584 Ana R. López Ferrari 1328 1990-08-14
México, Jalisco, Mascota, 9 km antes de Mascota, viniendo de San Sebastian, 1490m
PH00376397 Mary Gibson Henry 7048 1961-09-03
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 14 mi. W of Rt 86 on road to Ruby, 31.673938 -111.113269
PH00376398 Mary Gibson Henry 6962 1959-10-04
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Above Silver Spur Ranch, Chiricahua Mtns., 31.890133 -109.313401, 1524m
PH00376399 Mary Gibson Henry 6969 1959-10-09
United States, Arizona, Cochise, E of Silver Spur Ranch, Chiricahua Mtns., 31.89159 -109.308252
PH00802201 Mary Gibson Henry 7230 1960-09-25
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mtns, W of Rucker Canyon, 31.752288 -109.43734, 1676m
53210 R. D. Worthington 32331 2003-09-06
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Animas Mts, canyon on north side of Animas Peak, 31.582418 -108.788937
Elizabeth Makings 2002-09-12
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, Palominas site, approx 1 mile south of HWY 92., 31.3801 -110.111, 1200m
ASU0149954 Lyle A. McGill 7405 2003-10-04
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Dragoon Mountains, Sorens Pass, 31.9394 -109.981
ASU0149955 David Wood 2002-09-13
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, Palominas, ~1 mile south of Hwy 92, 31.3632 -110.114, 1267m
Elinor Lehto L-20524 1976-09-11
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, National Forest Rad #48, 3.2 mi. west of Montezuma Pass, 31.35 -110.317
ASU0149973 T. Reeves R-1215 1974-08-24
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, North slope of Garfield Peak, 32.0044 -109.356, 1676m
ASU0149970 J & A Leithliter 519 1976-08-17
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Saulsbury Trail heliport, 31.87495 -109.32311, 2637m
T. Reeves R-1087 1974-08-22
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Ted Knipe property. Ca. 3 mi. west of Sonoita on Rte 82. North end of Canelo Hills, 31.66465 -110.69511, 1372m
Harry Tate 658 1966-09-05
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Pena Blanca Canyon, just east of creek bed, 0.5 to 1 mi. south (upstream) from lake, 31.4169 -111.078
Mc Leod 831 1971-08-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Paradise Canyon 0.3 mi. east of the cemetary Chiricahua Mountains, 31.9297 -109.377
Elinor Lehto L-20567 1976-09-11
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Road to Sunnyside and gate #7 at Scotia Canyon., 31.4167 -110.431
Mc Leod 210 1970-08-25
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Campground at Parker Canyon Lake, west side of Huachuca Mountains, 31.4269 -110.455
Mont A Cazier 889 1966-09-02
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Texas Canyon in Chiricahua Mountains, 31.9297 -109.382
Mont A Cazier 314 1966-08-17
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Paradise, 31.9347 -109.218
ASU0149962 Elinor Lehto 4062 1964-09-01
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 8 mi. southeast of Parker Canyon Lake, 31.37 -110.36, 1524m
ASU0149961 George Ruffner 1988-07-19
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Southern Huachuca Mountains Near rest area at Montezuma Pass at west boundary of Monument. South of overlook parking area., 31.3439 -110.281, 2004m
ASU0149964 Elinor Lehto 3364 1963-08-30
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, 11 mi. east of the Chiricahua National Monument, 32.0043 -109.168, 2225m
T. F. Daniel 3048 1983-09-08
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Dragoon Mountains, road to Sorin Camp. 0-0.3 mi. northwest jct. road to Pearce and Tombstone. Pearce 15' Quad., 31.8828 -109.955, 1768m
ASU0149958 Elinor Lehto 5355 1965-08-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Herb Martyr Forest Camp in Chiricahua Mountains, 31.8708 -109.233, 1676m
ASU0149959 Karen Stieve 20 1997-09-14
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, West Turkey Creek, 31.865 -109.389, 1737m
ASU0149960 Glen & Mona McCroskey s.n. 1984-08-16
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Paradise Cemetary, 31.9347 -109.218
Harry Tate 483 1966-08-29
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Pena Blanca Canyon, 0.5 to 1 mi. south of (upstream from) creek's entrance into Pena Blanca Lake., 31.3947 -111.085, 1219m
Elinor Lehto 4062 1964-09-01
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 8 mi. southeast of Parker Canyon Lake, 31.37 -110.36, 1524m
ASU0014524 A. Ventura A. 4249 1984-08-31
Mexico, Mexico, Mpio. de Texcoco. San Miguel., 19.516667 -98.883333, 2400m
ASU0014525 J. J. Landve 1972-07-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra de la Catarina Between Zavagoza and Buenaventura, 29.6667 -107.5
ASU0014526 Lyle McGill 9351 1979-07-24
Mexico, Durango, Along Rte 39, ca. 9 mi NW of Canatlan, 24.6467051181803 -104.83630657196
ASU0014527 R. Engard 968 1976-08-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, 4 mi W of Majoloa., 24.882514 -107.416917, 5730m
ASU0014528 A. Ventura A. 75 1975-08-04
Mexico, Mexico, Ejidos de Otumba, Mpio. de Otumba, 19.7 -98.75, 1m
ASU0014512 A. Ventura A. 1965 1976-08-03
Mexico, Mexico, Cerro del Tipayo, Mpio. de Axapusco, 19.733333 -98.75, 2550m
ASU0014511 Elaine Joyal 1741 1991-09-25
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho El Alamo, Los Pozos drainage S into Rio Aros S of airstrip, 29.5333 -108.9, 950 - 1000m
ASU0014510 Lyle McGill 9776 1972-08-03
Mexico, Chihuahua, N Along Rte 16, ca. 2 mi W of Cd. Guerrero, 28.55514 -107.492401
ASU0014509 R. Galvan 941 1981-07-29
Mexico, Hidalgo, 1.4 km al SW de la desviación a Real Monte por le Carr. Pachuca-Tampico, 20.133333 -98.666667, 2550m
ASU0014508 A. Ventura A. 1768 1976-07-10
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mpio. de Zempoala. Cerro de los Pitos., 19.858918 -98.606708, 2550m
ASU0014507 Shannon Doan 1258 2002-09-09
Mexico, Sonora, Sonora, Imuris 23 km northeast of Cananea on MEX 2, 30.884326 -110.64391, 1550m
ASU0014506 Shannon Doan 1221 2002-09-09
Mexico, Sonora, 17.1 km northeast of Imuris on MEX 2, 30.8747 -110.731, 1315m
ASU0079435 Sue Carnahan SC 119 2013-08-18
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Salero Ranch: S of El Plomo Mine, ~9mi NNW of Patagonia, 31.61089 -110.86179, 1682m
ASU0081305 John L Anderson 2014-26 2014-08-25
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra de los Ajos, slopes of Cerro de las Flores, 30.93518 -109.95118, 2377m
ASU0302518 Liz Makings 5429 2017-08-13
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Juriquipa; Rancho Zulema, 30.28313 -109.55989, 1680m
Jean-Philippe Solves 180 2017-09-02
United States, Arizona, Pima, Las Cienegas National Conservation Area; south of BLM ponds, on small hills south of Crescent Pond and east of Egret Pond, 31.794614 -110.59648, 1350m
ASU0312332 Liz Makings 7052 2021-08-28
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Coronado National Forest; Patagonia Moutains; Intersection of Harshaw Rd. and Forest Service Rd 5500, 31.40006 -110.68881, 1680m
John L Anderson 2022-71 2022-09-16
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho las Tierras de Jimenez, 14.2 km (by air) SW of Bacanora, Sierra de Murrieta., 28.9011 -109.5142, 1394m
2126 Mark A. Dimmitt s.n. 1980-08-28
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sonoita; 5 miles S of Sonoita on Highway 83.
BRIT886073 Rodney G. Engard 968 1976-08-09
United States, Arizona, Chichuahua
BRYV0055638 Rodney G. Engard 968 1976-08-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, 4 mi. west of Majalca, Chih. Mexico.
BRYV0055636 M. A. Franklin 5315 1987-09-06
U.S.A., Arizona, Santa Cruz, W slope Atascosa Mts, E above Sycamore Canyon., 31.42999 -111.1765, 1286m
BRYV0055635 M. A. Franklin 5471 1987-09-08
U.S.A., Arizona, Cochise, Huachuca Mountains, Pass above Miller Canyon., 31.40579 -110.31211, 2667m
BRYV0055634 D. W. McNeal 4198 1996-08-06
U.S.A., New Mexico, Hidalgo, Near the crest of a steep ridge parallel to Hwy. #338, 3.9 mi. S. of the end of the pavement S. of Animas., 31.62238 -108.85701
BRYV0055633 D. W. McNeal 4205 1996-08-07
U.S.A., Arizona, Cochise, In an open pasture beside F.S. Rd. #42, 0.7 mi. E. of the Coronado Nat. For. Boundary and 2.9 mi. SE. of the jct. of Hwy. #181., 31.97943 -109.36159
BRYV0055632 D. W. McNeal 4210 1996-08-08
U.S.A., Arizona, Santa Cruz, In rolling grassland beside Hwy. #82, 3.2 mi. SW. of the jct. of Hwy. #83 W. of Sonoita., 31.6575 -110.70414
BRYV0025984 J. Spencer 1154 1998-09-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, 5 mi N of El Colorado.
BRYV0025985 J. Spencer 1119 1998-09-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, About 1 mi E of the summit of the Continental Divide in Sierra La Brena on Sierra Madre Occidental., 30.09138 -108.42631
BRYV0168418 Robert L. Johnson 6056 2018-08-30
U.S.A., Arizona, Cochise, West slopes of Huachuca Mountains, Bear Creek. Near intersection with Montezuma Canyon Rd. Ca 13 air mi sw of Sierra Vista., 31.38117 -110.36363, 1682m
PBRU00054830 1851-00-00
Mexico, Sonora
2231 L. McIntosh 1992-09-02
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo
Paul DeBach 1290-1 1990-12-01
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Las Lisas, ca. 1/4 mile from the sea on the eastern cape, ca. 2 miles north of Cabo Pulmo and 1/2 mile south of Las Barracas., 23.4666667 -109.45, 50m
RSA0094439 Bonnie C. Templeton 8647 1960-09-07
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Between Providencia and La Paz.
RSA0172680 C. A. Purpus 1838 1905-09-00
Mexico, Hidalgo, Pachuca.
RSA0172681 T. M. Howard 67-A
Mexico, Hidalgo, W. of Actopan.
RSA0172682 Richard M. Straw 1413 1958-07-22
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 45 miles northeast of San Luis Potosi., 1768m
RSA0172679 Alice Yates 33 1946-07-09
Mexico, Continuation of Avenida de los Insurgentes S of Mexico City.
RSA0172750 O. H. Guillén A. 16 1985-10-06
Mexico, Mexico, Mpio. Huehuetoca. Carretera Huehuetoca-Coyotepec, 3.5 km . al sur de Huehuetoca., 2260m
RSA0172677 A. Ventura A. 4249 1984-08-31
Mexico, Mexico, Municipio Texcoco: San Miguel., 2400m
RSA0172678 Ynes Mexia 2732 1929-08-16
Mexico, District Federal. San Angel, Pedregal.
RSA0101024 Bonnie C. Templeton 8747 1960-09-09
Mexico, Jalisco, 5 miles North of Lagos de Moreno., 21.430178 -101.92418, 1951m
OBI179990 Mont A Cazier 314 1966-08-17
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Paradise, 31.9347 -109.218
OBI179989 David J. Keil 13531 1979-09-09
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Southern end of the Canelo Hills, c. 0.8 mi. NE of road to Parker Canyon Lake along Sunnyside Canyon Road, 31.42389 -110.41722, 5730m
OBI179988 David J. Keil 19016 1985-09-09
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Southern portion of Santa Rita Mountains; 14.4 miles east from Amado along road to Mount Hopkins (Whipple Observatory), 31.67649 -110.88314, 6300m
CM110568 Whiting, A.F. 492 1934-00-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Charcas
CM110569 Fisher, G.L. s.n. 1935-07-18
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Villa de Obregon, 2271m
CM110570 Gentry, H.S. 1694 1935-09-09
Mexico, Sonora, Pinal, Sierra Charuco
CM223624 Iltis, H.H. 524 1960-07-29
Mexico, Michoacan, 6 km WSW of Jacona, (on road to Los Reyes), 2000m
CM223654 Arsène, G. 2770 1909-07-16
Mexico, Michoacan, vicinity of Morelia, Punguato, 2000m
ASU0302581 C. Sprecher 49 2006-09-07
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Huachuca Mountains. Turkey Track Road .1 mile from Hwy 92. Approx. 20 miles south of Sierra Vista., 31.39 -110.24
ASU0302580 C. Lumer 2504 2006-08-09
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Mule Mountains, Bisbee. Road to Juniper Flats., 31.46 -109.95
ASU0302579 A. Webb 34 2009-08-17
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Juniper Flats in the Mule Mountains, 31.47 -109.97
ASU0302578 C. Daily 169 1999-08-22
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Zacatecas Canyon Hills, Bisbee, 31.46 -109.92
27164 Franklin M A 5315 1987-09-06
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Atascosa Mts, W slope, E above Sycamore Cyn, 1287m
00204 Unknown
United States, Arizona, Coronado National Forest
ASC00043490 J. Orr s.n. 1985-08-25
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Miller Peak Quad., 31.4163 -110.2976, 2438m
ASC00040836 G.J. Rizzo-Orr s.n. 1984-08-29
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Trail to Carr Peak, 14 mi S of Sierra Vista; 5 mi in, trail 107., 31.35124 -110.30306, 2407m
ASC00016440 E. Lehto 4062 1964-09-01
United States, Arizona, Cochise, 8 mi SE of Parker Canyon Lake, 31.372 -110.339, 1524m
ASC00084353 B. Reif 10621 2006-09-29
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, San Rafael State Natural Area; AZGFD Grassland/ Riparian Monitoring. Plot 19D and vicinity near Mexico border., 31.34276 -110.62339, 1450m
ASC00105421 G. Rink 10947 2011-09-10
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Tumacocori Mountains west of Murphy Peak, 31.501262 -111.189084, 1310m
ASC00111800 M. Licher 4600 2014-08-12
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, South of Ruby Road, west of Nogales., 31.37368 -111.15284, 1472m
ASC00120733 G.I. Clifton 47787 2008-09-21
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Portal Quad: Tub Spring Creek; 31.898597 -109.225787, 31.898597 -109.225787, 1807m
DOV0056266 Timothy E. Wilcox s.n. 1894-08-00
United States, Arizona, Cochise, For Huachuca
DOV0056267 Cyrus G. Pringle 660 1885-08-00
Mexico, Chihuahua
DOV0056268 Cyrus G. Pringle 660 1885-08-00
Mexico, Chihuahua, near Chihuahua
DES00047915 Wendy C. Hodgson 14621 2001-08-24
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, foothills of Huachuca Mountains, Coronado National Memorial, Joe's Canyon Trail, within 1/2 mile south of Montezuma Pass parking lot., 31.34908 -110.2851, 2032m
DES00049509 Wendy C. Hodgson 15681 2002-08-24
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Coronado National Forest, Foothills of Santa Rita Mountains, along Arizona Trail and FSR 163, just northwest of Kentucky Camp., 31.75155 -110.7498, 1631m
DES00049872 Wendy C. Hodgson 15572 2002-08-23
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Coronado National Forest, Foothills of Santa Rita Mountains, along Arizona Trail where it intersects FSR 62 (Box Canyon or Greaterville Road)., 31.7977 -110.7473, 1555m
DES00047037 Wendy C. Hodgson 12625 2000-09-08
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Coronado National Forest, Santa Rita Mountains, north of Temporal Gulch, along Forest Service Road 72, ca 4-5 miles north of trailhead and 10-11 miles north of Patagonia, going towards Walker Basin., 31.65287 -110.7948, 1650m
DES00068659 Elizabeth Makings 3055 2009-08-26
USA, New Mexico, Hidalgo County, Peloncillo Mountains; near Rodeo NM; 0.5 miles northeast of the Bioresearch Ranch, 31.73382 -108.972, 1920m
DES00020843 W. Hodgson H-1062 1980-09-06
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Peak Quad. On trail towards Flys Peak, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.8684 -109.279, 2743m
DES00020872 W. Hodgson H-1022 1980-08-30
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Peak Quad. Helispot #10, ca. 1 mi W of Salisbury Trail and Crest Trail junction. Just off Salisbury Trail #263., 31.84639 -109.29083, 2710m