Kathleen C. Rice 1145 1991-03-26
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area. Peralta Trailhead, 7 mi. north of U.S. Hwy. 60, on Forest Rd. 77. Trail 102., 33.4294 -111.381, 1097m
Walden, B. xii-1967 1965-03-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Mountain Pass, 11 mi. southwest of Saguaro Lake, 33.4526 -111.672, 396m
Kathleen C. Rice 1054 1992-02-15
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area. Peralta Trailhead. northeast of Hwy. 60 ca. 6 mi. on Forest Rd. 77. Trail 102., 33.4006 -111.346, 1219m
Kathleen C. Rice 1047 1992-02-15
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area. Peralta Trailhead. northeast of Hwy. 60 ca. 6 mi. on Forest Rd. 77. Trail 102., 33.4006 -111.346, 1219m
Wendy C. Hodgson 13718 2001-03-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, along Arizona Trail and Cottonwood Canyon Trail no 120, south of FSR 341 (Deer Hill Road) and northwest of FSR 83 - Trail no. 120 junction, ca. 3.8 miles northwest of Cottonwood Canyon trailhead, 33.6357 -111.141, 892m
ASU0014597 A. C. Sanders 7647 1988-02-14
Mexico, Baja California, Along the highway ca. 10 miles SE of El Rosario at first stand of boojum trees near the road., 30.05 -115.55
ASU0014598 A. C. Sanders 7613 1988-02-12
Mexico, Baja California, Bahia San Quintin, south side at base of sand spit which closes bay, 6 km west of Hwy 1 at the Cielito Lindo Hotel., 30.4 -115.967, 2 - 3m
ASU0014599 Marc A. Baker 13996 2001-04-24
Mexico, Baja California, South base of cinder cone, 8 km SW of Lázaro Cárdenas., 30.469707 -116.023049, 40m
ASU0014600 Marc A. Baker 14018 2001-04-24
Mexico, Baja California, South of Los Volcanes, 12 km SW of Lázaro Cárdenas., 30.455406 -116.029233, 5m
ASU0014601 Marc A. Baker 14032 2001-04-25
Mexico, Baja California, Cabo San Quintín, 29 km SSW of Lázaro Cárdenas., 30.359498 -115.994803, 10m
ASU0014602 L. McGill 8700 1971-06-07
Mexico, Baja California, Along Rte #2, 59.3 mi W of main rte to Mexicali., 32.48763 -116.179607
Wendy C. Hodgson 13718 2001-03-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, along Arizona Trail and Cottonwood Canyon Trail no 120, south of FSR 341 (Deer Hill Road) and northwest of FSR 83 - Trail no. 120 junction, ca. 3.8 miles northwest of Cottonwood Canyon trailhead, 33.6357 -111.141, 892m
L. R. Landrum 9222 1998-03-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Phoenix South Mountain Park, San Juan Valley Road near end of road, 33.333 -112.069, 488 - 692m
David J. Keil 1283-b 1967-04-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 0.7 miles south of Fish Creek Hill on the Apache Trail, 33.51 -111.25, 1337m
ASU0352070 F. S. Crosswhite 1753 1961-02-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ca. 10 miles northeast of Cave Creek via Cave Creek Road, 33.9661 -111.865, 610m
C. P. Pase 1342 1962-04-11
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Experimental Forest; steep slope lysimeters, 33.806 -110.971
G. J. Imdorf 534 1992-04-11
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area in Tonto National Forest; Devil's Chasm, 33.8204 -110.851, 1036m
M. Butterwick 7133 1981-03-30
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Adjacent to major tributary of Cuerda de Lena; east side of Growler Mountains; Kino Peak 15' Quad., 32.2079 -112.91, 457m
M. Butterwick 7112 1981-03-30
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Lime Hill; on east side of Growler Mountains; Kino Peak 15' Quad., 32.2224 -112.927, 503m
J. V. Ward 8 1979-03-25
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Along dirt trail leading to deserted mine above Ash Creek, 33.0124 -110.715, 610m
Larry C. Higgins 6424 1973-03-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 5 miles south of Sunflower, AZ; along Highway 87, 33.7916 -111.467
G. J. Imdorf 527 1992-04-11
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area in Tonto National Forest; Devil's Chasm, 33.8204 -110.851, 1036m
Marc A. Baker 17362.1 2011-06-10
USA, CALIFORNIA, Riverside, along Morris Ranch Road, 400m north of Kenworthy Station, 4km west of Butterfly Peak, west base of San Jacinto Mountains, Garner Valley, just east of Thomas Mountain, 33.619 -116.622
423769 Jon P. Rebman 28082 2014-04-30
United States, California, San Diego County, Camp Pendleton: State Park Lease area: northwestern portion of Base; west of Cristianitos Road approx. 1 mile north of the entrance to the Base; along Cristianitos Creek., 33.439 -117.5717, 38m
405342 Jon P. Rebman 14135 2008-02-26
United States, California, San Diego County, Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base: Training Area Romeo 2 in the northwestern portion of base; coastal side of San Onofre Mountains, along Skyline Road towards the towers on top of San Onofre Mountain, 33.3497 -117.5097, 200m
390189 John F. Green 2006-04-25
United States, California, Riverside County, Peninsular Ranges; Foothills of Santa Ana Mtns./ Santa Rosa Plateau: Temecula, Southern California Edison right of way between residential areas, N-S corridor between S general Kearny Road and La Serena Way; E of Veterans park (Bachelor Myn. 7.5Q)., 33.520278 -117.120833, 366m
385975 Larry Hendrickson 828 1997-03-26
United States, California, San Diego County, San Felipe Valley Wildlife Area, California Department of Fish & Game. Approximately 12.5 miles SE of intersection of State Highway 79 and County Highway S-2. East of Highway S-2 on hill just north of a wash near BLM boundary., 33.1475 -116.5383, 832m
393407 Joseph A. Betzler 868 2002-04-14
United States, California, San Diego County, San Diego Wild Animal Park, Conservation Area, Below (south of) the ; circle; at the current end of the 'South Ridge Road' near the drainage locally known as 'Whisky Creek'., 33.1 -116.9756, 250m
ASC00064300 Arnold Tiehm 12118 1995-06-07
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, S side Fish Creek Table, about 1 airmile N of Antelope Spring., 41.795996 -119.438621, 1783m
ASC00018142 M. Engbarth s.n. 1968-04-12
United States, California, Los Angeles, Topanga Canyon, Santa Monica Mountains, 12 miles west of Woodland Hills, 34.093618 -118.601474, 457m
ASC00017490 M. Engbarth s.n. 1967-05-27
United States, California, Los Angeles, Clearing on ridge, north side of Topanga Canyon; 20 miles west of Hwy 101; Santa Monica Mountains, 34.0833 -118.6, 305m
ASC00028809 L. Higgins 8427 1974-04-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, 14 miles southeast of Creston in pass, 35.51951 -120.523818
ASC00116159 Rich Crawford 308 2012-03-31
United States, Arizona, Pinal, White Canyon Wilderness, along creek, 33.157139 -111.081222, 625m
ASC00121888 G. Rink 15511 2019-04-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, lower north slopes of the San Bernardino Mountains south of Hesperia, Pack Memorial Trail, 34.36566 -117.219764, 1097m
ASC00020520 J. Henrickson 4476 1970-03-26
Mexico, Baja California, San Quintin; west of salt mine, north end of bay., 30.47827 -115.99255
ASC00116228 Rich Crawford 1480 2016-04-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, Powerline access rd 1.5 km east of Deep Creek Rd, 34.366239 -117.219914, 1100m
ASC00122495 G. Rink 15870 2019-06-18
United States, California, Lassen, Along Hwy 395 north of Honey Lake, 40.416892 -120.279451, 1372m
ASC00131965 A. Tiehm 19522 2023-06-17
USA, Nevada, Washoe, 2.6 road miles NW of Squaw Valley Reservoir entrance on highway 447, Gerlach to Cedarville, mouth of a steep canyon, 40.85417 -119.57248, 1481m
ASC00067992 G. Rink s.n. 1999-05-22
United States, CALIFORNIA, Riverside, 6 miles S of Banning on Highway. 243, 33.845933 -116.822165
DES00024906 Reid Moran 30292 1982-04-10
Mexico, Baja California, Canon Agua Caliente, 5 km NE of San Vincente, 31.35 -116.204167, 120m
DES00071585 Wendy C. Hodgson 26418 2011-07-13
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Paria Plateau, Sand Hills, White Pocket., 36.958631 -111.896981, 1715m
DES00091959 Edward F. Anderson 2204 1960-01-01
USA, California, San Diego, Fallbrooks (near Clark's), 33.3764 -117.2511, 201m
DES00008291 J. Harry Lehr 925 1973-04-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto Forest Road #143 3.8 mi. east of Rt. 87., 33.710002 -111.381, 1280m
DES00055661 Wendy C. Hodgson 16622 2003-04-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Tonto National Forest, Mazatzal Mountains, Mormon Grove Segment., 33.912217 -111.493233, 1226m
DES00013056 R. G. Engard 856 1976-03-20
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, 1.5 mi. upstream on Red Creek, from the Verde Riverr Bloody Basin., 34.18977 -111.794984, 1000m
DES00049311 Wendy C. Hodgson 13718 2001-03-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Tonto National Forest, Along Arizona Trail and Cottonwood Canyon Trail no. 120, south of FSR 341 (Deer Hill Road) and northwest of FSR 83 - Trail no.120 junction, ca 3.8 miles northwest of Cottonwood Canyon trailhead., 33.6357 -111.1406, 892m
DES00030659 Andrew C. Sanders 6538 1986-06-01
USA, California, Riverside, San Jacinto Mountains, along the trail to Spitler Peak from the “Herkey Creek Camp to Bonita Vista” [=Apple Canyon] Road, 33.6961 -116.639, 1707m
DES00030670 B. Pitzer 183 1986-04-26
USA, California, Riverside, San Bernardino Mtns.; Whitewater Canyon, c. 4.5 mi. north of Hwy I-10 on Whitewater Canyon Road, 33.9833 -116.65, 734m
DES00031392 A. Tiehm 10586 1986-06-09
USA, Nevada, Washoe Co., Granite Range, 8.6 road miles north of highway 81 on the Crutcher Canyon road, near the road summit of the canyon., 40.865582 -119.547666, 1844 - 1844m
DES00031658 J. Easton sn 1987-01-25
USA, California, San Bernardino, South foot of the San Gabriel Mtns, Day Canyon. (Cucamonga Peak 7.5' Quad: sec. 17), 34.17972 -117.53722, 701m
DES00033394 Dave Hawks s.n. 1988-04-02
USA, California, Riverside, Tule Creek drainage, 1.75 miles (airline) NE of Aguanga, SE of intersection of Dove and Sycamore Streets, S of Hwy 371., 33.441986 -116.86096, 762m
DES00025611 R. F. Daubenmire 38115 1938-05-29
USA, Idaho, Latah, Latah County, 46.81416 -116.709142
DES00006713 Clifford Kishi 720514-35 1972-05-14
USA, California, Riverside, San Jacinto Mts, 1 mile from Lake Hemet Reservoir along Herkey Canyon Rd., 33.654763 -116.66314, 610m
DES00030311 Andrew C. Sanders 6512 1986-05-26
USA, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mtns.; Cajon Pass, between San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mtns, Cajon Summit, E side of I-15 just south of Oak Hill Road exit, 34.3575 -117.436, 1277m
DES00058649 Jon.P. Rebman 11329 2005-03-19
USA, California, San Diego County, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park: west of Ocotillo; eastern base of Jacumba Mountains; vicinity of Mortero Palms; northwest of Dos Cabezas Spring., 32.7197 -116.1453, 595m
DES00048968 Wendy C. Hodgson 13887 2000-03-22
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Tonto National Forest, South of Superior along Apache Leap Road (FSR 257), ca 1.7 miles east of State Highway 177, west flanks and below Apache Leap., 33.26542 -111.0842, 980m
DES00048833 Wendy C. Hodgson 13826 2001-03-30
USA, Arizona, Gila County, Tonto National Forest, Arizona Trail, Roosevelt Passage, northwest of Roosevelt Reservoir and bridge, and north side of Salt River, west of Vineyard Mountain., 33.6725 -111.1972, 994m
DES00100838 Arnold Tiehm 19522 2023-06-17
USA, Nevada, Washoe, 2.6 road miles NW of Squaw Valley Reservoir entrance on highway 447, Gerlach to Cedarville, mouth of a steep canyon, 40.85417 -119.57248, 1481m
Jon P. Rebman 2005-03-19
USA, California, San Diego County, San Diego California. Anza_Borrego Desert State Park, west of Ocotillo; eastern base of Jacumba Mountins, vicinity of Mortero Palms northwest od Dos Cabezas Spring, 32.7197 N, 116.1453 E., 32.7197 -116.1453, 595m
DES00072555 Jon P. Rebman 24111 2012-05-22
USA, California, San Diego County, Camp Pendleton. Training Area Romeo II; southeast of San Onofre Peak; east of El Camino Real and I-5 on hills just off of Horno Canyon Road., 33.3733 -117.4555, 250m
DES00033800 A. C. Sanders 7670 1988-02-15
Mexico, Baja California, Valley of the Rio San Telmo, 2 miles above Highway 1 on the road to San Telmo and the observatory., 30.95 -116.116667, 107m
20607 Wendy C. Hodgson 13826 2001-03-30
United States, Arizona, USA, Arizona, Gila County, Tonto National Forest, Arizona Trail, Roosevelt Passage, northwest of Roosevelt Reservoir and bridge, and north side of Salt River, west of Vineyard Mountain., 33.6725 -111.1971667, 994m
UCR0004256 D.L. Banks 0247 1995-05-03
United States, California, Riverside, Cleveland National Forest, Agua Tibia Wilderness Area, N slope of Agua Tibia Mtn, east of Dripping Springs Alcove, along lower alluvial benches of Arroyo Seco, 33.45778 -116.97194, 500m
UCR0003321 A.C. Sanders 26482 2003-05-03
United States, California, San Diego, Otay Mountain, along trail between “Copper Canyon” and “Wild Bill’s Draw” on the south side of the mountain just barely north of the Mexican border, 32.55944 -116.83694, 366m
UCR0003075 A.C. Sanders 25766 2003-03-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, long-abandoned gravel pit on boundary between Irwindale and Azusa, east of Irwindale Ave. and south of Foothill Blvd, north edge of 210 Fwy east of the San Gabriel River channel, 34.13194 -117.92917, 159m
UCR0003257 Mitch Provance 368 1998-04-04
United States, California, San Bernardino, City of Grand Terrace, east of corner of Van Buren St. and Observation St.; Blue Mt., 34.02639 -117.30389, 396m
UCR0003155 A.C. Sanders 20149 1997-04-03
United States, California, Riverside, near north foot of Black Mountain, slopes south of Crown Valley; Lake Skinner area, 33.63111 -117.0075, 655m
UCR0003057 R.G. Swinney 10050 2009-03-06
United States, California, Los Angeles, 1.2 miles north of Foothill Blvd. on east side of Encanto Parkway, confluence of Van Tassel and San Gabriel canyons at west bank of San Gabriel River channel, Azusa/Duarte boundary, 34.15139 -117.92833, 201m
UCR0004365 Jon P. Rebman 7258 2001-04-17
United States, California, San Diego, San Diego Urban Canyons: Cedar Ridge Park area near the border of North Park and Golden Hills; north of the I-15/Hwy 94 intersection, 32.7225 -117.11861, 55m
UCR0003255 A.C. Sanders 22895 1999-06-25
United States, California, San Bernardino, Yucaipa, Wilson Creek north of Oak Glen Rd. & south of Fir Ave, between Fremont and Jefferson; San Bernardino Mtns. foothills, 34.05 -117.025, 884m
UCR0003027 R.G. Swinney 14604 2011-05-06
United States, California, Los Angeles, north of Glendora, ridge immediately north of Garcia Canyon & south of Newman’s Point, 10-150 m west of Glendora Mountain Road, 34.19333 -117.84389, 793m
UCR0003176 John F. Green s.n. 2006-04-25
United States, California, Riverside, City of Temecula; Long Canyon, Southern California Edison right of way, intersection of Southern Cross Road and Agena Street W to Candida Drive, 33.50472 -117.12528, 366m
UCR0003135 A.C. Sanders 24081 2001-05-03
United States, California, Riverside, Hemet, SE corner of State Street at Gibbel Rd, 1712 ft hill at east end of Diamond Valley, 33.7 -116.96667, 494m
UCR0003171 Jennifer H. Jones 340 2006-05-31
United States, California, Riverside, just down Mt. Edna Road west off of CA Hwy 243, 33.88528 -116.85889, 1146m
UCR0003341 Christopher Christie 149 1997-02-20
United States, California, San Diego, Western Otay Mtn foothills, 32.57639 -116.90528, 308m
UCR0003359 Duncan S. Bell 3491 2012-04-24
United States, California, Imperial, Jacumba Mountains, above Valley of the Moon, vicinity of Blue Angel Peak, c. 0.25 air mile north of the US/Mexico border, 32.62339 -116.09769, 1280m
UCR0003236 John F. Green s.n. 2003-06-25
United States, California, Riverside, French Valley, “Greenway site” along Tucalota Creek c. 1 mile east of Murrieta Hot Springs, 33.56556 -117.11833, 396m
UCR0003347 Tim Thomas 7130 2017-04-30
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Lower east flank Caliente Range, 2 miles SW of KCL Campground, 35.06589 -119.7585, 870m
UCR0003340 A.C. Sanders 26514 2003-05-04
United States, California, San Diego, Otay Mountain, ridge c. 2-3 miles east of the peak, around end of jeep trail, 32.59833 -116.8075, 945m
UCR0003254 John Wear s.n. 1994-06-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, East Highlands, San Andreas Ranch at the mouth of City Creek Canyon, north of Highland Ave, east of Hwy 330 and SE of San Bernardino Nat. Forest, west of agricultural areas, 34.13806 -117.18972, 438m
UCR0003214 Tracy Tennant s.n. 1998-07-01
United States, California, Riverside, Double Butte, between Winchester and Homeland, 33.72861 -117.10083, 457m
UCR0003078 A.C. Sanders 29700 2005-04-26
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Clarita area, Plum Canyon Rd. in Mint Canyon, NW of Forest Park and south of Cruzan Mesa, 34.45167 -118.43806, 595m
UCR0084149 D.E. Bramlet 5312 2018-05-08
United States, California, San Bernardino, Fontana, east of Sierra Ave. and SW of N Riverside Ave, south of I-15, 34.17639 -117.43444, 589m
UCR0004374 Steve Boyd 11398 2004-05-26
United States, California, San Diego, In-Ko-Pah Mtns, western flank of Thing Valley, northeast of transit station Posta, Cleveland National Forest along forest service road, 32.7925 -116.39389, 1463m
UCR0003091 A.C. Sanders 34546 2008-03-25
United States, California, Orange, Weir Canyon, 4 miles ENE of Villa Park at SE edge of Anaheim Hills, 33.82812 -117.74358, 259m
UCR0003316 Larry Hendrickson 3827 2009-05-01
United States, California, San Diego, Cigarette Hills, San Felipe Valley Wildlife Area, California Department of Fish & Game property, 2.3 mi west-southwest of Scissors Crossing, southwest intersection of State Hwy 78 and County Road S-2. Square: J21, 33.08911 -116.5145, 760m
UCR0003122 Stephen J. Myers s.n. 1988-06-08
United States, California, Riverside, Along Via Majorca, between Avenida de Arboles and Paseo Montano, in the “La Cresta” region, 33.56667 -117.3, 671m
UCR0003102 B.G. Pitzer 3546 1998-03-01
United States, California, Riverside, Maze Stone county historical marker & picnic area, E side of mtns, on W side of Reinhardt Canyon; Lakeview Mtns, 33.7825 -117.05139, 610m
UCR0003066 R.G. Swinney 8667 2008-04-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Dimas Experimental Forest, Lewis Paul Canyon, above waterfall at junction of Big Dalton Cyn. Rd., 34.17028 -117.81278, 549m
UCR0003087 Dick Newell 002 2010-02-23
United States, California, Orange, Serrano Ridge, 3 mi west of Laguna Hills, 0.67 mi west of Languna Canyon Road, east of Shady Canyon, 33.61861 -117.77, 244m
UCR0003241 Tracy Tennant SBV--103 1998-03-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, Lytle Creek, along Glen Helen Parkway, 0.15 mi. NE of Lytle Creek Rd., 34.18833 -117.43667, 625m
UCR0003337 A.C. Sanders 27632 2004-04-23
United States, California, San Diego, Carlsbad, Carlsbad Highlands Ecological Reserve, slopes & canyons c. 1 mile SE of Cerro de la Calavera, SW of the end of Cannon Rd., 33.15972 -117.2725, 91m
UCR0003065 R.G. Swinney s.n. 1989-05-08
United States, California, Los Angeles, Glendora Wilderness Park in Big Dalton Canyon and its tributaries. “Water Pipe Canyon” [=Pavil Cyn], 1.0 mile NE of Glendora Wilderness Park, 34.16278 -117.81639, 442m
UCR0003202 A.C. Sanders 41002 2014-04-09
United States, California, Riverside, Temescal Canyon, along Temescal Canyon Rd. north of intersection with Indian Truck Trail, c. 0.4 km south of El Hermano Rd, NW of Corona (Lee) Lake, 33.75667 -117.45694, 331m
UCR0003278 Walter Wisura 5150 2001-04-30
United States, California, San Bernardino, Swarthout Rd. just south of junction with Lone Pine Canyon Rd, 34.30028 -117.50944
UCR0003157 B.G. Pitzer 2987 1997-03-23
United States, California, Riverside, Lakeview Mountains, c. 1 air mile SSW of Mt. Rudolph, along powerline road 0.3 mile east of Contour (Juniper Flats) Rd, 33.80944 -117.08583, 610m
UCR0003230 A.C. Sanders 37726 2010-04-02
United States, California, Riverside, Alberhill, south foot of the Gavilan Hills at Temescal Canyon, c. 0.5 mi NE (34°) of intersection of Temescal Canyon Rd. and Concordia Ranch Rd., 33.74056 -117.40778, 427m
UCR0003154 A.C. Sanders 19925 1997-03-15
United States, California, Riverside, Lake Skinner area: hill (1864) east of Skinner Lake at northwest end of Tucalota Hills, 33.59 -117.02333, 549m
UCR0003197 T.B. Salvato MOR--346 1998-06-09
United States, California, Riverside, Morongo Indian Reservation, Lion Canyon up to fork in stream, 33.96611 -116.75639, 720m
UCR0003030 R.G. Swinney 14322 2011-04-05
United States, California, Los Angeles, Little Santa Anita Canyon north of Sierra Madre, 150 m east of Mt. Wilson Trail on ridgetop 0.12 mile west of center of Sierra Madre Dam, 0.26 mile (64°) NNW of the trailhead, 34.17694 -118.04417, 451m