E. & M. Sundell C-4 1973-09-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Salt River bed near Tempe Bridge, 33.44 -111.92, 355 - 355m
M. Bohlke 502 1993-08-25
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Tanque Verde Ranch; E of Tucson City; Tanque Verde Creek (wash), 32.25 -111, 850m
James Sutherland 10
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Show Low Lake area; S side of lake along road from boathouse; 100 yards below fenced area, 34.11 -110, 1996 - 1996m
Elinor Lehto 17082 1970-09-19
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, NE Nogales at Baca Float Ranch; along Santa Cruz River, 31.46 -110.92, 1145 - 1145m
Elinor Lehto 14196 1968-09-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Salt River; 7.6 miles below Salt River Canyon Bridge, 33.8 -110.43, 1145 - 1145m
Elizabeth Makings 690 2001-08-31
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, ~5 miles south of Hwy 82, west bank of San Pedro, 31.6658 -110.179, 1193m
G. E. Marrs 332 1980-09-05
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch; 17 miles E of Douglas, AZ; House Pond, 31.357 -109.263, 1189m
David J. Keil K-11443 1976-07-03
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Ca. 4 miles SE of Mayer at turnoff to Spring Valley development, 34.37 -112.18, 1262m
Kathleen C. Rice 1415 1992-09-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest; Superstition Wilderness Area; Horrell Creek; at the end of Forest Road 273; on Pinto Creek turnoff past Magma Copper Mine ca. 15 miles off Highway 60; Trail 213, 33.5023 -111.078, 1219m
Andrea Hazelton 292 2007-07-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Soil seed bank study; Soil collected from Hassayampa River floodplain at Hassaympa River Preserve near Wickenburg, AZ, 33.9377 -112.701, 598m
L. R. Landrum 9651 2000-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest; Horseshoe Lake; near dam, 33.975 -111.7, 914m
K. Kyle 1
USA, Arizona, Gila, Snaketown; off Interstate 10 on way to Tucson, 33.1794 -111.919
Jacqueline White 100 2003-11-04
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 19th Avenue and Salt River, 33.41 -112.101, 306m
Raul Gutierrez 1327 2006-09-28
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Oak Flat Recreation Area, 0.5 miles south of Hwy 60 along FR 469, 33.3091 -111.055, 1187m
Elinor Lehto L-20244 1976-07-31
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Schnebly Hill Road midway between Interstate 17 and Sedona, 34.89 -111.67, 1937 - 1937m
Tim Reeves 7864 1985-09-15
USA, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Indian Reservation; NCC Campus; S of the General Classroom Building; along Circle Drive between GCB and NHC, 36.29 -109.21, 2163m
Robert E. Coombs 2642 1978-07-28
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Arizona Strip District; Toquer Pond, 36.74 -113.31, 1288m
Elinor Lehto 9833 1967-10-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon, 31.406 -111.202, 1097m
Elinor Lehto 4301 1964-10-31
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park; E shore of lower lake, 33.88 -112.28, 475 - 475m
Elinor Lehto 14266 1968-09-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, US Highway 70; 11.2 miles SW of Salt River Canyon Bridge, 33.69 -110.57, 1742 - 1742m
C. Jenkins 2288 1979-08-26
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Hooker Cienega; SW of Bonita along Sunset School Road, 32.564 -110.065, 1350m
Lara Gengarelly 20 1992-08-01
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Off of Clark Crossing Road; E side of Santa Cruz River, 31.59 -111.05, 982m
G. J. Imdorf 325 1991-10-12
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest; ca. 0.75 miles E of Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area; Cherry Creek along Trail 140; ca. 0.5 miles from trailhead at Forest Service Road 203, 33.7916 -110.834, 914m
Elinor Lehto 14801 1968-10-12
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Patagonia Park, 31.506 -110.848, 1341m
Marc A. Baker 9621 1992-06-26
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness; Sycamore Creek; just W of Summers Spring, 34.8786 -112.067
D. J. Pinkava 13963 1979-09-14
USA, Arizona, 7.1 miles S of the Verde River; Interstate 17, 34.53 -111.96
Elinor Lehto 14746 1968-10-12
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, SE of Patagonia on road to Parker Canyon Lake; 0.3 miles past Harshaw junction, 31.468 -110.708, 1463m
L. R. Landrum 7781 1992-08-21
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Coconino National Forest; Sterling Canyon Road at end of road; ca. 5 miles NNW of Sedona, AZ, 34.9423 -111.787, 1524m
Elinor Lehto 14773 1968-10-12
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, SE of Patagonia; 5.2 miles NW of Santa Cruz River crossing, 31.468 -110.708, 1463m
Kathleen C. Rice 1774 1993-10-24
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest; Superstition Wilderness Area; Fish Creek Canyon; 2 miles from Tortilla Trailhead on AZ Highway 88, 33.54 -111.3, 653 - 653m
Marc Mittleman 572 1982-09-23
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Baboquivari Mountains; Virtud Tank area, 31.8782 -111.666, 1280m
Marc A. Baker 12758 1997-10-02
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, NE of Chino Valley; Inscription Ranch; along the Verde River 2.7km ENE of its confluence with Granite Creek; Chino Valley N Quad., 34.8657 -112.401, 1285m
Elinor Lehto 9670 1967-10-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Guevavi Ranch; River Road; 3.7 miles W of AZ Highway 82, 31.41 -110.9, 1092 - 1092m
Elinor Lehto 15285 1968-10-19
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Aravaipa-Bonita Road; 37.5 miles SW of US Highway 70, 32.63 -110.1, 1364 - 1364m
Wendy C. Hodgson 10615 1997-09-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Slide Canyon; along Trail 58; near or within Kanab Wilderness Area; at leaky pipe, 36.63 -112.56, 1726 - 1726m
G. E. Marrs 333 1980-09-05
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch; 17 miles E of Douglas; House Pond, 31.357 -109.263, 1189m
E. Ortiz-Zuazaga 20 1997-11-04
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest at Needle rock along the Verde River, 33.7667 -111.667, 610m
E. & M. Sundell 366 1973-09-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sierra Estrella Regional Park; Salt River bed just E of entrance road, 33.3712 -112.377, 305m
ASU0083456 M. Dematteis 4182 2012-02-27
Uruguay, Rivera, Valle de Lunarejo, -31.166667 -55.873056, 167m
Meredith A. Lane 1462 1975-06-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park; Ft. McDowell 15' Quad.; at Granite Tank, 33.7189 -111.779, 732m
Lynn Wolden 118 1989-06-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa River Preserve; ca. 2 miles SE of Wickenburg on Highway 89, 33.935 -112.698, 610m
Royal D. Suttkus 75-25-34 1975-09-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Colorado River; right bank at Lees Ferry; Mile 0, 36.86 -111.61, 1066 - 1066m
Marc A. Baker 8575 1991-08-07
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River; just W of Perkinsville, 34.8926 -112.205, 1164m
Andrea Hazelton 241 2007-05-07
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Soil propagule bank study. Soil removed from Santa Maria River west of Hwy 93., 34.3547 -113.209, 518m
Meredith A. Lane 1786 1975-10-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park; Ft. McDowell 15' Quad.; at South Tank, 33.6466 -111.692, 488m
David J. Keil 6054 1969-12-08
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, 0.5 miles W of Boyce Thompson Arboretum entrance, 33.28 -111.17, 731 - 731m
Joe D. Burch 1952-09-24
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Ten miles N of Sonoita on Sonoita Road; Oak Tree Canyon, 31.81 -110.71, 1481 - 1540m
T. Reeves R-1657 1974-09-08
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Riggs Ranch; mouth of Little Pickett Canyon; 0.25 miles W of Chiricahua National Monument, 32.018 -109.437, 1524m
J. J. Thornber 8 1903-09-20
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Cruz River Valley; Tucson, AZ, 32.24 -110.99, 709 - 709m
G. Marrs-Smith 341 1980-09-05
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch; 18 miles E of Douglas; close to Pipe Spring, 31.357 -109.263, 1158m
Theresa Wright 1668 1995-09-02
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Lookout Mountain Quad.; S of Winkelman; 3.1k NE of Lookout Mountain; 1.2k W of Highway 77; just E of San Pedro River; S of Cooks Lake, 32.8587 -110.72, 646m
ASU0084524 Frankie S. Coburn 311 2011-06-25
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Downstream from Bear Siding ca. 3mi NW of Perkinsville; ca. 20.5km east of Paulden, 34.908649 -112.251282, 1190m
Darin Jenke 177 2007-09-18
USA, Arizona, Maricopa county, By a canal that flows into a lake., 33.3835 -112.233, 296m
Jean-Philippe Solves 592 2019-09-01
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Las Cienegas National Conservation Area; in the southern end of site, 1km east of Yucca Farm Rd, near a large dry channel running east to west as part of a large natural reservoir system at the base of the Whetstones, many branching tributary drainages feeding in from surrounding hills, 31.7219253 -110.5760911, 1424m
J. Jeremy Buegge 1149 1999-09-25
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Middle Fork Goodwin Wash. At road junction. T5S,R20E,sec16,SW,SW, 32.9592 -110.196, 1676m
ASU0040764 E. Lehto 5406-B 1968-06-11
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatro Ciénegas Basin. Secondary road east from Cuatro Ciénegas airport to Laguna Ferrino., 26.703022 -101.897401
Dustin Wolkis & Brenton Scott 107 2012-06-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, East of Intersection of Avondale rd. and the Salt River in Tres Rios Wetlands, 33.38 -111.69, 290m
H.D.Hammond 12035 2005-06-30
USA, ARIZONA, Coconino, Navajo Nation. Old Leupp. Near old Canyon Diablo bridge (for Rte. 99), near junction with Little Colorado River., 35.2833 -112.05, 1439m
Liz Makings 6487 2019-09-13
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Salt River at 7th Street; river bottom with wetland plants, 33.421137 -112.064234, - 320m
ASU0305994 John L Anderson 2018-35 2018-07-10
USA, New Mexico, San Miguel, BLM Sabinosa Wilderness, Largo Canyon, canyon bottom, benches and sideslopes, 35.59873 -104.60634, 1679m
ASU0040766 Donald J. Pinkava 5506 1968-06-12
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatro Ciénegas Basin. Poso de Anteojo., 26.9691825777502 -102.1205753088
Fred Briuer 124 1972-07-31
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Chevelon drainage above Woods Canyon Lake, 34.5932 -110.787, 1524 - 2134m
ASU0040768 Donald J. Pinkava 5334 1968-06-10
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatro Ciénegas Basin. Rio Cañón, miles 2.1 north of Cuatro Ciénegas northern limits, Cañón de el Agua., 27.0226410348099 -102.091183662415
ASU0113646 John L. Anderson 98-64 1998-08-26
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Dean Peak Quad.; Hualapai Mountains; E side foothills; lower Moss Wash at Stokes Well; ca. 0.5 miles E of Blakes Ranch Road, 1317m
Wolden, L. 118 1989-06-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa River Preserve, ca 2mi southeast of Wickenburg on Hwy 89, 33.9345 -112.693, 610m
Lane, M 1462 1975-06-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park (Ft. McDowell Quad 15 minute series) at Granite Tank, 33.719 -111.778, 732m
Sundell, E. & M. 366 1973-09-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sierra Estrella Regional Park, Salt River bed just east of entrance Rd, 33.3712 -112.377, 305m
Sundell, E. & M. C-4 1973-09-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Salt River bed near Tempe bridge, 33.4145 -112.017, 305m
Lane, M 1786 1975-10-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park (Ft. McDowell Quad 15 minute series) at south Tank (McDowell Quad 15 minute series), 33.6475 -111.691, 488m
E. Ortiz-Zuazaga 20 1997-11-04
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest at Needle Rock along the Verde River, in the wash on the Western bank, 33.7667 -111.667, 610m
Elinor Lehto 4301 1964-10-31
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, east shore of lower lake, 33.8407 -112.26727, 477m
ASU0040765 Richard S. Felger 85-496 1985-03-06
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Guaymas. San José de Guaymas., 27.984103 -110.900068, 6m
L. R. Landrum 8999 1997-05-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Horseshoe Lake Dam, 33.94 -111.69, 610m
E. Makings 3543 2010-09-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Riverbed of Tempe Town 'Lake' adjacent Arizona State University campus, just west of Rural Road bridge., 33.4309 -111.925, 354m
Dixie Z. Damrel 2668 2004-09-28
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Agua Fria National Monument, Flood Plain and bed of Agua Fria River., 34.1031 -112.103, 647m
ASU0040767 J. A. Villarreal 4692 1988-10-05
Mexico, Coahuila, Mpio. de Ramos Arizpe. Cañada el Diente, Sierra de la Paila., 26.15 -101.5, 1300 - 1600m
D. Shorrock 45 2004-05-27
USA, Utah, Washington, downhill from first pullout upstream from Weeping Rock parking lot in Zion National Park main canyon, 37.2712 -112.941, 1219 - 1372m
ASU0294642 Dustin Wolkis 916 2014-09-20
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Bog Hole Cienega. Coronado National Forest, Sierra Vista Ranger District, 31.4776 -110.63, 1525m
ASU0309680 Anthony Mendoza 145 2016-09-24
USA, Arizona, Pima, In middle of Canada de Oro wash a few hundred meters west of La Canada Blvd., 32.380333 -110.999528, 740m
G. Gust, Z. Rogers, S. Fuentes 682 2005-05-18
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest, at Salt River & Hwy 288 intersection at bridge, 33.619722 -110.921111, 715m
Liz Makings 6036 2018-10-18
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Salt River at Priest Drive, 33.433821 -111.957382, - 350m
ASU0040769 A. Castellanos 24664 1964-02-28
Brazil, Santa Catarina, R. Chapeco, Abelardo Luz., -27.065612 -52.628391
Elinor Lehto 1403 1962-09-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 305m
Elinor Lehto 1403 1962-09-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 274m
Richard Bond 471 2006-10-09
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, R&S Ranch, West Clear Creek, West Clear Creek Flood Plain, north side of channel 1/2 mile east of confluence of WCC and Verde River Elevation 3100 ft. USGS, 34.51606 -111.821772, 975m
ASU0338515 Jim Verrier 2320 2022-10-13
United States, Arizona, Sierrita Mountains, Oxframe Canyon, 31.87543 -111.20166, 1545m
ASU0311176 Liz Makings 6487 2019-09-13
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Salt River at 7th Street; river bottom with wetland plants, 33.421137 -112.064234, 0 - 320m
Theresa Price 560 2006-09-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Mt. Ord, at base of Mt. Ord Road (FSR 626) just past jct. with Hwy 87. In area where pavement widens to allow parking., 33.9234 -111.451, 1414m
ASU0294446 D. Wolkis 993 2014-10-19
USA, Arizona, Pima, Cienequita Cienega, Las Cienegas Natl Conservation area, 1340m
Meg White, Donna Shorrock
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain at Three Links Farm Preserve, near gauge 2, 32.1775 -110.296, 990m
ASU0141031 Sue Carnahan sc615 2014-08-30
United States, AZ, Santa Cruz, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Salero Ranch, Unit 5. near Coal Mine Canyon., 31.53455 -110.86374, 1215m
V. Beauchamp 482 2001-03-17
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Below Bartlett Dam, 33.8125 -111.643, 488 - 518m
V. Beauchamp 529 2001-03-17
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Below Bartlett Dam, 33.8125 -111.643, 488 - 518m
Vanessa Beauchamp 664 2001-04-15
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Clarkdale (Tapco), 34.7958 -112.056, 914 - 1219m
V. Beauchamp 602 2001-03-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Below Horseshoe Dam, 33.982 -111.71, 549 - 567m
Vanessa Beauchamp 743 2001-05-05
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Perkinsville, 34.8953 -112.208, 1164 - 1170m
V. Beauchamp 423 2001-03-15
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South of Needle Rock near Tonto Verde, 33.8125 -111.643, 460 - 488m
Vanessa Beauchamp 20 2000-08-26
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Perkinsville, 34.8953 -112.208, 1164 - 1170m
V. Beauchamp 283 2000-09-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South of Needle Rock near Tonto Verde, 33.8125 -111.643, 460 - 488m
Vanessa Beauchamp 621 2001-04-07
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Dead Horse Ranch State Park, 34.7514 -112.018, 914 - 1219m