Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (Streptanthus arizonicus var. luteus, Streptanthus arizonicus)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 470

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
Kathleen C. Rice   10421992-02-15
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area. Peralta Trailhead. northeast of Hsy. 60 ca. 6 mi. on Forest Rd. 77. Trail 102, 33.4006 -111.346, 1219 - 1219m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
Katharine Rainey   962001-03-24
USA, Arizona, Pima County, bottomlands of Cienega Creek, south side of Pantano Interchange, Interstate 10, east of Tucson, 31.984 -110.567, 1088m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
Richard Felger   01-2952001-04-04
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Sonoran Desert National Monument. Table Top Mountain, small ''mesa'' at summit (the ''southern'' of the two summit-mesas), vicinity of end of trail. (USGS digital 7.5' map, NAD 27)., 32.7489 -112.127, 1323m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
D. Damrel   V-1982001-05-28
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, About 15 miles east of Douglans off Geronimo Tr, on the road to the Cascabel Ranch in the Peloncillos., 31.342 -109.293

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
Andrew Salywon   5821998-04-10
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Tucson; Old Spanish Trail Rd, ca. 0.1 mi south of entrance to Saguaro National Park., 32.2135 -110.712, 915m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
Charlotte M. Christy   21821994-03-19
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Waterman Mountains; WNW of Tucson ca. 25 air-mi., 32.35 -111.467, 915m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
Elizabeth Makings   14822003-04-23
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River, about 2 miles south of Escalante Crossing, 31.843 -110.213, 1125m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
Dixie Z. Damrel   5041998-04-23
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, area near Wilma Rd. entrance, in the narrow park strip, southeast of San Tan Mountains, 33.1207 -111.592, 457m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
Dixie Z. Damrel   5041998-04-23
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Area near Wilma Rd entrance in the narrow park strip; SE of San Tan Mtns, 33.1207 -111.592, 457m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASU0091626Frankie S. Coburn   23722015-04-22
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Ca. 1.45 km up South Leslie Creek wash from Leslie Canyon Rd, Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge, Swisshelm Mountains., 31.576717 -109.503281, 1470m

ASU0143025M. Butterwick   74301981-04-24
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Foothills of Tabletop Mountains, Vekol Mountains 15' Quad., 32.7461 -112.126, 1097m

ASU0143059L.A. McGill   LAM19061978-03-18
USA, Arizona, Greenlee County, Along San Francisco River, ca 4 miles N of Clifton, near Ash Spring Canyon.

ASU0143041T.F. Daniel   26151983-03-11
United States, Arizona, Pima, Organ Pipe Natl. Monument. Ajo Mt, Arch Canyon Trail from Ajo Mt. Rd, ca. 8-9 mi. NE jct. Hwy. 85., 777 - 884m

ASU0143037William G. McGinnies   1941-02-24
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tumamoc Hill, west of Tucson.

ASU0143027Nancy Nowakowski   21975-03-23
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tucson, Sabino Canyon, 1.5 mi S of Sabino Creek in Lower Bear Canyon Picnic Area.

ASU0143079B. Parfitt   24561978-03-18
USA, Arizona, Pinal, Table-top Mts. Ca. 2 mi W of Table-top Peak., 32.75 -112.166667, 732 - 975m

ASU0143028M. Butterwick   72831981-04-12
United States, Arizona, Pima, Northfacing slopes of volcanic outcrop, SE of pipeline road, north end of Sikort Chuapo Mts. 15' Quad., 823m

ASU0143077Betty Walden   1964-04-26
United States, Arizona, Pima, Pantano., 1055m

ASU0143074David Keil   3051966-05-14
United States, Arizona, Pima, 2 miles below Molino basin camp ground.

ASU0143069Lehto, Hensel, Pinkava   108611973-04-27
USA, Arizona, Pima, 5.5 mi NW from jct Bear Canyon and Tnque Verde Roads, along Catalina Hwy.

ASU0143052L.V. Bruner   1966-03-26
USA, Arizona, Pinal, About 7 miles west of Jet. with Quijotoa Casa Grande road on Santa Rosa-Ajo road 09

ASU0143065L.R. Landrum   54211987-02-22
Mexico, Sonora, Road to Sahuaripa about 22 miles E of Hwy 15 bypass., 457m

ASU0143042T.F. Daniel   26291983-03-11
United States, Arizona, Pima, Organ Pipe Natl. Monument, along Ajo Mt. Rd. (east loop), 6.5 NE jct. Hwy. 85., 610 - 625m

ASU0143064L. McGill   64831970-03-28
Mexico, Sonora, 9 mi from Magdalena along road to Cucurpe.

ASU0143039T. Reeves   65151978-03-28
United States, Arizona, Pima, Box Canyon Rd. 2.1 mi east of jct w Madera Canyon Rd., 31.8017 -110.807, 1280m

ASU0143047Reid Moran   201711973-02-17
Mexico, Baja California, 27.5 -112.6, 1575m

ASU0143066Keil   105191968-03-02
United States, Arizona, Pima, 20 miles west of Benson., 31.967402 -110.636695

ASU0143051Reid Moran   204811973-04-14
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Mulege, NE slope of NE ridge, Cerro Azufre, 27.51667 -112.56667, 800m

ASU0143033W. Sherbrooke   LAM11521977-04-20
United States, Arizona, Graham, On lower Bonita Creek, at Cliff dwelling 1 mi N(upstream) from ranch house on Upper Lee Trail.

ASU0143046R. Moran   201551973-02-17
Mexico, Baja California Sur, on steep NE slope of NE ridge, Cerro Azufre., 27.516667 -112.566667, 800m

ASU0143022John L Anderson   87-131987-04-02
USA, Arizona, Graham County, San Carlos Basin, Gila River Valley ca 10 miles west of Bylas on hwy 70 near milepost 283, 33.1667 -110.135

ASU0143076Pinkava   109481973-04-28
USA, Arizona, Pima County, 4.1 mi SSW of Redington on road to Tanque Verde., 32.3725 -110.519

ASU0143061Lyle A. McGill   6321973-03-10
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Mountains, Peralta Canyon Wilderness Area, above Don's Base Camp, 33.4286 -111.418

ASU0143072G. Marrs-Smith   4921981-04-12
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch, 18 E. of Douglas., 31.3364 -109.279, 1159m

ASU0143023Marc A. Baker   77011989-02-28
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument; SE of Bull Pasture near Sphinx Head/, 32.0097 -112.689, 1050m

ASU0143060lyle A. McGill   20201978-03-25
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Camp at confluence of Bonita Creek and Gila River, 32.895 -109.895

ASU0143043R.G. Engard   11211979-03-10
USA, Arizona, Pima, Organ Pipe National Monument. Canyon mouth just S of Canyon del Drablo, Ajo Mtns.

ASU0143032F. M. Irish   1905-04-09
USA, Arizona, Pima, Silverbell

ASU0143030F. S. Crosswhite   3101960-03-06
United States, Arizona, Pinal Co., Ca. 14 mi. S of Florence, off US 80-89., 33.0315 -111.387

ASU0143036W. G. McGuiness   1941-03-09
USA, Arizona, Pima, Tumamoc Hill, W of Tucson

ASU0143063Lyle A McGill   LAM18601978-03-17
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, Upper Gila River drainage, Hot Spring Canyon of Eagle Creek. TRS: T4S R28E S35, 33.045833 -109.441667

ASU0143055J.V. Ward   291979-03-25
USA, Arizona, Pinal, In protected drainage leading to Ash Creek, 671m

ASU0143068Elinor Lehto   106571973-04-06
United States, Arizona, Pima Co., Forestry Cabin at W base of Baboquivari Peak; Papago Indian Reservation., 33.1042 -113.139

ASU0143040T. F. Daniel   28131983-04-30
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Coronado Natl. Forest, Dragoon Mts, limestone slopes near spring, ca. 0.5 mi. SW of Forest Service Route 795 and 4.0 mi, NW jct. Forest Rte. 84. Pearce 15' Quad., 31.970194 -109.954396, 1524m

ASU0143044Robert Mays   1983-04-30
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Rita Experimental Range and Wildlife Area. Along roadside of Forest Rd #62, 31.8474 -110.963, 884m

ASU0143067Elinor Lehto   107011968-03-01
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sabino Canyon Road; 2.4 mi N of Tanque Verde Road., 32.31629 -110.816, 854m

ASU0143054Lois S. Ehlers   64361938-05-04
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tucson, Sabino Canyon, Santa Catalina Mountains

ASU0143073G. Marrs-Smith   12771982-03-18
USA, Arizona, Cochise, San Bernardino Ranch, 18 mi E. of Douglas., 31.3441 -109.239, 1158m

ASU0143057Janice C. Lewis   1968-02-25
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Approach to Nugget Mine, 5 miles south of Chiu Chiuschu on Papago Indian Reservation., 33.031658 -113.139071

ASU0143045R.K. Weaver   1970-04-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sauceda Mts., 541m

ASU0143053Noel H. Holmgren   67161973-04-11
United States, Arizona, Pima, East side of Ajo Valley, on road to Gu Vo, 3 miles south of Arizona Highway 86, 7.5 airline miles southeast of Why., 32.178772 -112.66787, 640m

ASU0143056John O. Strickland   2451953-06-20
USA, Arizona, Pima, Mt. Lemon, 1219m

ASU0143078B. Parfitt   24931978-03-27
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Gates Pass Rd, Tucson Mts, W. of Tucson. 2 mi E. of Pass, 32.2313 -111.0705, 853m

ASU0143038Tom Freeman   1968-03-23
USA, Arizona, Pima, NW Tucson; Picture Rocks; 1 mile west of Wade Road, 32.3233 -111.126

ASU0143070D. Keil   106351968-03-01
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sabino Canyon, just outsie caretaker's headquarters, 32.333177 -110.802602

ASU0143034W.L. Minckley   1978-02-26
USA, Arizona, Graham, Confluence of Bonita Creek and Gila River, 1006m

W.L. Minckley   1978-02-26
USA, Arizona, Graham, Confluence of Bonita Creek and Gila River, 1006m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
ASU0342419Jim Verrier   18652022-03-26
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sierrita Mountains, Lavender Hill just west of the Little Johnny Mine, 31.92743 -111.29493, 1090m

Arizona Western College Herbarium

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
AWC00001548W. E. Booth   A-541973-04-02
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Yuma, east of city along interstate highway at turnout on Telegraph Pass., 32.67187 -114.38721

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
2889T. R. Van Devender   2005-4072005-03-28
Mexico, Sonora, Agua Prieta, Agua Prieta; Isolated hill NE of Sierra Anibacachi; Rancho la Calera; ca. 10 km SW of Agua Prieta., 31.233056 -109.631389, 1287m

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT341960H. B. Parks   28961942-05-10
United States, Texas, Bexar, Grown at Apicultural Laboratory., 29.319941 -98.352682

Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces District Office

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus C. Wright ex. A. Gray, (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worthington
3729   1977-03-24
South N. Graham allotment, Site 59

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
RSA0106106Alan Romspert   s.n.2001-04-10
United States, Arizona, Pima, Waterman Mts., 32.346767 -111.459133, 829m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
RSA0176325P. A. Munz   98251925-05-20
United States, California, Riverside, 2 miles W of Dripping Spring., 33.476 -117.027, 427m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
RSA0108250Reid V. Moran   201711973-02-17
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Northeast ridge, Cerro Azufre. To summit., 27.5 -112.6, 1575 - 1650m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
RSA0192284Wendy Hodgson   164822003-03-07
United States, Arizona, Pima, Ironwood Forest National Monument, off of Silverbell Road near northwest base of Ragged Top., 32.4670333 -111.5093, 690m

California Polytechnic State University, Robert F. Hoover Herbarium

OBI102020David Keil   3051966-05-13
United States, Arizona, Pima, tanque verde; mt. lemmon highway, 32.257694 -110.798761

OBI102021Reid Morna   201711973-02-17
Mexico, Baja California, Northeast ridge, Cerro Azufre., 27.5 -112.6, 1575 - 1650m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
OBI102023G. R. Ballmer   1987-03-26
United States, Arizona, Pima, "A" Mountain, Tucson., 32.210998 -110.995182

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
OBI102025R. D. Worthington   116431984-03-24
United States, New Mexico, Luna, Florida Mts, W side of Florida Mts. in Mahoney Park, 32.083603 -107.64218, 1554m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
OBI102026R. D. Worthington   100041983-04-23
United States, New Mexico, Luna, victorio mts.; 3 mi. S of Gage exit on I-10 at old mining town along limestone ridge, 1340m

OBI102037B. Parfitt   24931978-03-27
United States, Arizona, Pinal, gates pass rd.;tucson mts.;W. of Tucson. 2 mi E. of pass, 32.2313 -111.0705, 853m

OBI102038Keil   105191968-03-02
United States, Arizona, Pima, 20 miles west of Benson, 31.967402 -110.636695

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
CM450647Pringle, C.G.   s.n.1881-04-17
United States, Arizona, Santa Catalina Mountains

College of Southern Nevada; Wesley E. Niles Herbarium

07285Van Devender T R; et al   1973-03-31
United States, Arizona, Grant, Little Hatchet Mts, Howell's Ridge

34639Stimson J C   2211980-03-31
United States, Arizona, Pima, Valley of the Ajo, .25 mi upstream from Hwy 85, along banks of Alamo Wash, 610m

44220W. Hodgson   86591995-02-17
United States, Arizona, Pinal, granite basalt hill overlooking broad sandy Box O Wash, north of Kelvin-Florence Highway, 1.3 miles north of Whitlow Ranch Road and Hawkview Road junction, 600m

Colorado State University, Charles Maurer Herbarium

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
158916collectors: D Walter Verda Walter   149451998-04-27
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Continental School Rd, E of Green Valley, 4 mi E of I-18., 975m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
158649collectors: D Walter & V Walter   149451998-04-27
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Continental school Rd.; E f Green Valley; 43 miles E of 1-18., 975m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
158909collectors: Noel H. Holmgren Patricia K. Holmgren   67161973-04-11
United States, Arizona, Pima County, East side of Ajo Valley, on road to Gu Vo, 3 miles south of Arizona Highway 86, 7.5 airline miles southeast of Why., 640m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
158910collectors: T. Reeves B. Parfitt, G. Brown, T. Reeves   24931978-03-27
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Gates Pass Rd, Tucson Mts, W. of Tucson. 2 mi E. of Pass, 853m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
158911collectors: T. Reeves B. Parfitt, G. Brown, T. Reeves   65151978-03-28
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Box Canyon Rd, 2.1 mi E of Jct. W/ Madera Canyon Rd., 1280m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeb., Rodman & Worth.
158917collectors: L.V. Bruner   1966-03-26
United States, Arizona, Pinal County, About 7 miles west of Jct. With Quijotoa - Casa Grande road on Santa Rosa - Ajo road

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00034557T.B. Skaggs & N.F. McCarten   21331976-04-01
United States, Arizona, Pima, Boulder Canyon, Organ Pipe Monument, Western Ajo Mountains, 32.03222 -112.71222

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00033614J. Downs   79-281979-02-16
United States, Arizona, Pima, Organ Pipe National Monument, On W facing slope 1/4 mi up Mountain near Alamo Canyon campground, 32.4175 -110.92361, 725m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00019577Keil, Pinkava, Lehto   106351968-01-03
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sabino Canyon just outside caretaker's headquarters, 31.86583 -111.45611

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00008709A.F. Whiting   1051-47141936-03-15
United States, Arizona, Pima, Saguaro National Monument East, Near Tucson, 32.22167 -110.92583, 391m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00079105S. Rhodes   2202001-02-11
United States, Arizona, Pima, N of Tuscon airport, 32.133333 -110.916667, 670m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00005449J. Strickland   2451953-06-20
United States, Arizona, Pima, Mt. Lemon, 32.443131 -110.78843, 1219m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00050375J. Gish   521979-02-18
United States, Arizona, Pima, N side of Saguaro Rd off of Route 86 W of Tuscon. SW slope of Golden Gate Mountain USGS Cat Mountain, 32.2283 -111.1058, 853m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00027706J. Edmonson   s.n.1975-03-25
United States, Arizona, Pima, 5 mi N Tucson, 32.294234 -110.92583, 792m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00027676J. Conley   s.n.1975-03-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, Near Gate's Pass W of Tucson, 32.22167 -110.92583, 1066m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00048757J. Gish   4281977-04-16
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Dripping Springs Mts, Old Ray Mine, 33.39333 -111.25972, 1066m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00031836J.M. Rominger   17431978-04-18
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, 1 mi N of Montezuma Well National Monument, 34.663677 -111.75167, 1097m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00058137P.G. Rowlands   s.n.1991-05-01
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Montezuma Castle National Monument, SE section of monument; 34.61667 -111.83333, 34.61667 -111.83333, 1097m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00039618J.M. Rominger   743691969-04-15
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Dry hill under juniper, above Wet Beaver Creek near old Rimrock P.O., 34.63286 -111.826246, 1127m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00016402J.C. Duran   431B1966-03-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, 3/4 mi NE of Pistol Hill, 32.091304 -110.624446, 1066m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00048944G. Goodwin   13131982-04-14
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, 5 mi S of Beaver Creek near Ranger Station, 34.573871 -111.854796, 1066m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00062184C.M. Christy   21821994-03-19
United States, Arizona, Pima, Waterman Mts; WNW of Tucson ca. 25 air-mi, 32.35 -111.466667, 914m

Streptanthus carinatus subsp. arizonicus (S. Wats.) Kruckeberg, Rodman & Worthington
ASC00067412A. Tomey   s.n.1998-03-12
United States, Arizona, Pima, Along Pontiac Trail in Santa Catalina Mountains, top of Alvernon Rd, 32.43028 -110.70472

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