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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Cephalanthus occidentalis (Cephalanthus occidentalis var. californicus, Cephalanthus occidentalis var. pubescens, Cephalanthus pubescens, Cephalanthus occidentalis f. lanceolatus, Cephalanthus occidentalis var. brachypodus, Cephalanthus occidentalis subsp. californicus), Cephalanthus occidentalis va... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 11709

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0129074D. Keil   97471973-09-15
USA, Ohio?, Ottawa, Campus Grand valley State Colleges.

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ASU0129075J.R. Bozeman   451201966-09-09
USA, North Carolina, Davie, 3 mi SSW of Fork

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ASU0129076J.F. Cooke   10021968-09-19
USA, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge, near Swan Ave, Scotlandville

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ASU0129077I.L. Wiggins   57471931-08-28
USA, California, Solano, Near Dozier, on Sacramento-Northern RR between Rio Vista and Dixon

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ASU0129078S.F. Glassman   84911967-07-22
USA, Michigan, Berrien, Stevensville, Grand Mere Lakes; 42.008246 -86.544361, 42.008246 -86.544361

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ASU0129079J.C. Lewis   131968-06-30
USA, Texas, Val Verde, Devil's River, old bridge crossing on Hwy 90; 29.491976 -101.038164, 29.491976 -101.038164

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ASU0129080J.F. Cooke   12151969-06-07
USA, Louisiana, Vermilion, 5 mi W of Kaplan

Elizabeth Makings   12562002-08-24
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, St. David Cienega, southwestern finger of wetland, 31.8397 -110.224, 1133m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0042681A. L. Reina G.   98-5821998-05-24
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Yecora. Arroyo La Quema (A. Milpillas), near Tepoca., 28.43056 -109.0906, 560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0042682A. L. Reina G.   98-5291998-05-24
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Soyopa. Northeast side of Río Yaqui bridge on MEX 16, just south of Tonichi., 28.57083 -109.5525, 200m

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ASU0129081G.C. Tucker   2007-08-28
USA, Illinois, Coles, Mattoon: Lake Paradise, NE shore

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ASU0129082E. Lehto   252661992-05-23
USA, Texas, Dallas, Dallas Nature Center (SW Dallas); 32.73398 -96.90628, 32.73398 -96.90628

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ASU0129083S. Liljestrand   131990-09-26
USA, Texas, Grayson, Loy Lake Park, just off Loy Lake Road, ca. 7 km (by road) North of Highway 82, ca 2.5 km (by road) East of Highway 131, ca. 5.6 km (by air) Southwest of downtown Denison.; 33.73194 -96.59555, 33.73194 -96.59555, 210m

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ASU0129084B.T. Menzies   1351976-00-00
USA, California, Calaveras, Hwy 12 near Valley Springs., 274m

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ASU0129085F.C. Vasek   720-31967-07-20
USA, California, Kern, Sequoia National Forest

G. Rink   19232003-05-08
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, Prescott National Forest, Verde River, close to river's edge., 34.4186 -111.782, 884m

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ASU0129086B.J. Cox   13941969-07-29
USA, Missouri, Boone, Ashland Wildlife Area, E of Ashland, 10-20 ft above creek

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ASU0129087F.R. Waller, Jr.   11261966-08-21
USA, Texas, Deaf Smith, Tierra Blanca Creek, S of Dawn; 34.966019 -102.604927, 34.966019 -102.604927

Andrew Salywon   6571998-09-13
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Little Rincon Mountains, ca. 2 mi. south of Cascabel and south of San Pedro River, 32.2833 -110.35, 1021m

Kathleen C. Rice   25012009-07-21
USA, Arizona, Pinal, Tonto National Forest. Superstition Wilderness Area. First Water Creek, first tributary to the SW, ca. 1 mile SW of First water trailhead. Trail 104., 33.461447 -111.442737, 762m

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ASU0129088T.F. Daniel   441975-06-21
USA, North Carolina, Durham, Little River, near jct of river and Co. 1461; off of Co. 1002, ca 10 mi N of Durham

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0129089L. Ahart   58281987-07-17
USA, California, Butte, along edge of N Fork of Feather River, near Poe Powr House, ca 2 mi SE of Jarbo Gap., 271m

Theresa Price   5102006-09-02
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mt. Ord; east side. Along road to old Ft. Reno (FSR 409) approximately 2.7 miles from Hwy 188. In general drainage of Reno Creek. In big seep area just east of grassy area north of old Fort Reno sign and old water troughs., 33.8796 -111.353, 826m

Elizabeth Makings   10452002-06-12
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, ''Summers'' site, 4 miles west of Curtiss Windmill turnoff at Hwy 80, ~400m west of San Pedro, 31.793 -110.221, 1171m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0307437Liz Makings   60392018-10-18
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Salt River at Priest Drive, 33.433821 -111.957382, - 350m

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ASU0083832Walter Fertig   298162014-07-17
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Mountains, Fish Creek Canyon below narrow bridge on AZ Hwy 88, ca 1.2 miles S of confluence of Lewis and Pranty Creek, ca 5.5 air miles E of Tortilla Flat. T2N R10E S4 SE4SE4, 33.525972 -111.30747, 668m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0129090S. Hines   531960-06-18
USA, Arkansas, Faulkner, Wasson's Farm; 35.18471 -92.32018, 35.18471 -92.32018

Liz Makings   39592012-07-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest; Mesquite Wash, 33.73 -111.51, 620m

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ASU0129091R.L. McGregor   E3411940-07-15
USA, Kansas, Jefferson, 3 mi W Valley Falls; 39.343318 -95.516484, 39.343318 -95.516484, 277m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0129092S. Stewart   6661958-06-17
USA, North Carolina, Lee, S side of Deep River, 2 mi W of Moncure

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ASU0129093S.J. Lombardo   36251971-07-18
USA, Maryland, Cecil, In Susquehanna River Bottom, 0.5 mile south of Conowingo Dam.

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ASU0129094L.C. Higgins   45361971-06-26
USA, Texas, Wheeler, Breaks of Red River below Shamrock and Twitty

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ASU0129095T. Van Bruggen   29311957-07-15
USA, Iowa, Marion, at foot of sandstone bluff, Polk Twp.

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ASU0129096M.D. Holcombe   1976-05-21
USA, Florida, Lafayette, 1 mi from hwy SR-51, 20 mi S from hwy US-27

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ASU0129097H.E. Ahles   857881978-07-24
USA, Massachusetts, Franklin, Montague along Power Canal

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Marc A. Baker   45051982-07-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 10k northeast of Keamond Mt; Sycamore Ck., 33.9065 -111.486, 1200m

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ASU0129098L. Baltzell   51541973-05-24
USA, Florida, Manatee, Along FL 37, near NE corner of Manatee County.

Wendy C. Hodgson   207702005-10-04
USA, Arizona, Pima County, East bank (west-facing) of a sandy north-to-south running drainage in Bear Canyon, Santa Catalina Mountains., 32.3102 -110.799, 839m

Elinor Lehto   38781964-07-09
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tortilla Flat., 33.526 -111.39, 527m

Lyle A. McGill   2621970-07-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Saguaro Lake on Salt River, North of Goldfield Mountains, 33.5574 -111.532

Wendy C. Hodgson   58421990-07-26
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ca. 0.45 miles north of northern entrance to Sunflower, along SR 87, 25 yds northwest of Sycamore Creek., 33.8775 -111.477, 1036m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0129099W.M. Thompson Jr.   4101937-10-02
USA, Pennsylvania, Delaware, 3 mi SW of Darby; 39.892087 -75.304087, 39.892087 -75.304087

L. R. Landrum   98042000-07-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Verde River, ca. 5 mi below Barlett Dam., 33.5637 -111.668, 762m

D. Z. Damrel   1772-B2002-10-18
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Mountains. Off Apache Trail Road, Rt. 88, south side of Canyon Lake., 33.5312 -111.433, 549m

Kathleen C. Rice   8121991-09-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Wilderness Area. Trail 103, with the trailhead at the Canyon Lake Marina., 33.5167 -111.416, 671m

Kathleen C. Rice   8271991-07-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Wilderness Area. Fish Creek Canyon, ca. 8 mi. east of Tortilla Flat Store on Hwy. 88., 33.5166 -111.295

Andrew Salywon   6571998-09-13
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Little Rincon Mountains, ca. 2 mi. south of Cascabel and south of San Pedro River., 32.2833 -110.35, 1021m

K. A. Peterson   10181998-10-17
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South edge of Canyon Lake along Rt. 88 Apache Trail., 33.5975 -111.205

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0129100W.R. Faircloth   1261962-06-25
USA, Georgia, Grady, Hadley Ferry Bridge

L. R. Landrum   95391999-06-25
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hwy 87 at Sycamore Creek; near mile post 213., 33.7988 -111.492, 503m

J. J. Thornber   s.n.1902-09-04
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Fort Lowell., 32.26 -110.88

L. R. Landrum   91261997-10-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ca. 3.3 mi west of Tortilla Flat near mile post 210 on Hwy. 88 (Apache Trail). Canyon Lake., 33.5333 -111.433, 518m

F. M. Irish   1907-09-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tempe. Morroughs slough., 33.4147 -111.909

A. E. Trauth-Nare   253
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sycamore Creek; 0.2 km east of intersection of AZ Route 87 and Forest Service Road 98., 33.793 -111.499

D. Berkenkamp   
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Near Mesa., 33.4222 -111.822

Elinor Lehto   18181963-06-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Le Barge Canyon in Superstition Mountains, 33.4286 -111.418, 713m

E. R. Blakley   B-6591951-08-18
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River bed., 34.7168 -111.99

Marc A. Baker   101911992-09-16
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Tanque Verde Canyon in the vicinity of Tanque Verde Falls., 32.2527 -110.656, 914m

Wendy C. Hodgson   74761993-10-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Where Pine Creek crosses State Route 88 (Apache Trail), near northeast end of Apache Lake., 33.5987 -111.203, 570m

Theresa Wright   16651995-09-01
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Lookout Mountain Quadrangle; south of Winkelman, 3.2k northeast of Lookout Mountain, just east of San Pedro River, 1k due east of Hwy 77; south-east corner of Cooks Lake., 32.8586 -110.719, 646m

Elinor Lehto   142371968-09-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Salt River Canyon, waterfall area near Salt River Canyon Bridge., 33.6195 -110.922

Anna M. A. Jackson   1915-08-14
USA, Arizona, Gila, Black River, 5 mi. above mouth of White River., 33.7107 -110.215, 1402m

C. Y. McCulloch   1331953-06-29
USA, Arizona, Gila, Three Bar Wildlife Area, Four Peaks., 33.6891 -111.241, 823m

C. Y. McCulloch   1958-06-22
USA, Arizona, Gila, Three Bar Wildlife Area, Four Peaks., 33.6891 -111.241, 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Bowers, J.E.   R-12741983-08-27
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Espiritu Canyon, Rincon Mountains., 32.1319 -110.519, 1097m

Lane Butler, Amanda Suchy   2011-11-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tempe; Salt River at Price Road drainage, 33.43 -111.89, 360m

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ASU0095524Elizabeth Makings   10872002-06-27
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, St. David ~3 miles south of Curtis Flat turnoff, 40 m west of irrigation ditch, 31.823 -110.214, 1128m

Theresa Price   5082006-09-02
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mt. Ord. Approx. 2.9 miles west on Reno Creek road (FS 409) in area past (northwest of) where Ft. Reno sign is placed., 33.8798 -111.353, 829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0129069D.H. Vitt   256531979-07-20
USA, Missouri, Crawford, Along Huzzah Creek, just E of Steelville

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ASU0129070R. Goudeau   21976-11-09
USA, Louisiana, St. Landry, along gravel rd off hwy 190 E of Port Barre.

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ASU0129071J.E. Canright   3201947-07-28
USA, Massachusetts, Slab City IV

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ASU0129072D.J. Pinkava   1831958-07-08
USA, Ohio, Ottawa, Haunck's Pond, Middle Bass

Liz Makings   21152005-08-03
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, St. David Cienega just west of upper San Pedro River, 31.8427 -110.227, 1128m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0129073R.R. Halse   69762006-08-01
USA, California, Butte, Chico. In the Lindo Channel Greenway where it crosses under Mangrove Ave.; 39.75083 -121.84355, 39.75083 -121.84355, 92m

University of Arizona Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
443213Stephen Hale   66492021-05-16
Mexico, Sonora, Along Arroyo el Cobre, vicinity of Choquincahue., 26.9808 -108.68063, 527m

407364James S. Henrickson   189281982-06-13
Mexico, Coahuila, Ca. 65 km S of Monclova, in pass of Sierra de Gavia (Cuesta de Muralla) about midway through pass in ls. Canyons, 26.35 -101.35, 1500m

C. E. Jenkins   11501978-10-08
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Rincon Mountains. Saguaro National Park, Rincon Mountain District; Rincon Creek. 2.2 miles east of Madrona., 32.1431 -110.5904

J. Freeland   1591971-02-06
Mexico, Guerrero, North of Acapulco, Hwy. 95, 27.3 miles North of Diane Circle.

C. E. Jenkins   20611979-06-20
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Saguaro National Park, Rincon Mountain District; Rincon Valley. Crossed X-9 Ranch to south side of monument., 32.08611 -110.71139

J. J. Thornber   s.n.1902-09-04
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Fort Lowell, Tucson, 32.2601 -110.8745

G. J. Harrison   21191926-06-13
United States, Arizona, Pinal County, Devils Canyon, 33.3 -111.033333

420717Julia Fonseca   
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Fundushi Spring, 32.30879 -110.79857

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424804Lori Woods   1-12015-08-22
United States, Arizona, Pima, Bear Canyon, along stream, approx 1/4 mi. N. of Pima Co trail head., 32.3041 -110.8024, 814m

420635Julia Fonseca   2013-06-12
United States, Arizona, Pima, Fundoshi Spring, Bear Canyon, on Rancho Fundoshi, aka Segurson, 32.308737 -110.798889, 829m

404022Elizabeth Makings   12562002-08-24
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, St. David Cienega, southwestern finger of wetland, 31.839683 -110.22375, 1133m

299373J. R. Welch   60-921992-07-12
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Fort McDowell Quad, 33.7344 -111.656, 457m

243968J. E. Bowers   R-12741983-08-27
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Espiritu Canyon, Rincon Mountains, 32.3148 -110.4767, 1097m

319828J. J. Thornber   48681909-10-01
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Tucson, Santa Cruz Valley., 32.19389 -110.98417

369517Elizabeth Makings   10452002-06-12
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro Riparian Nat'l Conservation Area, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, ''Summers'' site, 4 mi. W of Curtiss Windmill turnoff at Hwy 80, ~400m W of San Pedro, 31.793017 -110.2206, 1171m

376647Steven P. McLaughlin   81732000-07-25
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Ash Creek, east side of Rincon Mountains., 32.083333 -110.45, 1220m

379310Amanda D. Scholz   2862004-09-07
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Mezcal/Happy Valley Rd. Along Ash Creek., 32.068333 -110.443333, 1190m

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441066Jim Verrier   15022018-10-08
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Rita Mountains, northeast of Gunsight Pass, Fig Tree Spring., 31.86072 -110.74659, 1570m

410765Joan Tedford   11502011-10-11
United States, Arizona, Pima/Apache, Pima Co, Catalina Mountains, Sabino Canyon Rec. Area, near the stream at the west end of the dam bridge., 32.313317 -110.811633, 822m

409864L. R. Landrum   91261997-10-06
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest Ca. 3.3 mi W of Tortilla Flat near mile post 210 on Hwy. 88 (Apache Trail). Canyon Lake., 33.533333 -111.433333

349263M. Bierner   90-1041990-07-15
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Hwy 87, 6.2 mi S of the Gila County Line.

79901F. Shreve   49041916-08-00
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Agua Caliente Ranch, 18 mi NE of Tucson, 32.283333 -110.733333

131865L. N. Goodding   261-581958-08-09
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Canyon above McKenzie Ranch, Rincon Mountains

79931L. Swingle   S-2861916-06-00
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Floodplains of Santa Cruz River, Tucson, 32.208333 -110.983333

101699T. H. Kearney   24071926-07-12
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Fish Creek, 33.525 -111.308333, 660 - 850m

233947P. L. Warren   s.n.1980-06-17
United States, Arizona, Gila County, Fort Reno Cienega, ca. 6 mi W of Pumkin Center, Tonto Basin, 33.930236 -111.412978, 1066m

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