United States, Utah
PH00592343 I. W. Clokey 7475 1937-04-21
United States, Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon, 36.276111 -115.554897, 1800m
United States, California
PH00592345 S. B. Parish s.n. 1882-05-00
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert, 35.41665 -115.584165
PH00592346 I. W. Clokey 7475 1937-04-21
United States, Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon, Charleston (Spring) Mountains, 36.276111 -115.554897, 1800m
Aiko Nagahisa 53 2006-01-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, College of Science and Math, plantings South side of building 27., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0101319 Bruce Parfitt 1179 1977-04-16
USA, Nevada, Clark, 10.6 miles west of the junction of Hwys 39 [now NV Hwy 157] and 95; along the highway to Charleston Park, about 20 miles northwest of Las Vegas., 36.278313 -115.46204
ASU0101320 Georgia Mason 332 1960-03-25
USA, California, Inyo, Amargosa Desert, near Death Valley, 36.609886 -116.711211
ASU0101321 Elinor Lehto 12395 1968-04-11
United States, Nevada, Clark, 13.5 miles west of Searchlight, 35.48695 -115.16453
ASU0101322 McLeod 1025 1972-01-20
USA, Nevada, Clark, 14.2 miles west of Searchlight, McCullough Range, 35.481206 -115.172981
ASU0101323 Georgia Mason 332 1960-03-25
USA, California, Inyo, Amargosa Desert, near Death Valley, 36.609886 -116.711211
ASU0101324 James Henrickson 9508 1973-04-28
USA, California, San Bernardino, 2 miles S of Cima towards Kelso, 35.208362 -115.504629, 1250m
ASU0101325 James Henrickson 12656 1973-08-29
USA, California, San Bernardino, 48 air miles E of Baker, 10 air miles SE of Ivanpah along New York Mountain Road 0.3 miles W of Ivanpah Road, 35.26199 -115.22169, 1341m
ASU0101326 E. Lehto 12394 1968-04-11
United States, Nevada, Clark, 13.5 miles west of Searchlight, 35.46503 -115.160126
ASU0097814 Wendy Hodgson 10765 1998-09-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix [plant originally collected by Hubert Earle, 2.7 miles west of Wickenburg, Arizona, along Hwy 93], 33.459167 -111.943056, 335m
ASU0101105 Elinor Lehto l22998 1978-05-31
United States, Arizona, Mohave Co., Dolan Springs Rd, 4 mi NE Dolan Springs, 35.632951 -114.222842
ASU0101094 Nash, McGill, Hensel, Lehto, Pinkava, E. Lehto 1973-02-18
USA, AZ, Mohave Rte 93, 1.9 mi N of Chicken Spring Rd. j.n in Wikieup.
ASU0101112 Clyde Hinton 1947-06-14
ASU0101095 Larry C. Higgens 13076 1983-03-18
USA, AZ, Mohave, Lifflefield, on the north side of town near the interstate hwy
544 A. E. Garwood 5370 1981-03-18
United States, Arizona, Pima, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum; Cultivated on the grounds., 32.233333 -111.166667, 869m
BRIT422980 Richard Spjut 15742 2004-03-13
United States, Nevada, BLM. Mojave Desert: Hwy 95 just S of Lee Canyon Rd., 36.451861 -115.431194, 1000m
BRIT422916 I. W. Clokey 7475 1937-04-21
United States, Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon, Charleston (Spring) Mountains., 1800m
BRIT422915 W. Hess 8886 2000-04-11
United States, Nevada, Clark, 10 mi SE of Pahrump and St. Hwy 160, towards Carperter Canyon, Charleston Mts., 36.163333 -115.847333
BRIT422914 James Henrickson 9508 1973-04-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, 2 miles S of Cima towards Kelso; in Joshua Tree Woodland.
BRIT422913 Larry C. Higgins 13076 1983-03-16
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Littlefield, on the N side of town near the interstate hwy.
BRYV0026287 D. P. Faulkner s.n. 1978-04-08
U.S.A., California, San Bernardino, 5 mi S of Needles on Highway 95.
BRYV0026286 N. Duane Atwood 27132 2001-04-21
U.S.A., Arizona, Mohave, Grand Canyon Parashant NM, 1.75 mi. e. of Grand Wash on BLM 111 from jct. with 113., 36.36146 -113.97827, 600m
BRYV0026285 Larry C. Higgins 6497 1973-04-15
U.S.A., Arizona, Yavapai, Joshua Tree Parkway along hwy 93 northwest of Wickenberg.
BRYV0026283 James D. Morefield 4437 1987-05-14
U.S.A., California, Mono, White Mountains: ca 1 mile NNE of the mouth of Furnace Creek, 1.1 mile N28¼W of Wildhorse benchmark 5484. Fishlake Valley drainage., 37.57346 -118.00818, 1594m
BRYV0026282 Ralph K. Gierisch 4118 1978-03-23
U.S.A., Arizona, Mohave, Cedar Wash., 36.96826 -113.80022, 853m
BRYV0026281 Ann Piznl 12750 1998-04-06
U.S.A., Nevada, Clark, West of Spring Mts, road to Sandy Valley, 2 road miles south of Rte 160., 35.99814 -115.47715, 1440m
BRYV0026280 G. Baird 360 1983-10-14
U.S.A., Nevada, Clark, 5 mi S of Mesquite.
BRYV0026279 Cottam 1156 1927-04-14
U.S.A., Arizona, Mohave, Beaver Dams., 475m
BRYV0026278 Stanley L. Welsh 16485A 1978-04-27
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, W flank of Glenwood Mt, Monroe Mts. Monroe Hot Springs., 38.64021 -112.09741, 1707m
BRYV0026277 P. A. Cox 1470 1994-04-15
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Road to Beaver Dam wash, 1 km too main., 38.02333 -113.73333, 1128m
BRYV0026276 Erik Hamerlynck 132 1987-03-12
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, On Interstate 15, 2.5 miles north of St. George., 884m
BRYV0026275 Stanley L. Welsh 12672 1975-04-04
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, TerryÕs Ranch, Beaver Dam Wash.
BRYV0026273 Stanley L. Welsh 1474 1961-04-08
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, At TerryÕs Ranch, in Beaverdam Wash., 37.08836 -114.0321
BRYV0026272 Larry C. Higgins 433 1966-04-09
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaverdam Mts. at Terrys Ranch.
BRYV0026271 Gary I. Baird 2577 1987-04-23
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Mts, mouth of Indian Canyon., 37.14639 -113.92387, 1280m
BRYV0026270 B. Franklin 449 1984-04-22
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Red Hollow Spring on Motoqua Rd., 37.30819 -113.9248
BRYV0026269 Stanley L. Welsh 20293 1981-04-03
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Motoqua Road, ca 7 mi W Gunlock, Beaver Dam Wash slope., 37.30827 -113.87035, 1219m
BRYV0026268 Kaye H. Thorne 464A 1978-04-30
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, 2 mi E of TerryÕs Ranch, on dirt road going toward Castle Cliff., 37.10285 -113.96004, 930m
Yucca brevifolia var. McKelvey Engelm.
BRYOGDF00713 I. W. Clokey 7475 1937-04-21
U.S.A., Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon; Charlston (Spring) Mtns., 1800m
BRYV0026274 N. Duane Atwood s.n. 1991-04-09
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Along I-70 ca. 7.5 mi. N of St. George and 1/2 mi. S of Harrisburg Jct. to Hurricane. Roadside between freeway., 37.16755 -113.46267, 905m
BRYV0026284 D. P. Faulkner s.n. 1978-04-08
U.S.A., California, San Bernardino, 5 mi S of Needles on Highway 95.
BRYV0206882 Mark Madsen 9583 2018-04-13
U.S.A., Arizona, Mohave, Found ca 5 air miles N of Beaver Dam., 652m
PBRU00009103 Percy Train 1937-05-01
United States of America, California, Inyo County
RSA0384695 Carl B. Wolf 6602 1935-04-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert, Barstow - Cave Springs road. Avawatz Mts. 1 mile south of Cave Springs., 1067m
RSA0069670 Cheryl Sevilla 8 2015-02-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, Just north of I-15 on BLM Rd NN389 between Halloran Summit and Halloran Spring. 0.9 miles west of the Halloran Summit highway exit., 35.40171 -115.80823, 1226m
RSA0384640 Naomi Fraga 669 2003-05-02
United States, California, Kern, Sierra Nevada; Southern Sierra Nevada region: THE OWENS PEAK EASTERN WATERSHED. Buena Vista Canyon, small canyon draining into the southwest side of Indian Wells Canyon off. Drainage of Morris Peak (Owens Peak 7.5' USGS Quad)., 35.69323 -117.9554, 1524m
RSA0384666 P. A. Munz 5289 1922-05-07
United States, California, San Bernardino, So. Edge, Mojave Desert. Between Keyes Ranch and Quail Springs., 915m
RSA0033523 Naomi Fraga 4228 2013-03-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Transverse Ranges; San Bernardino Mountains region: Arrastre Creek crossing off Smarts Ranch Road, Lone Valley. (Rattlesnake Canyon Quad)., 34.27462 -116.74503, 1837m
RSA0384675 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1926-05-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cactus Flat in Cushenbury Canyon.
RSA0053923 Duncan S. Bell 7057 2014-05-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Transverse Ranges; San Bernardino Mountains region: Bighorn Mountains; within the Bighorn Mountains Wilderness area; San Bernardino National Forest; eastern summit area of Mineral Mountain, about 1.5 air mile southeast of Rose Mine. (Onyx Peak Quad)., 34.23488 -116.67684, 2197m
RSA0384684 James Henrickson 1962 1965-04-22
United States, California, Los Angeles, Mojave Desert; 19 miles E of Lancaster; E of Saddleback Butte., 899m
RSA0384646 L. R. Abrams 11931 1927-05-01
United States, California, Kern, West side Walker Pass., 1128m
Yucca brevifolia var. wolfei M. E. Jones
RSA0384694 Carl B. Wolf 7625 1935-10-08
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert. Kingston Range, south portion 7 7/10 mi. southwest of Kingston on road to valley wells & Francis Spring, Summit of Pass., 1189m
RSA0384685 Steve Boyd 9090 1996-10-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, Liebre Mountains region, extreme northwestern corner of the range in Peace Valley, small side canyon just east of Interstate 5 off Copco Road., 34.748583 -118.789694, 991m
RSA0384638 Lyman Benson 6039 1934-04-29
United States, California, Inyo, Haiwee Reservoir., 1067m
RSA0384689 P. C. Everett 23148 1958-05-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, Entrance to Keystone Canyon, E slope New York Mts., 1524m
RSA0384678 Jim Shevock 680 1971-02-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, Along Highway 395., 762m
RSA0384647 Edwin Kline s.n. 1923-00-00
United States, California, Los Angeles, Sierra Pelona Mts, Bouquet Canyon.
RSA0384665 Carl B. Wolf 4017 1932-08-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert. 3 8/10 mi. from summit of Cajon Pass on road to Victorville., 914m
RSA0384648 James Henrickson 20713 2000-04-21
United States, California, Los Angeles, Ca. 17 mi W of State Hwy 14, along Hwy 138 near 14348 W. Avenue D. at a site for a Sprint monopole., 854m
RSA0384674 A. C. Sanders 20588 1997-04-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mtns.: BLM land on N side of peak 5524 near Round Mountain, NW of the Partin Bros. (Lester) Mine at Terrace Springs, NE end of S.B. Mtns. (Big Bear City 7.5’ Q)., 34.35 -116.7833333, 1463 - 1677m
RSA0384688 James Henrickson 9508 1973-04-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, 2 miles S of Cima towards Kelso., 1250m
RSA0384649 Louis C. Wheeler 9436 1967-05-12
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains. Hunt Canyon, 3 mi. east of Vincent., 1067m
RSA0384667 I. W. Clokey 6549 1935-04-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, North of Barstow., 1000m
RSA0384673 Duncan S. Bell 2869 2011-08-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, Transverse Ranges; San Bernardino Mountains region: San Bernardino National Forest: east of Broom Flat, approximately 0.75 air mile northeast of Juniper Springs, and approximately 0.2 air mile southeast of Broom Spring. (Onyx Peak)., 34.22366 -116.70593, 2302m
RSA0384682 Philip A. Munz 19461 1954-05-21
United States, California, Kern, West slope of Walker Pass., 1433m
RSA0384639 Doris (Hoover) Bowers 64 1957-03-30
United States, California, Inyo, Big Pine., 1220m
RSA0384650 Louis C. Wheeler 9480 1967-05-12
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains. ca. 300 m northeast of summit 4183, east of Vincent., 1234m
RSA0384662 James D. Morefield 4437 1987-05-14
United States, California, Mono, White Mountains: ca 1 mile NNE of the mouth of Furnace Creek, 1.1 mile N28°W of Wildhorse benchmark 5484. Fishlake Valley drainage., 1595m
RSA0384657 Orlando Mistretta 1749 1995-06-01
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains, Carr Canyon, near mouth of Canyon (Palmdale 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle)., 945m
RSA0384670 Duncan S. Bell 4340 2012-09-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Transverse Ranges; San Bernardino Mountains region: Bighorn Mountain area; collecting along Rattlesnake Canyon, approximately 0.75 air mile east of Viscera Spring. (Rattlesnake Canyon Quad)., 34.27303 -116.66257, 1576m
Carl B. Wolf 7556 1935-07-26
United States, California, Los Angeles, Grown in Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
RSA0036513 Duncan S. Bell 7410 2014-07-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National Forest; a limestone ridge above Rattlesnake Canyon; collecting on the western ridge of Mineral Mountain.; Onyx Peak, 34.24396 -116.69229, 2245m
RSA0068392 Erika M. Gardner 583 2014-03-21
United States, California, Kern, Southern Sierra Nevada region; Scodie Mountains; Kiavah Wilderness; Bureau of Land Management; Trailhead of the PCT near Bird Springs Pass., 35.55309 -118.13343, 1640m
RSA0384651 Steve Boyd 9062 1996-10-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, Liebre Mountains region, Anaverde Valley near the north base of Ritter Ridge, west of Palmdale, along Tierra Subida Road 0.5 miles south of the intersection with Avenue S., 34.551333 -118.141111, 927m
RSA0069671 Cheryl Sevilla 7 2015-02-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, Off Kingston Road 2.7 miles south of Winters Pass in the Mesquite Mountains., 35.64874 -115.71481, 1059m
Carl B. Wolf 1551 1928-03-29
United States, California, Los Angeles, Foothills at south side of Antelope Valley. 2 miles south of Neenach., 34.7463889 -118.5683333, 1067m
RSA0384686 Jim Shevock 791 1971-03-15
United States, California, Los Angeles, N6 Road; Near Devil’s Punch Bowl., 1219m
RSA0172732 Robert F. Thorne 38926 1969-07-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Gabriel Mts, San Bernardino National Forest: ca.4.5 mi. NE of Wrightwood along Highway 2., 34.379687 -117.598832, 1524m
RSA0172731 Duncan S. Bell 4980 2013-05-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMBighorn Mountains; in bouldery hills near the head of Bighorn Canyon.; Bighorn Canyon Quad., 34.29254 -116.6069, 1647m
RSA0384641 Lyman Benson 3490 1932-05-07
United States, California, Kern, Tehachapi Pass; Piute Mt. Range; Mojave Desert Watershed., 1220m
RSA0406184 Timothy S. Ross 4672 1991-04-27
United States, California, Los Angeles, Mojave Desert: Black Butte Basin Road; 2.75 miles and ca. 145° SW of Three Sisters [Buttes].; Lovejoy Buttes USGS 7.5’., 34.505859 -117.756719, 1003 - 1006m
Yucca brevifolia f. herbertii (J.M.Webber) Munz
RSA0384681 P. C. Everett 21591 1956-05-09
United States, California, Kern, 3.7 mi. SE of summit Walker Pass along Hwy 178., 35.62977 -117.973445, 1326m
RSA0021988 T. Schappe CA650-45 2013-07-01
United States, California, Kern, Along CA-178 about 5.8 miles west of the intersection with US-395., 35.642892 -117.98709, 1354m
RSA0384672 C. B. Wolf 4017 1932-08-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, 3 8/10 mi. from summit of Cajon Pass on road to Victorville, Western Mojave., 914m
RSA0018619 Duncan S. Bell 5723 2013-08-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert; East Mojave Desert region: Castle Mountains; west side of the range by narrow ridge/hill to the northeast of the historic Hightower Well; approximately 3.5 air miles southwest of Hart Peak. (Hart Peak Quad)., 35.30284 -115.11559, 1383m
RSA0022738 April Garbat 107 2013-08-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert; West Mojave Desert region: Near Fossil Canyon/Rainbow basin ACEC, on Fossil Bed Road (BLM Rd 7519, west of BLM Rd 7201). Past Rainbow Basin loop., 35.035944 -117.109667, 793m
RSA0384655 Dick Swinney 2940 1994-06-12
United States, California, Los Angeles, Near entrance to Jubilee Scout Ranch; 2 mi. S of Hwy 138. Just W of San Bernardino County line. Approx. 200 m W of Boneyard Canyon. (Mescal Creek quad)., 1341m
RSA0059149 J. Mark Porter 14704 2006-05-23
United States, Utah, Washington, Western toe-slopes of the Beaver Dam Mountains, at the intersection of the UT Hwy 91 and Lytle Creek Road, on the E side of Hwy 91., 37.064207 -113.888449, 1134m
RSA0384663 G. Mansfield-Jones s.n. 1956-04-00
United States, California, Riverside, Joshua Tree National Monument, along road to Juniper Flats., 1463m
RSA0384659 Louis C. Wheeler s.n. 1968-05-27
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: Alimony Ridge., 1494m
RSA0019798 April Garbat 73 2013-05-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, Transverse Ranges; San Bernardino Mountains region: Upper reaches of Rattlesnake Canyon, near Vaughn Spring., 34.26315 -116.65962
RSA0384656 Fred M. Roberts 6176 2005-04-29
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains region: San Gabriel Mtns.: Horse Canyon, along S2, ca 1.2 km W jct. SR138 at Mtn. Top Junction., 34.387222 -117.504167, 1450m
RSA0384690 E. C. Jaeger s.n. 1932-03-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cima.
RSA0384645 Naomi Fraga 619 2003-05-02
United States, California, Kern, Sierra Nevada; Southern Sierra Nevada region: THE OWENS PEAK EASTERN WATERSHED. East end of Five Fingers. (Owens Peak 7.5' USGS Quad)., 35.6853 -117.8908, 1220m