ACU0000837 J. Shields s.n. 1992-04-27
United States, Texas, Callahan, 2 mi N. of Clyde., 32.434985 -99.493691, 366m
ACU0000838 T. Gartman s.n. 1992-04-20
United States, Texas, Taylor, Will Hair Park Abilene., 396m
ACU0000839 Lori Black s.n. 1992-05-03
United States, Texas, Jones, 5 mi N. of Hawley., 32.684081 -99.820093, 396m
PH00754598 Stephen Winter 1807 2007-05-19
United States, Oklahoma, Woodward, Hal and Fern Cooper Wildlife Management Area; NE portion of East pasture. T24N, R21W, NE 0.25 of 18
PH00754575 Stephen Winter 1544 2006-05-20
United States, Oklahoma, Woodward, Hal and Fern Cooper Wildlife Management Area; Bodwell Pasture; E of old railroad grade and W of road. T24N, R21W, SE 0.25 of 30
PH00027708 J. Lunell s.n. 1911-07-28
United States, North Dakota, Pleasant Lake
PH00027709 J. Lunell s.n. 1912-07-03
United States, North Dakota, Pleasant Lake
ALAM-V-0002184 L. K. Skinkle 139 1950-07-06
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Buckingham Park Canyon, north of Boulder., 1890m
ALAM-V-0002185 H. Dixon 4973 1986-08-08
United States, Colorado, Alamosa, McFadden's Pond, ca 1 mile N US 160 on Baca Lane., 37.491667 -105.75, 2286m
ALAM-V-0002186 A. S. Schafer 238 1977-09-24
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Palmer Park, Austin Bluffs - S entrance & .4 mi. N of Maizeland Rd. Colorado Springs, 38.866667 -104.75, 1814m
844 David R. Rice 45 1988-04-30
United States, Texas, Kendall, 1.5 mi S Waring, on old Number 9 Hwy
1289 Alan Rudd 19 1977-03-25
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station, small field at corner of Redmond and Rosemary Street
1318 Glen A. Hudson 11 1988-03-30
United States, Texas, Bexar, Interstate 10, south bank of San Antonio River, 100 yards from mile marker 107, roadside
1319 Jeff Berry 24 1990-04-01
United States, Texas, Travis, 10.3 mi N Austin, Hwy 1325, pastureland of liveoak and mesquite
1320 Tommy C. Rosson 1403 1968-06-09
United States, Texas, Bailey, 6 mi S Muleshoe, moody pasture
1321 Steven G. Whisenant 593 1977-05-27
United States, Texas, McCulloch, 1 mi N Mason County, on FM 1851
1345 Patty B. Cruze 29 1988-04-13
United States, Texas, Tom Green, San Angelo, near corner of 29th Street and Bryany street, Los Caballos Veterinarian Clinic
1348 Eddie Bull 69 1967-07-29
United States, Texas, Lamb, 11.9 mi N Spade, dune area
1349 Jack W. Stanford 292 1964-04-29
United States, Texas, Wichita, north-central region of Campestrian Biotic Province, roads adjacent to State Hospital
1350 Tommy C. Rosson 1411 1968-06-09
United States, Texas, Bailey, 7 mi ESE Muleshoe
1351 Jesse Schroeder 217 1985-04-01
United States, Texas, Burnet, 8.1 mi W Burnet, bank of Lake Buchanan
1352 Steven G. Whisenant 593 1977-05-27
United States, Texas, McCulloch, 1 mi N Mason County on 1851
1353 Wayne W. King 1452 1974-05-03
United States, Texas, Coke, Bronte, 0.25 mi SW Bronte High School
1354 Rick Stinnett 46 1977-06-11
Abilene State Park, approximately 20 mi SSE Abilene
1355 Rudy G. Koch 3741 1967-06-03
United States, Kansas, Cowley, 23 mi E, 2 mi S Winfield, roadside, 37.210009 -96.576656
1356 Wanda I. Smith 68 1969-04-26
United States, Texas, Dickens, 6 mi NE Dickens, Ranch
1357 Patricia Burleson 692 1977-05-21
United States, Texas, San Saba, 1 mi E FM 45 on FM 500
1358 Michael R. Nixon 205 1975-05-03
United States, Texas, Coleman, 8 mi W Coleman, Hords Creek Reservoir
1359 Curtis Boos 090 1982-04-24
United States, Texas, Kerr, 10 mi E Kerrville, Cypress Creek Road, Kenneth Spenrath Ranch, front yard
1361 leg. ign. 065 1982-04-30
United States, Texas, Hood, Tolar, grassy fields
1362 Joe Cornelius 1438 1982-05-14
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, approximately 2 km S, 17 km E Throckmorton, Jimmy Mieng's Elm Valley Ranch, savanna
6210 Alyson K. Glaze 54 1992-04-19
United States, Texas, Reeves, 12 mi S Interstate 10, U Ranch, South Camp
10328 Jeff Harper 80 1986-04-22
United States, Texas, McLennan, NE China Springs, Dunn Working Ranch, between Rock Creek and Childress Creek
11371 Danny Strait 18 1992-03-15
United States, Texas, Travis, Pfugerville, east on 1825 through downtown, 0.25 mi past downtown take right on Dessau at stoplight, turn right after bridge, hike and bike trail
23472 John Grubbs 4 1998-04-11
United States, Texas, Burnet, west of Burnet, Inks Lake Park Road Number 4
24199 Russell Morgan 19 1992-04-01
United States, Texas, Tom Green, 20 mi from city limit sign, on Hwy 87 North, road behind Angelo State School, pasture on right
29990 S. Denise Giles 204 1990-04-09
United States, Texas, Comal, 4 mi E Sattler, River Road between Sattler and New Braunfels, within 50 yards of the Guadalupe River
47489 Cherise Kergald 28 2002-04-03
United States, Texas, Tom Green, Angelo State University, parking lot in front of Math and Computer Science Building
47580 Marisol Salazar 71 2002-04-25
United States, Texas, Tom Green, 0.25 mi from junction of Christoval Road with 277, on Christoval Road
56739 Hannah McCord 4 2012-03-12
9.6 mi (road) NE Cross Plains, intersection of State Highway 36 with State Highway 206, roadside of Highway 206
United States, New Mexico, McKinley
ASU0150166 J. Jeremy Buegge 298 1998-06-05
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Devil's Hole. T6S, R21E, near corner of sec's 32, 33, 4, 5 (USLM). North of Devil's Tank. south of fence., 33.1786 -109.863, 1890m
ASU0150147 J. Jeremy Buegge 360 1998-06-20
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Limestone Canyon. T7S,R21E,sec4,North half., 33.1786 -109.863, 1829m
Edward Gilbert 73 2000-06-24
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Lower West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek about 10 mile north of Sedona. About 100' upstream from canyon mouth, near where trail crosses creek for the first time; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 34.9881 -111.748, 1646m
E. L. Smith 493 1973-07-22
USA, Arizona, Coconino, West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona, 35.0174 -111.781, 1768m
ASU0150121 G. J. Imdorf 832 1992-06-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area; Devil's Chasm. Along the creek, just up from FSR 203., 33.8204 -110.851, 1036m
ASU0150120 Elinor Lehto 864 1962-05-20
USA, Arizona, Gila, Ariz. 288, 6 mi north of Sierra Ancha Forest Camp at Workman Creek., 33.8775 -111.039, 1524m
Chester F. Deaver 5528 1959-07-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Oak Creek Canyon - Harding Spring., 34.9124 -111.727
ASU0150118 Chester F. Deaver 4275 1953-08-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Camp ground -- 15 miles north of Inscription House T P., 36.88 -110.75, 1829m
David J. Keil 3625 1968-08-24
USA, Arizona, Gila, 3.3 miles north of Pioneer Pass Recreation Area, Pinal Mountains., 33.3179 -110.801
ASU0150116 Wendy C. Hodgson 5057 1988-06-02
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mazatzal Mountains, east flanks, in Three Bar Watershed Research Area, along FSR 445 near Oak Flat Spring., 33.7189 -111.295, 1097m
Patrick D. Dalton 1948-08-06
USA, Arizona, Gila, Globe-Payson Road., 34.2308 -111.324
ASU0150114 David J. Keil 3400 1968-07-22
USA, Arizona, Gila, Parker Creek Canyon, Sierra Anchas Mountains., 33.7232 -111.011, 1219 - 1402m
S. Forbes 1132 1979-07-28
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, South-central Arizona, south of the town of Globe. Along FS Road 112, below Pioneer Pass., 33.2822 -110.821, 1768m
S. Forbes 1471 1980-09-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, South-central Arizona, south of the town of Globe. Off FS Road 112, in and around Pioneer Pass Campground., 33.2806 -110.796, 1768m
ASU0150127 Elinor Lehto 13328 1968-09-07
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Pioneer Pass Recreation Area., 33.2822 -110.821
ASU0150111 Wendy C. Hodgson 9097 1995-04-30
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mule Spring Canyon, within 3/4 mile southwest of Powers Gulch, 1 drainage south of Sheep Camp Creek Canyon., 33.3859 -111.002, 1116 - 1158m
Jerry Johnson 27 1934-09-26
USA, Arizona, Gila, Below Parker Creek Dam., 33.7229 -111.011, 1707m
Lyle A. McGill LAM-1301 1977-05-11
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, NW of Superior in Hewitt Wash, 1.2 rd mi north of corral and windmill along FS road #172 (to Roger's Trough) 2.8 mi north of jctn with FS 357.1, 33.2939 -111.096, 1021m
Robert E. Coombs 2891 1979-07-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Corral Valley., 36.8678 -112.027
ASU0150128 Elinor Lehto 15920 1969-05-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, U.S. 179, 5.7 miles north of Sedona., 34.9524 -111.76
ASU0150107 Richard K. Brown 613 1974-03-23
USA, Arizona, Coconino, W. Fork Campground, north of confluence of Oak Creek & W. Fork of Oak Creek. 1/4 mi., 36.7515 -111.442
ASU0150106 Delzie Demaree 41219 1959-06-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino, P. O. Sedona., 35.0003 -111.667, 1372m
ASU0150105 Chester F. Deaver 5528 1959-07-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Oak Creek Canyon - Harding Spring., 34.9124 -111.727
E. L. Smith 664 1973-07-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, 9.5 mi north of House Rock (U.S. 89 alt) then 1.8 mi east in large sandstone outcrop area., 36.8729 -112.028, 1829m
Joe Wilson
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Oak Creek Canyon., 34.9124 -111.727
ASU0150141 M. Butterwick 8140 1982-06-10
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Grayback 7.5' Quad, Vic of Grayback Mountain, south of Gila River., 33.0688 -111.09, 792m
Lyle A. McGill LAM-1227 1977-04-25
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, On road to Bundrick Ranch, 8.2 mi ENE of jct. w/ Ariz Rte 77, which is 1.0 mi south of bridge over Gila River (S of Hayden)., 32.98435 -110.72236
Elinor Lehto 12925 1968-05-18
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, U.S. 60-70 at top of Queen Creek Hill., 33.27 -111.32
M. Butterwick 8176 1982-06-11
USA, Arizona, Gila, Inspiration 7.5' Quad, Bloody Tanks Wash, near Miami., 33.381834 -110.906802, 1113m
Kathleen C. Rice 1262 1992-09-05
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area. Woodbury Trailhead. north of Hwy. 60 ca. 12 mi. on Queen Creek turnoff to Forest Rd. 172. Trail 106., 33.415 -111.226, 1097m
Kathleen C. Rice 521 1991-06-04
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area. Miles Ranch Trailhead, on Forest Road 287A, ca. 10 miles from Hwy. 60 at the Pinto Creek Road turnoff. Trail 271., 33.4294 -111.07, 1067m
ASU0150135 M. Butterwick 8118 1982-06-08
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Sonoran 7.5' Quad, Dripping Springs Mountains, 33.1411 -110.886, 1036m
Marc A. Baker 7998 1990-09-07
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, N of Kearny, 3k southeast of Granite Mountain., 33.1411 -110.988, 786m
ASU0150124 Theresa Wright 92-278 1992-08-14
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area; 1.5k southeast of Henderson Flat., 34.93 -112.04, 1463m
Marc A. Baker 9002 1992-05-03
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness, Sycamore Creek, south of Summer Spring; ca. 3k southwest of Black Mountain., 34.8786 -112.066, 1097m
Howard Scott Gentry 23421 1974-08-18
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 5 miles west of Cleator along road to Crown King, Bradshaw Mountains, 34.2786 -112.32, 1326m
Marc A. Baker 9987 1992-08-15
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area; 200m south of Coconino County line, northeast of Henderson Flat., 34.9704 -112.107, 1554m
ASU0150144 Theresa Tharalson s.n. 1990-09-12
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Heber area plants, approx. 5 miles northwest of Heber, AZ. At F.R. 504-F.R. 228 junction., 34.4884 -110.67, 2012m
Theresa Tharalson s.n. 1990-09-11
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Heber area plants, approx. 5 miles northwest of Heber, AZ. Near plot 15., 34.518 -110.635, 2012m
ASU0150122 Elinor Lehto 6680 1966-06-25
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Swift Canyon Trail, just inside Coronado National Forest., 32.7008 -109.77, 945m
ASU0150123 C. W. McLellan 1774 1941-02-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Fish Creek., 33.5767 -111.354
R. L. Burgess 316 1962-03-31
USA, Arizona, Gila, On rocky ridge running north from Honey butte. Collected to authenticate vegetation studies., 33.6478 -111.114, 884m
ASU0150145 R. K. Van Devender 92-287 1992-02-22
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Box Canyon, Mineral Mountain area, ca. 3.5 miles (by air) north of the Gila River, ca. 13.5 miles east-northeast of Florence., 33.1266 -111.209, 610m
ASU0150151 R. G. Engard 933 1976-05-08
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Box Canyon of the Mineral Hills, north-east of Florence., 33.095 -111.224, 594m
ASU0150149 Charlotte M. Christy 1882 1993-09-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino, S. of Sunset Crater National Monument; black cinder flats at side FSR 244 ca. 3.5 rd-mi north Leupp Rd., 35.3642 -111.503, 1951 - 2134m
ASU0150150 Kathleen C. Rice 1387 1992-09-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Wilderness Area. Upper Horrell Trailhead. west of Hwy. 60 at turnoff to Rd. 287 at end of Rd. 276., 33.4877 -111.078, 1341m
ASU0150152 F. S. Crosswhite 582 1960-04-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Apache Trail, Fish Creek Hill. Ca. 8 mi east Tortilla Flat., 33.5263 -111.25, 732m
ASU0150153 A. & B. Phillips 78-582 1978-06-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Sandy roadside near old windmill, Paria Plateau., 36.81 -112.027, 1890m
ASU0150154 Walter Smith 1939-06-04
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Mountains.
ASU0150155 Kathleen C. Rice 590 1991-06-18
USA, Arizona, Gila, Superstition Wilderness Area. Paradise Spring Trail., 33.8333 -111.417, 1219m
Elinor Lehto L-20625 1976-09-18
USA, Arizona, Gila, Rte 60-77 at Salt River Canyon crossing., 33.6195 -110.922
D. J. Pinkava 1974-02-24
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Box Canyon, ENE Florence about 7 mi., 33.095 -111.224
Sam Friedman 115 1992-09-07
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mountains Kimball Peak trail, 1.00-1.50 mi. up trail., 32.3444 -110.9, 853m
ASU0150160 C. E. Jenkins 1853 1979-05-21
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Rincon Mountains. Box Canyon., 32.1319 -110.519
Elinor Lehto 6470 1966-06-18
USA, Arizona, Graham County, 2.4 mi below Wet Canyon camp grounds in Pinaleno Mountains, 32.65 -109.82, 1737m
Noel H. Holmgren 7052 1973-05-02
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Arizona Highway 366, 5.1 miles southwest of U.S. Highway 666., 32.6796 -109.774, 1372m
Bill T. Johnson 11387 1983-06-21
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Grant Creek., 32.66 -109.91, 1585m
ASU0150164 Elinor Lehto 12877-b 1968-05-18
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Swift Trail at entrance to Coronado National Forest., 32.69 -109.76, 1252m
ASU0150165 Elinor Lehto 12963 1967-05-08
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Wet Canyon Campground., 32.65 -109.82, 2000 - 2000m