Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Hordeum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 29500

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0081332C. W. McLellan   7411936-03-17
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tempe, 33.44 -111.92, 355 - 355m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0070333Elinor Lehto   116441968-03-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Thunderbird Park, 0.5 mi. north of entrance, 33.6925 -112.185

unknown   1941-06-21
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0070334Schuessler   180631974-04-13
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 91st Ave and Gila River.

B. Shimak   1902-05-16
USA, Iowa, Decatur

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0295442Dustin Wolkis   3872013-08-31
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sharp Springs Cienega, San Rafael Valley, 31.352727 -110.576543, 1437m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0070335B. Walden   1964-03-04
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 40 mi. north of Phoenix, 34.0287 -112.073, 457m

R.F. Thorne   105291952-05-17
USA, Iowa, Muscatine, along east bank of Cedar River at Saulsbury Bridge; SW1/4 Sec 2 Lake Twp (77-3)

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0070336Amadeo M. Rea   17081991-04-30
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Sacaton, northwest of agency, south of Gila River, 33.0882 -111.737

D. Keil   148061981-05-25
USA, California, San Luis Obispo, N of San Simeon in vicinity of Arroyo de la Cruz. Near hwy 1 in windswept coastal areas

S.L. Hatch   41061980-04-07
United States, Texas, BRAZOS, In median of College Ave, ca. 300 m. N of Univ. Ave, College Station.

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0070337Darin Jenke   6442009-04-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Cave Creek wash at 19th Ave., 33.6243 -112.098

T. Reeves   76431982-07-08
USA, Minnesota, Stevens, Verlyn's Prairie, N base of W hill.

W.H. Horr   31311948-05-16
USA, Kansas, Barber, 10 miles west of Medicine Lodge, 37.280448 -98.762605

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0070338F. S. Crosswhite   17571961-03-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Mesa, 33.4222 -111.822, 366m

J. Cornelius   3411981-05-27
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, ca 19.3 km S of Throckmorton. T.P. Riley Farm., 33.17749 -99.21237

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0070339Amadeo M. Rea   13401987-03-26
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, W. 1330 where main canal intersects road south of Sacaton to Sacaton Mountains., 33.0142 -111.82

F.R. Waller, Jr.   7141966-05-21
United States, Texas, Deaf Smith, US Hwy 60, 12-15 mi E of Hereford, 34.966019 -102.604927

Lyle A. McGill s.n.   b1982-04-23
USA, Arizona, W of Sacaton, ca. 1 mi. E of jct. of I-17 and Casa Blanca Road.

F.R. Waller, Jr.   13441967-05-13
United States, Texas, Deaf Smith, FM 1259, 16 mi ESE of Hereford.

W.H. Horr   E101934-05-06
United States, Kansas, 1030 Main, Lawrence, 253m

W.H. Horr   31031948-05-15
USA, Kansas, 2 mi E & 13 mi S of Plains Grassland

W.H. Horr   31421948-05-16
USA, Kansas, Attica. 0.5 mi N of East side of town.

C.R. Bell   68591957-05-11
United States, South Carolina, Newberry, Newberry, RR yards

Andrea Hazelton   1792007-01-07
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Soil propagule bank study. Soil removed from Hassayampa River south of Wickenburg off HWY 60 near Morristown stream gage, 33.8814 -112.662, 557m

W.R. Faircloth   31031966-04-20
United States, Georgia, Lowndes County, along Two Mile Creek in NW section of Valdosta off Canna Drive.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hordeum lechleri (Steud.) Schenck
ASU0066972E. I. Meza Torres   11412009-01-31
Argentina, Santa Cruz, Lago Argentino. Parque Nacional Los Glaciares, Peninsula de Magallanes, Lago Argentino, Brazo Rico, puerto Bajo de las Sombras., -50.47406 -72.99608, 144m

J.R. Wells   8061966-05-19
United States, Virginia, Northampton County, Oyster Landing.

Raul Gutierrez   15622007-05-11
USA, Texas, El Paso, Fabens, 1/2 block W of Fabens Road along NW Camp St., 31.5047 -106.157, 1118m

R.D. Thomas   225701971-03-22
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Garrett Hall, NLU campus, Monroe, La.; 32.532181 -92.076386, 32.532181 -92.076386

Marc A. Baker   202232019-06-27
United States, Nevada, Churchill, Stillwater Range, upper reaches of Big Box Canyon, 3.7km NNE of the summit of Job Peak, 50km ENE of Fallon, 39.6158 -118.2275, 2067m

D. Keil   4521966-06-15
USA, Illinois, Du Page, Along 22nd St, Oakbrook

B. Kramp   711979-05-23
USA, New Mexico, San Juan, M4, 1/2 mi NW of center of Morgan Lake Spillway, 36.708422 -108.479665

W.H. Horr   E701935-06-07
United States, Kansas, Lawrence, 256m

J.T. Wynhoff   W5351974-05-28
United States, New Mexico, San Juan County, Farmington, 1622m

E. Weberg   1971-05-12
United States, Kansas, Saline County, Ohio township, near Smolan, 2-14-4

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0078852Liz Makings   43292014-03-15
United States, Arizona, Gila County, Tonto National Forest; south fork of Deer Creek, foothills of the Mazatzal Mountains, 34.03563 -111.396748, 1100m

M. Mishler   1965-06-26
USA, California, Monterey, S of Carmel on Hwy 1, 305m

Chad Hauck   802019-02-04
1011 E Alameda Dr.

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0299363Liz Makings   51902017-04-28
USA, Arizona, Pinal, Tonto National Forest; Oak Flat campground off Magma Mine Road near small water empoundment, 33.307936 -111.052633, 1196m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0295569Dustin Wolkis   6332014-05-15
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Bog Hole Cienega. Coronado National Forest, Sierra Vista Ranger District., 31.4776 -110.63, 1525m

200PS   R121-32005-04-08
USA, Arizona, 33.6065 -112.193, 367m

W.A. Archer   2081924-07-08
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Water Canyon in Harmony Range 4 miles west of Winnemucca

J.A. Knoblauch   2351972-07-27
USA, Colorado, Rio Grande, 8 mi W Del Norte, 0.5 mi N Rio Grande R., 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0080177Frankie S. Coburn   712011-05-08
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, On floodplain of Verde River; 1.27 mi downstream from confluence with Sycamore Canyon, 34.841331 -112.071152, 1080m

J.R. Reeder   82431988-03-09
United States, California, Imperial, along Rt 111 just N of I-8.

N.C. Cooper   12171944-05-06
USA, California, RIVERSIDE, Banning., 33.92 -116.87, 701 - 701m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0080221Frankie S. Coburn   1442011-05-11
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Approx. 2mi upstream from Perkinsville bridge, 34.9053 -112.235985, 1190m

J.R. Reeder   73401981-05-19
USA, Nevada, Nye, 3.5 km S of Beatty

Andrea Hazelton   2092007-04-10
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Soil propagule bank study. Soil removed from Santa Maria River west of Hwy 93., 34.3547 -113.209, 518m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0105968Liz Makings   51882017-04-28
United States, Arizona, Pinal County, Tonto National Forest; Oak Flat campground off Magma Mine Road near small water empoundment, 33.307936 -111.052633, 1200m

Czarnecki   321966-03-09
USA, California, Orange, N side of Ocean Ave, just W of Puente in Brea.

Liz Makings   51902017-04-28
United States, Arizona, Pinal County, Tonto National Forest; Oak Flat campground off Magma Mine Road near small water empoundment, 33.307936 -111.052633, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0019695S. Doan   6201905-06-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest. Along Camp Creek, near pull off stop just south of FS road, 33.9157 -111.816, 1037m

A. Purchase   10591941-08-19
USA, California, Con.-Ute Reservation. East Piedra drainage.

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0019696S. Doan   6841905-06-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest, Sycamore Canyon (ca. six miles south of Seven Springs campground, 0.3 mi. north of Kentuck Spring)., 33.9197 -111.808, 1061 - 1143m

G. Mason   4571960-05-26
USA, Oregon, Benton, 43rd St, 3 mi E of Bellfountain.

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0056593Jen Bruening   12011-04-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Sonoran Preserve, Brown's Ranch, along wash., 33.78 -111.842, 820m

W.H. Horr   31231949-06-22
USA, Kansas, Kingman, 1 1/2 mi W of Spivey, 456m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0056594Steve Jones   13812011-03-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Sonoran Preserve, Jeep Trail at wash crossing., 33.6164 -111.80925, 630m

G. Mason   4571960-05-26
USA, Oregon, Benton, 43rd St, 3 mi E of Bellfountain., 44.363717 -123.294602

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069827Jacqueline Betsch   2009-04-28
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Hickey Ditch in Cottonwood, 750 m south of Tuzigoot Road, Verde River Greenway., 34.76462 -112.0305

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069828J. R. Reeder   95711997-06-11
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Ca. 9.5 km ESE of the Sitgreave National Forest boundary along AZ-377., 34.54 -110.41, 1850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0296650L. R. Landrum   119392013-08-15
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, Hannagan Meadow, at S end of meadow., 33.63629 -109.32675, 2771m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069829Dixie Z. Damrel   4891998-04-23
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, S side of Olberg rd, near Gila River Indian Reservation border., 33.1207 -111.661, 488m

Jacqueline White   2006-04-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa River south of Wickenburg off HWY 60 on Preserve, 33.9377 -112.701, 598m

Andrea Hazelton, Melanie Tluczek   2252007-05-02
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, SM-8, Santa Maria River floodplain west of Hwy 93, 34.3547 -113.209, 518m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069830Dixie Z. Damrel   3041998-04-09
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, near Sossaman entrance; NW side of the Goldmine Mtns., 33.1941 -111.661, 457m

K. Whited   701919-09-00
USA, Oregon, Redmond

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069831Dixie Z. Damrel   1771998-03-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Campus of Arizona State University. west of Cancer Center., 33.42 -111.94, 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0141036C.M. Roll   19212016-04-03
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Riggs Settlement, ca. 45 km (by air) SE of Willcox, Sulphur Springs Valley., 32.00645 -109.439933, 1512m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069832Gregory J. Imdorf   639-a1992-05-01
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area in Tonto National Forest; corral along trail 128., 33.7773 -110.868, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069833J. Jeremy Buegge   2231998-05-23
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Coronado National Forest. Laurel Canyon. Valley northeast of end of jeep trail onto forest., 32.8962 -110.304, 1448m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0090482Liz Makings   47092015-07-27
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Babacomari Ranch, within cienega bounded by railroad grade to the north and creek to the south, 31.634168 -110.45609, 1390m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069834Darin Jenke   3992008-04-12
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Rocky river cobble dry., 33.3886 -112.243, 293m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069835R. Marler   22051998-04-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Verde River north of Rio Verde., 33.7525 -111.671, 464m

G. Kettleson   1958-05-30
USA, Wisconsin, Dane, Near pheasant ranch

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069836Gregory K Brown   3111978-04-28
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Vicinity of Red Rock Spring., 36.5502 -114.031, 1195 - 1268m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0107098Liz Makings   53282017-06-23
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Colorado Plateau/Arizona Strip: Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument; St. George Canyon, BLM Road 1034, 1.5 miles south of intersection with BLM Road 1032, 36.58178 -113.67048, 1490m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069837John R. Reeder   82551988-03-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 11 km north of Gila Bend along US-80., 33.0469 -112.716, 244m

J.L. Gentry, Jr.   18461967-08-09
United States, Nevada, Elko Co., Ruby Mountains, 37 mi south of Hwy jct US 40 and Nev 46 at Elko, 17 mi SE of Nev 46, up Mitchell Creek., 40.1451 -115.5944, 2414m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0107001Zachery Berry   62017-03-10
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Desert Arboretum Park (ASU), Hayden Butte Preserve (East), 33.42608 -111.9301

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069838Elinor Lehto   16781962-03-24
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Apache Trail at Fish Creek, 33.5767 -111.354

P. Bailey   1771972-06-07
USA, California, San Bernardino, N shore of Baldwin Lake, 2 mi E of Big Bear City, San Bernadino Mts., 2042m

Win Green   1967-07-25
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Fort Apache Indian Reservation. northeast slopes of Mount Ord, 33.9167 -110.167, 2896 - 3048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069839Marc A. Baker   130511998-07-17
USA, Arizona, Apache, Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site; Pueblo Colorado Wash; ca.1 km west of Ganado. (NAD83)., 35.7104 -109.559, 1925m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069840J. Jeremy Buegge   7051999-04-10
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Cottonwood Canyon. T6S,R21E,sec4,SW,NW. UTM: 12N, 0573629E, 3644835N., 32.9393 -110.212, 1265m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0081331David Keil   16311967-05-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Beeline Hwy. crossing of Verde River, 33.5637 -111.668

Image Associated With the Occurence
Elinor Lehto   180631974-04-13
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 91 Ave. and Gila River (*=lower Salt)., 33.39 -112.25, 295m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0080130Frankie S. Coburn   1872011-05-15
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River headwaters area, ca. 0.5 mi upstream from confluence with Granite Creek; 2.7mi SE of Paulden, 34.865665 -112.440865, 1290m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069841Dixie Damrel   1284-B2000-04-09
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, At the foot of steps of Galvin Playhouse and the Music Bldg, in river-rock drainage area., 33.42 -111.94, 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069842Butterwick   47461979-05-08
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Goodwin Mesa along Bogle Ranch road, 34.7278 -113.381, 1433m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069843J. R. Reeder   87001991-04-04
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Tombstone. Rank weed in partial shade along a garage wall at 101 Toughnut Street., 31.7128 -110.067, 1370m

J. Steed   
USA, Arizona, Apache, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, 3 locations. Boggy Creek (see TRS field), Wildcat Creek (T4N R28E s11, 14), and Centerfire Creek (T4N R28E s7). White Mountains, West Fork Allotment, Alpine Rd., 33.7562 -109.353, 2347m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0069844Elinor Lehto   17811963-04-15
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Oak Creek., 34.8236 -111.797

C. Norton   BDSR-3901970-08-07
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Ben Delatour Scout Ranch, 1/2 mi S of Camp Deming entrance, 40.7487 -105.5433, 2407m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0306122Chad Hauck   802019-02-04
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, In the Alley Behind 1011 E Alameda Dr Against south facing wall, 360m

J.R. Reeder   82461988-03-09
United States, California, Imperial, 5 km SE of Imperial-Riverside Co. line along Rte 111., 60m

Jacqueline White   2005-06-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa River south of Wickenburg off HWY 60, 33.9459 -112.709, 607m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0113726E. Lehto   167081970-03-30
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, 33.9009 -112.2693

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