ASU0294796 Dustin Wolkis 454 2013-09-12
USA, Arizona, Pima, La Cebadilla Cienega, East of Tanque Verde, 32.244695 -110.688166, 825m
ASU0088742 Walter Fertig 28839 2013-07-31
USA, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Basin, Spring Creek wetland, Laramie, ca 0.6 miles N of Interstate 80. T15N R73W S3 SE4 of NW4, 41.301038 -105.570631, 2195m
ASU0294308 D. Wolkis 983 2014-10-19
USA, Arizona, Pima, Cienequita Cienega, Las Cienegas Natl Conservation area, 1340m
ASU0091226 G.E. Marrs 331 1980-09-05
USA, Arizona, Cochise, San Bernardino Ranch; 17 miles east of Douglas; House pond, 31.336493 -109.279505, 1189m
ASU0091227 Elizabeth Makings 753 2001-09-03
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area. Upper San Pedro River floodplain, St. David Cienega, North-central part of wetland, 31.8457 -110.228, 1123m
ASU0091228 Elizabeth Makings 1260 2002-08-24
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Upper San Pedro River floodplain; St. David Cienega; extreme southwestern end of wetland, 31.8359 -110.223, 1133m
ASU0091229 G. Marrs-Smith 562 1981-05-25
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch; 18 mi East of Douglas, Pipe Spring Cienega, 31.338139 -109.26235, 1158m
ASU0091230 GE Marrs 222 1980-07-10
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernandino Ranch; 17 mi East of Douglas at Pipe Spring, 31.3441 -109.256, 1189m
ASU0091231 T. R. Van Devender sn 1981-08-21
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch; Pipe Springs Cienega, 31.339408 -109.263111
Jean-Philippe Solves 311 2018-07-23
United States, Arizona, Pima, Las Cienegas National Conservation Area; inside the BLM fences of the dry cienega basin, specifically Crescent pond, the one furthest east from the cattle watering hole., 31.795379 -110.597474, 1337m
ASU0091232 LJ Toolin 823 1980-06-10
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, East of Black Draw; San Bernardino Ranch, 17 miles east of Douglas, 31.344116 -109.255803, 1158m
ASU0091233 Elinor Lehto 24493 1980-06-20
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch; 17 miles east of Douglas, 31.3441 -109.256
ASU0091234 D. J. Pinkava P13846b 1978-07-25
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, T19N R19E Sec 9 SE1/4, NE1/4, 35.063532 -110.326701
ASU0091235 Barbara Ertter 5111 1983-08-14
USA, Utah, Sevier, Monroe Hot Springs (private) at base of foothills on east side of Monroe, 38.637951 -112.099968, 1676m
ASU0294618 Dustin Wolkis 489 2013-09-13
USA, Arizona, Pima, Cieneguita Cienega, Las Cienegas National Conservation Area, 31.786724 -110.607375, 1340m
ASU0005623 Guy Nesom 4397 1981-08-11
Mexico, Tlaxcala, 1.5-2.5 km E of jct with Hwy 129 in El Carmen (Texquixquitla) on Hwy 136, between El Carmen and Zacatepec at the Tlaxcala-Puebla border, 19.327025 -97.658373, 2250m
ASU0005622 Rzedowski 32384 1974-10-19
Mexico, Chihuahua, Presa Encinillas, 100 km al N de Chihuahua, 29.25 -106.35, 1600m
ASU0005621 Rzedowski 22073 1966-04-05
Mexico, Mexico, Laguna de Atenco, cerca de Atenco, 19.546435 -98.912204, 2250m
ASU0005620 Elinor Lehto 22881 1978-05-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, 14.2 mi NE of Jct Hwy 45 and road to San Diego, at public bath house, 31.585475 -106.432143, 1067m
ASU0294616 Dustin Wolkis 868 2014-09-15
USA, Arizona, Pima, La Cebadilla Cienega, E of Tanque Verde, AZ., 825m
Jean-Philippe Solves 191 2017-09-16
United States, Arizona, Pima, Las Cienegas National Conservation Area; in northern end of site, along a dirt road about 1.2 km, off the eastern side of Empire Ranch Rd, which lead down to the main channel of Cienega Creek., 31.8108333 -110.59083, 1326m
ASU0296366 Walter Fertig 28686 2013-07-05
USA, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: Bulrush Hollow, ca 2.5 miles N of Skutumpah Road, 1.5 miles SE of Bryce Canyon National Park, ca 30 miles NE of Kanab. Grand Staircase-Escalante NM. T39S R4W S12 SE4 of NW4 of SW4, 37.432614 -112.199792, 2124m
ASU0005595 L. R. Landrum 3120 1978-02-07
Chile, Los Lagos, Yaldad, about 10 km west of Quellon, -43.25 -73.75, 1 - 1m
ASU0079301 Liz Makings 4460 2014-07-23
USA, Arizona, Pima, Wetland in La Cebadilla development; just west of Tanque Verde Wash; western toe slope of Rincon Mountains, 32.24475 -110.688009, 830m
53687 Thornber & Shreve 2710 1908-08-01
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mountains, Agua Caliente., 32.2806 -110.7287
53095 Dr. E. A. Mearns. 804 1892-09-11
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch, Mexico Boundary Line., 31.3365 -109.2795
231741 F. Reichenbacher 803 1981-08-11
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, St. David Marsh, 1.3 miles south, by road, of land siding on Southern Pacific Railroad. In norther part of marsh near travertine mound., 31.8392 -110.2253, 1121m
407403 James S. Henrickson 14111 1974-09-15
Mexico, Coahuila, Juárez Municipio, Ca 60 (air) miles SW of Cd. Juarez, at NW end of Laguna Santa Maria, near Rancho Ojos de Santa Maria., 31.166667 -107.283333, 1175m
359091 Priscilla Titus 13 2001-11-04
United States, Arizona, Pima County, La Cebadilla Property owned by Pima County Flood Control District., 32.24465 -110.68809
223006 L. J. Toolin 823 1980-06-10
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, overflow from southernmost of three wells in central fields, east of Black Draw. San Bernardino Ranch, 17 miles east of Douglas., 31.3439 -109.2935, 1158m
231443 T. R. Van Devender s.n. 1981-09-10
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Babocomari Cienega, River and Ranch., 31.6335 -110.4678
231262 T. R. Van Devender s.n. 1981-08-21
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch, Pipe Spring Cienega., 31.3365 -109.2795
379547 Elizabeth Makings 1260 2002-08-24
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, St. David Cienega, extreme southwestern end of wetland, 31.83587 -110.223, 1133m
434278 Julia Fonseca JF2013-89 2013-06-13
United States, Arizona, Pima, Cienega Creek Natural Preserve (CCNP), 32.034245 -110.674418, 977m
229909 P. S. Martin 1980-06-08
Mexico, Sonora, Agua Caliente (Hot Springs) 13 mi E-SE of Esqueda, Son.
221041 J. Rzedowski 1972-08-04
Mexico, México, 2 km al W de Ayotla, Mex.
221040 J. Rzedowski 1974-10-19
Mexico, Chihuahua, Presa Encinillas, 100 km al N de Chihuahua, Chih.
232323 G. L. Nesom 1981-08-11
Mexico, Tlaxcala, 1.5-2.5 km E of jct with Hwy 129 in El Carmen (Texquixquitla) on Hwy 136, between El Carmen and Zacatepec at the Tlaxcala-Puebla border, on W side of Lago Tolancingo, Tlax.
255541 P. S. Martin 1982-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ojo Vareleno, 3 mi NW of Casas Grandes, Chih.
356172 J. R. Spencer 1998-09-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, 31 mi W of Mata Ortfz junction at Keith Bowman¦s Ranch just S of Pacheco, in Sierra La Brena on E slope of Sierra Madre Occidental, Chih., 30.06278 -108.3639
370978 Elizabeth Makings 753 2001-09-03
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, St. David Cienega, north-central part of wetland, 31.8457 -110.2276, 1123m
425323 C.M. Roll 1251 2015-09-26
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Pat Hills, ca. 30 km (by air) SE of Willcox, Sulphur Springs Valley., 31.976633 -109.559117, 1390m
393915 K. Mauz 2007-69 2007-08-31
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Upper Sulphur Gulch drainage, alkaline-sulphur cold spring expressed in clayey shales., 40.1005 -106.2646, 2362m
377665 G. Rink 1055 2001-09-15
United States, Arizona, Apache County, On a second terrace above Whiskey Creek about 0.3 miles W of its confluence with Palisade Creek; Canyon de Chelly National Monument, 36.128061 -109.136811, 2149m
420052 A.L. Reina-G 2009-1619 2009-09-28
Mexico, Sonora, Ojo Caliente Cienega, Rancho los Ojos, ca. 50 km (by air) ENE of Agua Prieta, Cuenca Los Ojos Foundation Conservation Area., 31.283333 -108.989722, 1410m
ASC00102316 G. Goodwin 3943 2012-09-15
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Ojo Frio Spring west of Cabezon, 35.591833 -107.22745, 1905m
ASC00072337 G. Rink 1480a 2002-09-13
United States, Arizona, Apache, Wet areas near effluent of Tsaile Lake., 36.27413 -109.20449, 2134m
ASC00072856 F.V. Ranzoni 138 1962-07-06
United States, Arizona, Apache, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, near White House Ruin, 36.152528 -109.369984
ASC00071327 G. Rink 1055 2001-09-15
United States, Arizona, Apache, On a second terrace above Whiskey Creek about 0.3 miles W of its confluence with Palisade Creek., 36.12806 -109.13681, 2149m
ASC00082968 D. Roth 1752 2003-10-08
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Navajo Nation, Willow Springs area, Ca 0.6 mi E of Hwy 89 and the Hidden Springs Mission, 36.18532 -111.38396, 1490m
ASC00095683 Hartman, R. L. 84273 2006-09-14
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest: Anderson Mesa: Kinnikinick Lake., 34.8957 -111.3112, 2150m
ASC00072955 A. Clifford 01-1345 2001-09-25
United States, Arizona, Apache, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, mouth of canyon drainage, 36.155 -109.509, 1676m
NAVA00007150 G. Rink
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00007482 G. Rink
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00008159 G. Rink
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00008209 G. Rink
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00008212 G. Rink
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00009533 Daniela Roth
United States, Arizona, Coconino, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00008588 G. Rink
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00007714 A. Clifford
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00007710 A. Clifford
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00007990 Kenneth D. Heil
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00008397 Kenneth D. Heil
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00009236 Kenneth D. Heil
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00010081 A. Clifford
United States, Arizona, Apache, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00003677 Kenneth D. Heil
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00000200 Kenneth D. Heil
United States, Arizona, Coconino, detailed locality information protected
NAVA00010495 Kenneth D. Heil
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, detailed locality information protected
DES00091102 Dustin Wolkis 489 2013-09-13
USA, Arizona, Pima, Cieneguita Cienega, Las Cienegas National Conservation Area, 31.786724 -110.607375, 1340m
DES00097073 José Jesús Sánchez Escalante 2017-106 2017-10-04
México, Chihuahua, Municipio de Buenaventura, Chihuahua. Hacienda Ojo Caliente, a 21 km (por carretera) al E de San Buenaventura, 1.3 km al sur de la carretera federal 10., 29.90278 -107.25774, 1575m
DES00014958 S. Welsh 14470 1976-09-04
USA, Utah, Millard, NW of Fillmore, 38.96056 -112.33556, 1463m
DES00087650 L. E. Stevens s.n. 2005-04-16
USA, Nevada, Nye County, Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Fairbanks Spring, 36.490233 -116.341432, 690 - 700m
DES00054667 Elizabeth Makings 1260 2002-08-24
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, upper San Pedro floodplain, St. David Cienega, extreme southwestern end of wetland., 31.835867 -110.22295, 1133m
DES00018711 Barry C, Johnston 2215 1979-08-15
USA, Colorado, Gunnison County, Salt flat North of US Highway 50 ca. 2.5 miles WNW of Doyleville, NE: T49, R3E, S33, 38.470861 -106.649639, 2439m
27689 José Jesús Sánchez Escalante 2017-106 2017-10-04
México, Chihuahua, Municipio de Buenaventura, Chihuahua. Hacienda Ojo Caliente, a 21 km (por carretera) al E de San Buenaventura, 1.3 km al sur de la carretera federal 10., 29.90278 -107.25774, 1575m
31344 C.M. Roll. 630 2015-07-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Pat Hills, ca. 30 km (by air) SE of Willcox, Sulphur Springs Valley., 31.992833 -109.57065, 1446m
Mark Madsen 5387 2010-08-24
United States, Utah, Kane, Powell Ranger District/Dixie National Forest. Clay Creek, 37.50575 -112.29847, 2500m
UCR0136561 John C. Roos s.n. 1965-07-11
United States, California, Inyo, Tecopa; Northern Mojave Desert, 35.84806 -116.22361, 427m
John C. Roos 6240 1954-09-15
United States, Nevada, Nye, Big Spring, Ash Meadows, 36.37472 -116.27444, 683m
Joan Young 035 1981-09-25
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Roadside I-70, upper De Beque Canyon, Colorado River Valley east of Grand Junction, 39.12417 -108.32278, 1437m
UCR0136560 John C. Roos 4923 1950-08-07
United States, California, Inyo, Tecopa in Amargosa River Valley; Mojave Desert, 35.84833 -116.22639, 427m
Stanley L. Welsh 28922A 2004-09-30
United States, Utah, Beaver, Thermo Hot Springs, 38.17083 -113.20267, 1540m
UCR0136562 Jim André 9698 2008-10-10
United States, California, Inyo, c. 0.5 mi north of Tecopa Hot Springs Hills, along Tecopa Hot Springs Road, southwest side, 35.88306 -116.23222, 408m
Jim André 14942 2007-06-14
United States, Nevada, Nye, Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, 0.2 mile south of Scruggs Spring, 0.9 mile west of Devil’s Hole, 36.42733 -116.30836, 709m
June Latting s.n. 1979-04-27
United States, Nevada, Nye, Ash Meadows, 36.36694 -116.30083, 665m
Guy Nesom 4397 1981-08-11
Mexico, Puebla, Oriental, 1.5-2.5 km east of jct w/Hwy 129 in El Carmen (Texquixquitla) on Hwy 136, 19.31611 -97.63361, 2250m
Guy Nesom 4440 1981-08-19
Mexico, Durango, Pueblo Nuevo, 4.8 km east of Las Adjuntas on Hwy 40, 23.74333 -105.45444, 2591m
UTC00021424 Bassett Maguire 12733 1935-08-28
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, 1 miles south of Buena Vista, 38.814349 -106.13056
UTC00021456 Bassett Maguire 12666 1935-08-20
United States, Colorado, Ouray, 0.5 miles north of Ridgeway, 38.156008 -107.761383
UTC00257777 Walter Fertig 22969 2006-09-09
United States, Utah, Wayne, Colorado Plateau: Capitol Reef National Park, Fremont River, ca 0.5 miles E of Fruita and 10 miles E of Torrey., 38.286564 -111.231434, 1650m
UTC00022229 Dean Hobson 14843 1936-09-15
United States, Utah, Box Elder, West Lake, Locomotive Springs, 41.69278 -112.96889
UTC00022316 George Piranian 15987 1936-08-30
United States, Utah, Millard, Wet meadow near Clear Lake, 39.10444 -112.62278
UTC00064321 Arthur Smith s.n. 1939-09-17
United States, Utah, Millard, Clear Lake, 39.100934 -112.626801
UTC00012912 Marcus E. Jones 4207 1884-09-12
United States, Texas, El Paso, El Paso ; 31.75861 -106.48639, 31.75872 -106.486931
UTC00185449 S Goodrich 20195 1983-09-22
United States, Utah, Millard, 17.5 Mi 191 deg S of Delta Clear Lake, 1396m
UTC00095092 Eric Bolen s.n. 1960-07-24
United States, Utah, Juab, Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge., 39.859641 -113.36694
UTC00290470 Miles McCoy-Sulentic CB-005-2 2019-08-11
United States, Utah, TOOELE, 40.51446772 -113.9961343, 1292m
UTC00290471 Miles McCoy-Sulentic CB-025-2 2019-06-30
United States, Utah, TOOELE, 40.6462024 -112.724475, 1297m
UTC00121627 J. Beatley 7230 1968-10-20
United States, Nevada, Nye, Ash Meadows, Ash Meadows Road, 0.5 mile N of Lodge turnoff, Amargosa drainage basin., 36.41699 -116.302355, 671m
UTC00121977 J. Beatley 7214 1968-10-20
United States, Nevada, Nye, Ash Meadows, Ash Meadows Road from Hwys 16 and 95, 1st ranch (abandoned) south of Spring Mountains, Amargosa drainage basin., 36.545973 -116.136724, 671m