ASU0094536 D.W. McNeal 415 1968-07-20
United States, Washington, Columbia, Esarpment on the ridge just north of Weller Butte, 30 yds. w. of the trail., 46.038436 -117.673901
BRYV0067675 D. W. McNeal 415 1968-07-20
U.S.A., Washington, Columbia, Esarpment on the ridge just n. of Weller Butte, 30 yds. w. of the trail.
UT0014045 D. W. McNeal 415 1968-07-20
USA, Washington, Columbia, Just north of Weller Butte, 30 yards west of the trail.
Dale W. McNeal; D.W. McNeal, Belzer and Hodgdon 1968-00-00
United States, Washington, Columbia
Karl Urban; Karl Urban 1998-00-00
United States, Oregon, Wallowa
Billy D. Snow; Billy Snow 1980-00-00
United States, Washington, Columbia
Billy D. Snow; Billy Snow 1980-00-00
United States, Washington, Columbia
Stuart Markow 12128 2001-06-08
U.S.A., Oregon, Walla Walla, Blue Mountains: Umatilla National Forest: knob S of and overlooking Wenaha River, 10 yds. N of Forest Service 055 Road, 11 air mi W of Troy., 1280m
Karl Urban, Scott Riley 97-0006 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Washington, Columbia, Blue Mountains: Umatilla National Forest: Along trail 3105 in rocky scabland, 1/4 air mi E of Weller Butte, ca 12 air mi NW of Troy, OR., 1650m
Scott Riley 5104 1998-06-26
U.S.A., Oregon, Wallowa, Blue Mountains: Umatilla National Forest: Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness: E of Weller Creek on upper slopes below Patterson Ridge and above the Wenaha River., 1006m
Scott Riley 5105 1998-06-28
U.S.A., Washington, Columbia, Blue Mountains: Umatilla National Forest: Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness: ridge adjacent to South Ridge Trail, ca 1 air mi E of Twin Spring, 1311m
49673 H.T. Darlington 114 1913-07-18
United States, Washington, Columbia, Near Weller's Butte, Blue Mountains. Wenaha Forest Reserve [Umatilla National Forest]. T7N R41E, 46.035175 -117.673091
280441 D.W. McNeal 415 1968-07-20
United States, Washington, Columbia, [Blue Mountains] Escarpment on the ridge just north of Weller Butte, 30 yards west of the trail. T7N R41E S33, 46.039595 -117.678846
290112 B. Heidel s.n. 1982-07-07
United States, Washington, Columbia, Weller Butte Area. T7N R41E S33 SW4 NW4. Also T7N R 41E S33 NW4 SW4, S32 SE4 NE4, NWSE T6N R41E S5 NW4 SW4., 46.039759 -117.680743, 1426m