ANHC000196 Theo Witsell 08-0012 2008-04-04
United States, Arkansas, Cleburne, Arkansas Valley/Boston Mountains boundary. Arkansas Valley Hills/Lower Boston Mountains Ecoregion boundary. USGS Greers Ferry 7.5' Quad. 2175 Diamond Bluff Road (6 air miles west of Heber Springs), behind home of Lonnie McClure. Collected on joint Arkansas-Missouri Native Plant Society field trip, with about 40 other people., 35.51071 -92.14888
ANHC000197 Theo Witsell 01-0274 2001-05-01
United States, Arkansas, Nevada, Bluff City Sandhills (former Bluff City dump).
ANHC000198 Brent Baker 13-0079 2013-06-04
United States, Arkansas, Nevada, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Tertiary Uplands Ecoregion. USGS Bluff City 7.5' Quad. Arkansas Oak Natural Area. About 0.2 air mi. W of Nevada Co. Rd. 47 at a point about 1.1 rd. mi. S of jct. with AR Hwy 299 at a point about 4.6 rd. mi. S of jct. with AR Hwy 24 in Bluff City. TRS: T12S R20W S33 N2NW4, 33.65771 -93.1758
ANHC000199 Theo Witsell 08-0027 2008-04-11
United States, Arkansas, Ouachita, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Tertiary Uplands Ecoregion. USGS Reader 7.5' Quad. South of Ouachita County Road 75, 0.2 mile W of Missouri Church. Site owned by the Ross Foundation., 33.76151 -93.00829
ANHC000200 Brent Baker 13-0036 2013-04-25
United States, Arkansas, Ouachita, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Tertiary Uplands Ecoregion. USGS Chidester 7.5' Quad. Poison Springs State Forest Sand Barren & Oak-Pine Forest Preserve. S of Bragg Mill Creek and about 0.55 air mi. NE of Poison Springs Lookout Tower on AR Hwy 76. TRS: T12S R19W S25 SW4SW4, 33.65672 -93.01974
STAR027374 E. L. Richards 9786 1986-04-19
United States, Arkansas, Nevada, 1/2 miles SE of Bluff City, AR. T12S R20W S11
APCR000904 G. E. Tucker 6563 1967-09-16
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Above Arkansas River at Pussy Point, on Norristown Mountain, Russellville.
APCR000905 G. E. Tucker 7857 1969-04-19
United States, Arkansas, Ouachita, Chidester, ca. ½ m. n of Chidester Baptist Church.
APCR000906 Richard Davis 3011 1981-05-09
United States, Arkansas, Nevada, 5.0 mi. west of Hwy 387/Hwy 299 Jct. at Bluff City. On south side of Hwy 299.
APCR000907 Richard Davis 3011 1981-05-09
United States, Arkansas, Nevada, 5.0 miles W. of Hwy. 387/Hwy. 299 jct at Bluff City. On S. side of Hwy. 299.
Pyron, Joseph H. 3051 1938-06-10
AUA000035453 Schotz, Alfred
United States, Alabama, Wilcox, detailed locality information protected
Short, John W.
United States, Alabama, Marion, detailed locality information protected
Short, John W.
United States, Alabama, Lee, detailed locality information protected
BAYLU048881 W.C. Holmes 13404 2005-06-22
United States, Texas, Lee, Somerville State Park. Nails Creek area., 30.295821 -96.682104
BAYLU048878 L.L. Sanchez 3096 2002-09-14
USA, Texas, Mason, Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area, in Middle Pasture, in northeast corner of Middle Pasture, 30.819647 -99.223894
BAYLU048871 W.C. Holmes 5199 1990-10-12
USA, Burnet, Between Marble Falls and Granie Shoals road cut on Hwy 1431, 30.601489 -98.336708
BAYLU048866 Jason Singhurst 3066 1995-04-08
BAYLU048880 L.L. Sanchez 3490 2003-09-28
USA, Texas, Mason, at Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area, in Middle Pasture, 0.2 miles south of gate into Turkey Pasture., 30.81978 -99.22369
BAYLU048897 R.D. Thomas 163133 1999-09-26
USA, Arkansas, Ouachita, Dry, sandy road bank of county road 22 just north of Chidester Baptist Church east of Ark. 24 and Chidester, 33.56725 -92.8948
BRIT09740 S. L. Orzell 10715 1989-06-14
United States, Texas, Hardin, between Village Slough and Sandy Slough, just S of Village Creek, east of Lumberton city limits, ca. 10 mi N of Beaumont; Village Creek State Park, Silsbee 7.5' Quad., 30.252222 -94.172222, 5 - 6m
BRIT09741 S. L. Orzell 6548 1988-05-04
United States, Texas, Henderson, Sand barrens, W side of rd undisturbed, E side plowed, on W side of road W of Old Lake (Shelton Lake on Mill Branch), ca. 0.6 mi N of Coon Creek Lake, on private property of Koon Creek Hunting Club, Coon Creek Lake 7.5' Quad, 32°05'06N, 95°51'05W., 32.085 -95.851389, 110m
BRIT09742 S.L. Orzell 6501 1988-05-03
United States, Texas, Leon, At NE corner of jct. of TX 7 and FM 1511 at Hopewell (Eunice on topo map), Eunice 7.5' Quad., 31.322222 -95.815278, 98 - 107m
BRIT09751 J. Quayle 50 1999-04-03
United States, Texas, Montague, Bowie, Southeast side of Lake Amon Carter; (Jeanne Erickson's property), 33.466058 -97.866423
BRIT09753 Shirley D. Lusk s.n. [BRIT 09753] 2001-06-17
United States, Texas, Van Zandt, Arc Ridge Ranch. Co. Rd. 4707. E of F.M. 773. South of Ben Wheeler., 32.388213 -95.711839
BRIT461149 Theo Witsell 97002 1997-09-06
United States, Arkansas, Marion, T17N R15W S27, Buffalo National River at Buffalo Point. On top of bluffs overelooking Bufflo River on the "overlook trail" near Bufflo Point campground.
BRIT461151 Theo Witsell 99-005 1999-04-03
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Sandstone glade above cliffs on Arkansas River at Dardanelle Lock and Dam T7N R20W S18 NW1/4 of SW1/4. NW of Corps of Engineers Maintenance facility.
BRIT554157 Charles Allen 19921 2007-04-13
United States, Texas, Newton, Hwy 87, ca 2.5 mi N of Burkeville., 31.058045 -93.71275
BRIT66051 G. E. Tucker 7857 1969-04-19
United States, Arkansas, Ouachita
BRIT66045 R. Dale Thomas 168045 2000-10-13
United States, Arkansas, Nevada
United States, Arkansas, Miller
BRIT66046 R. Dale Thomas 163133 1999-09-26
United States, Arkansas, Ouachita
BRIT66049 Eric Sundell 9381 1990-04-28
United States, Arkansas, Nevada
United States, Arkansas, Ouachita
BRIT66052 G. E. Tucker 6563 1967-09-16
United States, Arkansas, Pope
BRIT1106428 R. Dale Thomas 161101 1999-06-10
United States, Louisiana, Winn
CM206602 Henry, L.K. s.n. 1967-08-26
United States, Texas, Llano, near Eckert, Enchanted Rock Park
CM515221 Isaac, B.L. 18742 2005-08-12
United States, Texas, Burnet, W of Burnet, along TX 29, 30.75722222222 -98.38027777777, 277m
CSCN-V-0000606 R. Dale Thomas 151308 1996-08-16
United States, Arkansas, Miller, W of Ark. 237 & E of Nature Conservancy Preserve 4.8 miles N of Ark. 160 SW of Sulphur River Wildlife Management Area., 33.196316 -94.029752
C. M. Allen & Jeff McMillian 19921 2007-04-13
United States, Texas, Newton, Hwy 87, ca 2.5 mi N of Burkeville, TX
R. Dale Thomas & Allen Dunn 158080 1998-10-04
United States, Louisiana, Winn, along LA 156 and right-of-way of abandoned railroad just E os Saline Bayou
02075135 D. S. Correll & H. B. Correll 25025 1962-04-25
United States of America, Oklahoma, Johnston County, About 1 mile east of Troy.
02075134 U. T. Waterfall 6426(a) 1946-03-14
United States of America, Oklahoma, Johnston County, about 10 mi. N. of Tishomingo
02075133 D. S. Correll & H. B. Correll 25021 1962-04-25
United States of America, Oklahoma, Johnston County, About 1 mile east of Troy.
02075131 [data not captured]
United States of America, Louisiana, [data not captured]
02075132 [data not captured]
United States of America, Louisiana, [data not captured]
02075130 R. M. Harper 1902-11-06
United States of America, Georgia, Muscogee County, near Chattahoochee River above Columbus
02075129 [data not captured]
United States of America, Arkansas, Pope County, [data not captured]
02075128 [data not captured]
United States of America, Arkansas, Ouachita County, [data not captured]
02075127 [data not captured]
United States of America, Arkansas, Franklin County, [data not captured]
02075126 R. M. Harper
United States of America, Alabama, Cullman County, detailed locality information protected
02075125 R. M. Harper
United States of America, Alabama, Marion County, detailed locality information protected
02075124 R. M. Harper
United States of America, Alabama, Cullman County, detailed locality information protected
02075143 [data not captured]
[data not captured]
02075144 [data not captured]
United States of America, Louisiana, [data not captured]
02075142 R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon 5030 1950-06-27
United States of America, Texas, Gillespie County, 15 miles north of Fredericksburg on road 16
02075141 D. S. Correll & H. B. Correll 12759 1946-06-18
United States of America, Texas, Gillespie County, Bear Mountain.
02075140 D. S. Correll & H. B. Correll 12572 1946-06-10
United States of America, Texas, Angelina County, Boykin Springs, Angelina National Forest.
02075139 D. S. Correll 32168 1966-01-05
United States of America, Texas, Fayette County, about 4.5 miles n. of La Grange, rte. #77
02075138 D. S. Correll 37252 1969-05-11
United States of America, Texas, Tyler County, about 15 mi.Ft. Teran, northeast of Cheter, on the Neches River.
02075137 D. S. Correll 15387 1956-12-22
United States of America, Texas, Burnet County, Inks Lake State Park
02075136 B. C. Tharp 44027 1944-05-20
United States of America, Texas, Travis County, near Austin, Texas
02075160 S. D. McKelvey 1859 1931-04-15
United States of America, Texas, Gillespie County, Enchanted Rock
02075161 T. Drummond 352
United States of America, Texas, [no additional data]
02075158 V. L. Cory 4722 1932-08-21
United States of America, Texas, Mason County, Lang's Ranch, 13 miles N. of Mas.
02075159 V. L. Cory 41099 1943-01-11
United States of America, Texas, Mason County, 2 miles south of Katemcy
02075157 J. Reverchon 14
United States of America, Texas, [no additional data]
02075156 E. J. Palmer 33364 1928-04-17
United States of America, Texas, Bastrop County, near Bastrop
02075155 D. S. Correll & H. B. Correll 38805 1970-05-21
United States of America, Texas, Hardin County, east of Village Creek, north of Hwy. #327.
02075154 D. S. Correll 32001 1965-10-10
United States of America, Texas, Hardin County, 4 miles south of Silsbee.
02075153 D. S. Correll 29199 1964-04-15
United States of America, Texas, Bexar County, Rt. #281, about 12 miles south of San Antonio
02075152 D. S. Correll & H. B. Correll 38807 1970-05-21
United States of America, Texas, Hardin County, east of Village Creek, north of Hwy. 327.
02075151 D. S. Correll 29199 1964-04-15
United States of America, Texas, Bexar County, Rt.#281, about 12 miles south of San Antonio
02075150 F. W. Thurow 1915-10-26
United States of America, Texas, Waller County, Prairie View
02075149 H. C. Cutler 3220 1940-05-24
United States of America, Texas, Wilson County, Wisdom Ranch, 20 miles east of San Antonio.
02075148 Hal. B. Parks 13 1941-07-31
United States of America, Texas, Wilson County, 20 iles S. E. of San Antonio on the edge of Wilson Co.
02075147 V. L. Cory 10294 1934-09-29
United States of America, Texas, Walker County, 8 3/4 miles N. of Huntsville.
02075146 V. L. Cory 1650 1934-10-12
United States of America, Texas, Medina County, 3 miles SW. of Devine.
02075145 T. Drummond
[data not captured]
HXC000023 David M. Johnson 483 1978-03-19
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Arkansas Valley T7N R20W NW Sec 18 Cliffs on Arkanasas River at Dardanelle Lock & Dam
HXC000024 Donald Crank 2010-013 2010-04-08
United States, Arkansas, Nevada, Sand Hills, 2 miles SW Bluff City T 12S, R 20W S15
HPC00026611 Deborah Elliott 7 1973-02-18
USA, Texas, Mason, 1 mile south of Katemcy, 30.9 -99.25
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00121286 Ray Neyland 2386 2009-01-17
United States, Louisiana, Calcasieu, Lake Charles; Collected on rock outcrop along Forest Road 378 about 3 miles east of Hwy 118.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00121407 Christopher Reid 6923 2009-03-05
United States, Louisiana, Vernon, Small inholding on Clear Creek WMA, W of Joshlins Pit Rd, 3.5 mi E of jct. w/LA 464., 30.88 -93.4633333
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00028055 Shirley C. Tucker 26284 1984-04-07
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, On Parish Rd. 321, about 5 miles SW of Longleaf Trail Vista, Kisatchie National Forest, about 35 miles W-NW of Alexandria.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00021768 Barbara R. & Michael H. MacRoberts 2373 1994-06-11
United States, Louisiana, Bienville, Deep sandy woodlands just west of Lucky along Hwy 4.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00021769 Clair A. Brown 9627 1943-06-16
United States, Louisiana, Bienville, Sand Hills, 1 mile E of Lucky, La.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00021770 Peggy Greer 4 1977-10-07
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Longleaf Vista Trail; Longleaf Trail Vista, Kisatchie National Forest. Dry sandy hillside in PineBlack Jack Forest.; Kisatchie National Forest (Kisatchie District)
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00021771 Clair A. Brown 17864 1963-09-21
United States, Louisiana, Winn, Near Saline Bayou and Goldonna, La.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00021772 Florence M. Givens 3005 1983-04-23
United States, Louisiana, Winn, Dry sandy area along La. Rt. 156 east of Goldonna, La.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00021773 R. Dale Thomas 51696 1977-04-22
United States, Louisiana, Winn, Very dry sandy area east of Saline Bayou beside La. 156 east of Goldonna, La.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00045290 Shirley C. Tucker 17543 1978-04-09
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Kisatchie National Forest, Longleaf Trail Vista, Red Dirt Game Management Area, about 35 miles WNW of Alexandria., 31.48 -92.9819444
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00068275 Alan W. Lievens 4922 1991-06-24
United States, Texas, Llano, At a granite outcrop along TX 71, SE of Llano. 0.9 mile SE of the intersection of TX 71 and Llano County Road 304; or, 2.8 road miles SE of the (southern) junction of TX 71 and TX 16.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00068276 Alan W. Lievens 380 1983-09-17
United States, Texas, Burnet, In Inks Lake State Park. Found in a depression on a granite outcropping.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00068277 Alan W. Lievens 381 1983-09-17
United States, Texas, Burnet, In Inks Lake State Park. Found at the edge of a depression on a granite outcropping.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00068278 Florence M. Givens 2194 1981-07-09
United States, Texas, Mason, Katemcy; North side of TX RR 1222, 2.5 miles west of TX RR 386. Kilemcy.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00068279 Kenneth Ford 13 1976-03-29
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, 0.25 mi west of Boswell, 11.5 mi north E. and 1 mi north.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00068280 Mark Chamberlain 114 1980-04-07
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka, Boler Bogs
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00068353 Charles Holderman 89 1976-03-29
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka, Boehler community app. 12 miles NW of Boswell. Old field and surrounding forest.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00086273 Christopher Reid 5357 2004-10-13
United States, Louisiana, Bienville, S of LA 4, ca 1.5 mi SW of Lucky, S of Blooms Mill Creek, 32.247 -93.036