Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Carex jamesii
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 4312

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623455W.A. Matthews   
United States, New York, Monroe, detailed locality information protected

Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623456W. R. Dudley   
United States, New York, Tompkins, detailed locality information protected

Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623457K. M. Wiegand   
United States, New York, Tompkins, detailed locality information protected

Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623458K. M. Wiegand   
United States, New York, Tompkins, detailed locality information protected

Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623459J. Bernard Brinton   
United States, New York, Wayne, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623460Thomas C. Porter   s.n.
United States, Pennsylvania, Dauphin, Harris' Ferry

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623461Abram P. Garber   s.n.1873-00-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623462Abram P. Garber   s.n.1872-06-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Dauphin, Harrisburg, 40.259125 -76.884142

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623463Thomas C. Porter   s.n.1871-00-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, none

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623464Thomas C. Porter   s.n.1871-07-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623465Herbert A. Wahl   s.n.1934-06-23
United States, Pennsylvania, Centre, Woodward Cave, Woodward, 40.889476 -77.387757

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623466David Berkheimer   49201944-06-17
United States, Pennsylvania, Bedford

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623467J.R. Kunsman   94001988-06-11
United States, Pennsylvania, Blair, Sinking run 2.3 mi. SW of Arch spring, 311m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623468John R. Kunsman   108361993-06-06
United States, Pennsylvania, Dauphin

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623469J. R. Kunsman   106141993-05-07
United States, Pennsylvania, Franklin, just N of Licking Creek, ca 1.5 mi. WSW of Yeakle Mill, 146m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623470J.R. Kunsman   130731995-05-16
United States, Pennsylvania, Juniata, SE facing slope overlooking Tuscarora creek 2.2 mi. NNE of Waterloo, 40.321036 -77.670451, 238m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623471J. R. Kunsman   130691995-05-15
United States, Pennsylvania, Mifflin, overlooking Honey Creek, 0.7 mile E by slightly NE of Shrader, 40.699904 -77.540128, 226m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623472John Bright   s.n.1924-05-31
United States, Pennsylvania, Washington, old distillery - Charleroi Car Line, 40.213325 -79.961277

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623473John Bright   88381933-05-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Westmoreland

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623474Witmer Stone   77301906-05-19
United States, Pennsylvania, York

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623475Herbert A. Wahl   s.n.1934-06-23
United States, Pennsylvania, Centre, Woodward, 40.898682 -77.356095

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623476David Berkheimer   49201944-06-17
United States, Pennsylvania, Bedford, 2.25 mi. WNW of Everett, 40.023944 -78.412685, 341m

Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623422Bayard Long   
United States, New Jersey, Hunterdon, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623423David Berkheimer   128131952-06-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Bedford

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623424William C. Brumbach   41651948-05-31
United States, Pennsylvania, Berks

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623425Bayard Long   324691925-05-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Bucks, E gully by Tinicum Creek, Ottsville, 40.4733 -75.142784

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623426Bayard Long   324691925-05-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Bucks, E Ottsville, gully by Tinicum Creek, 40.4733 -75.142784

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623427Hugh E. Stone   s.n.1926-06-06
United States, Pennsylvania, Chester

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623428Hugh E. Stone   s.n.1926-06-06
United States, Pennsylvania, Chester, Brandywine Creek, at Shaws Bridge, above Lenape, 39.92031 -75.645008

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623429William C. Brumbach   34751943-05-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Berks, Neversink, 1 mile SW of Reiffton, 40.309566 -75.886978

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623430David Berkheimer   36681943-06-06
United States, Pennsylvania, Berks

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623431David Berkheimer   36681943-06-06
United States, Pennsylvania, Berks, 0.75 mile W of Sinking Spring, 40.327314 -76.025307, 104m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623432David Berkheimer   36931943-06-07
United States, Pennsylvania, Berks, 1.25 mile N of Seyfert, 40.306542 -75.883537, 98m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623433Hans Wilkens   73371944-06-11
United States, Pennsylvania, Berks

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623434Hans Wilkens   75781945-06-20
United States, Pennsylvania, Berks

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623435Hans Wilkens   75781945-06-20
United States, Pennsylvania, Berks, Cacoosing, along Cacoosing Creek

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623436Thomas C. Porter   s.n.
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, near Lancaster, 40.037876 -76.305514

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623437Thomas C. Porter   s.n.
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, Lancaster, 40.037876 -76.305514

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623438Thomas C. Porter   s.n.1862-06-11
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623439Thomas C. Porter   s.n.1862-06-11
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, near Lancaster, 40.037876 -76.305514

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623440Abram P. Garber   s.n.1865-06-06
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623441Thomas C. Porter   s.n.1866-05-31
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, Near Millersville, 39.997876 -76.354127

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623442A. A. Heller   s.n.1890-05-17
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, above Cedar Hill

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623443Bayard Long   s.n.1909-06-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623444Louise F. A. Tanger   38851940-06-22
United States, Pennsylvania, York, Shenk's Ferry Ravine, 39.900727 -76.390164

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623445Louise F. A. Tanger   38851940-06-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623446J. R. Kunsman   106001993-05-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, Mill Creek, ca. 2.1 mi. SE of Penn Square, Lancaster, 40.015298 -76.28228, 85m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623447J. R. Kunsman   108271993-06-03
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623448Joseph A. Crawford   s.n.1900-06-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Penn rail road

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623449Joseph A. Crawford   s.n.1901-05-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Montgomery

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623450Joseph A. Crawford   s.n.1902-05-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Montgomery, Belgrave Station, Lehigh Valley Railroad

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623451Stewardson Brown   s.n.1904-06-02
United States, Pennsylvania, Montgomery, Betzwood Station Pa SVRR, 40.110627 -75.420389

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623452Stewardson Brown   s.n.1904-06-02
United States, Pennsylvania, Montgomery

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623453Leeds   s.n.1925-05-28
United States, Pennsylvania, Montgomery

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00623454Zaccheus Collins   s.n.
United States, Pennsylvania, None

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00001095James   s.n.
United States, Indiana

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00001226R.F.C. Naczi   s.n.1996-06-01
United States, Kentucky, Rowan, ca. 6.5 air mi S of center of Morehead, ca. 0.25. mi downslope from W side of route 1274, upslope from Sugar Camp Branch, ca 1.3 road mi N of junction of routes 1274 and 801.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00025275unknown   s.n.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00025276J. Torrey   s.n.

Carex jamesii Schwein.
PH00821246A. Rhoads   s.n.2010-05-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Bucks, Peace Valley, 0.68 km SSW of Rt. 313 bridge over North Branch Nashahaminy Creek

Angelo State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
11446Stanely D. Jones   85461992-05-16
United States, Missouri, Scott, 2.4 mi S Blodgett, 0.6 mi S on the main road into Fox Meadow Estates, 36.972087 -89.492993

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
11828Robert Kral   458001972-04-28
United States, Alabama, Jackson, 9 mi S Huntland, by AL 65

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
14514Stanely D. Jones   86521992-05-19
United States, Tennessee, Van Buren, east of Spencer, 1.5 mi westward from TN 30 and TN 285, along Mount Pleasant Branch of Cane Creek, 35.730718 -85.415407

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
24705Stanely D. Jones   101391993-05-18
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Cossatot River State Recreation Area, Cossatot River and AR 246, east side of river, T4S, R30W, Sec 29, 34.379763 -94.235973

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
29556Stanely D. Jones   69091991-05-22
United States, Indiana, Spencer, 1.9 mi SW on IN 66 from its junction with IN 70, northeast of Grandview, 37.98166 -86.880193

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
29557Stanely D. Jones   70251991-05-26
United States, Michigan, Lenawee, 0.3 mi N on Morey Hwy from its junction with Beecher Road, west of Adrian, 41.890313 -84.237245

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
29558Stanely D. Jones   69471991-05-24
United States, Michigan, Wayne, east of Belleville, 0.5 mi W Haggerty Road from junction with Lower Huron River Road, ca. 200 m E Haggerty School, north side of Huron River,T3S, R8E, Sec 24, middle of south edge, 42.211071 -83.435318

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
29559David Castaner   63801981-05-21
United States, Missouri, Cooper, 0.9 mi N junction of MO, 38.964899 -93.033949

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
29560V. E. McNeilus   89-2871989-05-28
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, Cedars of Lebanon State Park, 36.077364 -86.310979

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
31712Stanely D. Jones   97841994-05-26
United States, Oklahoma, Adair, ca 8 mi E Tahlequah, Eldon, 0.1 mi NW junction US 62 and US 51, north side US 62, T17N, R23E, Sec 27, 35.928721 -94.838391

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
33043Charles T. Bryson   123511993-05-24
United States, Mississippi, Lowndes, 3.8 mi S Artesia, west of US 45A, Black Prairie region, T17N, R16E, Sec 5 SE/4, 33.363537 -88.641521

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
33251Charles T. Bryson   43231986-05-10
United States, Arkansas, Polk, northeast of junction of AR 246 and Cossatot River Crossing, T4S, R30W, Sec 30 NE/4, 34.379932 -94.235773

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
33252Charles T. Bryson   38701985-05-10
United States, Alabama, Madison, east of Huntsville, Monte Sano State Park, Monte Sano Mountain, near top on northeast side of mountain, near overlook, 34.747595 -86.510627

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
35856Robert Kral   427481971-05-20
United States, Tennessee, Smith, 3.8 mi N Chestnut Mound, by TN 53, above Cumberland River, 36.253128 -85.802146

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
35943A. A. Reznicek   101841996-06-08
United States, Missouri, Boone, Columbia, Grindstone Park, ca 0.5 mi SSW junction old Rte 63 and Stadium Blvd (old Rte 740, 38.926434 -92.31743

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
36011A. A. Reznicek   98061994-05-28
United States, Missouri, Jackson, James A. Reed Memorial Wildlife Area, ca 2.5 mi NE Greenwood, north of Browning Rd, T47N, R31W, Sec 23 SE/4, 38.869016 -94.309692

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
36119A. A. Reznicek   98191994-05-28
United States, Kansas, Linn, La Cygne Lake Park, 0.6 mi E entrance gate, along road to campground, T19S, R25E, Sec 32, 38.36139 -94.668633

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
36409A. A. Reznicek   78991987-05-29
Canada, Ontario, Middlesex, Ekfrid Township, 9 km ESE Glencoe post office, north side of Thames River

Carex jamesii Schwein.
37052Stanely D. Jones   
United States, North Carolina, Forsyth, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
37147Stanely D. Jones   101221993-05-18
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Ouachita National Forest, 4.3 mi E on USFR 106 from Bard Springs Shelter Area toward its terminus at Blaylock Creek, T4S, R28W, Sec 23, 34.382053 -93.961785

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
38137Stanely D. Jones   101221993-05-18
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Ouachita National Forest, 4.3 mi E on USFR 106 from Bard Springs Shelter Area toward its terminus at Blaylock Creek, T4S, R28W, Sec 23, 34.382053 -93.961785

Carex jamesii Schwein.
38532Stanely D. Jones   
United States, North Carolina, Forsyth, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
40144A. A. Reznicek   97751994-05-25
United States, Oklahoma, Delaware, 1.6 mi E OK 59/10, along north shore of Lake Eucha, along stream access road, T22N, R23E, Sec 24 SE/4, 36.356228 -94.794685

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
40409A. A. Reznicek   97901994-05-26
United States, Arkansas, Benton, ca 9 mi E Siloam Springs, 4.1 mi W Washington County line, north side of I412, east side of Osage Greek, T18N, R32W, Sec 33, 36.177948 -94.400394

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
40493Robert Kral   428241971-06-03
United States, Alabama, Lawrence, Tennessee River, just below Joe Wheeler Dam, 34.804632 -87.381749

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
45489Robert Kral   821181993-04-28
United States, Tennessee, Cheatham, south of junction of I40 and TN 239, above large truck park, 36.083565 -87.096199

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
45491Robert Kral   821831993-04-29
United States, Tennessee, Pickett, northwest of Jamestown, by US 127, Upper Cumberland Scarp, 36.590784 -85.052932

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
45541Charles T. Bryson   133401994-04-16
United States, Mississippi, De Soto, north of Walls, 1.2 mi N junction US 61 and MS 602, east of US 61, T1S, R9W, Sec 22 SW/4, 34.984213 -90.140445

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
45594V. E. McNeilus   92-1391992-04-29
United States, Tennessee, Clay, 0.6 mi N Celina, along Obey River, 36.558763 -85.505247

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
45635V. E. McNeilus   89-2871989-05-28
United States, Tennessee, Wilson, Cedars of Lebanon State Park, 36.077364 -86.310979

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
45668V. E. McNeilus   90-1541990-05-02
United States, Tennessee, Blount, Smokey Mountain National park, bottom of White Oak Sink, 35.669204 -83.66233

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
46151David Castaner   96081987-04-27
United States, Missouri, Crawford, Onondaga Cave State Park, 38.059682 -91.236305

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
46157David Castaner   91731986-04-19
United States, Missouri, Christian, West of Nixa, along MO 14, 37.046811 -93.383445

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
46158D. Castaner   91941986-05-17
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, along AR 187 toward Holliday Island, 36.464228 -93.755999

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
46159David Castaner   97511987-05-26
United States, Missouri, Benton, Big Buffalo Creek Natural Area, path to fen from entrance, along stream, T41N, R20W, Sec 12 SW/4 of NE/4, 38.342319 -93.088087

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
46160David Castaner   97041987-05-24
United States, Missouri, Saint Clair, Birdsong State Wildlife Area, north parking lot, old field at edge of woods, T36N, R25W, Sec 17 NESWSW/4

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
47303David Castaner   77641983-06-23
United States, Missouri, Camden, east of Montreal, along MO 7, along Traw Branch, 37.941448 -92.550154

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
47304D. Castaner   81071984-06-25
United States, Missouri, Grundy, Crowder State Park, west side of lake, near picnic area, 40.094143 -93.662593

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
47305D. Castaner   90721986-05-09
United States, Arkansas, Stone, Mountain View, area around city park, 35.858461 -92.102202

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jamesii Schwein.
47374D. Castaner   96811987-05-14
United States, Arkansas, Polk, junction of Cassotot River and AR 246, northeast corner, 34.379028 -94.236172

Page 1, records 1-100 of 4312


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