ASU0074011 Marc A. Baker 11563 1994-09-26
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, S of Ash Fork, north of Paulden, 5k southeast of Meath Spring, 4.3k NNE of Cordes Tank; Hell Canyon just below Barrata Spring., 35.0431 -112.405, 1445m
ASU0295832 J. Grellner 7 2012-10-09
USA, Oklahoma, Payne, Southwest of Stillwater at the James McPherson Range. 3605.715’ N 097” 12.0617’ W, 36.09525 -97.201028, 305m
R.D. Thomas 68694 1981-10-13
USA, Louisiana, De Soto, beside Bull Bayou and La 174, 0.8 mi S of Hunter and La 539
E.J. Palmer 68284 1958-11-05
United States, Missouri, Barton, along roadside, near Verdella.
E.J. Palmer 55277 1952-10-07
United States, Missouri, Barton, 2 mi SE of Milford
R.F. Thorne 13457 1953-08-17
USA, Iowa, Emmet, Bog fen, S 21, Emmet Twp.
T. Van Bruggen 1414 1956-09-16
USA, Iowa, Polk, Dry, upland prairie, Sec. 31, Jefferson Twp, R25W, T81N.
T. Van Bruggen 895 1956-08-11
United States, Iowa, Polk, Waterworks Park at Des Moines City Reservoir, Bloomfield Twp.
D. Castaner 4427 1975-10-19
USA, Missouri, Johnson, 5.5 miles N of Warrensburg., 38.841979 -93.739263
J.P. Rebman 841 1988-10-21
United States, Missouri, Barry, Growing near to the Piney Creek Trail.
152896 J. Howell, jr. 56 1934-09-21
United States, Arizona, Apache County, No. Navajo Reservation. 5 mi. south of Beclabito, 36.5003 -109.0009, 1828m
328117 Marc A Baker 11563 1994-09-26
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, South of Ash Fork, north of Paulden, 5k SE of Meath Spring, 4.3k NNE of Cordes Tank; Hell Canyon just below Barrata Spring, 35.04314 -112.40494
ASC00023088 G. May 216 1971-10-12
United States, Illinois, Coles, Adjacent to Lake Charleston, 39.459426 -88.14545
ASC00029101 R. Headlee 991 1972-09-16
United States, Texas, Ochiltree, Along a secondary road about 20 miles west northwest of Perryton along Palo Duro Creek., 36.4861 -101.0809
ASC00022915 L. Phillippe 2124 1972-09-21
United States, Illinois, Crawford, 39.123064 -87.788021
ASC00021226 J.N. Mann s.n. 1963-09-00
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, NW of Golden., 39.808311 -105.294571, 1829m
ASC00013099 GBSH s.n. 1962-09-00
United States, Iowa
ASC00078212 M. Licher 736 2003-09-14
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Sedona. Rattlesnake Canyon, 1/4 mi up from pour-off, 34.768056 -111.6725, 1508m
ASC00078185 M. Licher 62 2001-09-14
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Casner Canyon. 100 yards upstream from seep in sand-filled cracks, 34.890833 -111.719444, 1441m
ASC00040658 R. Graybosch 1260 1980-09-28
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest, W Clear Creek, near Bull Pen Ranch., 34.5328 -111.7036, 1097m
ASC00037809 R. Graybosch 1229 1980-09-13
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Chavez Draw. 2 mi S of Chavez Pass., 34.762 -111.1165, 1920m
ASC00077170 M. Licher 687 2003-08-29
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Sedona. Rattlesnake Canyon, 34.76805556 -111.670278, 1481m
ASC00072912 M. Licher 109 2001-10-14
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Bear Willow Canyon, off Schnebly Hill Road, 34.86805556 -111.73444444, 1390m
UTC00209814 JW Thieret 57233 1990-09-29
United States, Kentucky, Gallatin, Along Hwy 42 ca 0.5--o.6 mi W of Gallatin-Boone county line ca 5 mi W of Verona
UTC00135215 SL Hatch 1136 1972-09-26
United States, Texas, Brazos, Texas A. & M. Range Area 3 miles SW of TAMU on Hwy 60, 30.569 -96.4033
UTC00248166 S. L. Hatch 8306 2002-10-12
United States, Texas, Hays, Ralph Dellano Ranch, 6.8 mi W of Dripping Springs, S of Hwy 290., 30.1991667 -98.1936111, 422m
UTC00079117 GL Webster 6466 1948-09-21
United States, Texas, Burnet, Along TX State Hwy 19 one mi E of Bertram
UTC00135249 SL Hatch 678 1971-09-03
United States, Texas, Brazos, 3 miles SW of Texas A. & M. on Range area on FM 50
UTC00238449 S. Goodrich 25641 1996-09-16
United States, Utah, Uintah, about 1 mile nw. of Davis Spring, 40.3430556 -109.1833333, 1722m
UTC00093882 HR Bennett 1953-10-31
United States, Illinois, McHenry, Crystal Lake
UTC00093883 HR Bennett 1954-09-25
United States, Illinois, Lake, Between NW Highway and Chicago & NW RR at Baldwin Cr Crossin..., 42.1591667 -88.1461111
UTC00201753 AE Brant; MY Sissin 715 1985-09-21
United States, Missouri, Perry, N side of Faits Branch; 2 miles E then NW on gravel roads from State hwy 61; ca. 1.6 air miles SW of Lithium
UTC00001622 J Reverchon
United States, Texas, Dallas, Dallas, 32.7836111 -96.8002778
UTC00001623 H Hapeman sn 1930-09-01
United States, Nebraska, Kearney, Minden, 40.4919444 -98.9438889
UTC00201358 CW Morden 131 1980-09-28
United States, Texas, Brazos, Texas A. & M. Range Study Area off White Creek Rd on Hwy 60
UTC00175342 WB Drew sn 1958-09-11
United States, Missouri, Audrain, 5 mi W of Mexico along Hwy 22 at jct with G.M. & O. RR right-of-way
UTC00015315 RC Friesner 8145 1934-09-22
United States, Indiana, Marion, Pendleton Pike just west of Emerson Avenue
UTC00107744 VH Chase II509 1950-09-02
United States, Illinois, McDonough, South of Bushnell, 40.5430556 -90.5088889
UTC00093931 HR Bennett sn 1953-10-31
United States, Illinois, McHenry, Crystal Lake
UTC00249118 Trent M. Draper 387 2007-05-03
United States, Nevada, Clark, Un-named spring between Calico spring and Ash creek., 36.1538 -115.4245, 1134m
UTC00180839 L Arnow 6181 1983-09-12
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Mt. Rushmore National Memorial ; Black Hills near Visitor Center, 1585m
UTC00017507 J Fults 2801 1934-08-27
United States, Iowa, Humboldt, Ca 3 miles north of Ames
UTC00288939 K. Roberts 1984-08-02
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, 8 mi N. of Lincoln, along the country road
UTC00248089 Santana Villa 28 2004-08-18
United States, Texas, Blanco, Junction of 281 and 1323, 30.3425 -98.4286111
UTC00213176 Gordon C. Tucker 9420 1993-09-21
United States, New York, Rockland, Bear Mountain State Park ; Iona Island, S end near railroad tracks., 41.299426 -73.978743, 1m
UTC00144841 SL Hatch 2105 1975-09-12
United States, Texas, Leon, Bog 1.5 mi NE of Flynn, 31.165 -96.1347222
UTC00079018 GL Webster 6478 1948-09-21
United States, Texas, Burnet, Longhorn Cavern SP ; Along State Park Rd 4 4 miles E of Lon..., 30.6791667 -98.3247222
UTC00249429 Richard R. Halse 7387 2007-08-24
United States, South Dakota, Deuel, Along Clear Lake Road ca .8 miles E of its junction with Sta..., 44.76191 -96.6645, 554m
UTC00209812 JW Thieret 58120 1992-09-25
United States, Kentucky, Campbell, Along Hwy 27 Ca 2 mi N of Alexandria, 38.9961111 -84.4097222
UTC00209813 JW Thieret 56932 1989-09-22
United States, Ohio, Hamilton, Cincinnati
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108062 D. Clark 493 1994-08-05
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, Mesa de Maya Region of southeastern Colorado. Pine Canyon Quad.Located at plunge pools above Pacheco Canyon; at edge of pool., 1712m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108055 R.C. Sivinski 5766 2003-09-09
United States, New Mexico, Guadalupe, Santa Rosa, in Right of Way (R-O-W) of Highway 91., 34.93 -104.68
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108060 S. Wood 98RB008-G1 1998-09-18
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Middle Rio Grande Bosque. Albuquerque Overbank Project., 1504m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108061 Y. Chauvin 98RB009-G7 2000-09-07
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Middle Rio Grande Bosque. Albuquerque Overbank Project., 1504m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108058 Y. Chauvin 98AP001-G8 2000-09-25
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Flora of the Middle Rio Grande Bosque -- Albuquerque Overbank Project. Take west side levee road south from Bridge street in Albuquerque about 3 miles to second turn off into the Bosque. The study site is located within the modifed southern two acres of, 1503m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108057 Chauvin, Yvonne 09UR071-G3 2009-09-30
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Rio Embudo east end of Dixon just below confluence with Ojo Sarco at top of Canoncito valley on private property, 36.18118 -105.83161, 1898m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108065 W.P. Blamey 30 1961-09-00
United States, Texas, Grayson, Black Kettle Forest.
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108059 B. Jacobs 4602 1988-10-21
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Frijoles Quad. Burnt Mesa, ca. 0.25 mile E. of Ponderosa Campground. In La Burn Mesa., 35.828047 -106.3335, 2301m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108054 Y. Chauvin 98RB003-G8 2000-09-06
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Middle Rio Grande Bosque. Alameda Bridge., 1522m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0132362 Jacobs, Brian F. 4602 1988-10-21
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Burnt Mesa, ca. 0.25 mile E of Ponderosa Camp Ground., 35.8103 -106.31614
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108064 J.T. Howell, Jr. 56 1934-09-21
United States, Arizona, Apache, North Navajo, 5 miles south of Beclabito.
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108063 B. Long
United States, New Jersey, Unplaced County, detailed locality information protected
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0108056 J.W. Roller 3293 1952-08-24
United States, New Mexico, Union, On Route 325, just east of Folsom., 36.8337929283 -103.8944237956
2930 W.H. Witte
United States, New Jersey, Cape May, detailed locality information protected
2933 A. Hayden 69 1935-09-20
United States, Iowa, Wright, Pleasant Twp, Sec. 6; Hwy 69, 3 mi N Belmond
3109 A.S. Hitchcock 897 1896-00-00
United States, Kansas, Grove
2932 Bibb, H 193 1937-09-29
United States, Kansas, Ellis, W of Hays
2926 J.B. Norton 894 1896-00-00
United States, Kansas, Riley
2929 Tracy, SM sn 1893-09-22
United States, Mississippi, United States, Starkville
2927 F.E. McDonald sn 1893-10-00
United States, Illinois, Peoria, Peoria
2928 McCarthy, G sn 1888-00-00
United States, California, United States, Inacon
2934 V.H. Chase 1246 1906-08-26
United States, Illinois, Stark, Near Wady Petra
2931 Bibb, H 187 1937-09-29
United States, Kansas, Ellis, Near Hays
3108 P.C. Standley 5313 1908-08-25
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Near Pecos, 2042m
3011 Bibb, H 157 1937-09-29
United States, Kansas, Ellis, W of Hays
38664 A. Hayden 69 1930-09-20
United States, Iowa, Wright, Pleasant Twp, Sec. 6; Hwy 69, 3 mi N Belmond
25304 Northrup, K. 3135 2003-02-09
United States, New Mexico, Union, Sandy-gravely soil along south side of NM hwy 72, 0.5 mi e of Colfax County line, abundant on both sides of the road, with Panicum obtusum, Achnatherum robustum, Elymus, 2034m
21254 Wood, Sarah s.n. 1999-02-18
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Along Rio Grande near Albuquerque, near small stand of Salix exigua and a larger stand of Elaeagnus angustifolia, 1500m
15127 RgSc 550 Field Trip 31 1994-08-18
United States, Texas, Dallam, Along hwy 54, mixed grass prairie
15569 RgSc 550 Field Trip 31 1994-08-18
United States, Ka, Meade, Outside Fowler. A. filifolia, opuntia, asclepius, bogr, erogroatis. gently rolling hills, 1524m
140714 collectors: Kittel and Tasker GK 1998-08-23
United States, Colorado, Bent County, Drainage area within Sand Sage Hills, adjacent to Purgatoire River., 38.02 -103.22, 1177m
185012 collectors: Jenna M. McAleer 850c 2013-09-01
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Soapstone Prairie Natural Area; ust east of Rawhide Flats Road, ca. 0.25 mile northeast of southern parking lot, 40.94 -105.07, 1871m
172107 collectors: Caleb A. Morse 4001 1999-09-22
United States, Kansas, Chase County, .5 mi S, 3.O mi W jct of 240th Rd and Hwy 177 in Cottonwood Falls. W end of Chase CO state Lake., 38.36 -96.59, 390m
140713 collectors: Kittel and Tasker GK 1998-08-23
United States, Colorado, Bent County, Drainage area within Sand Sage Hills, adjacent to Purgatoire River., 38.02 -103.22, 1177m
126835 Donald A. Spencer G-62 1954-08-13
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County, Ralston road W of Arvada
140711 collectors: Craig C. Freeman Caleb A. Morse 15743 2000-08-18
United States, Colorado, Kit Carson County, Kit Carson County, CO Burlington 6 mi E along US24, 39.32 -102.15
140716 collectors: GK 1998-10-06
United States, Kansas, Morton County, Cimerron River at highway 27.
163527 collectors: Tim Hogan 1984 1992-08-29
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Boulder Mt. Parks. Lower Enchanted Mesa., 1768m
140719 collectors: P Ginter 1942-08-12
United States, Colorado, Bent County, Hasty, 38.11 -102.95
140715 collectors: B Hendricks 1923-07-19
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, W of College Lake ca 4 mi W of Ft Collins, 40.57 -105.15, 1584m
140717 collectors: W Graves I 4 1946-10-07
United States, Colorado, Logan County, N of Sterling, 40.65 -103.22
140720 collectors: W Austin 1646 1935-09-04
United States, Colorado, Otero County, Rocky Ford, 38.05 -103.72
140718 collectors: H Harrington 750 1944-08-16
United States, Colorado, Prowers County, 3 mi E of Lamar, 38.09 -102.55, 1066m
1827175 R. L. McGregor 37937 1986-10-14
United States of America, Kansas, Woodson Co., 0.5 mi SW Yates Center, 37.876021 -95.739812
1788063 E. P. Bicknell 11328 1907-10-03
United States of America, New York, Shore near Sands Point, Long Island
01827152 J. Reverchon 1043
United States of America, Texas, Dallas Co., 32.783056 -96.806667
1827155 J. Reverchon 1043
United States of America, Texas, Dallas Co., 32.783056 -96.806667
1788187 J. Reverchon 1043 1880-08-00
United States of America, Texas, Dallas Co., 32.783056 -96.806667
1788047 J. M. Coulter 838
United States of America, Illinois, Mason Co., 40.239648 -89.916784
1788072 W. C. Ferguson 2705 1923-10-02
United States of America, New York, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York, 40.871487 -73.456789