ASU0096624 Granfelt, C. 69-137 1969-06-14
USA, Arizona, Apache, Fort Apache Indian Reservation Badger Lake. Found growing on deepest portions of water areas on this marsh., 33.901 -109.833, 2165 - 2171m
163558 Carl-Eric Granfelt 66-77 1966-06-15
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Fort Apache Indian Reservation., 34.0749 -109.937, 2097m
173557 Carl-Eric Granfelt 69-137 1969-06-14
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Badger Lake, Fort Apache Indian Reservation., 33.9167 -110.1679, 2164m
F. B. Rickert 97 1962-07-25
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Water Canyon Road -- near Horse Creek between bridge and logging road., 34.0533 -109.2953
ASC00055145 L. Hebert 72-5-7a 1972-07-06
Canada, Quebec, Ile des Soeurs, 45.45 -73.55
ASC00009095 C. Deaver s.n. 1939-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, 1 mile north of headwaters, Lake Itasca, 47.254143 -95.212216, 305m
ASC00061694 G. McReese s.n. 1966-07-21
United States, Montana, Flathead, Smith Lake, 48.116581 -114.444414
ASC00023207 D. Keil 5104 1969-06-18
United States, Illinois, Du Page, Oak Grove Forest Preserve Southeast of Downers Grove., 41.794722 -88.016944
ASC00061693 K. Button s.n. 1973-08-04
United States, Ohio, Logan, Moundwood Recreation Area, Indian Lake, 40.51139 -83.89966
ASC00099659 J. McGrath 666 2004-08-12
United States, New Mexico, Otero, South side of FR 437 in Potato Canyon., 32.768741 -105.653373, 2499m
ASC00099648 J. McGrath 506 2003-07-23
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Private property on Cieneguilla Grant, approx. 6 miles SW of Santa Fe., 35.59 -106.12, 1920m
ASC00055146 L. Hebert 72-5-7b 1972-07-06
Canada, Quebec, Ile des Soeurs, 45.45 -73.55
ASC00099837 J. McGrath 506 2003-07-23
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Private property on Cieneguilla Grant, approx. 6 miles SW of Santa Fe., 35.59 -106.12, 1920m
ASC00061711 unknown s.n. 1975-09-06
United States, Arizona, Apache, Rose Creek, White Mountains, 33.91056 -109.58444, 2743m
ASC00104811 M. Licher 3571 2012-07-31
United States, Arizona, Apache, White Mountain Apache Tribal Lands, northeast portion of McNary mill pond, on north side of Hwy 260., 34.072861 -109.845611, 2230m
John C. Roos 2628 1943-04-27
United States, California, San Bernardino, swamp south of San Bernardino, 34.07139 -117.2775, 305m
F.M. Reed 5373 1927-05-20
United States, California, Riverside, alkaline lake west of Temecula, 33.50528 -117.28389
H.C. Sharma 760518--01 1976-05-18
United States, California, Riverside, Riverside, Santa Ana Riverbottom, Louis Rubidoux Nature Center, c. 0.5 mi SW of main building, 33.97694 -117.42778, 229m
David J. Keil 12486 1977-08-07
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Turri Road c. 0.25 mile from Los Osos Valley Road, 35.304 -120.77606, 16m
Paul Reisentz s.n. 1978-05-28
United States, California, Kern, 3 mi NW of Weldon near South Fork of the Kern River, 35.70356 -118.30117
Charlotte M. Hoak s.n. 1931-07-13
United States, California, Mendocino, Ten Mile River, 39.54889 -123.76222
C.W. McLellan 1876 1941-07-27
United States, Arizona, Apache, 3 mi E of McNary, 34.07042 -109.80386, 2312m
R.D. Worthington 31564 2002-08-13
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Canyon at Sacramento Lake, 2591m
Angelique Herman 2016--06 2016-07-30
United States, California, Fresno, House Meadow, along McKinley Grove Rd, National Forest land, 37.00022 -119.02838, 2172m
Springer 721
USA, California
1607 J. Schoenwetter 1607
Canada, Alberta, Saunder Lake
UTC00098878 Tracy, Joseph P. 2987 1912-08-20
United States, California, Humboldt County, Lower eal River Valley
UTC00095598 Mason, Herbert L. 12662 1945-08-17
United States, California, Solano County, Bank of Sacramento River near Rio Vista
UTC00095980 Mason, Herbert L. 13016 1946-08-14
United States, California, Butte County, Canal near big pond on Sacramento Outing Club Butte Sink
UTC00095979 Nobs, Malcolm A. 1461 1949-08-19
United States, California, Plumas County, Marshy pond on southeastern side of Portola
UTC00095978 Nobs, Malcolm A. 663 1948-09-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo County, Arroyo Grande Creek near mouth
UTC00233753 Charles R. Williams CRW-017 1996-06-08
United States, Oregon, Lake, Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge ; West of Hart Mountain National Antelope Wildlife Refuge. Along channel about 0.5 mile N of Hart Mountain Road.
UTC00062386 8155 1935-08-10
United States, California, Marin, creek at head of Tomales Bay
UTC00019345 1433 1935-08-28
United States, Oregon, Lane, Sandbar , Williamette River , at Eugene , Williamette Valley
UTC00030378 Bassett Maguire 13903 1936-06-22
United States, Utah, Davis, Saline marsh contiguous SE boundary of Farmington Water Fowl Refure
UTC00248545 Loran C. Anderson 22135 2006-07-14
United States, Utah, Cache, 3.8 mi W of 10th W on S side Rte 30 (2nd N of Logan)., 41.74573 -111.93441, 1348m
UTC00153720 A. Tiehm 3783 1977-07-30
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Humboldt River east of Golconda T36N, R41E, sec. 21, 40.980293 -117.361748, 1332 - 1332m
UTC00134835 G.W. Nickell 285 1971-06-12
United States, Nevada, Nye, White River, 3 miles south of state highway 38 , on road to Adams McGill Reservoir, 1524m
UTC00153721 A. Tiehm 3619 1977-07-14
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Lahonton Reservoir, sloughs at the end of 9th St. T17N, R25E , sec . 15,22, 1274m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0109212 J. McGrath 506 2003-07-23
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Private property on Cieneguilla Grant, approx. 6 miles SW of Santa Fe., 35.606026 -106.113952, 1920m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0109210 J. McGrath 640 2004-08-11
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Silver Springs Canyon. Wetland just E of intersection of Hwy 44 and FR 405., 33.000127 -105.658954, 2407m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0109211 J. McGrath 666 2004-08-12
United States, New Mexico, Otero, South side of FR 437 in Potato Canyon., 32.768741 -105.653373, 2499m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0109300 R.D. Worthington 31564 2002-08-13
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mountains, Sacramento Canyon, at Sacramento Lake., 32.752 -105.778, 2590m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0109301 R.D. Worthington 31534 2002-08-14
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mountains, Silver Springs Canyon and highway 24 at junction forest service road 404 (Dry Canyon Road)., 32.99662593 -105.6631491, 2407m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0133234 Robert C. Sivinski 8005 2011-06-30
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Simons Ranch, ca 2 miles NE of La Cienega., 35.57551 -106.09993, 1856m
UNM:Vascular Plants
Jim McGrath 640 2004-08-11
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Silver Springs Canyon. Wetland just east of intersection of Hwy 44 and FR 405.
UNM:Vascular Plants
Jim McGrath 666 2004-08-12
United States, New Mexico, Otero, In small pond south side of FR 437 in Potato Canyon in S/2 sec. 6, T18S R13E.
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0109209 J.E. Nellessen 78 2005-09-07
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Lincoln National Forest, Pendleton Spring, south of Cloudcroft., 32.78242 -105.58703
71459 R.D. Worthington 31534 2002-08-14
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mtns, Silver Springs Can. & Hwy 24 at Jct. FSR 404 (Dry Canyon Rd.), 2408m
71460 R.D. Worthington 31564 2002-08-13
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mtns, Sacramento Canyon at Sacramento Lake, 2591m
192 J.B. Norton 531 1895-06-27
United States, Kansas, Riley
190 H. Hapeman sn 1896-06-30
United States, Nebraska, Kearney, Minden.
191 A. Hayden 773 1934-06-24
United States, Iowa, Clay, Mud Lake
194 J. Lunell sn 1906-07-09
United States, North Dakota, Benson, Leeds
193 E.L. Moseley sn 1895-06-19
United States, Ohio, Erie, Perkins Tp.
24453 Worthington, R.D. 31534
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts
1798 D.A. Zimmerman and A.D. Zimmerman 1972-07-24
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, Burnside Twp
171587 collectors: D Rathke 1972-07-00
United States, Iowa, Dickinson County, Kettlehole; Milford, Iowa.
153908 collectors: R A Ryder 1949-06-20
United States, Colorado, Alamosa County, along Rio Grande River, 37.46 -105.85, 2286m
102704 collectors: R M Ballou 33 1960-08-11
United States, Colorado, Rio Grande County, Monte Vista Nat Wildlife Refuge 7 mi S of Monte Vista, 37.48 -106.12, 2286m
153906 collectors: W M Johnson 233 1972-07-13
United States, Colorado, Weld County, Area of St Vrain atomic power plant, 40.27 -104.76, 1463m
153907 collectors: H Harrington 2367 1946-07-17
United States, Colorado, Yuma County, shallow still water 0.25 mi W of Laird, 40.08 -102.11, 1036m
189306 collectors: Jennifer Ackerfield Pam Smith 3915 2011-07-23
United States, Colorado, Lincoln County, Brett Gray Ranch east of Colorado Springs. Along wetland and adjacent drainage., 38.71 -103.86, 1607m
178345 collectors: Pam Smith D-2013-04 2013-10-02
United States, Colorado, Denver County, Rocky Mountains Lake, Denver., 1631m
171586 collectors: John K. Small 4540 1892-07-08
United States, Virginia, Smyth County, Collected on the Island Marion., 640m
171589 collectors: B. Shinek 1909-08-11
United States, Iowa, Dickinson County, Miller's Bay Hotel. West Akoboji Lake.
3707560 J. Lunell s.n. 1909-07-02
United States of America, North Dakota, Benson Co., 48.288888 -99.437635
120616 G. Engelmann s.n. 1867-06-00
United States of America, Missouri, Saint Louis Co., 38.6333 -90.4
3707584 J. M. Fogg Jr. 18690 1941-07-25
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Montgomery Co., Along Schuylkill River 1 mi. n.w. of West Manayunk
02331759 W. D. Longbottom 15873 2011-08-16
United States of America, Maryland, Garrett Co., Town of Finzel, Piney Run Reservoir, growing along the edges of the lake on the south shore, 39.70967 -79.00031
3707595 M. E. Jones 651 1878-08-19
United States of America, Colorado, Denver Co., Platte River, 39.724978 -105.015656, 1524m
3707568 N. P. Tulen 1339 1893-06-17
United States of America, Nebraska, Thomas Co., On Middle Loup River, near Thedford
02841345 R. F. C. Naczi 16506 2016-08-06
United States of America, New York, Dutchess Co., 1.6 mi N of Wingdale, 0.2 mi W of Cricket Hill Road, 0.2 mi E of route 22, 41.66998 -73.57289
3707585 J. H. Christ 522 1929-07-22
United States of America, Idaho, Boundary Co., Porthill, Culbert and Spence. On edge of slough.
3707426 M. E. Jones s.n. 1879-08-00
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake Co., Salt Lake City., 40.760779 -111.891047
02549643 D. E. Atha 15143 2015-06-24
United States of America, New York, New York Co., Central Park, Castle and Turtle Pond, Turtle Pond, north shore. Between 80th and 81st Streets and between 6th and 7th Avenues, 40.77965 -73.967683, 30m
3707459 M. McKee 1544 1932-09-14
United States of America, Indiana, Newton Co., .5 mi. W. of Bogus I.
3707314 M. McKee 1543 1932-09-14
United States of America, Indiana, Newton Co., About .5 mi. W. of Bogus I.
3707485 T. G. Yuncker 10676 1941-08-30
United States of America, Indiana, Kosciusko Co., Lake Dewart
3707532 G. J. Goodman 2780 1936-06-26
United States of America, Colorado, San Juan Co., 20 miles south of Silverton, 37.521953 -107.664506
3707517 L. C. Anderson 1166 1958-06-20
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., Frequent in 12 inches of water; 1¾ miles east of U.S. highway 89. 2¼ miles southeast of Paris, Idaho.
02172941 H. N. Moldenke 4958 1929-07-26
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., New York Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, 40.856767 -73.875413
02172951 P. Wilson s.n. 1899-06-17
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Bronx Park, 40.862756 -73.876881
02172952 G. V. Nash 308 1896-06-27
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Bronx Park, 40.862756 -73.876881
01116226 D. E. Atha 8026 2009-08-10
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., New York City. Grounds of The New York Botanical Garden. N of Waring Ave and W of the Bronx River, 40.8625519 -73.878605, 29m
02172942 C. L. Gilly 49 1939-06-23
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., New York Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, 40.856767 -73.875413
3707470 W. R. Dudley s.n. 1870-06-09
United States of America, Lake Shore
3707455 J. H. Christ 521 1929-07-22
United States of America, Idaho, Boundary Co., Porthill, by Hulbert and Spence. On slough.
02729369 S. K. Harris 13014 1957-07-11
United States of America, Massachusetts, Essex Co., Tuxbury Pond, Amesbury
3707511 C. L. Porter 6448 1954-06-16
United States of America, Nebraska, Cherry Co., Roadside ditches in the sandhills about 30 miles south of Valentine, 42.438183 -100.550967, 853m
3707462 J. H. Christ 19134 1949-10-12
United States of America, Idaho, Kootenai Co., 2 miles southwest of Coeur d'Alene. At the Meadows, in colonies in shallow water on the edge of the lake.
3707640 M. Ownbey s.n. 1939-09-24
United States of America, Idaho, Benewah Co., Mud flats, Lake Chatcolet., 47.368893 -116.764906
3707582 P. H. Raven 13373 1958-06-21
United States of America, Oregon, Harney Co., At edge of marsh, 7.4 miles south of Burns on road to Narrows.
3707550 S. S. Visher 2052 1911-07-08
United States of America, South Dakota, Washabaugh Co. Bear Creek, 45.062203 -101.445988
3707437 M. E. Jones 1072 1879-07-24
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake City., 1311m
3707448 Tracy 606 1887-07-30
United States of America, Utah, Ogden., 41.223 -111.97383
3707461 J. H. Christ 18585 1949-07-09
United States of America, Idaho, Bear Lake Co., One-half mile east of Ovid. In marsh at north end of Bear Lake.
3707438 S. Watson 1128 1869-06-00
United States of America, Utah, Mouth of Jordan River., 1311m
3707466 P. A. Rydberg 384 1891-08-17
United States of America, Nebraska, Cheyenne Co., Lodge Pole Creek, East of Potter
3707446 J. B. Leiberg 1305 1895-07-15
United States of America, Idaho, From the region of the Coeur d’Alene Mountains. Near Slackwater, St. Josephs River [St. Joe River]., 658m