ASU0043941 T. Reeves L-18649 1975-05-27
Mexico, Sonora, Between Nuri and Yécora., 28.412509 -109.128858, 792m
L. R. Landrum 6075 1988-05-03
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, 1524m
David J. Keil 3897 1968-09-14
USA, Arizona, Gila, 1.1 miles below junction of road to Madera Peak and road to Signal Peak, Pinal Mountains., 33.2822 -110.821, 1707m
ASU0043948 Robert A. Bye 3387 1973-02-26
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Huimivo (Barranca Batopilas), above La Bufa; along the arroyo Samachique., 27.333333 -107.583333
Elinor Lehto L-22646 1978-04-24
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mountains, Sabino Canyon., 32.3302 -110.795, 914m
Dixie Damrel 53 1997-10-24
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Madera Canyon., 31.7158 -110.875
M. Butterwick 8216 1982-06-11
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Inspiration 7.5' Quad, Bloody Tanks Wash, near Miami., 33.386 -110.901, 1113m
Elizabeth Logan sn 2004-04-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sycamore Creek at SR 87 Bridge - 7 miles south of Sunflower, 33.7731 -111.502, 786m
T. Elias & D. Petteys 8359 1984-05-25
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Ca 61 miles SSE of Tucson; The Research Ranch near Elgin. Lyle Canyon and creek., 31.6597 -110.525, 1463m
Bruce D. Parfitt 5002-a 1991-05-15
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Southern Huachuca Mountains. Canyon between Montezuma Peak and Ash Peak, and south of mine prospects., 31.3581 -110.249, 1829m
Lyle A. McGill 1981 1978-03-25
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Camp at confluence of Bonita Creek and Gila River., 32.895 -109.895
J. Jeremy Buegge 1122 1999-09-05
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Black Rock Wash. T6S,R21E,sec,NE,E center., 33.0381 -109.951, 1143m
Bruce D. Parfitt 4317 1990-07-15
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Southern Huachuca Mountains. W. of Visitor Center, north of road., 31.3439 -110.265, 1684m
Elinor Lehto 7673-b 1967-02-04
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, 3.9 miles east of Superior., 33.2939 -111.028
Shannon Doan 85 1999-05-16
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, SE of Cave Creek Group Campground, west edge of stream, 33.8388 -111.963, 1036m
Dixie Damrel 86 1997-10-25
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Big Casa Blanca Canyon., 31.6675 -110.805, 1768m
Marc A. Baker 8230 1991-04-13
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Oak Creek., 34.7845 -111.885, 1097m
T. F. Daniel 3428 1984-04-12
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains southwest of Globe, along Forest Service Rd. 112 to Pioneer Pass. Along Pinal Creek from Pioneer Pass to creek crossing ca. 6 mi. northeast of Pass. Ponderosa pine forest., 33.259 -110.817
Ken Bagstad 17 1999-10-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Turnoff on east side of Arizona Rte. 87, 3.5 miles from Gila County line, along Sycamore Creek. Growing ca. 1 m from main channel., 33.6333 -111.665, 1119m
S. Pilversack 245 1999-05-22
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Ramsey Canyon, within the Huachuca Mountains; along Ramsey Creek, about 10 ft. from water., 31.4889 -110.408, 1722m
Elinor Lehto 5406 1965-08-29
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Stewart Camp Grounds in Chiricahua Mountains, 31.890401 -109.168589, 1494m
Elinor Lehto 6403 1966-06-18
USA, Arizona, Graham County, 2.5 mi below Wet Canyon camp grounds., 32.65 -109.82, 1737m
W. L. Minckley 1977-06-30
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, 9 mi northwest of Morenci., 33.1709 -109.475, 1372m
J. & A. Leithliter 448 1976-07-19
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Wilderness Area, Chiricahua Mountains. South Fork, Cave Creek, along stream 1 1/16 mi south of Wilderness boundary., 31.8434 -109.28, 1951m
John H. Weber 159 1970-04-09
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, West side Rt. 87, beside creek, 2 mi. north of Sunflower., 33.8932 -111.467
Harry Tate 40 1966-07-18
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mountains, 0.6 road miles below Molino Basin., 32.4303 -110.705
T. Reeves R-1635 1974-09-08
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Hwy 181 near entrance to Ed K. Riggs Ranch, ca 2 mi west of Chiricahua National Monument., 32.0044 -109.39, 1554m
Shannon Doan 214 1999-07-24
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South side of road into Cave Creek Group Campground, 33.8388 -111.963, 1036m
Elinor Lehto 15273 1968-10-19
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Aravaipa-Bonita Road, 18.5 miles west of U.S. 70., 32.9572 -110.354
Richard Bond 488 2006-10-09
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, R&S Ranch, West Clear Creek, West Clear Creek Flood Plain, north side of channel 1/2 mile east of confluence of WCC and Verde River Elevation 3100 ft. USGS, 34.51606 -111.821772, 975m
Elinor Lehto 10537 1968-03-02
USA, Arizona, Pima County, 4.4 miles above Cactus Campground, Sabino Canyon., 32.32 -110.81
ASU0331332 W. L. Minckley 1977-06-30
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, 9 mi northwest of Morenci., 33.1709 -109.475, 1372m
Elinor Lehto 3964 1964-08-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, 3 miles North of Portal., 31.9571 -109.141, 1433m
Bill T. Johnson 11434 1984-08-22
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Tripp Canyon., 32.6408 -109.843, 1615m
Elinor Lehto 10000 1967-10-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon., 31.406 -111.202
ASU0298748 Julia Fonseca 2016-722 2016-09-10
USA, Arizona, Pima, Cienega Creek Natural Preserve, downstream of Tilted Beds, 31.9975 -110.592, 3522m
W. L. Minckley 1977-05-27
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Bonita Creek., 32.9549 -109.531, 975m
Elinor Lehto 14849 1968-10-12
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Southeast of Patagonia, just north of Boy Scout Camp., 31.5394 -110.756
Elinor Lehto L-22636 1978-04-24
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Santa Rita Mountains, Big Casa Blanca Canyon, at ranch ca. 3 mi. from Hwy (N. Patagonia)., 31.5958 -110.724
J. Jeremy Buegge 345 1998-06-19
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Limestone Canyon. T7S,R21E,sec4,NE. north of Sand Tank near edge of Wilderness., 33.1786 -109.863, 1676m
David Valenciano s.n.
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Marijilda Canyon, Pinaleno Mountains, Mount Graham 7.5'' Quad., 32.6935 -109.793, 1280 - 1311m
Theresa Price 418 2006-08-05
USA, Arizona, Gila, Mt. Ord; At Slate Creek washout turnoff, just off Hwy. 87 approx. 1 mile south of jct of Hwy 87 and old Slate Creek Road (FSR 26?). In creekbed, west side. Approx. 50 yards past the tunnel south of the parking area, right beside highway bank stabilizer., 33.9594 -111.4, 986m
Gregory J. Imdorf 299 1991-09-22
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area; just west of Coon Creek Butte along Oak Creek, along wilderness boundary., 33.7612 -110.922, 1463m
Cal Stott 13813 1966-04-13
USA, Arizona, Sycamore Creek near Sugar Loaf Mountain, 33.8333 -111.417
Marlene Mishler 1072 1966-07-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Sedona at bridge across creek., 34.8624 -111.762, 1292m
Lyle A. McGill 1970-04-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 6 mi south Sunflower, Sycamore Creek., 33.6317 -111.666
David J. Keil 5875 1969-10-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area., 34.9494 -112.054, 1400 - 1400m
Clyde Hinton 1941-06-15
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Oak Creek., 34.841815 -111.778649, 1219m
David J. Keil 1728 1967-05-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 2.8 miles northeast of Sunflower on Beeline Highway at Sycamore Creek., 33.9215 -111.479
M. Butterwick 7628 1981-06-10
USA, Arizona, Gila, Inspiration 7.5' Quad, Sycamore Spring, west of Day Peaks, ca. 3 miles northwest of Miami, AZ., 33.4294 -110.936, 1280m
Dixie Damrel 100 1997-10-25
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sweetwater Spring., 31.715 -110.791, 1707m
S. Forbes 1809 1985-09-16
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, South-central Arizona, south of the town of Globe. Pioneer Pass Recreation Area, off FS Road 112., 33.2822 -110.821, 1707 - 1829m
M. Butterwick 6329 1980-05-05
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, People's Canyon in the vicinity of Sycamore Spring. Arrastra Mt NE. 7.5' Quad., 34.3975 -113.286, 914m
William L. Bowen 1940-04-15
USA, Arizona, Creek bank - front of concession., 960m
D. J. Pinkava 4407 1967-09-23
USA, Arizona, Gila, Rt. 87 north of Payson at the East Verde crossing., 34.3086 -111.343
Shannon Doan 261 1999-09-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Cave Creek trailhead, 33.9769 -111.871
Marc A. Baker 10331 1992-10-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area; Sycamore Creek; ca. 400m southeast of its confluence with Tule Creek., 35.0056 -111.971, 1375m
ASU0091303 David J. Keil 3581 1968-08-24
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sixshooter Canyon, 3.6 miles south of Globe Ranger Station, Pinal Mountains., 33.3419 -110.786
Kathleen C. Rice 899 1991-10-20
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area. Miles Ranch Trailhead to Trails 212 & 213, ca. 12 mi. northwest on Forest Rd. 287, of Magma Copper Mine turnoff from Hwy. 60., 33.4443 -111.087, 1707m
Kathleen C. Rice 747 1991-09-14
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area. Trail 109. Roger's Trough Trailhead, ca. 12 mi. north of Hwy. 60 on Queen Creek Road turnoff., 33.4298 -111.174, 1524m
Elinor Lehto 12823 1968-05-04
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 3 miles north of Sunflower., 33.9077 -111.467
Minckley et al. 1977-05-27
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Bonita Creek, 32.9549 -109.531, 976m
Edward Gilbert 866 2001-10-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Lower West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek, about 9 miles north of Sedona. 1.5 miles up stream from canyon mouth along WF trail near 1.5 mile marker. Within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness area., 34.9964 -111.754, 1646m
David J. Keil 1370 1967-04-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Fish Creek Bridge on the Apache Trail., 33.5975 -111.205
J. J. Thornber 4418 1901-11-02
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Rillito East of Tucson., 32.27 -110.88
D. J. Pinkava 10829 1973-04-27
USA, Arizona, Pima County, 16.1 mi south of Oracle on road to Mount Lemmon and 0.4 mi east on ranch road., 32.3772 -110.77
Aiko Nagahisa 771 2006-03-15
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, Computer Center, Planting East side of building 5., 33.51158 -112.12994
Lyle A. McGill LAM-1173 1977-04-21
USA, Arizona, Graham County, On lower Bonita Creek, near confluence with Gila River, 6.3 rd. mi northeast of town of Sanchez, 13.3 mi northeast of US Hwy 70 in Solomon., 33.1667 -110.135
MF Wojciechowski 994 2002-05-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ca 0.5 mile N of mile marker 212 on AZ Hwy 87; W of hwy near overpass over Sycamore Creek, 33.8 -111.483
Elizabeth Makings 1036 2002-06-12
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, ~300 m north of Charleston Rd, west bank of San Pedro, 31.6276 -110.175, 1216m
L. R. Landrum 9538 1999-06-25
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hwy 87 at Sycamore Creek; near mile post 213. (33*47.93'N, 11*29.49'W)., 33.6333 -111.665, 503m
M. F. Wojciechowski 994 2002-05-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, ca. 0.5 mi north of mile marker 212 on AZ highway 87, west of highway near overpass over Sycamore Creek, 33.8 -111.483
ASU0299420 Sam Loftin s.n.
United States, Arizona, Garden Canyon, Huachuca Mountains
Marc A. Baker 15015 2002-10-09
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Bradshaw Mountains, Castle Creek; 4.5km WSW of Bumble Bee; riparian woodland of Celtis reticulata, Platanus wrightii, and Sapindus saponaria; Bumble Bee USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle, 34.1967 -112.202, 860m
Elinor Lehto 8927 1967-06-08
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 2 miles north of Patagonia., 31.5685 -110.756
L. R. Landrum 11715 2012-07-24
USA, Arizona, Pinal, Tonto National Forest, Queen Creek Canyon, just N of Oak Flat and Hwy 60, near FS road 2458, 33.3159 -111.055083, 1219m
Delzie Demaree 43697 1961-04-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, P.O. Mesa., 33.4222 -111.822, 396m
Ray Amundson 1964-04-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Four miles south of Apache Lake., 33.5908 -111.343, 610m
Raul Gutierrez 251 2003-09-05
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, 0.2 miles south of entrance to Tonto NF from Claypool, Arizona, along Forest Road 55, 33.6388 -111.115
ASU0296681 Walter Fertig 31311 2016-06-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Arizona Uplands, foothills of Mazatzal Mountains, east of AZ Hwy 89 and north of Sunflower, Sycamore Creek north of confluence with Kitty Joe Canyon. T6N R9E S17 SW4 NW4, 33.867103 -111.466141, 1036m
Tom McMahan 1964-04-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 4 miles south of Apache Lake., 33.5328 -111.343, 762 - 914m
Elinor Lehto 6079 1966-04-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Bushnell Tanks, north of Sunflower., 33.8642 -111.467
Elinor Lehto 549 1962-04-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ariz. 87, 4.1 miles north of Sunflower., 33.9237 -111.467, 1372m
Elinor Lehto 18074 1974-04-20
USA, Arizona, Gila, Ariz. Rd #55A Russell Canyon, ca. 8 to 15 mi south of Claypool., 33.1935 -110.842
Marc A. Baker 8418 1991-05-26
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon., 31.3959 -111.206, 1106 - 1155m
ASU0307650 Sue Carnahan 2493 2017-04-30
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Middle Josephine Canyon, approx. 1 km E (upstream) of where FSR 143 (Bull Springs Rd) crosses the canyon, southern Santa Rita Mtns, Coronado National Forest., 31.64049 -110.8849, 1510m
ASU0080296 Frankie S. Coburn 721 2012-05-22
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Bottom of Verde River canyon at Mormon Pocket; ca. 5km NW of Sycamore Canyon coinfluence and 14km N of Clarkdale., 34.886166 -112.126846, 1100m
Steve Jones 888 1989-04-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Four Peaks Wilderness. Picadilla Creek, in the NW corner of wilderness. Riparian habitat in wash, chaparral plants on N-facing slope, Sonoran desertscrub plants on S-facing slopes. Near bend in creekbed to N, 33.72 -111.44, 1045m
Dixie Z. Damrel 3612 2006-05-04
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Agua Fria National Monument. Bishop Creek, northeast of Hackberry Wash., 34.2253 -112.008, 1151m
ASU0296239 John L Anderson 2016-25 2016-05-02
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Sierra Elenita, 7.7 km (airmiles) WNW of Cananea, canyon below antennas on east side, spring at junction at lower road, 31.004907 -110.3693, 1824m
L. R. Landrum 9442 1999-05-07
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Road to Seven Springs, ca. 0.5 mi. south of Seven Springs campground., 33.9667 -111.867, 1067m
ASU0091635 Walter Fertig 29018 2013-10-27
USA, Arizona, Graham, Aravaipa Canyon, ca 0.4 miles N of The Chimney, 1.5 miles E of confluence with Turkey Creek, ca 42 air miles W of Safford., 32.89825 -110.418393, 969m
ASU0119814 R. & M. Spellenberg 3842 1974-09-01
USA, New Mexico, Hidalgo, at S end of Alamo Hueco Mts at Dog Springs
Chris Kline 2003-09-13
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua Mts. West of Portal, Sunny Flat Campground, 31.885 -109.175556, 1554m
430607 Julia Fonseca 2016-722 2016-09-10
United States, Arizona, Pima, Cienega Creek Natural Preserve, downstream of Tilted Beds, 31.9975 -110.592, 1062m
George M. Ferguson 2313 2000-04-30
Mexico, Sonora, Imuris Municipio, Sierra La Madera, Arroyo El Oso, 2.5 km (by road) S Rancho Los Tubos (2.5 km W and 5.5 km S Microondas Las Aguilas), 30.691667 -110.783333, 1120 - 1200m
195855 A. M. Carter 1975-05-01
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo Hondo, 10 mi (by road) N of Nuri, above Arroyo Hondo, Son., 28.2 -109.3
268608 H. S. Gentry 1958-11-15
Mexico, Sonora, Santa Ana Ca. Sierra de Yécora, Son.
330435 R. S. Felger 1962-12-30
Mexico, Sonora, Imuris, Agua Caliente, 3.6 mi by road (Mex. 15) S of La Casita, N of Sonora, Mpio. Imuris, Son.
330434 R. S. Felger 1960-06-05
Mexico, Sonora, Nacozari de Garcia, Sierra de Nacozari, 11 mi by road to Angostura and Opunto E of Esqueda-Nacozari road, then by foot ca. 1 mi southward, Mpio. Nacozari de Garcfa, Son.