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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Deschampsia cespitosa (Deschampsia caespitosa, Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. genuina, Deschampsia pumila, Deschampsia cespitosa var. abbei, Deschampsia cespitosa var. alpicola, Deschampsia cespitosa var. glauca, Deschampsia cespitosa var. intercotidalis, Deschampsia cespitosa var. littoralis, Descham... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 11120

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

N.H. Russell   816521952-08-16
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, just sE of Fall River Pass, 40.4411 -105.7546, 3733m

A.F. Cholewa   12521985-07-20
United States, Idaho, Cassia Co., Sawtooth National Forest, area east of Deadline Ridge, spring north of Father and Son CG (east base of Cotton Ridge), ca 1/2 mile from FR 526.

C. Norton   BDSR-3301970-07-31
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Ben Delatour Scout Ranch, swale leading from base of Purgatory Rock to new lake site, 40.7341 -105.5433

Steve Strenger   
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Santa Fe National Forest; Valles Caldera; recently-aquired Forest Service land west of Los Alamos, 35.8917 -106.475, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0106466Richard R. Halse   92692014-08-13
United States, Oregon, Lane, Cascade Range; Willamette National Forest; Scott Lake, ca. one mile west of State Hwy. 242. (McKenzie pass Hwy.), 44.21127 -121.88777

G. Mason   57271962-09-02
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, small pond; beside Minam Lake., 45.18762 -117.36249, 2248 - 2248m

L.C. Higgins   91301974-08-22
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Black Lake meadow are 1 mile north of town on Hwy 38

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0306980L. R. Landrum   119382013-08-15
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, Hannagan Meadow, at S end of meadow., 33.63629 -109.32675, 2771m

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ASU0066504T. H. Nash   3321975-08-30
United States, Arizona, Apache, Top of Escudilla Mountain; about 5 miles N of Alpine, 33.95766 -109.126, 3200m

B.J. Cox   26941971-06-05
United States, Oregon, Union, 6 mi N of Imbler on Ore Hwy 82, 45.565 -117.8626825

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ASU0066505Karen Reichhardt   85-1431985-08-06
United States, Arizona, Graham, Mount Graham. Emerald Cienega., 32.702352 -109.885897, 3158m

M.J. Doherty   431970-07-19
Canada, Alberta, NE portion of Peace-Athabasca Delta Chilaway Snye

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ASU0066506Kim Zerba   s.n.1982-09-11
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Hades Lake, 2.9 km NNW of North Rim, Grand Canyon. (De Motte Park Quadr.), 36.261944 -112.080556, 2585m

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ASU0066507Elinor Lehto   20751963-07-30
United States, Arizona, Apache, 20 miles west of Greer., 34.06942 -109.783348

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ASU0066508Gail C. Kobetich   68-1251968-08-03
United States, Arizona, Apache, Small marsh on ridge between Ord and Becker Creeks., 34.0021 -109.581

C.H. Bissell   1903-06-21
United States, Connecticut, Hartford, Southington, 41.596487 -72.877601

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ASU0066509C. P. Pase   16901966-08-17
United States, Arizona, Graham, Coronado National Forest. Graham Mountains, High Peak Road., 32.693496 -109.86818, 3048m

G.M. Lear   1953-08-25
United States, Oregon, Deschutes, Redmond., 44.2728 -121.1728

S.W. Leonard   
United States, North Carolina, Clay, detailed locality information protected

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ASU0066515M. Licher   22112008-09-07
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Paddy Creek at north end of Terry Flat, Escodilla Mtn, 33.912639 -109.125833, 1190m

A. Fleck   1964-07-11
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, San Pedro Cabin, San Pedro Parks Wild Area, San Pedro Mountains., 36.0316284083 -106.8551792741

L.N. Goodding   265-411941-08-28
USA, New Mexico, Otero, Mescalero Reservation. In canyon near summit of White Mountains., 33.17845 -105.612239

G. Mason   80771968-07-20
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, Hurricane Creek Trail, Wallowa Mountains, 9 miles south of Enterprise, 45.290348 -117.305153, 1615m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0079477Ries Lindley   3162013-08-04
United States, Arizona, Graham, Pinaleño Mountains, 32.6679 -109.8772, 2754m

Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P.Beauv.
N.H. Holmgren   1971-07-15
United States, Idaho, Bingham Co., Northwest end of Sheep Mountain, 38 airline miles north of Soda Springs., 43.2 -111.68, 2042 - 2042m

G. Mason   8109a1968-08-16
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, 1 mi. up Hurricane Creek Trail, Wallowa Mountains; 9 mi south of Enterprise, 45.290348 -117.305153, 1615m

S.F. Glassman   7090a1961-08-28
United States, Wyoming, Park, Cooke City Hwy 212 [Beartooth Highway]. Along Beartooth Creek., 44.939638 -109.599336, 3048m

H.E. Ahles   890341980-07-09
USA, Massachusetts, Franklin, Just opposite Greenfield, Turner's Falls (Montague)

H. MacKay   5t-2721967-07-08
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Wheeler Peak locale, Site #8

L.C. Higgins   81401973-08-08
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek, along hwy 103 E of the junction with 5 a few miles W of Bergen Park

J.W. Thompson   141211937-08-04
United States, Idaho, Blaine, Sawtooth National Forest ; head of Boulder Creek, 3048m

Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P.Beauv.
D. Keil   222221991-07-08
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, 14.2 miles NW of CO state line on WY-230, SE of Encampment, 41.12538 -106.539969, 2347m

D.J. Pinkava   62931969-07-28
USA, Colorado, Pitkin, White River National Forest. Route 82 just below Roaring Fork River. Two miles below Continental Divide.

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0066517D. J. Pinkava   114021973-07-25
United States, Arizona, Apache, Apache National Forest. Rte 273, 16.5 mi southeast of Sheep Crossing Campground., 33.804745 -109.355749

F.S. Crosswhite   1960-07-18
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, East River bottom, 8.5 miles south east of Gothic in Gunnison National Forest, 9 mi N of Crested Butte, 2712m

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ASU0066518G. Rink   89202009-07-17
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Crane Lake., 36.52992 -112.1496, 2606m

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Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. [orthographic variant]
ASU0011066J. A. Villarreal   VR-19721989-09-16
Mexico, Coahuila, Mpio. de Arteaga. Sierra la Viga 6 km al E de Jamé. Puerto Maravillas., 25.3667 -100.567, 3000 - 3150m

P. Beedlow   1975-08-20
United States, Utah, Cache, Near Tony Grove Lake, upper drainage in cirque area., 41.8972 -111.6443, 2499m

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ASU0066519Elinor Lehto   240581979-09-06
United States, Arizona, Coconino, NE Flagstaff, Hart Prairie, east end of Fern Mountain., 35.35147 -111.73619

Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P.Beauv.
David Keil   223551991-07-19
United States, Wyoming, Albany, 3.5 miles E of Centennial along Hwy. 130 at turnoff to "91" Ranch., 41.29736 -106.06962

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ASU0066520J. M. Rominger   36821988-08-20
United States, Arizona, Apache, Escudilla Mountain Wilderness Area; 1 mi. east of Nutrioso., 33.9531 -109.191, 3048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0066521Karen Reichhardt   84-1111985-08-06
United States, Arizona, Graham, High Peak Cienega, Mount Graham., 32.693854 -109.86764, 3121m

N.H. Holmgren   59621972-06-18
United States, Idaho, Twin Falls, South Hills Rogerson-Oakley road Shoshone Basin 12 (8.5 airline miles ESE of Rogerson, 1753m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0066522L. N. Goodding   394-411941-09-18
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Big Canyon., 34.2919 -110.738

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ASU0066523Larry C. Higgins   78361973-07-18
United States, Arizona, Apache, Mountain Pass between Eagar and McNary., 34.05863 -109.50073, 3109m

Deschampsia caespitosa var. glauca (Hartman) Lindm. f., non Regel
M.L. Fernald   1351893-07-05
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Fort Fairfield

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0066524J. S. Bricker   2861988-07-08
United States, Arizona, Graham, Pinaleno Mountains, Mount Graham. Highwater Cienega., 32.702846 -109.883691, 3109m

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ASU0066525J. M. Rominger   912-711971-09-16
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Base of Fern Mountain 15 mi. north of Flagstaff., 35.350332 -111.745258

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ASU0066526N. H. Russell   107821959-09-26
United States, Arizona, Gila, 1 mile north of Payson., 34.27081 -111.321531

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Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.
ASU0302490J. M. André   351002015-07-15
United States, Utah, Iron, Markagunt Plateau: eastern margin of Sage Valley near lava flow, just south of FS Rd# 240, 1.5 mi. east of Hwy 14, approx 3 mi. north of Navajo Lake and 21 mi. east of Cedar City, 37.569133 -112.7799, 2949m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0066527D. J. Pinkava   115991973-07-25
United States, Arizona, Apache, Apache National Forest. Mount Baldy - Sheep Crossing Campground area. White Mountains., 33.95977 -109.50648

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0066528D. J. Pinkava   116001973-07-25
United States, Arizona, Apache, Apache National Forest. Mount Baldy - Sheep Crossing Campground area. White Mountains., 33.9597 -109.506

D. Keil   172091983-06-30
USA, California, Sonoma, Stillwater Cove Regional Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P.Beauv.
ASU0296381Tom Van Devender   s.n.2014-08-09
USA, Arizona, Graham, Pinaleno Mountains, Hospital Flat along Swift Trail in vicinity of Forest Service campground, ca 11 miles SW of Safford, 32.66944 -109.87275, 2760m

L. LaPre   1986-05-06
United States, California, Napa, Cedar Creek, 3.5 mi SW of Knoxville & c. 0.5 mi (air) west of Devilhead Road at the junction of the creek & a dirt road, 38.77842 -122.37056, 550m

L.M. Moore   33291994-07-20
United States, Colorado, Dolores Co., Upper Dolores River Drainage and Adjacent Areas: San Juan National Forest: Lizard Head Wilderness Area: Lizard Head Trail, ca. 7 air mi N of Rico, 37.8139 -107.9576, 3170 - 3597m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0066529A. R. Purchase   10891941-09-17
United States, Arizona, Apache, Pachito Ranch. Fort Apache Reservation., 33.7906 -109.988

N.H. Russell   107521959-07-28
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, In Gothic research forest, 3 mi NW of Gothic, 9 mi NW of Crested Butte, 39.00234 -107.00207, 3048m

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ASU0066530L. N. Goodding   399-411941-09-19
United States, Arizona, Apache, Reservation Ranch on Apache Indian Reservation, 33.84 -109.495

T.H. Nash   N2261974-08-15
USA, Utah, Summit, Hayden's Peak

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ASU0066531M. Schilling   s.n.1979-06-18
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Volunteer Wash, 9 mi southeast of Parks, near water. TRS: T20N R4E S1, 35.083333 -112, 2060m

Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P.Beauv.
R.R. Halse   42121991-07-04
United States, Washington, Wahkiakum, along State Hwy. 4; about 4.4 miles southeast of Cathlamet., 6 - 6m

Tom Van Devender   s.n.2014-08-09
USA, Arizona, Graham, Pinaleno Mountains, Hospital Flat along Swift Trail in vicinity of Forest Service campground, ca 11 miles SW of Safford, 32.66944 -109.87275, 2760m

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ASU0108047M. Foster   1971988-07-22
USA, California, Plumas, [Sierra Nevada,] along Big Grizzly Creek, inside a Forest Service cattle exclosure, 0.25 mile S of Walker Mine Road, 1 mile W of Lake Davis, and 12 miles NNW of Portola., 39.930633 -120.560222, 1768m

D.H. Wilken   118511972-07-18
USA, California, San Bernardino, South Fork Meadows, San Bernardino Mountains

University of Arizona Herbarium

232254G. Yatskievych   81-2751981-08-05
United States, Arizona, Apache County, North face of Mount Ord, White Mountains, Fort Apache Indian Reservation, 33.9448 -109.6076, 1053m

Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.
64811F.W. Gould   50481948-09-01
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Maverick road, 7 miles south of McNary-Springerville road, White Mountains, 33.983333 -109.516667, 2743m

104247Leslie Goodding   H-85381936-09-03
United States, Arizona, Apache County, between Mc. Nary & Springerville, 34.13333 -109.28528

104248Leslie Goodding   s.n.1936-09-03
United States, Arizona, Apache County, McNary-Springerville Highway, 34.0667 -109.5833

365559Leslie Goodding   11761912-07-13
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Sheep Crossing Little Colorado River, 33.958333 -109.508333

297439Steve McLaughlin   56131989-07-24
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Highwater Cienega, 32.7026 -109.883, 3048m

318444Karen Reichhardt   84-1111985-08-06
United States, Arizona, Graham County, High Peak Cienega, Mount Graham, Herbabeous wetland, 32.694 -109.8676, 3121m

252699L. J. Toolin   20151984-08-16
United States, Arizona, Greenlee County, at K.P.Cienega, E of U.S.Rt. 666, 6 miles south of Hannagan Meadow & 61.5 miles north of Morenci, 33.633333 -109.316667, 2743m

320229Carl-Eric Granfelt   95-781995-09-18
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, 34.09 -109.5162, 2758m

211155Steven P. McLaughlin   8571975-08-04
United States, Arizona, Apache County, 5 miles NE of McNary, Fort Apache Indian Reservation, 34.116667 -109.75, 2346m

200146Steven P. McLaughlin   11911976-07-06
United States, Arizona, Apache County, 7.0 miles NE of McNary, 34.0737 -109.857, 2377m

104250Robert P. Allen   10041937-08-09
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Alpine, 33.85 -109.141667, 2286m

164218Carl-Eric Granfelt   65-891965-08-10
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Apache Indian Reservation, 34.0462 -109.5858, 2770 - 2773m

83637K. F Parker   76191951-08-28
United States, Arizona, Apache County, along edge of Milk Creek, Milk Canyon, Escudilla Mountains, 8 miles E of Nutrioso, 33.95 -109.158333, 2590m

231546T. R. Van Devender   s.n.1980-07-26
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Winn Campground Pumphouse, White Mountains, Arizona Highway 273, 0.3 mile north of Winn Campground access road, Apache National Forest, 33.9443 -109.4988, 2852m

231733T. R. Van Devender   s.n.1980-07-28
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Winn Campground Bog, about 1/4 mile east of Winn Campground, about 7 miles south of Greer, White Mountain Apache National Forest, 33.9589 -109.4813, 2852m

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104245Albert R. Purchase   6681936-07-13
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; North Rim

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104243Albert R. Purchase   6581936-07-13
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, North Rim

22943R. A. Darrow   29321945-08-30
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, V.T. Park, south of Kaibab Lodge, Kaibab National Forest, 36.4007 -112.1518, 2651m

26356R. A. Darrow   32781945-09-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Myrtle Lake, on Mongollon Rim Rd, Coconino National Forest, 2377m

365560Edward Palmer   5991890-06-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Willow Spring, 34.46694 -111.27306

365561Edward Palmer   5661890-06-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Willow Spring, 34.46694 -111.27306

365562Edward Palmer   5591890-06-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Willow Spring, 34.46694 -111.27306

376358Steven P. McLaughlin   69771996-08-17
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains. Highwater Cienega, 32.7026 -109.883, 3139m

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376355Steven P. McLaughlin   69751996-08-17
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains. Highwater Cienega, 32.7026 -109.883, 3139m

376360Steven P. McLaughlin   69761996-08-17
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains. Highwater Cienega, 32.7026 -109.883, 3139m

418615Ries Lindley   2982012-07-09
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Catalina Mountains, 32.4228 -110.733, 2408m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.
414423M. Stoddard   55652008-07-20
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Swamp Ridge, north rim of Grand Canyon National Park, 36.335633 -112.243728, 2505m

418651Ries Lindley   3162013-08-04
United States, Arizona, Graham, Pinaleño Mountains, 32.6679 -109.8772, 2754m

421218W.G. Dore   230031967-07-26
Canada, Quebec, Cap Rouge (Above quebec City)

163549Carl-Eric Granfelt   66-1481966-07-13
United States, Arizona, Apache County, N side of Upper Horseshoe No. 1 Site, Fort Apache Indian Reservation, 34.0462 -109.6378, 2621m

75421W. S. Phillips   32541949-07-24
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Phelps Botanical Area, White Mountains, 33.925 -109.491667, 2895m

75420W. S. Phillips   31181949-07-07
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Phelps Botanical Area, White Mountains, 33.925 -109.491667, 2895m

17023R. A Darrow   s.n.1943-07-23
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Treasure Park, Pinaleno Mountains, 32.666667 -109.866667, 2651m

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318436KAREN Reichhardt   85-1321985-08-06
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Mount Graham, High Peak Cienega, 32.6955 -109.8609, 3121m

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