RSA0002397 O. B. Metcalfe 1430 1904-09-30
United States, New Mexico, Grant, In and around the S end of the Black Range
RSA0017499 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1903-09-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guayanopa Canyon, Sierra Madre Mts., 2134m
OBI120155 Elinor Lehto 13821 1968-09-07
United States, Arizona, Greenlee, U.S. 666, road to Gobbler Peak and Reno Lookout Tower, 33.599021 -109.394207
101037 collectors: F Hermann 27405 1976-08-16
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, along Sand Beach lake Trail 2.75 mi W of Copeland Lake, 40.2 -105.58, 2956m
1016 Ralph K. Gierisch 3225 1968-04-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Coconino National Forest; vicinity of Wild Bill study area, 35.3175 -111.7282, 2316m
ASC00053063 J. Ricketson 4398 1988-08-30
United States, Arizona, Apache, Apache National Forest, Crescent Lake; 21 mi S of junct of Highway 260, along Highway 273/USFS Rd 113, junct of Highway 273 & USFS Rd 114; 2 mi N of Big Lake, below SU Knolls., 33.9152 -109.4287, 2755m
ASC00040404 J.D. Morefield JDM-1790a 1983-09-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Near Snow Bowl Rd, 2.1 mi N 20 deg E of Big Leroux Spring, San Francisco Peaks, 35.294 -111.725, 2788m
ASC00097107 Nelson, B. E. 70814 2006-09-03
United States, Arizona, Apache, Apache National Forest: White Mountains: along Benny Creek, ca 1 air mi W of south end of Greer, ca 14.5 air mi SW of Springerville., 34.0009 -109.4781, 2758 - 2786m
ASC00116325 M. Licher 4622 2014-08-14
United States, Arizona, Apache, Spring site in south branch of the East Fork of the Little Colorado River, approx. 1 mile upstream from the Phelps Botanical Area., 33.919083 -109.500556, 2905m
ASC00093320 Max Licher 2195 2008-08-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Dane Ridge, just off USFS Road 321, near FR 300, 34.414278 -111.17875, 2298m
ASC00120519 G.I. Clifton 47971 2008-09-28
United States, Arizona, Graham, Mt. Graham Quad, Big Creek; 32.668236 -109.872518, 32.668236 -109.872518, 2780m
ASC00120518 G.L. Clifton 23787 2005-08-28
United States, Arizona, Apache, Big Lake S Quad.; Centerfire Creek, growing on a slope on ridge in rocky soil in conifer forest, 33.783727 -109.457912, 2475m
DES00044365 Wendy C. Hodgson 10014 1996-07-19
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains, Chiricahua Wilderness Area, at helispot, just south and above Anita Park., 31.85075 -109.287306, 2921m
DES00045052 Wendy Hodgson, s.n. 1997-09-05
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mountains, along jeep trail just south (within 1/2 mile) of Rustler Park., 31.8659 -109.2631, 2438m
DES00085437 Wendy C. Hodgson 20224 2005-04-28
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Arizona National Scenic Trail, Santa Catalina Mountains, Coronado National Forest, eastsoutheast of West Spring., 32.32575 -110.659283, 1214m
O. B. Metcalfe 1430 1904-09-30
U.S.A., New Mexico
J. A. Steyermark 50243 1942-08-08
FLD0004116 DW Jamieson & K Heil 2006-08-30
United States, Colorado, La Plata, South of Boyce Lake., 37.637218 -107.794379
FLD0004115 DW Jamieson & K Heil 2006-09-01
United States, Colorado, La Plata, San Juan National Forest; Among rocky outcrops in forest between Boyce Lake and the Drosera fen., 37.641602 -107.799046, 2621m
FLD0014998 Heil, Kenneth D. 28040 2006-08-16
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest. F.S. Road 591, Limecreek Road. Ca 1.5 mi from US 550 near Cascade Village., 37.653611 -107.785833, 2792m
00037670 O. B. Metcalfe 1430 1905-09-30
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant County, Sawyer Peak, alt. 9500 feet, 2895m
01744412 J. C. Blumer 1909-09-17
United States of America, Arizona, Manning Camp, 2438m
01744413 F. J. Hermann 27405 1976-08-16
United States of America, Colorado, Boulder County, along Sand Baech Lake Trail; 2.75 miles W of Copeland Lake, 2957m
01744414 I. M. Johnston 1922-09-02
United States of America, Colorado, Pikes Peak,- on trail between sheep Creek and Mt. View Station.
01744415 L. M. Shultz, J. S. Shultz & K. A. Shultz 1381 1974-09-01
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant County, Black Range of Gila National Forest, near summit of McKnight Mtn, SW 1/4 SEc. 26, 3098m
01744416 O. B. Metcalfe 1428 1904-09-30
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant County, Sawyers Peak, on top, 3048m
UTC00141893 Leila M. Shultz 1381 1974-09-01
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Black Range of Gila National Forest, near summit of McKnight Mtn. (near type locality), 3098 - 3098m
UTC00147026 B.C. Johnston 703 1976-09-04
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Clearing in forest 40 meters S of Sandbeach Lake trail, 0.5 km above Campers Creek crossing., 40.2164542 -105.5760868, 2940m
03533h C. Keller & R. Greiner 2012-08-17
United States, New Mexico, Jemez Mountain Herbarium, San Pedro Parks, Northern part ~ 1/2 mile west of San Pedro Peak, 36.106944 -106.806667, 3181m
03810h C.F. Keller & Roy Greiner 2013-08-24
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, San Pedro Parks Wilderness Trail 43 just below stock pond, 36.108333 -106.779167, 3005m
KHD00013342 Loraine Yeatts 2213 1989-09-08
United States of America, Colorado, Boulder, Front Range, Wild Basin, North of Sandbeach Creek., 40.207053 -105.580481, 2957m
KHD00013343 Loraine Yeatts 2802 1990-06-29
United States of America, Colorado, Boulder, Rocky Mountain National Park, East slope Front range; Wild Basin, newly exposed shoreline of Sandbeach lake. Aling East side of the lake between open forest boundary and shore, 40.216861 -105.600545, 3146m
MSC0091648 J Steyermark 50243
Guatemala, [No locality given]
MSC0091647 Metcalfe 1430
United States, New Mexico, [No locality given]
1799302 O.B. Metcalfe 1430 1904-09-30
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Collected in and around the south end of the Black Range. Sawyer's Peak., 2896m
1282117 Jon Ricketson 4398 1988-08-30
United States, Arizona, Apache, Crescent Lake, 21 miles S of the juc. of AZ Hwy. 260, along AZ Hwy. 273-USFS Road 113, at the juc. of AZ 273 and USFS Road 114. 2 miles N of Big Lake, below SU Knolls. Along NW shore. Apache National Forest. Big Lake Quad. R28E, T6N, Sect. 18. Elev. 9039 ft (2755 m)., 2755m
101942527 O.B. Metcalfe 1430 1904-09-30
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Collected in and around the south end of the Black Range. Sawyer's Peak., 2896m
10411 O.B. Metcalfe 1430 1904-09-30
United States, New Mexico, Grant, South end of Black Range, Sawyer's Peak, 2896m
74501 W.J. Hess 2314 1968-08-25
United States, New Mexico, Catron, The Mogollon mts. of the Gila Wilderness Gila Natn'l forest. In the vicinity of Mogollon & Whitewater Baldy, 3261m
47928 R.W. Spellenberg, J. Reitzel and D. HIll 4495 1976-09-04
United States, New Mexico, Catron, ca 10 air miles ESE of Mogollon on Trail 206 to Redstone Park, S of N.M. Hwy 78.
80905 R.W. Spellenberg 13459 2004-08-22
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, ca. 12 km SW of Tres Piedras, just W of Las Tablas, Big Rock, 36.55181 -106.37281, 2500m
83845 R.L. Hartman 83192 2006-08-13
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest and vicinity: about 2 to 3 air miles northwest of Tres Piedras, Palmer Canyon to granite batholith southeast of Tom Bryan Canyon., 36.6732 -105.9934, 2530m
505359 D. J. Pinkava P12545 1974-08-15
United States of America, New Mexico, Catron Co., Rte 78, 5 mi E of Mogollon, Forest Trail No. 206 (beginning), Mogollon Mts., 33.396698 -108.70733
342487 O. B. Metcalfe 1430 1904-09-30
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant Co., In and around the south end of the Black Range; Lawyer Peak, 2896m
505360 L. M. Shultz 1381 1974-09-01
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant Co., Black Range of Gila National Forest, near summit of McKnight Mtn. (near type locality), 3098m
505362 R. W. Spellenberg 4495 1976-09-04
United States of America, New Mexico, Catron Co., Ca. 10 air miles ESE of Mogollon on Trail 206 to Redstone Park, S of N.M. Hwy 78, about 1.5 mi SE on trail from highway, 33.341098 -108.633661
505361 F. J. Hermann 27405 1976-08-16
United States of America, Colorado, Boulder Co., Along Sand Beach Lake Trail, 2.75 miles W of Copeland lake, Rocky Mountain National Park (new to Colorado), 40.218896 -105.589453, 2957 - 2957m
3163923 O. B. Metcalfe 1428 1904-09-30
United States of America, New Mexico, Grant Co., Sawyer's Peak, on top, 3048m
60701 G.L. Clifton 1984-08-28
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Local landmark: Arizona Snow Bowl. Humphreys Peak Quad., 35.333583 -111.701639, 2987m
944794 B. E. Nelson, James F. Fowler 70814 2006-09-03
U.S.A., Arizona, Apache, Apache National Forest: White Mountains: along Benny Creek, ca 1 air mi W of south end of Greer, ca 14.5 air mi SW of Springerville., 34.0009 -109.4781, 2759 - 2787m
944793 B. E. Nelson, James F. Fowler 70942 2006-09-04
U.S.A., Arizona, Apache, Apache National Forest: north end of C C Flat on Forest Road 61, ca 12.5 air mi W of Springerville., 34.1283 -109.6359, 2677 - 2683m
944792 Ronald L. Hartman, James F. Fowler 84546 2006-09-19
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest: Knoll Lake, to 0.5 air mi below dam on East Leonard Creek., 34.4333 -111.0825, 2271m
944791 Ronald L. Hartman 84692 2006-09-21
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Sitgreaves National Forest: near Forest Lakes Estates, on Forest Road 237 at dual 500 KV transmission lines., 34.3336 -110.8353, 2338m
947992 Ronald L. Hartman 83192 2006-08-13
U.S.A., New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: ca 2 to 3 air mi NW of Tres Piedras, Palmer Canyon to granite batholith SE of Tom Bryan Canyon., 36.6732 -105.9934, 2530 - 2622m
947978 Ronald L. Hartman 83294 2006-08-15
U.S.A., New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: ca 1 air mi W of Tres Piedras crossroads, just N of Tres Piedras Canyon., 36.6466 -105.9877, 2500 - 2546m
90033 O. B. Metcalfe 1430 1904-09-30
U.S.A., New Mexico, Grant, Sawyers Peak., 2896m
C. G. Pringle 6480 1896-09-08
Mexico, NULL, Unknown, Sierra de Ajusco, 2590m
B. C. Johnston 703 1976-09-04
United States, Colorado, Boulder, 40 meters south of Sandbeach Lake Trail, 0.5 km above Campers Creek crossing., 2940m
4744 J.W. Tilden 1550 1960-09-11
United States, Arizona, Greenlee, Hannagan Meadows, White Mts, 2804m
SJNM-V-0025558 Heil, Kenneth D. 28160 2006-08-30
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest. Purgatory Flats. Large fin just north of the La Plata County Line. Ca .5 mi northeast of Boyce Lake., 37.641944 -107.799167, 2656m
SJNM-V-0025556 Heil, Kenneth D. 28040 2006-08-16
United States, Colorado, San Juan, San Juan National Forest. F.S. Road 591, Limecreek Road. Ca 1.5 mi from US 550 near Cascade Village., 37.653611 -107.785833, 2792m
F. W. Gould 4961 1948-08-31
United States, Arizona, Apache
309450 Steven P. McLaughlin 6759 1992-08-13
United States, Arizona, Graham County, The Pinaleno Mountains, along abandoned road,south of Plainview Peak., 32.687019 -109.863146, 3079m
211995 Steven P. McLaughlin 1488 1976-09-03
United States, Arizona, Apache County, 5 miles north-east of McNary, Fort Apache Indian Reservatoin., 33.9167 -110.1679, 2347m
328985 Steven P. McLaughlin 6083 1990-08-26
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, The Huachuca Mountains. Coronado National Forest: trail to Miller Peak SE of Bathtub Spring with raspberry, elderberry, 31.4018 -110.2976, 2621m
373663 Steven P. McLaughlin 9754 2002-08-24
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountians, along old jeep trail, 32.67153 -109.86817, 2925m
298794 M. Fishbein 438 1992-08-30
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, the Chiricahua Mountains Centella Point., 31.8834 -109.2684, 2835m
298683 M. Fishbein 465 1991-09-07
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Centella Point, the Chiricahua Mountains, 31.882979 -109.268914
384850 Steven P. McLaughlin 9754 2002-08-24
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleño Mountains, along old jeep trail, 32.671516 -109.868157, 2925m
393524 A. L. Reina-G. 2005-1268 2005-09-15
Mexico, Durango, Pueblo Nuevo Municipio, Jardin de Piedras, Parque Mexiquillo, ca. 1 km from La Ciudad on MEX 40., 23.715278 -105.669444, 2392m
45522 J.J. Thornber 7942 1914-09-07
United States, Arizona, Graham Mountains
248339 J.E. Bowers R807 1982-09-17
United States, Arizona, Pima County, West of the Devil's Bathtub, Rincon Mountains, 2225m
166717 Ralph K. Gierisch 3325 1967-08-19
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Vic Wild Bill, 2316m
45544 J.J. Thornber 2756 1908-08-00
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mts; Soldiers Camp
295589 Forrest Shreve 4313 1914-09-13
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Jesus Canyon trail, Pinaleno Mts., 3018m
94910 T.H. Kearney 12374 1935-08-12
United States, Arizona, Greenlee, Hannagan Meadow, White Mts., 2896m
9498 R.A. Darrow 1115-A 1944-09-03
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Heliograph Peak, Pinaleno Mts., 2896m
244183 J.E. Bowers R1259 1983-08-13
United States, Arizona, Pima, Along trail between Spud Rock cabins site and Manning Camp, Rincon Mts., 2469m
63433 F.W. Gould 4961 1948-08-31
United States, Arizona, Apache, About 10 mi S of McCays Peak, White Mountains, 2286m
45543 J.J. Thornber 2787 1908-08-00
United States, Arizona, Pima, Webbers Ranch, Santa Catalina Mountains
440247 Dan Beckman 122 2020-09-16
United States, Arizona, Pima, Rincon Mountains, East branch of Madrona Canyon, 1.1 mi SW of Devil's Bathtub, Saguaro National Park., 32.183953 -110.553701, 2085m
A.C. Sanders 8114 1988-08-19
Mexico, Durango, Pueblo Nuevo, 0.6 mile east of Buenos Aires on Hwy 40, c. 29 miles east of the Sinaloa state line, 23.67889 -105.72833, 2600m
00077230 Loraine Yeatts; Richard Keigley and David Cooper 1989-00-00
United States, Colorado, Boulder
00077248 F. J. Hermann 1976-00-00
United States, Colorado, Boulder
00077255 B. C. Johnston; J. M. Johnston 1976-00-00
United States, Colorado, Boulder
299276 Metcalfe, O.B. 1430 1906-09-30
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Lawyer's Peak, 2896m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0028023 O.B. Metcalfe sn 1904-10-09
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Collected in and around the south end of the Black Range. Santa Rita., 32.80562 -108.072191
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0028041 R.J. Fleetwood 10513 1951-09-02
United States, New Mexico, Catron, On road between Negrito Lookout and Willow Creek. Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico., 33.43534215 -108.562466, 2590m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0033780 Hartman, Ronald 83294 2006-08-15
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: ca 1 air mi W of Tres Piedras crossroads, just N of Tres Piedras Canyon., 36.6466 -105.9877, 2499 - 2545m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0118984 O.B. Metcalfe 1430 1904-09-30
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Collected in and around the south end of the Black Range. Sawyer's Peak., 32.875991 -107.779763, 2895m
TEX00239288 John H. Beaman 2381 1958-08-27
Mexico, Jalisco, Nevado de Colima, E side of Mt on crest of Espinazo del Diablo
TEX00239289 John H. Beaman 2370 1958-08-26
Mexico, Jalisco, Nevado de Colima, NE side of Mt below Puerto de Colimato
TEX00239290 J. Andrew McDonald|Martínez 2365 1987-08-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Guadalupe y Calvo, Cerro de Mohinora, S of Guadalupe y Calvo
UVMVT024421 Pringle, C. G. 6480 1896-09-08
México, Federal District, Sierra de Ajusco
8715 W. Hess and J. Massey 1445 1968-08-30
United States, New Mexico, Grant, 4.5mi on Signal Peak Rd, 15mi N Silver City, off Hwy 25 Gila Nat'l Forest, 2591m
11671 D.A. Zimmerman 3462 1991-09-30
United States, New Mexico, Grant, 2499m
G. Rink 3397 2008-08-24
USA, ARIZONA, Coconino County, Dane Ridge, just off USFS Road 321, near FR 300, 34.414278 -111.17875, 2298m
M. Licher 4622 2014-08-14
USA, Arizona, Apache County, Spring site in south branch of the East Fork of the Little Colorado River, approx. 1 mile upstream from the Phelps Botanical Area., 33.919083 -109.500556, 2905m
Dan Beckman 122 2020-09-16
United States, Arizona, Pima, Rincon Mountains, East branch of Madrona Canyon, 1.1 mi SW of Devil's Bathtub, Saguaro National Park, 32.183953 -110.553701, 2085m