. Lumer 2116 2001-08-19
USA, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, San Antonio Mountain.; 36.85 -106, 36.85 -106, 2652 - 2683m
ASU0295199 Dustin Wolkis 641 2014-05-15
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Bog Hole Cienega. Coronado National Forest, Sierra Vista Ranger District., 31.4776 -110.63, 1525m
Butterwick 5317 1979-07-03
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Dean Peak 7.5' Quad.; along road to Pine Lake; Hualapai Mountains, 35.0874 -113.871, 1829m
T. F. Daniel 1715 1981-08-09
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Along road to Flag Mine in Hualapai Mountain Park in the Hualapai Mountains; ca. 13 miles southeast of Kingman, AZ, 35.056 -113.889, 2134m
ASU0081044 Frankie S. Coburn 151 2011-05-11
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Approx. 2mi upstream from Perkinsville bridge, 34.905899 -112.238182, 1180m
Chester F. Deaver 6234 1963-06-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Highway 89A; ca. 10 miles north of Jacob Lake, 36.843732 -112.252421, 1707m
Rose E. Collom 723 1937-06-30
USA, Arizona, Coconino, 4 miles west of Flagstaff, 35.198 -111.722, 2134m
Elinor Lehto 6922 1966-08-05
USA, Arizona, Coconino, 8.6 miles west of Jacob Lake, 34.321 -110.991
Butterwick 6729 1980-06-03
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Peeples Valley 7.5' Quad.; Placerita Gulch; north of East Antelope Peak in the Weaver Mountains, 34.2816 -112.72
Bruce D. Parfitt 2842 1980-05-18
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Hualapai Mountain road; 3.3 miles south of Interstate 40, 35.1455 -113.889, 1524m
Charles E. Bundy 2545 1978-06-22
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Arizona Strip District; Wolf Hole Water Encasement Area, 36.8389 -113.626
Elinor Lehto L-21427 1977-06-25
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Base of north slope of Hualapi Mountains, 35.14 -113.92, 1506m
James Sutherland 97
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Show Low Lake area; 200 yards northwest of dam, 34.1944 -110.004, 1966m
ASU0132728 R.D. Thomas 59224 1978-07-02
USA, Louisiana, Richland, S of US 80 & E of La 137 in Rayville
Marie Sullivan 20 1991-09-27
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River at Pecks Lake Diversion Dam; Reach 2B of US Fish and Wildlife Service Verde River Advanced Identification Study, 34.7835 -112.035, 975m
Marie Sullivan 42 1991-09-27
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River ca. 2 miles downstream from Alt. 89 (Highway 89A); 1 mile east of Highway 279; Verde Village Unit 3; Reach 2D of US Fish and Wildlife Service Verde River Advanced Identification Study, 34.6948 -111.965
ASU0132729 L.C. Higgins 8886 1974-06-28
USA, New Mexico, San Miguel, Near mile post 41 East of Trujillo on hwy 104-65
Marc A. Baker 8336 1991-05-16
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Along the Verde River; just west of Perkinsville, 34.8926 -112.215, 1164m
Ruth Dammann 1961-06-13
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Show Low Lake, 34.1944 -110.004, 1920m
D. J. Pinkava P-12421 1974-08-14
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, 1.9 miles east of Buffalohead junction with Route 567 to Blue, AZ, 33.61 -109.073
Steve Bingham 1453 1969-05-15
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Along Gila River near Thatcher, AZ, 32.847 -109.72, 884m
Meredith A. Lane 1721 1975-09-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park; Ft. McDowell 15' Quad.; Escondido Tank, 33.69 -111.692, 518m
ASU0132730 L.C. Higgins 7356 1973-06-19
USA, New Mexico, Eddy, Dark Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, Lincoln Natl. Forest.; 32.291783 -104.344672, 32.291783 -104.344672
Wendy C. Hodgson 10640 1997-09-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Along Forest Service Road 236; south of Slide Canyon Trail No. 58 Trailhead and Horse Spring Canyon; at Jump Up Divide, 36.6274 -112.522, 1768m
ASU0085712 J.M. Andre 30703 2014-09-30
United States, Utah, Iron, Harmony Mountains; in Leach Canyon along UT Hwy 56, about 18 miles NE of Enterprise, 12 miles WSW of Cedar City., 37.635333 -113.2786, 1772m
Stitt & McLellan 1935-06-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tempe, AZ, 33.4147 -111.909
L. Machina 1997-06-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon; South Rim; Grandview; Kaibab National Forest; Hull Tank, 35.9663 -111.946, 2164m
S. Pilversack 25 1998-06-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Ramsey Canyon Preserve; Ramsey Canyon; within the Huachuca Mountains; next to large frog pond near the James cabin in restoration area; about 10 feet from Ramsey Creek and 20 feet west of the edge of the frog pond, 31.4889 -110.408, 1722m
ASU0132731 A.C. Sanders 7217 1987-08-09
USA, New Mexico, Taos, Sangre de Cristo Mtns.: Carson National Forest, ca. 5 miles SE of Taos along dirt road on canyon bottom of Rio Chiquito; 36.3333333 -105.5666667, 36.3333333 -105.5666667, 2195 - 2438m
Richard Felger 01-259 2001-04-03
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Sonoran Desert National Monument; 1.8 miles by road south of Interstate 8 at Pinal-Maricopa County line; on road to Antelope Peak Trailhead, 32.8213 -112.185, 576m
T. F. Daniel 2222 1982-07-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab National Forest; near 10-X Campground along Highway 180-64; 2.1 miles south of Tusayan, 35.9432 -112.126, 2134m
ASU0132732 D. Keil 2484b 1967-09-02
USA, Iowa, Des Moines, W Burlington RR depot
ASU0132733 R.R. Halse 6362 2003-06-16
USA, Oregon, Morrow, off of Interstate Hwy. 84 at Exit 151 (Threemile Canyon) about 12 miles west of Boardman, ; 45.81166667 -119.9691667, 45.81166667 -119.9691667, 89 - 89m
ASU0048554 Jon P. Rebman 2404 1994-03-12
Mexico, Baja California, Mesa San Antonio, west of Colonet and ca. 7 km NNE of the tip of Cabo Colonet., 31.01667 -116.2667
ASU0132734 F.S. Crosswhit 1311 1960-08-07
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 0.5 mi E Drake, Roosevelt Nat'l Forest, Big Thompson Canyon
ASU0132735 D. Keil 2421 1967-09-01
USA, Illinois, Bureau, Just W of Princeton on US Rte 34.
ASU0132736 L.C. Higgins 6915 1973-05-28
USA, New Mexico, Quay, 8 miles north of Nara Visa on Hwy 18
ASU0132737 F.R. Waller, Jr. 747 1966-06-04
USA, Texas, Deaf Smith, US385, ca 5 mi N of Hereford
ASU0132738 A. Selesnick 1965-08-23
USA, Colorado, 9 mi W of Mancos, outside of but near entrance to Mesa Verde Natl. Park, Point Lookout., 2134m
ASU0132739 T.C. Rosson 747 1966-06-21
USA, Texas, Bailey, 5 mi SW of Bula
Jacqueline White 2005-08-15
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa River south of Wickenburg off HWY 60 on Preserve, 33.9067 -112.675, 570m
ASU0132740 J. Rebman 2001 1989-06-14
USA, Missouri, SMSU campus, Springfield, Mo.
ASU0108564 J. M. André 32047 2013-09-21
United States, Arizona, Coconino, SW end of Barney Flat, along Bill Williams Loop Rd, just west of junction w/Perkinsville Rd, 5.7 mi. south of Williams, 2150m
Edward Gilbert 403 2000-09-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Upper West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek, N. of Sedona. In Fernow Draw, about 1/2 mile down creek from Fire Road 231; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 35.0147 -111.859, 2012m
ASU0091293 Mont A. Cazier 25 1967-06-22
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Moenave; Navajo Indian Reservation, 36.138603 -111.337364
ASU0091294 Steve Jones 1634 2012-03-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Sonoran Preserve, water tank below power line. In sediments behind checkdam, 33.75878 -111.87746, 738m
Theresa Price 884 2007-05-21
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mt. Ord. Approximately 5.5 miles east of Highway 87 on FS 626 at intersection with FS 27. Approx. 50 feet or so down FS 27 from junction., 33.9269 -111.399, 1775m
ASU0091295 Elinor Lehto 16112 1969-06-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Stoneman Lake, 34.77983 -111.51501
ASU0105281 walter Fertig 30433 2015-04-17
USA, Arizona, Pima, Sonoran Desert, Ironwood Forest National Monument, Agua Dulce wetland, ca 1.7 miles N of summit of Dos Titos. T13S R9E S17 NW4 SE4 NE4, 32.301083 -111.444534, 690m
ASU0106948 Liz Makings 5315 2017-06-22
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Colorado Plateau/Arizona Strip: Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument; mid Pigeon Canyon off BLM Road 1002, 36.28261 -113.6483, 1530m
K. Christie 494 2004-07-24
USA, ARIZONA, Coconino, ca. 0.1 mi. S of Babbit Lake., 35.55753 -111.82096, 1981m
Dixie Z. Damrel 2724 2004-10-05
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Flora of Agua Fria National Monument Yavapai County: Agua Fria National Monument, Black Mesa, in dry tank near the border with I-17., 34.2209 -112.108, 1038m
ASU0298798 Walter Fertig 31081 2015-10-16
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Arizona Strip, Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument, east of BLM Road 103 in West Fork Parashant Wash Valley, south of McDonald Flat, 2.5 miles NW of Castle Peak. T33N R12W S33 SW4 NW4, 36.220302 -113.592884, 1764m
ASU0298545 Dustin Wolkis 230 2013-08-04
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Bog Hole Cienega, Coronado National Forest, Sierra Vista Ranger District, Cienega; 31.4776 -110.63, 31.4776 -110.63, 1525m
Charlotte M. Christy 1553 1993-06-09
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, Prescott Nat'l Forest, ca. 12 air-mi. WNW of Prescott, vic. jct. FSR's 102 &41, 34.54 -112.468, 1524m
G. Rink 1942 2003-05-09
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, Prescott National Forest, 3/4 mile up Cold Water Creek from Verde River, dry canyon., 34.3681 -111.767, 914m
ASU0132799 D. Shorrock 70 2004-11-01
USA, Utah, Washington, Zion National Park main canyon, 37.2585 -112.952, 1219 - 1372m
J. Jeremy Buegge 968 1999-07-18
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Buford Canyon. T7S,R21E,sec5,NE,SE. Devil Tank., 32.8529 -110.218, 1737m
Meg White, Melanie Tluczek, Andrea Hazelton 2007-06-22
USA, Arizona, Pinal, San Pedro River floodplain on the SRP Spirit Hollow Preserve near San Manuel, 32.5792 -110.52, 793m
ASU0132718 L.C. Higgins 9050 1974-08-19
USA, New Mexico, Curry, 20 mi N of Clovis on hwy 18
ASU0132719 H.N. Dixon 2548 1975-07-14
USA, Colorado, Huerfano, E side of Old La Veta Pass, 2743m
ASU0132720 H.D. Harrington 2271 1946-07-15
USA, Colorado, Phillips, 0.5 mi E of Holyoke; 40.5853 -102.2817, 40.5853 -102.2817, 1137m
ASU0132721 L.C. Higgins 12933 1980-09-29
USA, Texas, Potter, SW part of Amarillo just off Coulter Rd. in Playa lake Bottom
ASU0132722 T.C. Rosson 1423 1968-06-09
USA, Texas, Bailey, State 214, 5 mi S of Needmore
ASU0132723 D. Keil 13642 1979-10-27
USA, California, San Luis Obispo, E end of Lopez Lake below confluence of Arroyo Grande Crk and Phoenix Crk, 0.2 mi from jctn of Lopez Cyn Rd and Pozo Rd
ASU0132724 L.C. Higgins 4127 1971-05-17
USA, Utah, Washington, Ivins Reservoir, on the west shore of the reservoir; 37.181347 -113.717783, 37.181347 -113.717783
ASU0132725 L.C. Higgins 4355 1971-06-03
USA, Texas, Randall, Ca. 1 mile north of Canyon
ASU0132726 J.L. Gentry, Jr. 2255 1967-08-02
USA, Utah, Washington, Pine Valley Mountains; 37.38098 -113.4669, 37.38098 -113.4669, 2061 - 2061m
ASU0132727 O. Francke 1154 1972-07-10
USA, New Mexico, San Juan, between Rte 12 & Little White Cone Lake
Jack Humbles 14072 2002-06-03
USA, Arizona, Coconino, 1/2mi W of Gray Mountain, N of Flagstaff, 35.7508 -111.481, 1532m
Lyle A. McGill 7222 2001-07-11
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Elfrida. Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area: man-made lake in area withdrawn from cultivated agriculture. 9 rd mi. SSW of jctn AZ Hwy 191 and Central Rd in Elfrida; 2 rd. mi. WSW of jctn of Central and Lee Rds., 31.6853 -109.686
R. Marler 2061 1997-08-20
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Agua Fria River near Prescott Valley, 34.5839 -112.27, 1445m
ASU0132796 B.E. Nelson 14316 1987-08-03
USA, Wyoming, Teton, SW Absarokas; near Blackrock Ranger Station. ca 8 mi E of Moran, ca 31.3 air mi NE of Jackson, 2103m
ASU0132701 D. Keil 30653 2009-10-10
USA, California, Monterey, San Antonio Lake. Vicinity of South Shore Campground.; 35.82 -120.95, 35.82 -120.95, 240m
ASU0132797 B.E. Nelson 8615 1981-07-23
USA, Wyoming, Hot Springs, Bighorn Basin; along Big Horn River, ca 7 air mi NNE of Thermopolis; ca 1 air mi ENE of Lucerne., 1311m
ASU0132798 B.A. Packer 2379 1997-07-29
USA, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Range: Baldy Knob, ca 25 air mi S of Douglas.; 42.2841 -105.3324, 42.2841 -105.3324, 2165 - 2262m
Lyle A. McGill LAM-1453 1977-06-14
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Along Verde River at Sheep Bridge, 34.0774 -111.707
ASU0132702 B. Kramp 280 1979-08-02
USA, New Mexico, San Juan, ca. 10N of NW edge of Purgatory Canyon, 2109m
ASU0132800 R.D. Thomas 19903 1970-07-13
USA, Arkansas, Independence, beside Kramer's Grocery, Batesville, Ark.
Rose Collom
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff, AZ, 35.1981 -111.651
ASU0132703 K. Pigg 207 1999-07-16
USA, North Dakota, Morton, 1 mi N of New Salem, ca 30 [miles] W of Bismark; 46.859476 -101.411255, 46.859476 -101.411255, 658m
F. S. Crosswhite 850-A 1960-05-28
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 4 miles north of Mayer on AZ 69, 34.4558 -112.236
ASU0132704 J.T. Howell 47515 1970-11-08
USA, California, Kern, 6 mi from S Fork Kern River Bridge on rd from Weldon to Kernville., 792m
ASU0132801 A. Selesnick 1965-08-23
USA, Colorado, 9 mi W of Mancos, outside of but near entrance to Mesa Verde Natl. Park, Point Lookout., 2134m
Max Partch 232 1985-10-28
USA, Arizona, Gila, Alpine Heights; Payson, AZ, 34.2308 -111.324
Shannon Doan 953 2001-08-21
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest. Disturbed sandy area near cow tank and shooting range, west side of Seven Springs road on FS road 2049, 33.9458 -111.828, 1110m
ASU0132705 T. Freeman 26B 1966-08-22
USA, Colorado, Douglas, S Platte River, 5 mi N of Deckers, within a few hundred feet of river., 2042m