Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Lomatium minus (Leptotaenia minor, Cusickia minor)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-65 of 65

University of Arizona Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
435105Richard R. Halse   99762017-05-19
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Along U.S. Hwy. 97 ca. 2.6 miles southwest of Shaniko., 45.00114 -120.81134, 1048m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leptotaenia minor Rose ex Howell
406007J. B. Leiberg   981894-05-22
United States of America, Oregon, Morrow Co., Near Rock Creek, 1040m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
03489540E. Joyal   4611984-04-16
United States of America, Oregon, Wasco Co., 5 km N of Antelope, above hairpin turn on hwy #218., 44.931242 -120.717213, 1060m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
02912307W. C. Cusick   23731900-05-05
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., Juniper Mt, Bully Creek. Eastern Oregon.

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Lomatium minus (Rose ex J. T. Howell) Mathias & Constance
Stuart Markow   118061999-06-10
U.S.A., Oregon, Union, Umatilla National Forest: Blue Mountains, drainage ca 3/4 air mi SW of Graves Butte, ca 3 air mi W of Gibbon., 915m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex J. T. Howell) Mathias & Constance
Heather Bradtke   50582002-06-01
U.S.A., Oregon, Umatilla, Umatilla National Forest and Vicinity: Gibbon Ridge, ca 16 mi S and 3 mi E of Weston., 45.582639 -118.369833, 1307m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex J. T. Howell) Mathias & Constance
Stuart Markow, Scott Riley   125322004-04-18
U.S.A., Oregon, Umatilla, Blue Mountains. North side of Butter Creek Road, ca 2 air miles W of Vinson, ca 10 air mi SW of Pilot Rock., 610m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex J. T. Howell) Mathias & Constance
Stuart Markow, Scott Riley   125332004-04-18
U.S.A., Oregon, Umatilla, Blue mountains. North side of Ore Hwy. 74, ca 0.5 air mi W of Franklin Pass, ca 18 air mi E of Heppner., 976m

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
BRYV0182038Richard R. Halse   99762017-05-19
U.S.A., Oregon, Wasco, Along US Hwy 97 ca. 2.6 miles southwest of Shaniko., 45.00114 -120.81134, 1048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
BRYV0182037Richard R. Halse   99762017-05-19
U.S.A., Oregon, Wasco, Along US Hwy 97 ca 2.6 miles southwest of Shaniko., 45.00114 -120.81134, 1048m

Western Illinois University, ​R. M. Myers Herbarium

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
MWI00061946French, David H.   24211964-05-01
United States, Oregon, Wasco, West facing slope; in Cow Canyon, 0.7 miles south of its head; 3.5 miles south o junction of US Highway 197 and 97

Missouri Botanical Garden

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
2066229LeRoy E. Detling   60421947-05-18
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Plateau west of Shaniko., 1067m

University of Nevada Herbarium

Lomatium minus (Rose) Mathias & Constance
67563B.G. Brehm   2421B1967-04-02
USA, Oregon, Wasco, E side of Hwy 97, near upper end of Cow Canyon (ca the same site as 2421)., 44.883402 -120.922456

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
99275R.R. Halse   99762017-05-19
USA, Oregon, Wasco, Along US Hwy 97, ca 2.6 miles SW of Shaniko., 45.00115 -120.81134, 1048m

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin State Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
v0415287WISJ. F. Smith; M. Darrach, B. Molano-Flores, M. A. Feist, D. H. Mansfield, B. Corbin, M. Stevens   130692016-05-19
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Milepost 53 on Hwy 97., 45.021764 -120.756111, 1035m

Oregon State University

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Elaine Joyal   93b1981-06-18
United States, Oregon, Wasco, hillside north of SnoCap Identifier, ca. 5 mi. west of Shaniko on Hwy. #97., 45.00339 -120.83896, 1070m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
David H. French; David French   21291962-04-09
United States, Oregon, Wasco, near Highway 97; about 6 mi. S of Shaniko and 6.2 mi. N of junction with Highway 197., 44.9107992846709 -120.7511

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Thomas J. Howell; T. Howell   none1882-05-00
United States, Oregon, Unknown, near Lost Valley (Couse Hill).

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
LeRoy E. Detling; L.E. Detling   60421947-05-18
United States, Oregon, Wasco, plateau west of Shaniko., 45.00289 -120.81317, 1067m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
William C. Cusick   23730000-05-05
United States, Oregon, Malheur, Cow Valley., 44.2681 -117.6525

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
C. E. Hinchliff   12602011-04-05
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Vic. Shaniko, US-97, about 5.34 mi W (bearing 259.24 degrees) from Shaniko, OR, 44.989675 -120.859078, 1034m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
OSC-V-255938Richard R. Halse   99762017-05-19
United States, Oregon, Wasco, along U.S. Hwy. 97 ca. 2.6 miles southwest of Shaniko., 45.00114 -120.81134, 1048m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell   4211882-05-14
United States, Oregon, Unknown, Lost Valley.

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Elaine Joyal   1201982-04-11
United States, Oregon, Wasco, 3 miles north of Antelope, above hairpin turn of Rd. 218., 44.93131 -120.71715, 1060m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
OSC-V-056826Elaine Joyal   93a1981-06-18
United States, Oregon, Wasco, north of SnoCap Identifier, ca. 5 mi. west of Shaniko on Hwy. #97., 45.00339 -120.83896, 1070m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Elaine Joyal   4611984-04-16
United States, Oregon, Wasco, 5 km N of Antelope, above hairpin turn on hwy #218., 44.93131 -120.71715, 1060m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
David H. French; David French   20411960-04-10
United States, Oregon, Wasco, 3.6 mi. N of Antelope on State Highway 218, about 4 mi. S of Shaniko., 44.9688148818096 -120.7217

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Elaine Joyal; Elaine Joyal, Charlie Halpern   3061983-05-06
United States, Oregon, Gilliam, 5.3 km N of Lonerock, via Lonerock-Hardman Rd.; basalt ridges south of road as it comes up out of Lonerock Valley., 45.11779 -119.87305, 1190m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Elaine Joyal; Elaine Joyal, Charlie Halpern   3091983-05-06
United States, Oregon, Gilliam, 13.8 km NW of Lonerock via Lonerock-Condon Rd., 45.16209 -119.99662, 1040m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Bertram G. Brehm; Bert Brehm   27901967-04-02
United States, Oregon, Wasco, N side of Rt. 97, 7.3 mi. E of junction with Rt. 197; in general area of roadside park with snowcap identification marker., 44.98926 -120.84462

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
OSC-V-262916Aaron Liston   10921999-06-08
United States, Oregon, Morrow, Franklin Hill., 45.38 -119.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
OSC0000023John B. Leiberg; J.B. Leiberg   981894-05-22
United States, Oregon, Morrow, near Rock Creek., 1040m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Kenton L. Chambers; K.L. Chambers   63632002-05-18
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Hwy. 97 just n. of Jefferson Co. line at 71-mile marker, 3.8 mi. n. of junct. with Hwy. 293 to Antelope., 44.87357 -120.91919

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
David H. French; David French, Bert G. Brehm   2421b1967-04-02
United States, Oregon, Wasco, E side of Rt. 97, near upper end of Cow Canyon; approximately the same site as 2421., 44.86167 -120.92596

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Kenton L. Chambers; K.L. Chambers   63632002-05-18
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Hwy. 97 just n. of Jefferson Co. line at 71-mile marker, 3.8 mi. n. of junct. with Hwy. 293 to Antelope., 44.87357 -120.91919

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
OSC-V-255937Richard R. Halse   99762017-05-19
United States, Oregon, Wasco, along U.S. Hwy. 97 ca. 2.6 miles southwest of Shaniko., 45.00114 -120.81134, 1048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
OSC-V-264751David M. Danley   22901985-02-07
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Southwest of Shaniko about 7 miles, near the Lawrence Grassland (Nat. Conservang)., 792m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
David H. French; David French   20441960-04-10
United States, Oregon, Wasco, near Highway 97; 3 mi. S of Shaniko., 44.9544654996709 -120.7511

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Bertram G. Brehm; Bert Brehm, David French   24211964-05-01
United States, Oregon, Wasco, in Cow Canyon, .7 mi. S of its head; 3.5 mi. S of junction of US Highways 197 and 97., 44.866493318 -120.929610694

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Berta A. Youtie; Berta Youtie   B 71975-04-11
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Lawrence Memorial Grassland Preserve., 44.97517 -120.84383, 1036m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
William C. Cusick   23731900-05-05
United States, Oregon, Malheur, Juniper Mt.; Bully Creek., 44.2078 -117.7483

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
Joseph Howell   s.n.1880-05-00
United States, Oregon, Unknown, John Day Valley.

University of Tennessee Vascular Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
United States, Oregon, Wasco

Delaware State University, Claude E. Phillips Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, California

University of Northern Colorado Herbarium

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
30828Detling, L.E.   60421947-05-18
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Plateau west of Shaniko, 45.00289 -120.81317, 1067m

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
RSA0171597Richard R. Halse   99762017-05-19
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Along US Hwy. 97 ca. 2.6 miles southwest of Shaniko., 45.00114 -120.81134, 1048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cusickia minor M. E. Jones
RSA0006574W. C. Cusick   23731900-05-00
United States, Oregon, Malheur, Juniper Mt, immature; Bully Creek, mature.

Brown University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leptotaenia minor Rose ex Howell
PBRU00048692Wm. C. Cusick   23731900-05-05
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur County, Eastern Oregon plants, Juniper Mt, immature; Bully Creek, mature; among broken stone

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
00076732J. B. Leiberg   981894-00-00
United States of America, Oregon

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
16711J.B. Leiberg   981894-05-00
United States, Oregon, Morrow, Near Rock Creek., 45.092468 -119.595134

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
362934David French   20411960-04-10
United States, Oregon, Wasco, 3.6 mi. N of Antelope on State Hwy 218, about 4 mi. S of Shaniko., 44.962963 -120.72167

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
360979Bert Brehm   27901967-04-02
United States, Oregon, Wasco, N. side of Rt. 97, 7.3 mi. E of junction with Rt. 197.

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
319805Del L. Knowlton   s.n.1967-04-15
United States, Oregon, Umatilla, South Fork, 13 mi. SE Milton Freewater., 914m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
344063Elaine Joyal   4611984-04-16
United States, Oregon, Wasco, 5 km north of Antelope, above hairpin turn on hwy #218., 44.94037 -120.724222, 1060m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
296264R. Mastrogiuseppe   38631984-05-28
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Below Snow Cap Identifier along Hwy 97, 7 mi N of intersection W Hwy 197.

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
384311C. E. Hinchliff   12532011-04-04
United States, Oregon, Morrow, Vic. Heppner. About 5 mi S of OR-206 on Heppner-Spray hwy., 45.188348 -119.697061, 1013m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
384312C. E. Hinchliff   12602011-04-05
United States, Oregon, Wasco, Vic. Shaniko. US-97, about 5.34 mi W (bearing 259.24°) from Shaniko, OR., 44.989675 -120.859078, 1034m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
301985Gene Hart   10571987-02-15
United States, Oregon, Morrow, About 2 miles south of Hardman., 45.17 -119.6827

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
300609Gene Hart   10521986-05-16
United States, Oregon, Morrow, 7.2 miles south of Ruggs on Highway 207., 45.15935 -119.68556, 3600m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
300606Gene Hart   10531986-05-16
United States, Oregon, Morrow, 9.5 miles south of Ruggs. 1.0 mile south of Hardman., 45.126044 -119.68556

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
300597Gene Hart   10631986-05-16
United States, Oregon, Gilliam, 3 miles NW of Lonerock along road to Condon., 45.119881 -119.925451, 3200m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
300607Gene Hart   10591986-05-16
United States, Oregon, Gilliam, 4.9 miles south of intersection of road to Hardman with road to Lonerock., 945m

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
300601Gene Hart   10611986-05-16
United States, Oregon, Gilliam, 8.8 miles south of intersection of road to Hardman with road to Lonerock, about mile north of summit.

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
230172C.L. Hitchcock   205111955-05-29
United States, Oregon, Gilliam, Ca 8 miles N.W. of Lonerock., 45.08917 -119.88194

Lomatium minus (Rose ex Howell) Mathias & Constance
343247Elaine Joyal   3091983-05-06
United States, Oregon, Gilliam, 13.8 km NW of Lonerock via Lonerock-Condon Rd., 45.176854 -120.006233, 1040m

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