ASU0337812 D. J. Pinkava 2326-7 1965-07-23
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Road to Dragoon ca. 1/4 mile from Rte. 86., 32.0281 -110.038
ASU0337811 J. J. Thornber 4417 1901-11-02
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Pantano Wash East of Tucson., 32.1523 -110.749
Fraxinus velutina subsp. velutina Torr.
J. Jeremy Buegge 253 1998-05-23
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Laurel Canyon. T6S,R20E,sec21,center. Near trail 68., 32.8962 -110.304, 1402m
David J. Keil 5807-a 1969-10-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area., 34.9494 -112.054, 1400 - 1400m
ASU0337821 Ken Bagstad 68 2000-06-15
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain south of St. David (old San Juan de las Boquillas y Nogales land grant). San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area., 31.778 -110.216, 1122m
Elinor Lehto 6513 1966-06-25
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Arcadia camp grounds., 32.66 -109.8, 2042m
ASU0337819 Cal Stott 13832 1966-04-11
USA, Arizona, Mesa District, along stream north of Sunflower., 33.8333 -111.417
ASU0337924 Edward Gilbert 171 2000-07-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Upper West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek; about 10 mile north of Sedona. About 1.5 miles down Cesner Cabin Draw, within 100' of a large cave on east side of draw; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 35.0339 -111.828, 1951m
ASU0337818 Marc A. Baker 8399 1991-05-25
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon. UTM Zone: 12; E: 481450 to 481500; N: 3474500 to 3476500., 31.405 -111.195, 1155 - 1192m
ASU0337922 Edward Gilbert 273 2000-08-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino, West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon, about 9 miles north of Sedona. Around 4 miles up from canyon mouth; about 50-200' up right hand bank; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 35.0042 -111.776, 1677m
ASU0337815 Elbert L. Little, Jr. 4308 1937-06-20
USA, Arizona, Gila, Workman Creek at falls. Sierra Ancha., 33.8775 -111.039, 1829m
ASU0300064 Harry Tate 531 1966-08-29
USA, ARizona, Santa Cruz, Pena Blanca Canyon, 1/2 mile south of Lake; 31.41694 -111.07833, 31.41694 -111.07833, 1189m
ASU0337923 Edward Gilbert 614 2001-05-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Northern rim of West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek, 9 miles N. of Sedona, out on tip of Harding Point; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 35.0075 -111.771, 2012m
ASU0337817 B. A. Hendricks 2151 1938-05-01
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Sabino Canyon-upper Recreational area., 31.8658 -111.456, 1372m
ASU0337816 T. Reeves 6647 1978-04-02
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Agua Caliente Canyon. Along stream near road crossing., 31.6902 -110.967, 1158m
ASU0337921 Elizabeth Makings 425 2001-06-08
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro floodplain; Palominas site ~2 miles south of Hwy 92, 31.3566 -110.126, 1280m
Robert Bills 13 2003-11-02
USA, ARIZONA, Gila, Pinal Peak, Russel Rd turnoff, 14.8 miles along Forest Service Rd # 651., 33.2932 -110.833, 2295m
ASU0337824 Theresa Wright 1859 1996-04-29
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Lookout Mountain Quadrangle; south of Winkleman, 3.5k NE of Lookout Mountain, 1.9k north of Hwy 77 and Aravaipa Rd. intersection, 900m west of Hwy 77, just east of San Pedro River; east side of Cooks Lake., 32.8611 -110.718, 646m
ASU0337823 Jon P. Rebman 90-23 1990-08-04
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Big Sandy Bridge site approximately 2 miles south of Wikieup on U.S. 93 at mile post 126.5 just northwest of the bridge., 34.6743 -113.611, 549m
Robert Bills 14 2003-11-02
USA, ARIZONA, Gila, Pinal Peak, Russel Rd turnoff, 13.7 miles along Forest Service Rd # 651., 33.3002 -110.843, 2194m
ASU0337822 Bruce D. Parfitt 4226 1990-04-13
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Whetstone Mountains, French Joe Canyon: 10.5 miles south of I-10 on AZ hey 90, then 2.5 miles west on French Joe Canyon Rd. (=jeep trail)., 31.8106 -110.392, 1554m
ASU0296308 Dustin Wolkis 524 2013-09-14
USA, Arizona, Pima, La Cabadilla Cienega, East of Tanque Verde, 32.244695 -110.688166, 825m
J. Jeremy Buegge 833 1999-05-15
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Cottonwood Mountain. T6S,R21E,sec27,NE,NE. north f peak and trail junction., 32.88 -110.2, 2088m
ASU0296309 Dustin Wolkis 860 2014-09-14
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Parker Canyon Cienega, downstream from Parker Canyon Lake dam, 31.42637 -110.458218, 1340m
ASU0337952 M. Butterwick 8169 1982-06-11
USA, Arizona, Pinal, Inspiration 7.5' Quad, Bloody Tanks Wash, near Miami., 33.381834 -110.906802, 1113m
ASU0337951 T. F. Daniel 4473 1986-08-12
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Hualapai Mountains. Wheeler Wash from near Hualapai Mountain Lodge upstream, (Hualapai Peak 7.5' Quad.)., 35.1036 -110.756, 1890 - 1951m
ASU0337950 J. & A. Leithliter 745 1976-09-17
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Wilderness Area, Chiricahua Mountains. Rucker Canyon., 31.85 -109.283, 2195m
ASU0337949 Elinor Lehto 15227 1968-10-19
USA, Arizona, Graham, Van Valor wash, west of Pinaleno Mountains., 32.66 -110.1
Kathleen C. Rice 1545 1993-06-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Wilderness Area. Boulder Canyon Trailhead, across from Canyon Lake Marina, on AZ. Hwy. 88. Trail 103., 33.5312 -111.433, 671m
ASU0337954 Kathleen C. Rice 1338 1992-06-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Wilderness Area. Tortilla Trailhead. east of Tortilla Flat Post Office ca. 6 mi. on Hwy. 88. Trail 213., 33.5165 -111.312, 975m
ASU0337833 Kathleen C. Rice 1065 1992-02-21
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Wilderness Area. Fish Creek Canyon. east of Tortilla Flat Post Office ca. 8 mi. along Hwy. 88., 33.5166 -111.295, 853m
ASU0337844 Kathleen C. Rice 864 1991-10-20
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Wilderness Area. Miles Ranch Trailhead to Trails 212 and 213, ca. 12 mi. northwest on Forest Rd. 287, of Magma Copper Mine turnoff from Hwy. 60., 33.4443 -111.087, 1707m
ASU0337841 M. Butterwick 6643 1980-05-31
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Arrastre Creek, southern Weaver Mountains Peeples Valley 7.5' Quad., 34.2651 -112.644, 1433m
ASU0337842 Elinor Lehto 559 1962-04-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ariz. 87, 4.1 miles N. Sunflower., 33.9237 -111.467, 1372m
ASU0337843 Elinor Lehto 14194 1968-09-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Salt River, 7.6 miles below Salt River Canyon bridge., 33.6175 -110.911
ASU0033276 D. J. Pinkava 9003 1972-06-05
Mexico, Baja California, 2 mi NE of turnoff to Ajuaco and Rancho Oro de Dolores from Rte 3., 32.2417 -116.5206
ASU0337840 Elinor Lehto 6166 1966-05-07
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Molino Canyon, just below campsite., 32.3019 -110.717, 1280m
ASU0337839 Delzie Demaree 42523 1960-06-05
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River. Perkinsville. P.O. Paulden., 34.8637 -112.461
ASU0337838 Bruce D. Parfitt 5081 1991-05-16
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Flora of Coronado National Memorial. Southern Huachuca Mountains. Montezuma Wash in southeast portion of CNM., 31.3435 -110.232, 1524m
J. Jeremy Buegge 1121 1999-09-05
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Black Rock Wash. T6S,R21E,sec,NE,E center., 33.0381 -109.951, 1143m
ASU0337837 W. E. Barber 123 1962-05-05
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 5 miles north of Camp Verde, off state Rte. 79., 34.6361 -111.854, 975m
ASU0337845 Roy Johnson 1958-07-13
USA, Arizona, Gila, Workman Creek. Sierra Ancha., 33.8775 -111.039, 2103m
ASU0337835 C. Y. McCulloch 1963-07-04
USA, Arizona, Gila, Three Bar Wildlife Area. Four Peaks., 33.6891 -111.241, 1036m
ASU0337836 Elinor Lehto L-22645 1978-04-24
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mountains Sabino Canyon., 32.3302 -110.795
ASU0310207 Andrew Salywon 2096 2017-09-16
USA, Arizona, Pima, Las Cienegas National Conservation Area, W side of Cienega Creek, ca. 500 m SE of the confluence with Empire Gulch., 31.802353 -110.588761, 1328m
ASU0337846 C. Y. McCulloch 1961-04-08
USA, Arizona, Gila, Three Bar Wildlife Area. Four Peaks., 33.6891 -111.241, 762m
ASU0337834 S. Forbes 1609 1981-06-20
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, South-central Arizona, south of the town of Globe. Kellner Canyon Trail, on north side of Signal Peak., 33.2822 -110.821, 2073m
ASU0337847 S. Forbes 1785 1982-06-20
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, South-central Arizona, south of the town of Globe. Near beginning of Sixshooter Ridge Trail, on Pinal Peak., 33.2822 -110.821, 2225m
Jackie Betsch 2009-09-02
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Eureka Ditch in Camp Verde, 1.7 km upstream of Beaver Creek, 34.5804 -111.867
Elinor Lehto L-18824 1975-08-01
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Schnebly Hill Rd, midway between I-17 and Sedona., 34.8819 -111.676
Aiko Nagahisa 609 2006-03-13
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, Planting South side of building 36. Open field; North of Camelback Road, West of 33rd Ave.(Main road), South of Administration Ave, and East of 34th Ave., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337849 Elinor Lehto L-18443 1975-05-03
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Schnebly Hill Rd, ca. midway between Sedona and Rte I-17., 34.8819 -111.676
Aiko Nagahisa 416 2006-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, College of Science and Math, plantings East side of building 33., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337925 J. Jeremy Buegge 729 1999-04-10
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Plants of The Santa Teresa Mountains. Holdout Canyon. 1/4 mi from split with Black Rock Wash., 32.9132 -110.223, 1250m
Aiko Nagahisa 418 2006-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, College of Science and Math, plantings West side of building 33., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337926 Lyle A. McGill LAM-1171 1977-04-21
USA, Arizona, Graham County, On Lower Bonita Creek, near confluence with Gila River, 6.3 rd. mi northeast of town of Sanchez, 13.3 mi northeast of US Hwy 70 in Solomon., 33.1667 -110.135
Aiko Nagahisa 419 2006-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, College of Science and Math, plantings North side of building 23., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337927 J. Jeremy Buegge 833 1999-05-15
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Plants of The Santa Teresa Mountains. Cottonwood Mountain north f peak and trail junction., 32.8842 -110.188, 2088m
Aiko Nagahisa 113 2006-01-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, College of Science and Math, plantings North West side of building 27., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337929 J. Jeremy Buegge 253 1998-05-23
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Plants of The Santa Teresa Mountains. Laurel Canyon. Near trail 68., 32.8976 -110.307, 1402m
Aiko Nagahisa 352 2006-02-13
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, College of Science and Math, plantings North side of building 35 and open field, 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337930 L. R. Landrum 9403 1999-04-15
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Verde river bottom just below Horseshoe Lake dam., 33.9667 -111.75
Aiko Nagahisa 945 2006-03-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, Planting North side of building 1., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337931 Ken Bagstad 25 1999-10-15
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ca. 0.5 mi downstream from Fish Creek Bridge on Arizona Rte. 88 past Tortilla Flat., 33.5694 -111.354, 671m
Aiko Nagahisa 841 2006-03-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, Bright Angel Hall, Planting East side of building 16., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337932 W. L. Minckley 1977-05-26
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Bonita Creek., 32.9549 -109.531, 914 - 1006m
Aiko Nagahisa 836 2006-03-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, Bookstore, Planting North side of building 26., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337933 Elinor Lehto 5413 1965-08-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Stewart Camp Grounds in Chiricahua Mountains, 31.890401 -109.168589, 1494m
Aiko Nagahisa 838 2006-03-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, Bookstore, Planting North side of building 26., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337934 Elinor Lehto L-23910 1979-06-17
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area., 34.9494 -112.054, 1400 - 1400m
Aiko Nagahisa 803 2006-03-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, Planting North side of building 7., 33.51158 -112.12994
ASU0337935 Bruce D. Parfitt 4766 1990-09-17
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Flora of Coronado National Memorial. Southern Huachuca Mountains. Along main road west of Visitor Center and 0.7 mile west of Picnic Area., 31.3435 -110.164, 1661m
Aiko Nagahisa 825 2006-03-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Grand Canyon University, Bright Angel Hall, Planting South side of building 16., 33.51158 -112.12994
L. R. Landrum 11550 2011-07-12
USA, Arizona, Gila, ca. 3 mi ENE of Jakes Corner downstream from confluence of Tonto Creek and Rye Creek, 34.0303 -111.2878, 820m
ASU0337937 David J. Keil 5807-b 1969-10-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Sycamore Canyon Wilderness Area. Rocky canyon in desert grassland area. Scattered Pinon Pine and Juniper on Upper slopes., 34.9494 -112.054, 1400 - 1400m
ASU0337938 M. Butterwick 5322 1979-07-03
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Drainage leading into Pine Lake, Hualapai Mountains Dean Peak 7.5' Quad., 35.0873 -113.871, 1829m
ASU0337939 Delzie Demaree 42476 1960-06-02
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Verde River bottoms. P.O. Cottonwood., 34.7372 -112, 1006m
ASU0298727 Walter Fertig 29015 2013-10-27
USA, Arizona, Graham, Aravaipa Canyon, ca 0.4 miles N of The Chimney, 1.5 miles E of confluence with Turkey Creek, ca 42 air miles W of Safford., 32.89825 -110.418393, 969m
ASU0300319 Wendy McBride 456 2014-05-31
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest, West Clear Creek Wilderness. 0.45 mi W of FS Road 142B in unnamed drainage, and 0.35 mi S of confluence with West Clear Creek., 34.55761 -111.48431, 1863m
ASU0337940 J. & A. Leithliter 622 1976-08-19
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Wilderness Area, Chiricahua Mountains. Winn Falls., 31.85 -109.283, 2195m
ASU0080550 Frankie S. Coburn 743 2012-05-27
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Wash-bottom near lower end of Sullivan's Canyon; 1.1km W of confluence with Granite Creek and Verde headwater springs; 3.25km SE of Paulden., 34.863419 -112.443863, 1320m
ASU0337941 M. Butterwick 4093 1978-10-19
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Canyon just southwest of Hualapai Lodge. Hualapai Peak 7.5' Quad., 35.0872 -113.889, 1890m
ASU0337942 David J. Keil 4615 1969-05-12
USA, Arizona, Gila, Top of Pinal Mountains along Pinal Peak- Signal Peak Rd., 33.2822 -110.821, 2225m
ASU0337943 David J. Keil 1369 1967-04-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Fish Creek Bridge on the Apache Trail., 33.5975 -111.205
J. Jeremy Buegge 1121 1999-09-05
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Plants of The Santa Teresa Mountains. Black Rock Wash., 32.9132 -110.205, 1143m
ASU0337948 Ken Bagstad 67 2000-06-15
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain south of St. David (old San Juan de las Boquillas y Nogales land grant), 31.8102 -110.197, 1122m
ASU0337945 S. Totura 486 1993-08-24
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Tanque Verde Ranch, east of Tucson., 32.25 -111, 850m
ASU0337963 Elinor Lehto 15226 1968-10-19
USA, Arizona, Graham, Van Valor Wash, west of Pinaleno Mountains., 32.66 -110.1
ASU0337962 Wendy C. Hodgson 9671 1996-03-15
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Near bottom of Cottonwood Creek Canyon, just to west of Tuck Up Canyon., 36.3322 -112.886, 975m
ASU0337961 Elinor Lehto 9028 1967-06-08
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon (Pena Blanca - Ruby)., 31.43196 -111.18896
ASU0337960 M. Butterwick 4811 1979-05-10
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Boulder Creek north of Hillside rocks area. Bagdad 15' Quad., 34.64 -113.2, 1128m
ASU0337959 M. Butterwick 4812 1979-05-10
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Boulder Creek north of Hillside rocks area. Bagdad 15' Quad., 34.64 -113.2, 1056m
ASU0298739 Walter Fertig 29417 2014-05-04
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Nevitt Park, Phoenix, on north side of Western Canal, ca 0.75 miles N of South Mountain, ca 0.3 miles W of Tempe town line, 33.386404 -111.983531, 355m
ASU0061270 F. M. Irish 1912-03-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tempe. Normal School of Arizona., 33.4147 -111.909, 354m
M. Murov 37 2003-06-17
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai, Prescott National Forest. South of Camp Verde, Copper Canyon, 1189m
ASU0337958 Elinor Lehto 9187 1967-06-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 5 miles west of Arivaca (7.1 miles east of Arivaca - Sasabe Junction)., 31.5747 -111.211
ASU0337957 Ruth Dammann 1961-04-16
USA, Arizona, Gila, Rock Creek., 34.0617 -111.07
ASU0337955 F. S. Crosswhite 868 1960-05-28
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Black Canyon of the Upper Verde River, Stuart Ranch, 4 miles southeast of Paulden, 90 miles due north of Prescott., 34.8649 -112.412
ASU0337956 Albert Isaak 31 1965-08-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino, North of Geronimo Springs in Sycamore Canyon., 35.0778 -111.947, 1600m
ASU0337964 Elinor Lehto 9886-b 1967-10-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon., 31.406 -111.202, 1097m